MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Trumpcare: Brilliant, Idiots!

From Axios, “Do a quick search for health insurance, and you’ll find plenty of ads for ‘Trumpcare’ plans that cost $59 or less per month. But there’s a catch: Trumpcare doesn’t exist, and many of these advertised plans offer bare-bones coverage. … For people who buy health insurance on their own instead of receiving it through an employer, searching for a plan is already challenging. And deceptive marketing only makes it harder, especially when these plans will leave consumers on the hook for potentially ruinous medical bills.” Excellent! My dearest hope is that these people are traitor trump supporters that will go bankrupt and die! This is precisely the type of malicious insurance fraud that the ACA eliminated until, of course, traitor trump changed the insurance market to once again allow insurance policies that offer coverage below the minimum standards of the ACA. So, I couldn’t be happier that f***tards are stupid enough to buy Trumpcare that will probably kill or bankrupt them.

Witness also in the Axios article, “One family who recently bought a short-term plan through Health Insurance Innovations, a platform that has used fraudulent brokers, was on the hook for more than $244,000 in medical bills even though they thought they were protected, Bloomberg reported.” I wish journalists would ask the subjects of these stories if they voted for traitor trump or not because it really is critical to the issue, especially in this situation. I am so f***in g sick of Democrats always getting the blame when things go wrong with their well-intended policies, but when RepubliKKKlans are at fault then it’s silence. And I’m sick of morons not being called out for the consequences of their own stupidity. These people would have never been allowed to buy such junk policies if the ACA were still fully intact. Yet, it is a RepubliKKKlan president who changed insurance rules to legally offer them. This is one example that so directly and clearly evinces that elections f***ing matter! So, congrat-f***ing-lations to these morons! RepubliKKKlans opened the door and these MAGA morons (I have to assume) walked right through it.

We have returned to the insurance days of ten years ago when people were able to buy junk policies, but this is what the morons of the country wanted when they elected traitor trump who was going to repeal Obamacare! I love they are using Trumpcare as bait because it is precisely a con man’s tactic that reflects the con man sitting in the White House! Welcome to trump stupid America where I’m all for scams that kill MAGA morons sooner rather than later for their stupidity — and hopefully before they can vote again.

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans


Source: See You Next Tuesday Laura Trump Tweet

Oh, look! See you next Tuesday Laura Trump thought it clever and intimidating to meme this! (Is meme a verb yet?) Of course, the implication being that impeachment is essentially taking on the vast majority of the country and the will of the people. To that, I say: yes, of course! Most of the red is either empty land or populated by the dumbest parts of RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron country. In all honesty, these people should be euthanized for their own sake and the betterment of the country. So, yes, we should be impeaching traitor trump not despite the red but because of the red! Just to be clear: the will of the people voted for Clinton. What we ended up with was the will of the minority, a group of f***tards who were dumb enough to elect a corrupt idiot as president. Welcome to trump stupid America — literally!

The only thing the map reinforces is that America is tyranny of the minority over the majority. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Twitter Flood

A Rawstory headline observes, “Trump launched crazed late night Twitter rant — spreading 22 RNC oppo research attacks.” I don’t have a Twitter account because I’m not an idiot, but for those that feel the need to be continuously connected to every thumb thought of traitor trump, I wonder what the f*** they think when he floods their Twitter feed with a string of 22 late-night re-tweets. Do they wake up to 22+ Twitter notifications from the same person and think, “Oh, yeah this is normal behavior?” This is the “leader” of the free world Tweeting like a jilted lover who wants the attention of his ex. Un-f***ing-believable! Yup, this is the most presidential acting person we’ve ever had and the morons of America think this is all completely acceptable. The reason RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are fine with all of this is that they are just as crazy, stupid, and obsessed as he is. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times — traitor trump is the Everyman of America. It’s just that f***ing simple! This is what a stupid country looks like!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

But Her Emails — Again … Still!

