Killing Roe Is the Great Replacement Choice

Look! Killing Roe is meant to help avert the Great Replacement. Coupled with controlling women’s bodies, this is the primary goal of the white Christian nationalists sitting on SCOTUS and in government. Now, now. I already hear your objections: Killing Roe impacts poor minority groups the most, which are allegedly the groups engendering the Great Replacement. To be sure, poor minority groups would be most impacted by banning abortions, but there is a reason why white nationalists want to push abortions into the back alleys because, mind you, abortions are not going away; they’re just going to become more deadly, and that is the point. If black and brown people can’t get an abortion legally, then they are more likely to die trying or be jailed for succeeding. Either way, they cannot reproduce to replace whitey. These RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are counting on white pregnant women forced to give birth to outnumber the darkies. In short, white supremacists want abortion bans to propel the white baby population while hoping minorities die while trying! It’s really that simple. Welcome to stupid America!

The American Taliban Rising

RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are the American version of the Taliban. As they ascend in America, they will eventually rule over the nation. The similarities are striking, and the regression in Afghanistan after 20 years of progress is a reminder that nothing is permanent; progress is ephemeral; humanity reverts to old conservative habits. As Politico writes, “The [hijab] decree by the Taliban’s hardline leader Hibaitullah Akhunzada even suggested women shouldn’t leave their homes unless necessary and outlines a series of punishments for male relatives of women violating the code. It was a major blow to the rights of women in Afghanistan, who for two decades had been living with relative freedom before the Taliban takeover last August — when U.S. and other foreign forces withdrew in the chaotic end to a 20-year war.” Compare this to the end of Roe after 50 years.

Sound familiar? It is impossible to distinguish between an ultra-religious Muslim tyranny in Afghanistan and an ultra-religious Christian tyranny in America. I am not being hyperbolic. The two countries are in more unison than many are willing to realize. Look, morons of America. What is happening with SCOTUS and Roe and the insurrection by MAGA World is not a flash in the pan. And it should not be surprising that America has arrived where we are. It has been a long time in the making. For decades, the far-right has been on a relentless march, and dumbass Democrats have done nothing. They have been feckless and pathetic in election after election, and it is all about to be too late to fix anything. Mark my words, f***tards! The only way out is through, and that throughline is war! We get the government we deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!

Roe Is Dead: Women Are Second-Class Citizens

Let’s strip away all the pretenses of the “anti-abortion” crowd. Let’s dispense with the morality of abortion and the notion of when life begins. Let’s forget about the argument of privacy being in or not in the Constitution. In reality, none of these are factors for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks in the pursuit to overturn Roe. There is only one concern: To relegate women to second-class citizens. Of course, none of these people will admit their ultimate goal so directly; we must infer their intentions by the outcome. What is the outcome? It is nothing new and nothing that has not already been mentioned. The outcome is to forbid women’s agency over their bodies. Their body and its function are about to become the state’s property. Full stop! If in an alternate universe where the gender roles were reversed but the political power remained the same, I promise the outcome would be different. That is to say, if men were getting pregnant and had all the political power, then abortions would be legal, on-demand, and without restriction.

Since America is a society wherein the “weaker” sex (i.e., women) must be subdued and dominated, the primary way to do so is for white, straight, cis-gendered male evangelicals to take away a woman’s control over her body. And America is supposed to be a country that proclaims freedom! If conservatives truly believed in freedom — as they like to shout and remind everyone, every day, and at every opportunity — they would have to concede that freedom to bodily autonomy is paramount and that a pregnant woman is simply a line that cannot be crossed. The notion of bodily freedom should be controlling in decision-making and in law; abortion is a potentially unsavory consequence that really is no one else’s business. If you hate abortions, then don’t f***ing get one, f***tard. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America.

Traitor [T]rump Is a F***tard

Classic traitor trump says classic trump stupid thing: “‘You know, we’ve endorsed Dr. Oz, we’ve endorsed JP, right? JD Mandel, and he’s doing great. They’re all doing good,’ Trump told the crowd at the I-80 Speedway in Greenwood,” reports Newsweek. Really? “JD Mandel?” Traitor trump is the dumbest person on the planet. Full stop! He can’t remember who he endorses. He confesses names easily and often. And most telling, he keeps bragging about his intelligence, a dead giveaway of his true stupidity. It is no different from someone who brags about how much money they have. Automatically, one should understand the richer one claims to be, then the poorer they are. Wealthy, intelligent people do not need to brag; intelligence is usually evident via speech and other communication skills. And genuinely affluent people don’t have to broadcast it.

