‘Pro-life’ People Want the Target Practice

Wow! It just occurred to me. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are anti-abortion because they want women to birth babies that will eventually be used for target practice. I mean, the whole “pro-life” mantra from these conservative f***tards was always a canard. It’s always been a bait-and-switch. Apparently, bait the babies and then switch to killing them when they go to school. This is the sickness at the center of America’s rot. Blame RepubliKKKlans et al. for the disease they inflict upon the nation. They are the enemy of the state. Enemy to democracy. Enemy to the people. They want your babies to kill when they turn school age, especially minorities. Wake up, America! They are coming for you! Welcome to stupid America! The death cult country — now with more death!

Rise Up, America!

Will your child be next? Will your child be the next innocent killed in a school massacre? Ask yourself. Can you be so sure your child will not be next? I say rise up, America! Take to the streets. We protest for the wrongful death of one Black man, but when children are slaughtered in schools, we do nothing but “thoughts and prayers.” Every day that Americans sit on the sidelines is another day Americans endure blood-stained hands. How can Americans be enraged and take to the streets over the death of one man yet do nothing for 19 children? This country is broke and dying! Are you going to sit back and take it? Rise up, America! See the enemy for who they are and where they are. For they are your neighbors and your co-workers and maybe your friends. They are RepubliKKKlans. They are evil evangelicals. They are MAGA morons. They are QAnon kooks. They are red states. They are anyone who contributes to the death of America and its democracy. They are anyone who refuses to outlaw assault-style weapons. The enemy is anyone who values the Second Amendment over lives.

Rise up, America! Take to the streets! The time for “thoughts and prayers” is over. The time to fix America’s gun mess at the ballot box is over. Our votes don’t count. They can’t matter when the RepubliKKKlan minority rules over the majority. No! We, the majority, must rise up and take to the streets to vanquish the enemy wherever they live, work, and socialize. Will we allow the gun nuts and gun nut enablers to hold America hostage to their terrorism? Rise up, America! The time for action is now! The time for vengeance is now! The time to save America is now! Do you want to continue to live in this death cult nation? The only way to take back America and to make America great again is by taking to the streets and defeating the enemy wherever they are. The enemy is within. What are you going to do?

Time to End America!

The “great” American experiment has failed. The nation must end. I am not exaggerating. This latest elementary massacre in Uvalde, Texas, is the last straw of many straws, which are too many to list. It is clear that there are two Americas that can no longer coexist. Every gun massacre is a stark reminder that half the country wants more guns everywhere, and the other half doesn’t. It’s that simple. The gun divide runs cleanly through the political party dichotomy, and the divisions on gun control track precisely with every other political difference in America, from God to gays.

The question, though, remains: How to end America? Well, the only way, and the way I have been predicting for years now — civil war. No side is going to concede the nation willingly, and the country is already falling apart. Ironically, the very issue that I constantly inveigh against is the only way for Democrats to arm up to destroy the RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook hoard that is literally killing America. All these people are enemies of the state! I guess I have finally succumbed to reality. It is kill or be killed. So, arm up Democrats, Progressives, and Liberals. Rise up! Take to the streets! We must be the first to grab power while Biden is in office, for they are coming for you next when traitor trump returns. Be ready to shoot back!

Moron Stunned Into Silence

Fantastic! The focus group of MAGA morons is back! I just love watching these things when they’re not boiling my blood! I’ve been watching these segments on “Morning Joe” of Georgia voters. Naturally, I am never disappointed by the abject stupidity that defines RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. They prove themselves with every syllable uttered. Of course, this one idiot regurgitated all the moronic arguments as to why the January 6 insurrection attempt was not traitor trump’s or RepubliKKKlans’ fault: It was Antifa! Un-f***ing-believable! They never learn. It’s always the same with these morons. The bogyman did it; we would never. Needless to say, it was supremely gratifying when the moderator asked that if it was Antifa, why didn’t traitor trump do something about it? The man-moron Martin was literally stunned into silence. The problem with all these f***tards is that they lack critical thinking skills, so they fail to ruminate on issues. Instead, they just blindly ape what they hear from their fellow idiot conservative brethren. Consequently, when someone asks a logical question as a retort, they are completely flummoxed. The few brain cells that they have start to short circuit, and they lose speaking function. If you watch all the segments, then you will witness the incomprehensible stupidity that pervades this country, specifically on the RepubliKKKlan side. America is so stupid that it cannot be undone! We are so f***ed!

