Oh Lordy, There Are Tapes and Texts

There are too many tapes and texts to include here, but take your pick of news sources — Newsweek, NPR, The Washington Post, Axios, The New York Times, MSNBC, Yahoo! News, USA Today, CNN. So, I’ll provide the Cliff Notes version: RepubliKKKlans — then and now — understand the danger of traitor trump destroying America’s democracy, and they don’t care. No one cares, actually. No voter, that is. These same RepubliKKKlans who decry the January 6 insurrection, traitor trump, and MAGA morons in private are the same ones who are more than willing to support all the worst elements of their party and society. These are the same RepubliKKKlans that voters want to give control of Congress in 2022. To what end? To show Biden that they’re mad about the economy? Probably! This is the amygdala type of thinking I would expect from stupid America. A pissy electorate wants to punish Biden by voting insurrectionist-supporting, democracy-hating RepubliKKKlans into majorities. As if RepubliKKKlans are going to help Biden improve the state of the nation? Really? Whatever! I give up! These recent tapes and texts evince a RepubliKKKlan Party that really doesn’t care about preserving our democracy, and, as it seems, voters don’t care either. I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America! As I’ve been saying for years now, America is too stupid to survive.

Title 42

From CNN, “A federal judge in Louisiana temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending a Trump-era pandemic restriction on the US-Mexico border. The Biden administration had been on track to end the public health authority, known as Title 42, on May 23, a decision that has been criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike. The measure allows border authorities to turn migrants back to Mexico or their home countries because of the public health crisis.”

Dear dumbass Democrats: Take the win, morons! Just let the courts deal with the mess. It was stupid to create this a political football before the midterms in the first place. Now Democrats have the perfect excuse: It’s held up in the courts. If the administration had any grey matter between their ears, then they would let this thing drag on without a resolution. The last thing Democrats need is another “caravan” photo op as an October surprise. I’m indifferent to the morality of immigration at the southern border; I only care about the political implications, and nothing riles up RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks more than brown people at the border, so why give them more bait that energizes them to the polls? Don’t think immigration is a winning issue for Democrats; they don’t vote based on what’s going on at the border. Only RepubliKKKlans do.

China’s Zero Virus Futility

According to The Guardian, “To let the virus loose now, with low vaccination rates among older people, and reliance on the less effective domestically produced vaccine, would be likely to result in significant disruption and death. Because China’s death toll is so extraordinarily low – due in part to the manner of reporting – many people see less reason to be vaccinated, but also less reason to be locked down. At least some residents are asking whether, thanks to vaccines, there is a wiser middle path between letting the virus rip and attempting elimination, which seems increasingly futile thanks to the highly transmissible Omicron variant.”

What a f***ing mess! I have no idea how or why this globally connected “superpower” believes it can isolate itself from a highly contagious respiratory disease that repeatedly boomerangs around the world. I understand the devastation that would ensue from COVID on the loose in a population of 1.4 billion, but how long does China expect to hold out? Unfortunately, they do not have a very effective vaccine, so their entire population is under constant threat of being under-immunized. It’s not like a city comes out of lockdown and everybody has immunity. No! It’s just the opposite! What they have done is to avoid herd immunity. Shanghai, for example, could emerge from a month of lockdown and isolation and then go right back into lockdown with one too many positive tests. How many lockdown cycles can China endure if it has no intention to immunize its population — naturally or medically? How many years can this go on? COVID is here to stay forever.

Sure, at the beginning of the pandemic, China was prospering while the rest of the world struggled, but now the rest of the world has moved on, and China still clings to ineffective containment protocols. How does it look now that everyone else has moved on and China is stuck playing Whac-A-Mole? The harder they dig into a “zero COVID” policy, then the more ridiculous it becomes. At some point, most of the rest of the world will have a relatively high enough herd immunity to resist pandemic-level infection. However, China’s population will still be comparatively defenseless. Their policy is beyond stupid at this point. Hello, morons of China! You can’t control COVID like you control your government and your people. Ironically, the U.S. actually stumbled into one of the best practices to achieve herd immunity — mass vaccinations, natural infections, and the deaths of anti-vaxxer RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, thereby culling the herd of stupid who cannot get reinfected and infect others. Win-win!

Keep it up, China! One thing you guys are actually proving is that the world supply chain can no longer rely on you, something that has been long overdue for countries to recognize. America should not be doing business with China in the first place. Perhaps one of the gravest foreign policy blunders was Nixon’s trip to China. But I digress.