But this is the age of traitor trump. This is the country of traitor trump, where 40 percent of the population is clearly dumber than he, which is how the chief idiot of the RepubliKKKlan Party can so easily bamboozle his sycophants. As I keep saying, an audience dumber than traitor trump is the only way a moronic leader can stand before a crowd and convince them that he’s intelligent. He’s been doing it for the last six years because this is stupid America. If you’re a RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, or QAnon kook, then you’re a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order. Do humanity a favor and swallow some poison! Welcome to stupid America!

Tucker Carlson: Pull the Trigger!

Tucker Carlson is a racist, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a misogynist, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a homophobe, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a xenophobe, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson is a moron, and if you watch him, then so are you! Tucker Carlson and all his viewers should take their First Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger, lest America is doomed even quicker. I only say this out of love for America. The New York Times.

Of course, Tucker has the highest-rated show on cable because he is a perfect reflection of America. How long have I been saying it? How long? America looked into the MAGA world mirror, and they fell in love with the reflection.

As Biden said, traitor trump — implying all his acolytes — is a plague on this nation. So, that includes all MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelical, and QAnon kooks. They should all take their First Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger. This is the only way to save America! Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America!

Day Late and Dollar Short, Dumbass Democrats!

From The Hill, “While welcoming Obama’s efforts, however, some experts knocked the former president for not taking action on the issue sooner. ‘As a disinformation expert and a civil rights lawyer who thinks about the intersections, I’m on the one hand very grateful that he has come forward with a set of very clear eyed and holistic solutions,’ said Nora Benavidez, senior counsel at Free Press. ‘That being said, it feels very late in the game to see former President Obama come forward with these comments,’ she said. Obama himself said he regrets failing to ‘fully appreciate’ during the 2016 election ‘just how susceptible we had become to lies and conspiracy theories.’”

Dumbass Democrats are always behind the political eightball. Always! Always! Always! Now?!?! Now, Obama feels the need to step up the campaign to fight back against misinformation? Where was he during all of traitor trump’s presidency? Let me guess? Obama was trying to stick to the old — now defunct — tradition of the previous president staying out of politics so the successor could “do” his job. Wow! How did that work out? Traitor trump basically spent four years ruining America and solidifying the new MAGA RepubliKKKlan Party that explicitly advocates hate. At the same time, former presidents remained silent, looking on in horror but daring not to break “tradition” by criticizing traitor trump.

Not to mention everything Obama failed to do during his eight years on misinformation. It all started with the “Taxed Enough Already” Party, which was really just an organized way to claim legitimacy when they spewed their Obama hate and bigotry. The Tea Party was never concerned about taxes or limiting government; their stated motivations were always a canard. It was simply an institutionalized (and obvious) hate group. Obama spent eight years weakly brushing off RepubliKKKlans’ growing and coordinated attacks on him and the Democrats for fear of becoming that “angry Black man.” So here we are! Eight years of the Tea Party and birtherism morphed into MAGA world that has consumed the RepibliKKKlan Party and is soon to consume the rest of America. Meanwhile, dumbass Democrats are still trying to understand the threat to democracy; they are still expecting the average idiot America to “figure things out.” That is to say, brush off misinformation, see the truth, and vote Democratic. Christ! Americans are stupid! They believe the misinformation unless you tell them not to, and Democrats are not doing that! Kill me now. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Bravo, John Nichols! Bravo!

He writes in The Nation, “Despite what Clinton and Obama say, Biden’s current list of accomplishments won’t cut it. … There’s just one problem: It doesn’t work. … The Democratic message should be blunt: If we lose Congress, Republicans will make Biden the lamest lame-duck president in history. And if we lose the statehouses, Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ will be codified just in time to tip the 2024 presidential election to Trump or someone worse. Instead of a feel-good ‘touting accomplishments’ campaign, Democrats should rip into the GOP with a warning that America’s future is at stake. Because it is.”

This is excellent advice that dumbass Democrats will ignore because they’re weak and stupid. I say it almost as much as I disparage RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. The strategy Nichols proposes is straightforward. And it preys upon the one emotion that may best motivate Democratic voters: Fear. But not fear that will subdue voters as being too overwhelmed or a fear that cedes power to RepubliKKKlans. No! This needs to be proactive fear — proactive in that it motivates citizens to vote for Democrats, not just abstain or vote against them.

