The Chaos Presidency

According to CNN, “The forced resignation of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is not just the usual story of an administration racked by chaos and the short shelf life of almost everyone who works for an imperious and grudge-bearing President.” What else is new? A country of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans elect an idiot as President who hires all the worst people and blames others for his own failings–America in a reflection. Twenty-five percent of his cabinet is now comprised of acting secretaries. Apparently, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans just love the daily Scheiße-show because this is what a stupid country looks like and how America should be run, one self-made crisis after another.

Moreover, another resignation letter proves that no matter how much of an a**hole the president acts toward a person they still defend him: “I hope that the next Secretary will have the support of Congress and the courts in fixing the laws which have impeded our ability to fully secure America’s borders and which have contributed to discord in our nation’s discourse.” See who she blames here? Congress and the courts, of course. They were the ones with their stupid laws that made her job impossible; it wasn’t the f***ing nut-job moronic president with mercurial demands that made the job impossible. These people are unbelievable. Only in stupid America do traitor trump administration officials thank their boss for the abuse while being fired. See you next Tuesday, Nielsen! Welcome to stupid America!

The Epitome of Stupid: Everyman America

Chris Cillizza from CNN could not have summed up traitor trump more perfectly, “This past 10 days should serve as conclusive evidence of one thing: Donald Trump isn’t playing three-dimensional chess with his presidency. He doesn’t have some sort of grand blueprint against which he has been and continues to execute. There is no method to this madness, he is making it up as he goes along. … If this doesn’t make sense to you, it’s because it doesn’t make sense. Trump isn’t a grand political strategist, a puppeteer pulling the strings of the media and the Democrats based on some script that only he can see. Instead, he just picks up a different puppet every day and makes it talk. There’s no rhyme or reason. No secret sauce. Just Donald Trump doing and saying whatever he’s hot on at that particular second.” And this! is why f***tarded MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans think traitor trump is some kind of f***ing G.D. genius. I can’t! I just can’t anymore! The level of stupidity in this country is beyond comprehension. How is it a moron like traitor trump keeps stumbling into one self-made crisis after another and pretends to have implemented a fake fix yet people just f***ing believe him, evinced by the fact his job approval rating hasn’t sunk to the single digits. Unless Congress is threatening to take away their health care, this president can do no wrong! He lies daily. He is clearly winging it. He basically takes the weekends off as president. He is the dumbest, laziest, and the most self-serving hypocritical president we’ve ever had, and 44% of the population think that is just fine with them. Dare I say that 44% in the polls is understated because there is a good 5% of closet traitor trump supporters who are too ashamed to admit it — not to be confused with those who agree with the one or two things he has managed to get right, e.g., banning bump stocks. How can this be?

It is because traitor trump is the Everyman of American society. It’s embarrassing. He’s embarrassing. This country is embarrassing. Welcome to trump stupid America where, well, see for yourself!

The Tax Returns Thing: Never Going to Happen

I am not sure what part of recent history does not indicate that the president is de facto above the law in this country and that everyone in government is bent on protecting him. I predict the courts will block any release of his tax returns because they’ll find some hidden legal presidential power or prerogative, and on the off-chance that they (SCOTUS) do grant Congress’s request to see traitor trump’s tax returns then he will just ignore them. What most people don’t understand is that SCOTUS has no f***ing mechanism to enforce their own orders. Some may argue that a president has never ignored a SCOTUS order, which is not true–Lincoln, so why would that happen now. Hello, f***tards! On what planet have such f***ing people been living these last several years? Traitor trump has broken every rule, and this situation will be no exception. This is the Constitutional crisis that political pundits keep mentioning. In the end, one branch of government cannot force another branch to actually do something! That is the dirty little secret of our Constitution. In most cases, each branch has respected the powers of others and have played along, but ever since MAGA morns and RepubliKKKlans elected the Disrupter-in-Chief to office all that has gone right out the window. So, congratulations on literally breaking the Constitution. The moment traitor trump asks what will happen if he ignores SCOTUS and the answer is nothing then it is game over. He wins! Trust me when I say it will be one more thing the population of this great stupid country will just simply shrug off. Perhaps, Congress can hold someone in contempt and jail them, but dumbass Democrats definitely don’t have the balls to do that! In short, if traitor trump orders his administration to keep his tax returns secret despite a court order to the contrary there is no one to stop him. This is stupidity on steroids, people! We are never going to see his tax returns because this is stupid f***ing America where someone so blatantly wanting to hide something means they’re more popular than ever. Nothing to see here, f***tards. Move along, please! Move along!

A Zig Zag Presidency

Naturally, traitor trump is leadership by reversals, contradictions, and just-say-anything: “President Donald Trump on Thursday backed off his threat to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border, marking his second major climbdown this week. Talking to reporters in the White House, Trump said that he would instead give Mexico a ‘one-year warning’ to stop the flow of drugs into the United States and that he would first impose auto tariffs before closing the border.” At what point do the f***ing MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans in this country realize that traitor trump has no f***ing clue what he is doing? It’s all a Scheiße show and they love it! Just what this country needs is a reality show presidency. It is beyond incomprehensible, but what should I expect from a country of 44% stupid? Welcome to stupid America where auditions to be president begin during sweeps week on primetime TV. Stupid people everywhere; everywhere stupid people. Yeah, we’re f***ed!