American Snowflakes

According to The Daily Beast, “On Monday, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Florida threw out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s mask mandate for air travel and other forms of mass transportation. Deaths from COVID-19—and the mask mandates intended to prevent them—may be on the wane nationwide, but whatever you think about such policies, this is the latest and most egregious example of a judge acting as a partisan warrior in the COVID-19 culture wars. … Now she is substituting her opinion for that of scientific professionals at the CDC, and dictating health policy in America. The outcome could be disastrous, only serving to further embolden the right-wing activists who dispute the reality of this horrifically lethal pandemic. … The CDC first issued a public health order requiring masks in interstate transportation and at transit hubs in February 2021, and it didn’t take long for anti-mask diehards to make getting on a plane or train a nerve-wracking proposition. Still, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued security directives to enforce the CDC order, and the CDC and TSA have extended that mandate throughout the pandemic. Just last week, the CDC extended the mandate for 15 days, until May 3. … Judge Mizelle says that enforcing such a mandate is akin to ‘detention and quarantine,’ which she claims is beyond CDC’s remit. Really? [Truly!] The CDC operates under what has long been called the ‘quarantine regulations.’ The statute in question—the Public Health Services Act—has been in use since 1948, and was designed to prevent interstate and international transmission of dangerous infectious diseases. … Rogue judges, at one time or another, have neutered virtually every major COVID-19 risk mitigation order issued by the Biden administration. But if this order can be nullified, there is literally nothing the CDC or the federal government could do to fight COVID-19. Even worse, the ruling may serve to handcuff the CDC when the next health crisis hits. The agency may become gun-shy, afraid to exercise even the most urgently needed public health powers, and conservative activists who have long made headlines for travel crimes and misconduct will feel vindicated [emphasis added].”

Snowflakes always win! Anti-vaxxers always win! Anti-maskers always win! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons always win! The stupid always wins! The Biden administration cannot let this ruling stand; it must be adjudicated before SCOTUS, which has ironically been upholding some federal regulations regarding COVID. (Normally, I would pursue a tirade about how Biden would let this ruling by a MAGA moron judge go unchallenged, but he is a wartime president, so I’ll refrain.) But whatever! Nothing matters anymore because America is a bunch of whiney f***ing G.D. selfish b*tchy snowflakes who are incapable of doing the minimally required actions to control the virus and help others. If and when COVID comes roaring back, then the public will be unwilling to do anything or follow any regulations to mitigate the pandemic’s spread because America is stupid, and judges are literally substituting their conservative biases for CDC directives. Americans think they are done with the virus, but I promise — the virus is not done with you! Apparently, there are large swaths of the public that the virus has yet to eliminate from the planet; perhaps a silver lining behind this judge’s ruling is the hastening of the end of these people. Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!

Kill or Be Killed!

Target Practice

From the Miami Herald, “Three family members have been charged with a hate crime after kidnapping and beating a gay man so severely that he was permanently blinded, Broward County prosecutors said Tuesday. Two parents and their son were formally charged Tuesday on counts of first-degree attempted murder, burglary with battery and kidnapping ‘with prejudice’ — all charges enhanced under Florida’s ‘hate crime’ law. That means they all face up to life in prison on each count.”

It’s happening, morons. I’ve warned the LGBTQ community repeatedly to arm up! This is a gun-crazy society, so the gays may as well arm up to protect themselves from rising gay hate. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! RepubliKKKlans are encouraging gay hatred and violence. They no longer use dog whistles. Now, they use bullhorns, and the haters listen and react accordingly. Yet, I fear LGBTQ members are still oblivious to the impending violence that is becoming normalized and encouraged. Just to be absolutely clear (again): RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks want all LGBTQ members dead ala Putin. It is kill or be killed! Fight back with deadly force, people! Welcome to stupid America! The hate is spreading like cancer.

Going Hypersonic — Thank You, Biden

From CNN, “The US successfully tested a hypersonic missile in mid-March but kept it quiet for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia as President Joe Biden was about to travel to Europe, according to a defense official familiar with the matter. … The US has placed a renewed emphasis on hypersonic weapons following successful Russian and Chinese tests in recent months, exacerbating the concern in Washington that the US is falling behind on a military technology considered critical for the future. … The US has been careful not to take steps or make statements that could unnecessarily escalate the tensions between Washington and Moscow. On Friday, the US canceled a test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to avoid any misinterpretation by Russia. Austin had already postponed the test in early March to avoid any actions that could be misconstrued by Russia at such a sensitive time.”

It is about f***ing time that America started to advance in hypersonic technology. It’s embarrassing that Russia and China have been ahead of us with this type of weaponry. Clearly, it took Biden to light a fire under the American military, for traitor trump could not achieve the same success with his administration because he was too busy golfing. Of course, the Biden administration got it done, while the traitor trump administration allowed enemy states to advance ahead of America. So much for traitor trump’s “America First” scam. With traitor trump, RepunliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always been America last in the world, and America’s lack of hypersonic technology under the traitor trump is a perfect example of it!

