MAGA Morons in All Shapes and Sizes

Have I mentioned lately that MAGA morons are really, really stupid people? Even if they support AOC, they are still f***ing G.D. idiots. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted this quote from a traitor trump supporter on her Twitter account, which proves my point precisely: “I’ve been saying for years that climate change is our most important crisis. You’re one of the only ones who’s been willing to be decisive on it. I like you. I can tell that you are genuine and fighting for us. You’re real and you get it.” I just love trying to dissect the inherent “logical” inconsistencies of traitor trump supporters’ arguments. So, if I understand this moron correctly, he willingly acknowledges climate change is “our most important crisis.” Keywords being most and crisis. What was (and still is) traitor trump’s belief on climate change while running for president? That is to say, what was his official position on the subject before someone who thinks it is a most important crisis voted for him anyway? Well, first, he claimed it was a Chinese hoax. Then he backed off the hoax idea (has he really backed off any hoax/conspiracy theory ideas?), yet traitor trump is still not sure if climate change is man-made or not, saying, “‘I think something’s happening. Something’s changing and it will change back again.’” In short, traitor trump takes a wait-and-see attitude toward this most important crisis, and this MAGA moron/AOC fan still voted for traitor trump. To be sure, this idiot voted for a climate change denier! I mean, one cannot make this Scheiße up. This is a full-on demonstration of stupid people being allowed to vote, and we wonder why things are so f***ed up. Seriously!

Then there is the rest of this person’s comment, specifically the part about AOC being “genuine and fighting for us.” Again, it begs the question, Did MAGA moron voters witness the same presidential campaign as did every other Hillary voter? The inference is that this MAGA moron sees the same genuineness and “fighting for us” attitude in traitor trump as in AOC. I have no idea where to begin to reconcile this level of cognitive dissonance. I guess I’ll start with the obvious question. At what point does a person who campaigns on the following seem like a man of and for the people? Traitor trump brags about not paying taxes, which means the little guy has to pick up the shortfall. He brags about stiffing contractors, which means he screws the small businessman. He brags about how smart he is to use bankruptcy several times to solve his business problems (because he’s an idiot), which means he’s screwed over many people (contractors, investors, creditors) many times because they eat the loss and no doubt those losses are always covered at some point by the lowest level of the food chain: us! He claims to be charitable but really never gives. He created a fake university to scam the average person into believing they could be the next real estate mogul. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never worked a real job in his life. Does any of this sound like a person who understands “us”? Un-f***ing-believable. Yet, MAGA morons and apparently at least one AOC supporter believes traitor trump is for them. Welcome to stupid America! It’s just as dumb as one imagined it would be.

Fireworks, Really?!?!

CNN reports, “President Donald Trump has laid tentative plans to upend the traditional Fourth of July celebrations in Washington, moving the fireworks show from the National Mall and perhaps including an address from the President himself, The Washington Post reported Friday.” This! This is a subject matter in which traitor trump absorbs himself? Traitor trump can’t be bothered with the details necessary to conduct domestic policy, international diplomacy, and trade, but when it comes to a fireworks show then he’s all in. Congratulations MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans for electing a president that worries more about the Fourth of July fireworks show than doing his day job. He fixates on the trivial because he is a moron and all of his supporters are also morons. Give the idiot masses a good (patriotic!) show and they’ll forget how f***ed their lives are while reminding them how those “brown” immigrant people are taking their jobs, killing their babies, raping their daughters, and slapping that piece of bread out of their hand to eat! Welcome to stupid America — dumber today than it was yesterday!

10 of 10 Stupid

CNN reports: “‘Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind,’ Trump tweeted.” Un-f***ing-believable! This man is so f***ing stupid it defies all comprehension. First, as usual, he’s wrong about how tariffs work. They are in most cases a tax on the consumer in the end. Taxes are generally considered a necessary obligation that, nonetheless, erodes individuals’ wealth. Second, the logic of his tweet begs the question, Why even bother with a trade deal if tariffs are the “best” solution? He’s so f***ing G.D. stupid! He literally tweeted an argument that suggests making a deal is actually the worst deal to make. Naturally, non-idiots understand this inherent contradiction, but I have no doubt MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans think he’s a f***ing stable genius as his farming supporters, for example, go bankrupt. Welcome to stupid America where idiots love the idiot-in-chief.

Tariff Man!

Get ready for 25% tariffs. Mark my words, morons. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: traitor trump wants 25% tariffs on China; he always has and up until now it’s been a delaying tactic. To what end to his madness? Who the f*** knows? He doesn’t even know. He just wants tariffs for tariff’s sake because he’s tough. Welcome to stupid America! At some point, all of this — all of his antics, rhetoric, and “negotiating” on matters of trade, diplomacy, and domestic policy — will eventually come crashing down. This is what the MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans wanted by electing him. They want someone to shake things up in Washington and obstruct everything around the world, so here we are. I say let it happen! F*** it! Let it all crash and burn. Years of this idiocracy and 42% of the morons will always support him no matter the situation. It is the only way progressives will be motivated to take back the country. Until people get woke from their apathy this is our lives. Welcome to stupid America!