Did We Expect Anything Less?

According to CNN, “Some of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators have told associates that Attorney General William Barr did not properly convey how damaging their findings were for President Donald Trump, The New York Times reported Wednesday.” This only confirms my distrust and disgust for Mueller. I will repeat what I’ve said all along. Mueller is just as much of a traitor RepubliKKKlan than all the rest of them. While others continue to defend his honor, I started losing faith once it became clear he would not interview traitor trump; he was just another political lackey unwilling to pursue the facts because apparently following DOJ guidelines/policies is more important than uncovering the truth about potential obstruction of justice. Nixon was correct when he said, “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.” It is a RepubliKKKlan credo they have lived up to ever since. Recall, Mueller worked with Barr to draft the summary, so he is fully aware and even complicit in the coverup of the facts of the investigation. If anybody should be outraged that the A.G. is distorting the conclusions of the Mueller report it should be Mueller, but he is not, of course. Like all good traitor soldiers, he follows orders despite the greater good. There is no way history can look favorably on Mueller for passively standing by, effectively condoning traitor trump’s past and future actions as president. Welcome to stupid America where the law was created to protect the president and f*** the people! And MAGA morons love it!

The Idiot (Still) Knows Nothing About Government After Two Years

Traitor trump is a f***ing G.D. moron: “‘They’ll speak to my lawyers. They’ll speak to the attorney general,’ Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. When pressed on whether he would direct the IRS to release them, he again said that ‘they’ll speak to my lawyers and speak to the attorney general.’” He has no clue of the differences among the DOJ, the IRS, and his personal attorney’s. He still thinks the government works for him and is there to protect his interests. Congress’s request for his tax returns goes directly to the IRS, which has nothing to do with the DOJ or his personal lawyers; they are not informed or relevant in any way. You would think this country would be concerned with a moron at the head of the government that still doesn’t understand government, but this is stupid America. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans just love the fact that this f***tard is “shaking” things up. Welcome to stupid America where morons can become president.

Orange Man Talks Oranges

This is why I hate the MSM at times because they completely fail to do their f***ing job. A quote from The Hill highlights what I mean, “Late-night host Stephen Colbert on Tuesday mocked President Trump over a video clip showing him apparently saying the word ‘oranges’ instead of ‘origins.’” While most laugh this off as a gaffe or slip of the brain, this is a regular thing for traitor trump. At best it demonstrates he speaks stupid (just like the rest of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans), and at worst it indicates he has some form of f***ing brain defect. Seriously! He f***ing confuses words and situations all the f***ing time and people just laugh it off as something comical from a dotard. This is the president of the United States of America! Is no one f***ing embarrassed by this idiot? Apparently not. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid f***ing America where people like traitor trump because he speaks as they do! F*** me!

More Morons

WTF! From Politico, “A 59 percent majority of voters say they don’t have much trust or any trust at all in Trump on health care.” Oh, so now people don’t trust traitor trump’s lies after they elected him. Every day this country proves that 44% stupid (MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans) is still f***ing stupid. Welcome to stupid America!

Health Care for Idiots

From Politico: “President Donald Trump signaled Monday that congressional Republicans would wait until after the 2020 elections to vote on a GOP replacement for Obamacare–putting off a presumably savage legislative battle on a hot-button campaign issue until after his re-election bid.”

More B.S. from the chief idiot to the 44% of f***ing G.D. MAGA morons of America! I don’t even know where to begin! First, traitor trump punts on a solution to a problem until after the next election, while he still backs the legal case to wipe out the ACA completely. F***ing morons! What the f*** do these MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan idiots expect will happen if SCOTUS strikes down the ACA? It’s not like they delay implementation of their decision; they are literally the final word on the matter. Once it’s made, it is made, which means people could legally lose their health care the same day if they declare the ACA null and void. Second, the “party of health care” has been unable to put together a health care plan to replace the ACA for 10 f***ing years! RepubliKKKlans keep telling us how much Democrats f****d up our health care system and want to get rid of the ACA, but they have never once put forward a replacement plan — just repeal without replace! Why the f*** do people believe they’ll be able to put something together now? Oh, that’s right they still aren’t. They’re kicking the can down the road for another couple of years. At least Democrats tried and did! RepubliKKKlans just talk and don’t. Un-f***ing-believable! F***ing morons! Third, what happened to traitor trump promising how easy it was going to be to fix health care? Just like everything else that falls out of traitor trump’s pie hole, it’s all lies and 44% of the f***ing morons in the country believe whatever he says. Last, this country is just f***ing stupid. Full stop! Nothing more to say! The end! Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people.

36.4% Job Approval

According to FiveThirtyEight this is traitor trump’s lowest job approval rating, which coincides with the last attempt by a completely controlled RepubliKKKlan Congress to repeal the ACA. In other words, people like traitor trump the least when he tried to repeal their health care, and here we are with him once again shouting for the complete repeal of the ACA. Welcome to stupid f***ing America where too many people (MAGA morons) here are just–well–stupid!