According to the Washington Post, “The Trump administration is investigating the email records of dozens of current and former senior State Department officials who sent messages to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email, reviving a politically toxic matter that overshadowed the 2016 election, current and former officials said. As many as 130 officials have been contacted in recent weeks by State Department investigators — a list that includes senior officials who reported directly to Clinton as well as others in lower-level jobs whose emails were at some point relayed to her inbox, said current and former State Department officials. Those targeted were notified that emails they sent years ago have been retroactively classified and now constitute potential security violations, according to letters reviewed by The Washington Post.” So, the abuse of power pattern continues. Traitor trump is using his office to investigate political enemies like Biden and for some f***tarded reason Hillary — still. I mean one cannot make up the level of stupidity in this country. Once again Hillary is going to the boogyman in the 2020 election around which RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will rally. It is unbelievable that they still use her to gin up the base, and the base reflexively chants “lock her up.” I can’t deal with the stupid anymore! Clinton has nothing to do with the next election, yet I have no doubt the return of “but her emails” will be enough to turn out the base because this is what a stupid country looks like! These f***tards probably think she’ll be on the ballot. For decades the Clintons have been claiming a vast right-wing conspiracy against them, and they have been m*****f***ing right the entire f***ing time.

Economics, Baby MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Laissez-faire Capitalism

According to Axios, “The Trump administration is considering moves that would stem the flow of money from U.S. investors to China, Bloomberg and other news outlets report and Axios has confirmed. … What’s being floated: [a] Delisting Chinese firms from U.S. stock exchanges. [b] Banning the U.S. government from including Chinese equities in pension funds. [c] Limiting Chinese companies’ inclusion in U.S. stock indices.” Wow! Where’s the RepubliKKKlan outrage? Why aren’t they demanding the government stop interfering with capitalism? Of course, if Obama had been contemplating any of these things RepubliKKKlans would be calling him a socialist who wants to end capitalism. I f***ing hate all — without exception — RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons because they are all hypocrites on every issue at every moment!

If people want to know why China is eating our lunch then they should look in the mirror. People act as if American companies have a gun to their heads to start doing business with China. Corporations are all too eager (and stupid) to move manufacturing and other supply chain channels to China because it’s cheaper! Traitor trump gets a thing or two correct once in a while and he is correct about American companies moving to China, but he blames the wrong people. It’s not China’s fault they welcome American business. There has been a slow drain of American jobs to China for decades because we as Americans don’t demand that corporations behave differently. We just gladly accept lower quality and lower prices no matter what the national cost. Seriously! People want their Laissez-faire capitalism but they don’t want to be held accountable when it goes wrong for them. The best fix for this is that Americans demand (buy) only American made. Not every shoe, shirt, or jean has to be made oversees. The government can’t and shouldn’t force companies back home; however, consumers can and should with their pocketbook and activism; that is if they cared enough to do so, but they don’t!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

See! And People Were Worried Something Might Get Done

From Axios, “President Trump met with Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association, on Friday to discuss how the gun advocacy group ‘could provide financial support for the president’s defense as he faces political headwinds, including impeachment,’ the New York Times reports. Why it matters: ‘… in return for the support, Mr. LaPierre asked that the White House ‘stop the games’ over gun control legislation, people familiar with the meeting said,’ according to the NYT.” Well, this was completely predictable. Yet, for some reason, morons keep wanting to believe these last rounds of mass shootings in Texas meant something different. Hello, f***ing stupid people of America! Nothing is ever going to change with gun control as long as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons breathe. Full stop! Lord knows traitor trump doesn’t f***ing care. It’s clear that he only cares about himself, so he’ll gladly bargain away gun control legislation for money from the NRA to help pay his legal bills because traitor trump the “billionaire” is poor. (He’s not a f***ing G.D. billionaire! But this country is too stupid to understand this obvious truth!) Welcome to trump stupid America where “this time is different” is the national delusion!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Call Me Skeptical

According to Politico, “Voters are now evenly split [43%-43%] on whether Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, a marked increase in support for impeachment, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.” According to the Business Insider, “Most Americans in a new Insider poll supported launching an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump, but they worried about the repercussions.” And from NPR, “Americans are split, 49%-46%, on whether they approve of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and independents at this point are not on board, a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll finds.” To be clear on this last quote: 49% approve of an impeachment inquiry. Also, note that these polls were taken before the whistleblower complaint was released and before the acting DNI testified before Congress. Clearly, this is a big movement against traitor trump even before all the latest revelations, but I fear (sadly) it is not enough — it will never be enough!