Update: I was right (again)!

F***tard Traitor [T]rump

From the AP, “North Korea fired two suspected short-range missiles on Thursday, South Korea’s military said, its second weapons launch in five days and a possible warning that nuclear disarmament talks with Washington could be in danger.” I thought traitor trump said we were all safe from NK? He fixed the nuclear threat. Welcome to stupid America where idiots voted for traitor trump hoping to blow up the political system — well, something will probably blow up. F*** me! Land of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans!

A Vile President Says Nothing

A Politico headline reads: “Trump has busy night on Twitter, but skips school shooting.” Naturally! MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans fall all over each other to praise traitor trump’s pro-life stance, but they don’t give one G.D. when innocent children are killed in what they consider nothing more than a person’s exercise of their Second Amendment right. In fact, “‘I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota,’ Trump wrote Tuesday night.” Yup! That’s right. Another school shooting and traitor trump is excited to tweet about fireworks. Traitor trump and the people that support him and all of his MAGA morons and every RepubliKKKlan that has ever voted are all vile people, without exception. Seriously, these people are a cancer on the country. Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people! I’m getting tired of saying it.

All Chaos, All the Time

Welcome to stupid America! CNN reports, “President Donald Trump sent shivers through global markets on Monday, with stocks plunging after he threatened new tariffs that would escalate the US-China trade war.” Traitor trump constantly and needlessly just f***s things up, and the morons in this country love him for it. Pathetic! No doubt he thinks this last-minute “negotiating” tactic is perfect given his dealings in real estate, but after more than two years he still has not learned that politics, foreign policy, and international commerce are nothing like running his mom-n-pop real estate Ponzi schemes. Just like his “brilliant” negotiating “skills” sunk the North Korean talks, this will sink talks with China because he’s a f***ing idiot along with his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters.

Re-read the Subtitle of My Website

CNN reports: “‘Your Democrat governor here in Wisconsin, shockingly, stated that he will veto legislation that protects Wisconsin babies born alive,’ Trump said. ‘The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.’” One would think everybody who hears this non-sense says or thinks, WTF?

Yet sure enough, traitor trump says such things because idiots out there believe him. How do I know, because such an idiot who cuts my hair repeated this same anecdote to me. (I don’t know how we got on this topic but we did.) Sure as Scheiße she (incorrectly) described the Wisconsin legislation in question that would allow, as traitor trump states, the mother to terminate a baby after delivery as a form of legalizing late-term abortions. She went further to explain how this legislation would allow a mother giving birth to decide to terminate the baby as she was delivering it as if such a mercurial decision could be considered earnest and ubiquitous. No doubt she probably found this “news” on Facebook because that’s where most morons seem to go for “facts” or “alternative facts” in RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron speak. In fact, the legislation addresses a very rare and specific situation in which a mother is allowed to make the equivalent to a DNR decision. This is not legalizing smothering a baby after birth as anti-abortion people would like to believe. One cannot make up the level of stupidity that resides apparently — everywhere! Needless to say, I was rather incredulous about such obvious B.S. Once again, these type of people like to conflate everything regarding babies with abortions. No matter the legislation, the circumstances, or the story, if there is a baby, a womb, and a doctor involved then it must be something pro-abortion because rational thought stops at the first synaptic impulse for these morons. Welcome to stupid America. It is literally everywhere!

Welcome to the Dumbest F***ing Country in All the World and Humanity

From CNN, “Two people are dead after a shooting on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, according to Mecklenburg Emergency Medical Service Agency. Two other people are being treated for life-threatening injuries, and two more people have non-life threatening injuries, the agency said.” Thank you RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons for making America a miserable place to exist. One would think everybody just gets f***ing sick of these stories and collectively do something about it like vote m*****f***ing Democratic, but what the f*** am I thinking? Welcome to stupid America where guns are valued more than people! Nothing but majority idiots here.

Look: Another Moron Moment

Fan-f***ing-tastic: “Carl Ford, called Bolton a ‘kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy’—a terror to work for, but a groveler before power. Nevertheless Bolton knows a moron when he sees one. ‘John doesn’t suffer fools,’ one acquaintance told me, speculating that his private meetings with Trump must be torture.” According to The Atlantic. Only in stupid America do MAGA morons elect another moron as president who then hires a National Security Advisor who also thinks his boss is a moron. Welcome to stupid America. We hire only RepubliKKKlan morons to lead this country!