Stupidity Comes Home to Roost

Listening to this MAGA moron underscores the pure stupidity the country is up against as he confesses to regretting his vote for traitor trump because a liar lied — silence. At one point the caller argues that he voted for traitor trump to shake up the Washington elite because in the last 40 years the six presidents have represented the interests of big business and the wealthy, presumably to the detriment of the middle class (e.g., the mid-west states), which I might add is a very fair point; however, it is utter, complete, and abject stupidity to think that electing an entitled billionaire (an elite) who has a known history of being a crook is going to help the average Joe. I can’t! I just can’t f***ing take the level of stupidity in this country anymore. It’s astonishing that this self-proclaimed RepubliKKKlan caller, on the one hand, decries politicians for favoring the wealthy and corporations while, on the other hand, voting exactly for that type of person to be president, and then he is shocked — shocked I tell you! — that traitor trump lied to him about making America great again because after two years he is no better off. Wow! I mean wow!

But there is more irony. The guy is a diabetic and complained about paying nearly $400 a month for his medication to which the CSPAN host queried if health care was a top concern for him in the coming election. He replied — wait for it, wait for it — he replied that health care is a top issue for human beings. Either this RepubliKKKlan did not get the talking points memo regarding health care or he’s just as dumb as they come, which I suppose is merely average for any RepubliKKKlan. Once again, more proof that idiots vote against their own self-interests; only RepubliKKKlans have time after time tried to repeal and replace the ACA (with nothing). Democrats have been the only ones at least trying to make health care less costly and more equitable for everyone.

Finally, the call ends with this “old fashioned” RepubliKKKlan claiming that he would vote for Bernie Sanders because he’s the only one for the people! What the m*****f***ing hell is he talking about? The inference to be drawn here is that RepubliKKKlans used to be. Un-f***ing-believable. He probably voted for Romney, no doubt, despite that presidential candidate claiming “corporations are people, my friends” because, of course, RepubliKKKlans have always been for the little guy! Welcome to stupid America! It’s just pure stupidity here!

The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

This is laughable: “NRA insiders and longtime observers describe an organization at war with itself over a central question: Has it strayed too far from its original mission of gun safety and outdoor shooting sports and become too political?” Sorry, morons but any organization that mobilizes to oppose (and win against) universal background checks after the Sandy Hook massacre is a terrorist organization, and anyone still in the NRA after that point is a terrorist enabler and sympathizer, if not an actual terrorist. Full f***ing stop! End of argument. And by association RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are equally culpable for supporting a domestic terrorist organization. Welcome to stupid America where terrorists can only be foreigners while NRA members are “patriots.”

Facebook for F***tards

This is a good reminder from Reuters: “Facebook says 126 million Americans may have seen Russia-linked political posts.” I can very truthfully say I am not one of those people because I’m not a f***ing G.D. idiot! Social media has made this country dumber. Period! Congratulations to Russia because they figured out that stupid Americans can be so easily persuaded by reading something on Facebook or with a hashtag. Hello, morons! Facebook or Twitter or Instagram is not where one goes to make fully informed decisions about politics! This is the level of stupidity to which America has descended, especially old people who should not be using technology at any rate because let’s face it: they have lost some of their facilities, and if they are RepubliKKKlans or MAGA morons then they didn’t have much from the beginning anyways. Welcome to stupid America where Facebook tells people what to think instead of using their brains!

At Least He’s Not Disappointed

According to Axios: “After reviewing the Mueller report, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he was ‘sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President.’” Wow! Of the 200+ RepubliKKKlans in Congress, one person has expressed misgivings stronger than the “disappointed” platitude, if anything at all. This is the state of our Union: a RepubliKKKlan party that is never disturbed by a vile president. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are exactly the worst human beings one expected them to be!

Finishing Last

From a CNN headline: “‘The Democratic base is angry as hell’: Cory Booker’s message of love falls flat.” Perfectly put! I have heard Booker’s campaign pitch a couple of times and all I can do is roll my eyes. There will always be those dumbass Democrats who don’t understand we are at DEFCON 1. Hello f***tards! Once again Booker is the example of a Democrat bringing a knife to a gun fight. Democrats don’t want a f***ing weak candidate that is telling everyone we should just all love each other (i.e., RepubliKKKlans) while MAGA morons literally write-up kill lists of Democrats and run over progressive protesters. If Booker is worried about coming off as an angry black man running for president then he should just step aside because the minimum I want from my Democratic presidential candidate is white-hot anger! Welcome to stupid America where nice guys do finish last.