This is why I think it — all of it, all of this — will never be enough. Another tidbit from NPR describes, “Americans are also split on whether the impeachment inquiry is a serious matter (50%) or just politics (48%) and whether it’s worth going through with if the Senate doesn’t convict and Trump gets to stay in office. By a 2-point margin, 49%-47%, they say it’s not worth it.” Therein lies the rub! The seriousness (or lack thereof) with which the public considers impeachment (given recent revelations) is shameful and just re-enforces my pessimism that people simply don’t care, nor do they understand how the government and the Constitution should work. To be sure, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will never ditch traitor trump. I’ve said it before, but he could quite literally shoot someone on 5th Avenue in the back, nonetheless, and his supporters will blame the victim, claiming it was traitor trump acting in self-defense. It is precisely this “he can do no wrong” mentality that is troubling and inexorable. I used to be one of that 47% who thought impeachment is not worth it because the Senate would never convict, and I still firmly believe RepubliKKKlans will not remove him from office. Yet, I have changed my mind about proceeding with impeachment, and I realized that traitor trump was going to win in 2020 — ironically — that changed my attitude. At this point, Democrats have nothing to lose, and they really do need to preserve the rule of law for posterity.

Dare I say, and I’ll say it again for the hundredth time: in the end, come November 2020, all traitor trump needs to accomplish is getting the right number of votes in the right states. I doubt impeachment (especially impeachment survived) will hinder morons from voting for four more years of traitor trump. Mark my words! Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Not Unless the Gun Is In His Hand and Still Smoking…

According to CNN regarding the Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation on the subject of traitor trump’s call to the Ukranian President Zelenskyy, “I would like you to do us a favor.” While I trust nothing that comes from the traitor trump administration, even this conversation summary proves that trump is a traitor. Nonetheless, I fear it will not be enough (it is never enough) for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. This evidence is not as straightforward as needed for MAGA morons because traitor trump supporters are too f***ing stupid to understand nuance and subtext — one needs to be able to pick up on inferences, which requires a higher level of critical thinking. RepubliKKKlans argue that there is no quid pro quo as if traitor trump is actually going to say I will give you money for your military if you dig up dirt on Biden. Now, I have long maintained that traitor trump is the dumbest person on the planet but only slightly less dumb than his supporters, which is why he can claim he’s a stable genius and people actually believe him; however, I don’t think he’s that dumb. (I reserve the right to be completely wrong on this notion. They may be hiding the actual qid pro quo.) They will always find an excuse to explain why the obvious is not obvious. Welcome to trump stupid America.

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

A New 52-week High

Source: Axios

Un-f***ing-believable! Traitor trump’s approval rating hits a 52-week high. I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t. This country is beyond help. The people are simply too stupid! We get the government we deserve, and I guess we deserve stupidity! This is why traitor trump is going to win re-election. Mark my words, morons. I’m more convinced today than ever. By the way, this whole impeachment thing, while absolutely necessary for history’s sake, on the whole, will not hurt traitor trump. I’m all for impeachment because Democrats have nothing to lose. This country truly does not care that a crook sits in the White House. In fact, it seems like there is nothing traitor trump can do that would hurt his approval rating because all he need do is wait and the morons of America will default to giving him the benefit of the doubt and thus a rebound in his approval eventually happens. It never fails, and he has enough support in the right places to win again. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to repeat myself.

Allow me to refresh my memory of traitor trump’s actions in the few weeks that lead to this 52-week high approval rating. A couple of mass shootings to which traitor trump said he would do something with gun control legislation. Of course, nothing has been done. He felt it worth his time and effort to pick a fight with the weather, NOAA, and maps. He’s threatened war with Iran. The deficit hit an all-time high — $1 trillion and the fiscal year has not ended yet. The stock market has plateaued. He’s walked back clean water regulation. Traitor trump sends more troop to the Middle East — the opposite of what he promised his MAGA morons. He has stolen money from the military to pay for the wall, which no new milage has been completed — still. And that’s a partial list. Yet! People think he’s doing the best job since last year. This is what a stupid country looks like. It’s just as embarrassing as one would think it to be. I can’t. Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Um, Huh?

An Axios headline reads: “Trump at Howdy Modi rally: India and U.S. must protect our borders.” Um, what? I hope traitor trump realizes that his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters consider Indians (“dot, not feather”) to be “sand-N-word,” especially in Texas. They must have flown most of the attendees from other states to fill a 50,000-person stadium. I promise you that MAGA morons don’t want Indians (“dot and feather”) in America at all — as if the redneck traitor trump supporters have to worry about losing their manufacturing jobs to highly educated Indians (“dot”), who dominate in the IT field. Trust me. It is a Venn diagram of jobs and education that does not intersect at any point — ever. It doesn’t matter. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons simply hate all others. Full stop. Welcome to trump stupid America!