I will concede one surprising point. A couple of what I perceived to be the more conservative members of the focus group actually supported keeping Roe. One woman — not in the linked clip — actually said, “my body, my choice.” Wow! She honestly applied the standard correctly! Astonishing! Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Naturally, none of these people’s votes will be swayed by the impending demise of Roe because in another segment — also not linked — one participant echoed what the rest were thinking: Any RepubliKKKlan candidate — Herschel Walker — is better than any Democrat. Welcome to stupid America! It’s too stupid to survive.

Ending Roe Means Nothing

Ha! Something else I predicted correctly — for now. CNN reports, “The polling ahead of the 2022 midterms has been marked by a shrinking of electoral divisions. Young and older voters are now more likely to agree on their views of President Joe Biden. The Democratic advantage among Black and Hispanic voters, while still clear, is smaller. Perhaps more surprisingly as we head into the heart of the primary season, the same is true when it comes to gender. Even after the leak of a draft US Supreme Court opinion that would overturn Roe v. Wade, there are signs of a smaller gender gap among voters. … Right now, the divide is considerably smaller than it was in May 2018, which was considered by many to be a second ‘Year of the Woman.’”

Look, f***tards! The end of Roe means nothing electorally! And I said as much last month. Harry Enten’s analysis of the polls bears this out because no one cares. I promise you that no one cares. As I’ve argued since Roe became endangered, abortion rights will always be someone else’s problem, and when it becomes an individual’s own problem, it will be too late; women will just grin and bear it; they will simply put up with their second-class status. But the one thing they will not do is vote as if their God-given rights depended on it because this is stupid America. I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself but ending Roe is not going to save the Democratic Party in the midterms, nor is the threat of everyone losing some part of their rights — given the new SCOTUS conservative supermajority — going to get people to the polls, nor are demographic changes going to dissuade citizens from voting against their best interests, nor will there be some great awakening of progressives, moderates, and women to save America’s democracy. The enemy — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — is winning, and no one understands, much less cares. Do not kid yourself into believing 2022 is going to be the third “Year of the Woman.” It! Is! Not! Oh, well! I’m counting down to the midterms and the beginning of the end to the realty T.V. show intermission that is the Biden administration. Welcome to stupid America!

‘How Dumb Can a Nation Get and Still Survive?’

Not too often that a Washington Post writer parrots my idea! Eugene Robinson writes, “T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends ‘not with a bang but a whimper,’ but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy. … How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Idiotically, we seem determined to find out.” (As an aside, I appreciate that he quotes my favorite poet.) But, unfortunately, he only poses the question; I have countless times presupposed the same question in my writings for well over a year, and I have answered it quite directly every chance I get: America cannot survive! Americans are too stupid for the country to survive — right now! For the love of f***ing Christ! What is the name of my website? Look, morons of America — and may I remind the readers it is only 40 percent of America to which I refer but guess what? Forty percent stupid is still collectively m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! — America displayed its full-on stupidity the second the mob elected the dumbest person in the history of our nation, traitor trump, to be president. Full stop! And the collective national intelligence has only degraded since then. MAGA morons have only become more entrenched in their stupidity. Indeed, not even COVID can kill off MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards fast enough to make a difference. Literally, vast swaths of the population in red states and red counties in blue states would need to die off to see a collective improvement in American idiocracy. In the end, nevertheless, welcome to trump stupid America. We’re doomed! Thanks, morons!

What Does DeVega Think?

Naturally, I must turn to my favorite and brilliant commentator Chauncey DeVega of Salon for his take on the Buffalo domestic terrorist attack. He writes, “[T]hrough his words, deeds, and use of stochastic terrorism as well as overt threats, Donald Trump has shown that he is eager to incite a white-on-Black ‘race war.’ He believes such a calamity will help him return to national power. This is far from an empty threat or a hollow fantasy: Trump’s followers have repeatedly shown that they are willing to kill and die at his command.” Indeed! This is where we’re at in America! Traitor trump, Tucker “I’m a Racist” Carlson, RepubliKKKlans, et al. have been openly calling for white supremacist mobilization, and it’s happening as we speak. It’s working!