Now, I wish America et al. would stop worrying about escalating tensions with Putin. Look, f***atrds! Putin will do what Putin is going to do regardless of what America says or doesn’t say, does or doesn’t do. He doesn’t need a reason to escalate because he’ll just make one up. He’s already blamed everything and everyone else for the invasion, the failed progress of the war, and Russia’s military retreat. So, it doesn’t matter what the West says or does. In fact, our holding back actually signals weakness to Putin, so we should be out, loud, and proud in the face of Putin. Wake the f*** up, America! Wake the f*** up Western et al. nations! Now is the time to crush Putin and Russia! The West needs to rid the world of this terrorist leader and the terrorist nation before it’s too late!

Cull the Wack Jobs, Please!

Wack Job

According to RawStory, “‘The election, I believe, was stolen,’ said a woman with an America flag draped over her shoulders. ‘But we know that, Space Force has it all, Trump has all the information, it’s going to be overturned,’ the woman claimed. ‘What do you think Space Force has?’ the interviewer asked. ‘Space Force is a military branch, you know, just like the Army, you know, all the military. And they literally…the night of the election they literally watched the election be stolen. They watermarked the ballots, they know exactly what happened with every ballot,’ she said. ‘They know what countries were involved, they followed the money, they know what every every [sic] politician that’s been paid off. There was [sic] 260,00 — 269,000 sealed indictments, but I think it might even be up to 500,000 sealed indictments. And I believe that we’re going to have an emergency broadcast and the military is going to come in with martial law and we’re going to be shown, 8-hours on, 8-hours off, of videos for seven days — the world. And they’re going to be showing us taped tribunals, taped confessions, and the world is going to be awakened to what’s really going on with the deep state,’ she claimed.”

I am speechless. These people are smoking meth, right? Or they were dropped on their head as a baby — repeatedly — yes? What explains such incomprehensible nonsense? Truly? What? I have been reluctant to use the word cult when talking about MAGA morons and QAnon kooks because the term implies a small, select few, but what we see here — with every traitor trump rally — are hoards of people caught up in this mass delusion. Of course, there is an internal contradiction in what they espouse. Go figure! Did anyone catch it? Anyone at all? The QAnon kook quoted above inveighs the “deep state,” but she counts on the same deep state (ala Space Force) to bring justice for traitor trump. How can that be? Please tell me, morons of America. How can Space Force be the deep state conspiring to withhold information that proves traitor trump won the 2020 election and thus “keeping” Biden in power. Yet, Space Force is the deep space conspiracy that will bring back traitor trump while simultaneously proving the danger of the deep state. This just goes to show how stupid all these people are. Whatever! America is f***ed because the disease that is the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are killing America. Either these people need to be culled from the herd, or the entire country will succumb to their craziness. These people are not fringe; they are the new mainstream. But most people don’t care because everyone else thinks they’re “a bit off” and funny. Oh, well. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!

American Theocracy: Get Ready F***tards!

From The New Civil Rights Movement, “Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be using the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation he signed into law with barely any notice Monday as the new flag of his bible-based anti-LGBTQ re-election campaign. ‘Gird your loins for battle. We are going to fight. You put on the full armor of God,’ the Florida Republican running for re-election says in a video posted to social media this week, with the state flag behind him and a poster reading, ‘Keep Florida Free.’”

The real question is, What is the LGBTQ community prepared to do to defend itself from this rising Christian threat? Are you people ready to go to war with these haters? They want to kill the gays! Are the gays ready to kill back? Mark my words, people. Standing by like dumbass Democrats, hoping things will work themselves out, is a road to ruination. DeSantis is hiding nothing. He is fully displaying his intentions, so do not be the fool who trusts in the better side of human nature, for in the Christian person, it does not exist! These RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are full of hate and intend to exercise it. To the LGBTQ community, I say: Rise up! Rise up and arm up before it’s too late! It will already be too late when the traitor trump-DeSantis ticket wins the next presidential election. Failure to act means an American theocracy! When DeSantis says “keep Florida free,” he means free of the gays! Believe your eyes, people! America is going backward! Mark my words!

This Is Stupid America on COVID

This graph is all you need to know about stupid America. I am most interested in the flips between approve and disapprove. This virus has run its course according to its nature with some help from anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, for they are the primary vectors of contagion. Despite Biden’s premature claim of independence from COVID last Summer, he has been very consistent in his messaging and approach: Implore people to mask up, get vaccinated, and get boosted. Nonetheless, Biden unjustly receives the blame for the vicissitudes of a disease that, at this point, is being perpetuated by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who refuse to get vaccinated and mask up where required.

