The Age of China Rising

I doubt RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons have discerned that we are in the Age of China — it takes a bit of intelligence and a wider worldview (instead of being xenophobic and isolationists) to realize the larger world order picture is changing — quickly. Consider these headlines as just a few examples: Under Trump, America increasingly loses its global lead,U.S. handwringing overplays importance of Belt and Road agreements, Scoop: U.S. could reduce intelligence sharing with Israel due to China ties, Opinion: How China Challenges America’s World Leadership, How China’s Xi Jinping is filling the ‘global leadership vacuum’ left by Trump, Suspected cyberattacks on U.S. Navy add new strain to ties with China, and China just overtook the US in global leadership approval. While RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons have been dragging this country down by making sure America becomes the land of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, China has been the rising superpower. While our cold civil war persists and worsens, our power is diminishing because this is stupid f***ing America where we can’t even agree on things called facts!

How Can This Be?

CNN reports, “North Korea is withdrawing from a joint liaison office near the demilitarized zone (DMZ) with South Korea, a key symbol of the rapprochement and ongoing peace process between the two countries.” Whhhhhhhat? I thought, and I quote traitor trump, “‘[E]verybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. … There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.’” I guess that is working out well. In fact, according to the Brookings Institute, the threat is only getting worse. Only in the f***tarded minds of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons do they think traitor trump is a genius international negotiating diplomat. Welcome to stupid America where 44% of the population believes every lie that comes out of traitor trump’s pie hole. I live in hell.

American Exceptionalism

So much for American exceptionalism. According to Axios, “The United States is no longer driving the conversation on some of the biggest issues facing the world, both short- and long-term. Instead, foreign nations are making the decisions.” Naturally, RepubbliKKKlans and MAGA morons hold an array of logically inconsistent perspectives and opinions. For example, their belief in American exceptionalism, while embracing isolationism. I wonder how these idiots will reconcile the notion that American influence, power, and importance in the world is waning, while at the same time believing America is the leader (the “be best”) of the world. It must be that leading from behind concept they always blame Democrats of doing. F*** me! This country is full of idiots. Welcome to stupid America!

But Her Emails!

From CNN, “In a Thursday letter to the White House, the Maryland Democrat alleged that Jared Kushner, who is also a senior White House adviser, had been using WhatsApp, a popular messaging application, to ‘communicate with foreign leaders’–something he said that Kushner’s attorney had confirmed in a private meeting. He also contended that Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump, also a senior adviser, may be in violation of the Presidential Records Act by her use of private emails.” Un-f***ing-believable! Did I expect anything otherwise? RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are, by definition, hypocrites. They still chant “lock her [Hillary Clinton] up” because of her emails, and here we have two traitor trump children violating the same Presidential Records Act they accused Clinton of violating. I can’t wait to hear chants of “lock them up.” Oh, wait! That’s right! This is stupid f***ing America, home of hypocrisy! People only care when a Democrat breaks the law. Traitor trump has been breaking the law since the day he took the oath of office, and his approval rating is on the rise. F*** me!

On a different and related note, I am already sick of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings sending (multiple) “letters” to the White House requesting information. This is typical dumbass Democrats being weak and pathetic, expecting RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump to be civil and cooperative. When the f*** are they going to learn? You send one m*****f***ing letter and then a subpoena, not a dozen letters and still no subpoena. They are wasting time. Did they really expect the administration not to obstruct? WTF? As usual, Democrats simply don’t know how to wield what little power they have correctly. I can’t anymore. I just can’t. On rare days, Democrats are worse than RepubliKKKlans; this is one of those days. Pathic! Get a f***ing backbone, dumbass Democrats. Welcome to stupid f***ing America!

So Sad (Not!)

A CNN article reads, “Cindy McCain, the widow of Sen. John McCain, posted a hateful message she received from a stranger the same day President Donald Trump disparaged her late husband.” Are people really sympathetic to the McCains? They voted, no doubt, for traitor trump because to all RepubliKKKlans there is only one thing worse than traitor trump and that is a Democrat. Every single RepubliKKKlan voter, politician, and vote in modern times paved the way to this point. They are all responsible. The RepubliKKKlan party created this MAGA moron mob and the traitor trump monster, and now they are eating the McCains for dessert. I’m so sad! (Not!)

Unforgivable Gormlessness

From an excellent article on Axios, “Voters who supported Barack Obama in 2012 and then Donald Trump in 2016 are sick of Trump, saying in a focus group here that they’re getting tired of his ‘lies’ and the way he treats people. … Adam K., a 47-year-old Obama/Trump voter, said he wishes Trump would own the things he’s lied about. ‘He’s been caught in a lot of lies. … You know, just admit that you made a mistake and say “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”’ … Amanda S., a 39-year-old Obama/Trump voter, said: ‘He’s getting stuff done, but he lies. I don’t think he’s a very good person, but he’s getting stuff done, so it’s hard.’”

Oh, I especially love these ultimate traitor trump voting morons! I’ve come across several of these “regretful” traitor trump voting panel articles, and they are typically the same collection of idiots and closet bigots expressing some sort of buyer’s remorse; people are surprised and disappointed that traitor trump has turned out to be exactly the type of person the remaining non-idiots thought he would. They’re still waiting for him to pivot to “presidential” as he calls white nationalists fine people. I’m not sure what presidential campaign idiot-man Adam had been watching in the 2-year run up to the 2016 election, but traitor trump lied throughout and suddenly he’s surprised. Un-f***ing-believable! How do these people get so f***ing stupid?