Look, morons! They don’t have to mobilize everyone all at once. No! They just need to convince enough moronic Americans to vote for their white supremacist political candidates. And don’t be fooled by traitor trump’s kingmaker misses! The MSM loves to track his win-loss record, which is stupid and meaningless. He does not need to be 100 percent correct; he just needs to get a few of his MAGA morons and QAnon kooks in Congress and other state positions to accelerate the permanent turn toward fascism. As I have said countless times before, the end is coming. This Buffalo mass shooting is not “just another massacre.” It is a through point — a trajectory — to the next civil war and the end of America’s democracy. Mark my words! America is simply too stupid to understand and too stupid to stop the insidious drift toward fascism because Americans love it or don’t care! Oh, well! You’ve been warned. Welcome to stupid America!

All RepubliKKKlans et al. Are Murderers

If you are a RepubliKKKlan, a MAGA moron, an evil evangelical, or a QAnon kook, then you are a murderer. Full stop! You are the problem in America! You are the national cancer. You are the one that should be killed in these daily mass shootings. You should be the one dying from COVID. (Actually, most of you guys are — so good on you for that!) As The Guardian reports, “Born from far-right nationalism, the extremist ideology [great replacement theory] expounding the view that immigration will ultimately destroy white values and western civilization has found favor not only with media figures, such as conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson, but a host of elected politicians and others seeking office. Those who have convinced themselves Democrats are operating an open-door immigration policy to “replace” Republican voters with people of color and keep themselves in power permanently include congresswoman Elise Stefanik, chair of her party’s House conference, and JD Vance, the Donald Trump-approved Republican nominee to represent Ohio in the US Senate.” Do humanity a favor and take your Second Amendment right, shoot your children, your spouse, and yourself — in that order! Welcome to stupid America!

American Mass Shooting: Days Ending in ‘Y’

Neo-Nazi Payton Gendron; Attribution BigDawg via Reuters

Hmm. If it’s Saturday, then there must be another mass shooting in America. As Forbes writes, “The U.S. has averaged more than one mass shooting a day this year, continuing an upward trend since researchers began thoroughly tracking the subject following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.” But particularly special about today’s mass shooting in a Buffalo, New York supermarket is the racist and Great Replacement motivations, which are 100 percent propagated by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. As I have written ad nauseam, all these people — 40 percent of the population, at least — are a cancer on this nation.

Look, morons! America is doomed. I don’t know how many times I have to keep saying it. I don’t know how many examples of American life I have to evince. I don’t know how many tragedies I must share before this country wakes up to its impending doom. I can already hear the right-wing arguments against one lone 18-year-old white supremacist targeting and killing 10 Blacks. The people who are the likes of Tucker “I’m a Racist” Carlson, who espouses the Great Replacement Theory on his show daily, will declare it’s not their fault. They will claim this guy is a crazy “lone wolf” kid. They will claim this “not a domestic terrorist attack” is all the more reason for everyone to conceal carry. Fear not, for SCOTUS is about to grant Second Amendment gun nuts’ wish by making America a true hellscape of people armed to the teeth and donned with all the latest tactical gear to walk the dog.

But whatever! I say the same sh*t after every mass shooting because it’s all the same. I could actually sum up everything in a few fragments of thought. America’s crazy love of guns, social media, and the “reality show.” America’s white supremacy problem. One political party desires and stokes minority hatred. SCOTUS is about to flood the nation with permitless conceal carry because FREEDOM! (Freedom to be killed, that is, but only in America!) And, of course, no one cares because it all keeps happening over and over and over and over again. “Thoughts and prayers!” Meaningless. I can’t wait for nothing to change! Welcome to stupid America!

‘The Great MAGA King’

Biden calls traitor trump “The Great MAGA King.” Ugh! Kill me now! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t with dumbass Democrats. They have no sense or concept of pejoratives. Biden intended the remark to be an insult. And for a person who is the leader of the free world and head of a domestic political party that still believes in democracy, one may understand the slur, but that says too much about the American audience. To be sure, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks embrace Biden’s dig because they hate democracy and would rather have king traitor trump. Instead of Biden cutting the MAGA movement, he just gave them something to embrace. Naturally, that’s the problem with the political fecklessness of the Democratic Party. They have no idea how to fight verbally, politically, or psychically. And this is why America’s democracy is doomed in the face of an anti-democratic, pro-king political opposition. Democrats have no chance. Welcome to stupid America.