It is incomprehensible that public opinion should change according to the mutations and virulence of a virus. Biden, obviously, has no control over these factors, and he has little control over public behavior. Yet, the public has every bit of control. I could understand if, let’s say, a president took a complete laissez-faire approach to COVID — traitor trump! I could understand the public penalizing a president who approached COVID in this manner. However, Biden, who has consistently been preaching for everyone to do the right things, still gets punished for taking the proper course of action even though it may not lead to what morons of America expect, want, or demand. This is the epitome of a stupid and petulant public. And if I have to hear one more person assert COVID fatigue, then I’m going to blow my f***ing G.D. mind! Look, f***tards. You may be done with the virus, but I promise the virus is not done with you. Of all people, Biden is not the person you should be blaming because you’re over it!

And it is equally frustrating and incomprehensible that citizens do not grade Biden based on his policies and practices to control the pandemic, e.g., making testing and vaccines widely available. When the public changes its collective mind about his handling of COVID based on what’s happening minute by minute in the news, it only exemplifies that public opinion and the president’s approval ratings are entirely spontaneous. Christ! Biden’s approval rating changes with the news cycle, not with any evidence of meaningful cause and effect attributed to him. It further demonstrates that people are ruled more by their emotions rather than a dispassionate and reasoned evaluation of the circumstances. And these people are the same ones who vote! This is why America is the way it is. This is how traitor trump got elected and why he will be re-elected. Facts don’t matter because of feelings! Well, f*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid America. Ruled by emotion, not logic. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

Canceling the Gays Begins in Florida

From the Associated Press, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law on Monday that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, a policy that has drawn intense national scrutiny from critics who argue it marginalizes LGBTQ people. The legislation has pushed Florida and DeSantis, an ascending Republican and potential 2024 presidential candidate, to the forefront of the country’s culture wars. LGBTQ advocates, students, Democrats, the entertainment industry and the White House have dubbed the measure the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law.”

This day marks the beginning of the reversal of rights for the LGBTQ community. Mark my words, f***tards! Remember this day when a renewed assault on gay rights began as this new breed of law spreads across the country. Do not believe what RepubliKKKlans say; they claim the text of the law prohibits specific behavior, but in reality, it is the spirit and the intent of the law that is the danger. It relegates the LGBTQ community as something taboo, something too dangerous to be discussed and taught. The gays are too frightening to be recognized. If anyone dares to bring up the topic, then they can be sued. So, tell me then, who would dare even mention gay knowing they can be sued? I can envision a scenario playing out now: A third-grader asks her male teacher who is the picture on the desk. The teacher replies, “My husband.” Then the third-grader innocently talks about her male teacher’s husband. All of a sudden the teacher and school are being sued. The law intends to chill not only education on the matter but also speaking of it. It is the exact cancel culture that RepubliKKKlan snowflakes decry and claim as a singular grievance of theirs. That is to say, RepubliKKKlans only think they are being canceled. You people just don’t f***ing get it. You really, really don’t. These hateful laws are not conceived in some vacuum. They are precisely tailored with specific motivations and to exert maximal (ambiguous) harm on a minority group. They are dog whistles aimed to please culture warriors. While the average person may read or understand the language of the law to be “well-intended” or innocuous enough, the actual function of the law is deliberately designed to do harm to a specific group as others look away or remain obvilivous.

And don’t think for a second that such laws will stop in the schools; they are merely testing grounds for pushing the boundaries. Next, it will be to enshrine legalized discrimination in the name of religious liberty. States had tried these tactics before and failed, but it’s a new day, a new SCOTUS, and always a new battlefront in the culture war. Evil evangelicals, RepubliKKKlans, and MAGA morons always keep trying; they never stop. Gays are always the target. If this or that law doesn’t work, then they try another. If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again. Eventually, conservatives will find the one law or the one policy that becomes the thread to unravel the whole sweater.

Moreover, forcing gays back into the closet will be accelerated when traitor trump returns to the White House and SCOTUS declares marriage inequality the law of the land. This will not be an overnight process; rather, it will be drip by drip. A threat to gay rights is a threat to everyone’s rights; RepubliKKKlans will not stop with the gays. Allies of the LGBTQ community will pivot and begin to say, “Glad it’s not me,” as they struggle with their own rights under threat — abortion, for example. Mark my words! RepibliKKKlans are winning the culture war because Democrats are weak and don’t believe the culture war is actually a thing to motivate voters. Wrong as usual! Dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel believing voters will “figure it out” — it being the right thing to do or the right way to vote. News flash! Voters rarely “figure it out.” So, don’t expect Democrats (or the average voter for that matter) to help save the LGBTQ community from what is about to become open season on the gays nationwide. Gays need to start taking up arms and taking matters into their own hands, or there will be many more Matthew Wayne Shepard’s. You heard it here first! Welcome to stupid America. They’re coming for your rights next!