Unfortunately, as I have said countless times before, dumbass Democrats wrongly trust voters to “figure things out” on their own, which is why they like to talk about all their legislative accomplishments. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! If voters actually believed Democrats’ achievements to date were worth anything, then their poll numbers would not be underwater. Stop expecting a stupid electorate to suddenly recognize what Democrats have done or are trying to do with limited — yes, limited — power as being politically advantageous. Democrats keep talking about their messaging problem (failure). I say messaging their legislative success is a waste of time. The topic is too insipid for voters. Dumbass Democrats should be campaigning on a message of the utter destruction of America’s democracy if Biden is allowed to become a lame-duck president in January. Maybe the average moron voter could understand one hyper-focused message, assuming Americans still want to live in a democracy. It is undoubtedly more catchy than “we got you through the pandemic, and unemployment is low.” These are concepts and accomplishments that Americans have already flushed down their short-term memory hole. Eh, who am I kidding? Dumbass Democrats are completely feckless at playing politics and are completely unwilling to be ruthless. As Nichols said in his piece, Democrats keep playing a losing political strategy. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

GOP Says Meow!

This picture is hil-argh-ious!

Have I mentioned that America is the dumbest country on the planet? Have I mentioned that RepubliKKKlans are the dumbest people on the planet? Have I ever mentioned these? I think I may have at least once, but allow me to provide more proof of my certitudes. According to the Minnesota Reformer, “Minnesota Republicans repeated debunked tales about schools providing litter boxes for students who identify as cats during debate over the House education budget bill Wednesday. Reps. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, and Tim Miller, R-Prinsburg, shared the fictional stories in support of Drazkowski’s proposal to give lawmakers control over a statewide student survey.” And for those of you who may be incredulous that such a story is unique, the Akron Beacon Journal reports, “State Sen. Bruce Bostelman caused quite a stir when he stood on the floor of the Nebraska Legislature last month and lamented that schools were providing litter boxes for students who dress as dogs and cats. Bostelman was shocked and outraged at the nonexistent practice. In his televised floor speech, he demanded that school administrators, the Nebraska Department of Education and the State Board of Education explain what was going on.” So the lie starts in Nebraska and moves onto Minnesota even after Bostelman walked back his comments. But whatever. Truth doesn’t matter anymore.

RepubliKKKlans just keep repeating the absurd because they’re f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order, and they believe (know) that their constituents are even dumber. Remember, RepubliKKKlan voters (MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kooks, et al.) must be dumber than their representatives lest RepubliKKKlans would be incapable of saying bat-sh*t-crazy stuff with conviction and a straight face. This is the level of stupidity to which America has descended: Believing schools are providing litter boxes and that students are requesting them. As I have long said, America is too stupid to survive. This level of stupidity cannot be undone — ever. Welcome to stupid America! It’s a cat-astrophe!

‘Run by Fruiting’

Traitor trump is a f***ing p*ssy, just like all of his MAGA moron followers. Axios reports, “Former President Trump feared that protesters throwing tomatoes, pineapples and other ‘very dangerous’ fruits could have killed him at campaign rallies several years ago, according to newly unveiled court documents Tuesday.” Oh, yes! The perils of a thrown tomato! Welcome to stupid America!

Has This Guy Looked in the Mirror?

Neil Robinson Kumar — Half white (mother) and half Indian (father) (dot not feather)

First, this is the meaning and origin of the surname Kumar, “Indian: Hindu name found in several communities, from Sanskrit kumara ‘child’, ‘son’, ‘prince’. It is also an epithet of the god Kartikeya, the son of Shiva. It commonly occurs as the final element of compound given names, and sometimes as a personal name in its own right.” Second, Kumar says in an interview, “The most pressing issue facing my constituents is also the most pressing issue facing America: the Great Replacement. … I will fight anti-white discrimination and anti-white critical race theory, along with LGBT perversion in our classrooms. I will introduce legislation to criminalize LGBT propaganda targeted at minors, and also to criminalize transgender pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures.”

This is more common than one might think: A non-white who is a white supremacist — irony at its best. Clearly, such people do not own a mirror or have a very high and misplaced opinion of themselves. It is, nonetheless, astonishing that Christians, of which Kumar is one, can so easily ignore (never learned in the first place) teachings of Christ, namely, “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5, NKJV).

As usual with RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always the other person who is a minority while they, themselves, never are. If they just look in the f***ing mirror! These non-white white supremacists are not kidding anyone, least of all their fellow white supremacists, who are, no doubt, calling Neil Kumar a sand-n***** behind his back. I hope Neil understands that he is literally the definition of white replacement! Eh, whatever! In the words of Jesus, the hypocrisy is blinding. Welcome to stupid America! I live in stupid hell.