A Petulant President for the Masses

According to CNN, “The Trump administration pressured the Department of Homeland Security to release immigrants detained at the southern border into so-called sanctuary cities in part to retaliate against Democrats who oppose President Donald Trump’s plans for a border wall, a source familiar with the discussions told CNN on Thursday.” Time after time, example after example, traitor trump proves to be a president exhibiting the worst qualities in a leader and human being, yet RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are completely copacetic with all of it! They don’t care, really. They love the Scheiße show. They love the fact that traitor trump trashes the dignity of the Office of the Presidency because they are just as deplorable! Hello, f***tards! How many times must I say it? Traitor trump is the mirror into which 44% of this country gazes in delightful mesmerization of its benighted reflection. I cannot say it any more plainly: this is a country of f***ing G.D. morons. Does anyone recall what grade a student “earns” by getting 56% (100%-44%) of a test correct? Anyone? Anyone at all? An F! Grading the country as a whole in a similar manner is no different. Like I have always said: 44% stupid is still stupid! Welcome to stupid America!

Yeah, We Are F***ed!

From the Web: “Trump Supporter Admits Trump Is Screwing Over America, Says She Still Supports Him.” The headline says it all, but there is a special kind of stupidity with MAGA morons. There are a couple of points to make. First, where the f*** have these idiots been in the last year and a half? They should have known their returns would have been less because part of the new tax law required less withholding, which means less year-end refunds. This is a subtle point RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too stupid to understand, so surprise — they are surprised come tax season. Second, and more important, is that these MAGA morons still support traitor trump even as they articulate justification to distrust him. Witness this quote from a MAGA moron: “‘I believe he isn’t showing his income tax returns because he didn’t pay anything, and we are paying in money. … He’s paying nothing when he’s making billions or wherever he’s at. So maybe he doesn’t understand. I want to believe he didn’t know that was going to happen to people, that he was hurting the middle class.’” Reading this excerpt is beyond infuriating because it is completely consistent with every other interview and focus group conducted with RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. How can people be this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid?!?! How?

So, let me see if I can understand the logic of an idiot. This person [Karen S.] continues to support traitor trump even though she basically accuses him of shifting the burden of paying taxes from the wealthy (and business) class to the middle class. But she still supports him. Oh, then there is this notion of “he doesn’t understand,” no doubt projecting her own stupidity onto traitor trump — because she doesn’t understand then maybe traitor trump doesn’t understand how he’s hurting the middle class. How rich is this? Seriously! How f***ing rich is this level of idiocracy? A wealthy lying self-serving idiot elected as president is supposed to “understand” the problems of the middle class enough to want to help them. I can’t. I just can’t anymore.

As long as voters continue to possess this kind of idiot logic then we are f***ed. As I have said before, MAGA morons believe traitor trump can do no wrong even as they plainly state that he is not making their lives any better off. This is what a stupid country looks like! Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people!

Another Traitor [T]rump Sycophant

According to CNN, “With one word — ‘spying’ — Barr on Wednesday ingratiated himself with his new boss, gave fresh life to a conservative media narrative and obliterated any remaining chance that he can now be seen as a good faith arbiter of the Mueller report.” Right on cue, traitor trump demands an investigation into the Mueller investigation, and the AG quickly obliges using traitor trump’s own parlance. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are destroying this country, yet idiots keep voting for them. Welcome to stupid f***ing America!

Re-electing the Moron

NBC reports: “CBP data shows that at the same time, the proportion of immigrants caught crossing illegally rather than through legal ports of entry has been rising. It climbed from 73 percent of border crossings between October 2017 and January to 2018 to 83 percent for the same period ending this January 31. The percentage reporting to legal ports of entry, meanwhile, dropped from 27 percent to 17 percent, even as the overall number of border crossings rose sharply, according to the data.” A Politico article headline reads: “Yes, There’s a Crisis on the Border. And It’s Trump’s Fault.” Ooooh! So, the very problem that traitor trump promised to fix is actually getting worse under his “leadership.” Let me see. Who could have possibly predicted that traitor trump is an incompetent f***tard who has no f***ing clue how to manage anything, let alone the U.S. government? Who could have possibly predicted this mess? Oh, that’s right: everybody, except all the MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans that elected him as president. Congratulations f***tards of America! This is what a stupid country looks like. I have no doubt traitor trump will turn his incompetence into the central campaign issue, stating that he needs to be re-elected because more brown people are coming to the U.S. (under his reign), and they need to be stopped. Welcome to stupid America! More stupid people than can be counted.


CNN quotes Mulvaney: “‘Keep in mind, that’s an issue that was already litigated during the election. Voters knew the President could have given over his tax returns, they knew that he didn’t and they elected him anyway. Which, of course, is what drives the Democrats crazy.’” He’s correct. What can I say? The f***ing G.D. idiots looked at all the character flaws, duplicity, and idiocracy of traitor trump and still voted for him. It takes a special kind of pure stupidity to think traitor trump is qualified to be president given the alternative (i.e., Hillary), but hey this is stupid f***ing America home of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans!