MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Gun Reform Is Dead Already

From CNN, “President Donald Trump on Sunday emphasized a need for the country to focus on ‘a very big mental health problem’ in the wake of two mass shootings in one weekend that left 32 people dead earlier this month as he appeared to defend current US gun control measures, stating ‘we do have a lot of background checks right now. It’s the people that pull the trigger, not the gun that pulls the trigger so we have a very, very big mental health problem and Congress is working on various things and I will be looking at it,’ Trump told reporters on the tarmac before heading back to Washington after a vacation at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.” Traitor trump has already capitulated to gun nutjob RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. He’s already shifted the gun control argument to something almost completely irrelevant. So, meaningful gun control legislation is dead in the water. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America. Still, more of nothing ever changes because we’re OK with that. This is what happens when progressives refuse to vote; they just can’t be bothered!

Economics, Baby MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Idiot President Knows Nothing (at All)

CNN reports, “Under pressure from retailers to prevent a move that would likely have caused prices of popular consumer goods to spike, the President’s team came to him during a meeting last week with a warning. Applying new tariffs on all Chinese imports, they cautioned, could effectively ‘ruin Christmas,’ according to people familiar with the matter.” Traitor trump’s reversal is, of course, a huge implicit admission that he comprehends nothing about trade, tariffs, and negotiating, yet RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons in all their glorious stupidity continue to believe and trust that the Moron-in-Chief is some f***ing G.D. genius because this is a trump stupid country. The leader of MAGA morons has repeatedly told his f***tarded following that China pays for the tariffs — $63 billion worth at the time of this writing. Since most of his supporters are uneducated morons that have never taken the most rudimentary economics class (or failed to educate themselves about trade by reading any f***ing financial publication’s article on the topic — must be fake news if it disagrees with traitor trump), they readily believe whatever the head idiot says. It is the stupid leading the stupid, and we’re all paying for it — literally!

What is most frustrating is that his idiot followers fail to see inherent inconsistencies in traitor trump’s trade decisions and rationalizations. He says China (not consumers) pays for tariffs, which of course, is wrong, but by his logic the more tariffs imposed, then the more China would pay in absolute dollars, so why not increase them? It’s free money in traitor trump’s mind! So, what is the rationale for delaying more tariffs until December if not for recognizing that tariffs really do hurt the average American because U.S. consumers are the ones who pay them — and he does not want to imperil the holiday present-purchasing season. Yet, he will contend to his idiot supporters that China is still paying for tariffs because he’s a moron that knows nothing and his f***tarded followers know even less than he does. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Disruption Is for Businesses, Not for the Global World Order

From CNN, “President Donald Trump is showing what happens when the United States abandons its decades-long role as a guarantor of stability and instead chooses to act as an agent of global disruption. A series of economic and political shocks are fomenting disorder across the planet and straining an international political system that Trump deliberately set out to undermine.” This is what a country of trump stupid people looks like! Part of the reason traitor trump was elected is to break the system. Oh, he is alright! Stupid people believe that his America first policy really means that returning to isolationism would be great for themselves. What does one expect from a country of f***ing G.D. moron voters who have absolutely no conception of the role the U.S. plays in the world order, but this is all part of the Christian capitalist greed ethos that defines RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons! It is the typical mindset of “me, me, me” first and only. Witness traitor trump as the paragon of this idealism.

Let’s just be clear about something: there is no such thing as retreating from the world anymore. Globalization is here to stay. Either America stays engaged or other countries will rush to fill the leadership/power vacuum (i.e., Russia and China). But this kind of understanding of the larger global picture does require a level of awareness and intelligence lacking in every RepoubliKKKlan and MAGA moron. They’re stuck trying to figure out who to cheat or vilify next. People who believe looking inward while ignoring everything around them that is not like themselves are dangerous idiots of the highest order. Oops, I think I just defined every Christian moron!

Welcome to stupid America where we’ll just ignore our way out of every mess. La, la, la! I can’t hear you!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Active Shooter Meeting

Well, it finally happened. There was an active shooter meeting at work yesterday, which informed us what to do in the event of an active shooter. In short, the advice was run, hide, fight. I also learned that last year the office building was in a (quiet) lockdown at one point because of an uncertain incident at another office building across the street. Then there was a situation a few weeks ago that required heightened security (more security guards on-premise) because an employee was threatened by a domestic matter, so naturally everyone in the building was threatened. This is the price of freedom? It is impossible to overstate the abject stupidity into which this country has fallen. We now accept the potential for daily violence by guns as merely a part of life. Un-f***ing-believable! Hello f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order! This is not normal! This is not how we should be expected to live just for the sake of protecting the Second Amendment. Wake the f*** up voters! When the f*** will people understand that the majority is being terrorized by the minority? Vote! Vote! Vote! (Except for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons; those people should go play in traffic or Russian roulette until they run out of bullets.) Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics

I Can’t Take This F***ing Country of Idiots Anymore

From an Axios focus group of swing voters: “Several complained that he ‘spends all this time just criticizing the other people and doesn’t do anything positive’ on health care, as one Trump voter put it. Others said he’s made ‘zero effort’ to come up with an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.” Why are morons like this allowed to f***ing vote in the first place when, clearly, they are too f***ing stupid to make a decision? I’m not sure at what point during traitor trump’s entire presidential campaign he said anything that would have convinced his supporters that he ever had any plan on anything. His entire presidential campaign was one big exercise in “winging-it.” Apparently, these morons never paid any attention to traitor trump’s repeated broken promises to present a plan on any given topic in “two weeks,” which then turned into never. His two-week timeline was the go-to phrase during his campaign and to this day. Yet, nothing ever materializes! Hello, f***ing G.D. MAGA morons of America! Traitor trump has no plan for anything, ever. He doesn’t know what the f*** he’s doing from day to day. He simply wakes up each morning fixated on whatever topic to rage against. I have no f***ing clue how any of this can ever be fixed when so many f***tards look up to another moron as being the smartest guy in politics! Welcome to trump stupid America. So much f***ing stupidity!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans Social Darwinism

Traitor [T]rump Supporter Is Killed in El Paso: Good

From NPR: “Tito Anchondo says his family has always been Republican conservatives. ‘My brother was very supportive of Trump,’ he said, adding that he would like to sit down with the president and tell him about their pain [Traitor trump doesn’t care, f***tard]. ‘I want to see his reaction in person [His reaction is to boast about crowd size, moron],’ he said. ‘I want to see if he’s genuine [He’s not] and see if my political views are right or wrong [They’re wrong, idiot]. And see if he feels maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he’s made [I’m speechless by this expectation]. I just want to have a human-to-human talk with him and see how he feels [He doesn’t fell — un-f***ing-believable].’” If it’s true then I love it! (It’s true.) This is definitely a social Darwinism post, in part, because an idiot RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron got exactly what he deserved! Sorry, but it is precisely how I feel. I just love these f***tard conservative Mexicans who have listened to traitor trump for the past three years and conclude “‘yes, maybe [emphasis added] he [traitor trump] said things in bad taste. But I think people are misconstruing President Trump’s ideas.’” Un-f***ing-believable! So, when traitor trump stands in front of thousands and thousands of supporters repeating the claim that Mexicans are invaders, rapists, and murders then said Mexican traitor trump supporters must think to themselves he’s not talking about me. (News flash idiot! He’s talking about all Mexicans.) Oh, I can’t wait for the uncle to explain to his nephew that his father (and mother) died protecting his life against a person who was acting out the racist, white nationalist passions of a president that the father actually supported. Yup, this is what a trump stupid country looks like. Stupidity knows no race. Yeah, conservative Mexicans should be deported and prevented from crossing the board. We don’t need their (conservative) kind in this country. See, two can play at this game.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Here We Go: Get Ready to Lose

According to The Hill, “President Trump on Friday mocked former Vice President Joe Biden after the Democratic presidential candidate committed a gaffe by telling supporters that ‘poor kids’ are ‘just as talented as white kids’ before correcting himself to say ‘wealthy kids.’ … ‘Joe is not playing with a full deck. He made that comment, I said “woah,”’ Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a fundraiser in the Hamptons.” So, here we go with the media helping traitor trump put the nail into the coffin of Biden’s presidential bid. Clearly, the MSM simply ignores the daily gaffe machine of traitor trump because they are morons, while one gaffe from Biden — which admittedly is not uncommon for him — becomes headline news (literally). Moreover, to be fair Biden realized that he misspoke at the moment and tried to correct his train of thought by elaborating on the comment. Yet, traitor trump understands how to land a precise and pithy punch, against which dumbass Democrats are feckless to respond. I’m sorry, but saying Biden is not playing with a full deck seemingly rings true enough with morons to help traitor trump win re-election, despite his own repeated slurring during speeches, stumbling over words and blatant stupid-speak. But this is trump stupid America, so all those traitor trump gaffes speak directly to enough RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons to ensure his next win, while Biden is simply seen as being weak and too old. F*** me! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans Social Darwinism