Then there is moron Amanda who is torn between traitor trump the “not a good person” and traitor trump the “getting stuff done” president. Let’s be absolutely clear about something: “getting stuff done” is code for getting conservative judges appointed because other than that he has accomplished nothing. Unless, of course, one considers withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement or cutting taxes for the rich or rolling back environmental protection policies or starting trade wars or inciting worldwide white rage violence getting stuff done. Maybe Amanda is a confused moron who actually thinks hundreds of miles of a new wall have been built and paid for by Mexico. Maybe she thinks the North Korean problem really is solved. Maybe she thinks GM really is bringing jobs back to the U.S.A. Maybe she thinks traitor trump really is reducing the deficit and national debt. No matter. In any case, these traitor trump voters are about as smart as the piece of crap I picked up from my dog today. Voting for traitor trump is unforgivable. Seriously, if these people are too stupid to have properly judged traitor trump before they voted for him then there is no hope. They are MAGA morons all the same, and they just so happen to have voted for Obama–more a serendipitous accomplishment than an intentional one. There is absolutely no internal mental consistency in voting for Obama and then traitor trump unless the person had a lobotomy between voting. Welcome to stupid America where we take our chances with voting! F*** me!

Bitchy President

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump spent the weekend venting venom at a bewildering list of targets–even as much of the rest of the world was still trying to come to terms with a true outrage–the carnage wrought against Muslims in New Zealand. In a stunning display of personal grievances aired on Twitter, Trump demanded the return of a supportive Fox News host who was missing from her usual spot on Saturday after verbally attacking an American Muslim lawmaker. He escalated his beyond-the-grave feud with late Sen. John McCain. He complained at being lampooned by NBC’s ‘Saturday Night Live.’ Trump also fulminated against the Russia investigation and ‘Radical Left Democrats’ and took shots at an Ohio union boss.”

Only in stupid America! Traitor trump spends the weekend bitching about, well, everything. In fact, Mr. Scheiße-for-brains traitor trump spends more time bitching than any of his predecessors, and this Scheiße-for-brains country seems to love him for it. At what point do MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans get tired of a president that spends more time complaining and griping than he does doing his job? My guess is never because like I have said before traitor trump is their reflection if they were to look in the mirror. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are miserable, hateful people. Period. Full stop. Without exception. Traitor trump says what they feel and think–aloud (without wit). So, welcome to stupid f***ing G.D. America where f***tards run the nut-house!

New Zealand Terrorist Attack

Make no mistake! The rise in these white nationalist terrorist attacks (around the world) is directly inspired, condoned, and, indeed, relished by MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and traitor trump. People who fail to identify the nexus among all these factions and white supremacy are f***ing G.D. morons. When these idiots of society condemn such actions they don’t mean it–their words are weak platitudes (e.g., “thoughts and prayers” from horse face Sarah Hucka-Hucka-Huckabee Sanders, ya’ll). Their sympathy and understanding are always backhanded and an opportunity to deflect blame from themselves and their ilk to the opposition (aka Democrats). No matter how obvious the evil and no matter if the perpetrator writes a manifesto (or has pictures of traitor trump plastered all over the sides of a van) confessing to right-wing ideology, it’s always progressives’ fault! It is rather surprising society can actually support the level of stupidity that lurks among the citizenry. The enemy is within. Welcome to stupid America!

American MSM is a bit to blame in all this as well; that is to say, how they treat the coverage of these tragedies is to blame. One thing I noticed in following the coverage of the New Zealand massacre was the quickness of their law enforcement to state the blindingly obvious: the attack was a terror attack by domestic terrorists! Unfortunately, the stupidity of America routinely allows our MSM media to avoid such descriptions of similar attacks at home. When a white guy terrorizes Americans (e.g., Dylann Roof the Charleston church shooting, Robert Gregory Bowers the Tree of Life Congregation synagogue massacre, Cesar A. Sayoc Jr. the pipe bomb plotter, James Alex Fields Jr the Charlottesville car attacker, Stephen Paddock the Las Vegas shooter, etc.) these people are regularly regarded as “lone wolves” or “extremists” or “mentally ill” by MSM. They are never regarded as domestic terrorists, and if they are it is with plenty of caution as to completely dilute the conviction with which they make the statement. It’s f***ing ridiculous. Welcome to stupid America where MSM is too afraid to state the obvious because I guess they don’t want to offend advertisers and hurt their ratings!

This is a country held hostage by the false illusions of unfettered capitalism. If slavery is America’s original sin then American-style capitalism is the second. Hello, morons of America! There is a relationship among current economic inequality, conservative’s antagonism of the white man’s status in society, and white nationalism. OMG! Am I the only one to understand this!?!?

Unidiomatic Idiot Speak

An unbelievable headline from CNBC: “Trump tweets his ‘warmest sympathy’ over New Zealand mosque massacre.” This man along with all of his MAGA supporters and RepubliKKKlans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order! Seriously! The stupidity that emanates from traitor trump’s thumbs is mindblowing. Who the f*** sends out “warm sympathy” as a condolence to a terrorist attack? What moron speaks like this? Oh, yeah. Moron traitor trump does. “Deepest sympathy” is more idiomatic for the English language, but this is stupid America where stupid people elected an idiot president who speaks and thinks like he’s in third grade–a whole grade ahead of his supporters, in fact! F*** me! I live in hell!