We Need More Social Darwinism Justice

From NBC, “The 20-year-old man who sparked an active-shooter panic at a Missouri Walmart when he walked into the store in a ballistic vest and carrying an AR-style rifle told police he wanted to see whether the retailer ‘honored the 2nd Amendment,’ police said in court documents.” Only in the dumbest country on the planet do morons walk around thinking they need to test if businesses and citizens “honor” the Second Amendment. God-f***ing-d*mnit. Seriously! M*****f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains f**tarded idiots! I just f***ing can’t take the level of stupidity America has devolved into as we just seem to blithely accept one domestic terrorist attack after another as simply part of the “price of freedom” B.S. excuse. What they need to do with this f***tarded a**hole is drop him off on a deserted island with a handgun, and then he can decide just how quickly he wants to use it! F*** him! Fuck his Second Amendment rights! F*** every moronic nutjob who thinks the Second Amendment means impunity to do anything, everywhere. F*** RepubliKKKlans! F*** MAGA morons! F*** the NRA! As far as I am concerned we should deport all of them to an island with their guns and let them work it out. We don’t want them here! Welcome to trump stupid America. It gets dumber by the day! Wake up America! So much stupidity! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people.

International Indigestion MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Idiot-in-Chief Failed Diplomacy

Politico reports, “His trade war with China keeps escalating, with mounting costs to the U.S. economy. Diplomatic overtures to Iran and North Korea have so far failed to yield the president’s desired outcome. Jared Kushner’s Middle East peace plan, two years in the making, is nowhere to be seen. And America’s retreat from Syria, where the president once boasted he had defeated ISIS, has allowed the terrorist group to regenerate, according to a brand-new Pentagon inspector general’s report.” Imagine that! A f***ing G.D. moron who knows nothing can’t make anything work. This supposed master dealmaker has delivered nothing. Naturally, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons don’t see this because, hey, this is trump stupid America! According to those f***tards, the only-I-can-fix-it idiot is actually fixing everything! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t take the stupidity in this country anymore. Of course, things are worse because traitor trump is just so f***ing G.D. stupid, but he’s still slightly smarter than his RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron supporters, which means they really do see him as some kind of f***ing genius. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Let the Farmers Die

From Bloomberg, “Wertish criticized Trump’s ‘go-it-alone approach’ and the trade dispute’s ‘devastating damage not only to rural communities.’ He expressed fears Trump’s $28 billion in trade aid will undermine public support for federal farm subsidies, saying the assistance is already being pilloried ‘as a welfare program, as bailouts.’ Others joined in. Brian Thalmann, president of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, complained about Trump statements that farmers are doing ‘great’ again. ‘We are not starting to do great again,’ he said. ‘We are starting to go down very quickly.’”

I say good! They deserve to suffer and go ruined as far as I’m concerned. Elections have consequences, f***tards. Since farmers are a stronghold of traitor trump’s RepubliKKKlan and MAGA morons, I say let them die. Seriously!!! Let them! These are the “pull yourself up by your bootstrap” types. These moron rural types are always preaching self-reliance, get government out of their lives, so let it all happen. No f***ing welfare for them. I don’t want any of my tax dollars going to any m*****f****ing G.D. RepubliKKKlan or MAGA moron farmer. If they voted for traitor trump then they get exactly what they deserve — a disastrous trade policy enacted by a moron president. They should have had contingency plans: sell the farm, deliver pizzas, or put a bullet through their head.

I have no f***ing clue what part of a businessman who has filed for bankruptcy several times indicated to farmers that traitor trump had any clue about how to run a business let alone the entire federal government, but then again this is trump stupid America! He says he’s a “billionaire” yet fears to release his tax returns. How do these f***ing G.D. idiots of the highest order believe him? Nonetheless, these f***tards apparently think that’s not at all suspicious or that he’s not trying to hide something — like his f***ing success as a businessman. Un-f***ing-believable. Seriously! I don’t want any of these farmers surviving to vote for traitor trump again. So, I say again: let the RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron farmers die! They should not be saved whatsoever. Others in the country should not be allowed to suffer while they get government handouts! Period! Full stop! Welcome to stupid America!