‘Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud’ — ‘Walls Closing In’

Ugh! These seem to be the new “trendy” catchphrases for MSM and exasperated dumbass Democrats who keep trying to convince Americans that traitor trump is somehow getting himself into legal trouble, especially after his most recent Nuremberg-style hate rally in Texas where he said out loud that he would pardon all the January 6 insurrectionists and demanded more insurrections if the law comes after him. God! Just f***ing kill me now with this B.S.!

I will cut right to the point: AG Garland is never going to prosecute traitor trump. I say this constantly! It’s just not going to happen — ever — morons. Mark my words. And if it does happen by some miracle of God then the traitor will declare his run for president the next day in which case he becomes the hot potato that would immediately halt any investigations because that’s just how f***ing G.D. weak and worthless Garland is. He would rather maintain the appearance of DOJ independence and fairness at the risk of traitor trump — wait for it — wait for it — getting away with everything as usual. The only reason traitor trump is stirring up controversy at these rallies is because he literally has nothing better to do and he can get away with it. He’s bored and he’s losing the spotlight, so he just wants to remain relevant and popular. His lashing out has nothing to do with feelings of the “walls closing in” on him. The moron is bored and wants attention. Plain and simple. Not to mention, he has to keep the rabble entertained because this is a country of “entertain me!” f***tards!

For years, MSM and dumbass Democrats have been talking about this, that, or the other is finally going to catch up with traitor trump. Surely, he can’t get away with this, that, or the other. For years they’ve been saying the day will come and for years they’ve been wrong! In fact, his whole life has been one long chain of getting away with this, that, or the other. Lawsuits, bankruptcies, failed business ventures, failed casinos, stealing from his charities, failed marriages, infidelity, sexual misconduct, grabbing women by the p*ssy. Today is no different. The Mueller report went nowhere. Two impeachments were defeated. The twin New York investigations have stalled even after the release of his taxes which were supposed to be the holy grail that would undo him. Weisselberg was supposed to crack and turn on traitor trump. Not! Still waiting! The Georgia investigation into his election interference is “heating up” allegedly. But don’t be fooled. This too will eventually stall. And I have heard absolutely no mention anywhere of this little tidbit: But I do hope people realize the Georgia investigation is a case at the county level, which means when the time comes — if the case against traitor trump gets too close — the state can step in and quash it. As for the House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection — the mother of all investigations into traitor trump — that will also go nowhere. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. People don’t care. To be sure, the committee will deliver a very thorough and powerful report, but there will be no smoking gun, which the public demands to capture their attention because American’s are too f***ing busy blaming Biden for the price of gas and their favorite health food — bacon. Once again, must I remind morons of America that the House can only investigate! Oh, sure they can recommend or make criminal referrals to DOJ, but we all know what AG Garland will do — nothing. We’re still waiting for him to do something with the House’s criminal contempt referral of Mark Meadows. It’s been six f***ing weeks and Garland has done nothing! Unless and until traitor trump actually confesses to ordering the G.D. code red, then he’s untouchable. Untouchable! Mark my words, f***tards!

And don’t believe these recent polls showing a traitor trump slump. A Washington Post article goes into these recent polls, but the piece’s tagline says it all: “There are signs that some Republicans are less positive about him since the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol. But his base holds firm, and that might be all he needs if he seeks the GOP nomination in 2024.” They basically defeat the entire purpose of the article with the first sentence. That just goes to show they don’t believe what they’ve written either. Neither should you. All these polls are worthless once traitor trump jumps into the race. Then all bets are off. Once in, he’ll consolidate support around himself, and his diehard RepubliKKKlan, evil evangelical, QAnon, and MAGA moron base will support him without question. He is going to sail through the nomination process because the man is bored and his candidacy is the only thing that will keep the law off his back! Welcome to stupid America! A country too stupid to survive. Oh, well!

You Can’t Undo the Stupid!

RawStory reports, “An anti-vaxxer who attended former president Donald Trump’s rally in Texas on Saturday claimed he knew his T-shirt was misspelled, but opted to wear it anyway.” I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a terrible speller. Absolutely terrible, and I am constantly finding typos in old posts. But here’s the thing: I f***ing make corrections as soon as I find them. I would never knowingly leave a misspelled word in a post. How utterly mortifying! Yet, here is this MAGA moron deliberately advertising his stupidity. Un-f***ing-believable! This is why I repeatedly keep saying the level of stupid in America cannot be undone. It can only be culled! Welcome too stupid America! 😐

America: 100 Percent Enriched Uranium -Ists

From The Hill, “The majority of Americans who participated in a new poll want President Biden to consider ‘all possible nominees’ following the president’s commitment to nominate a Black woman to the high court. An ABC News/Ipsos poll out Sunday showed that 76 percent of Americans wanted the president to consider ‘all possible nominees’ while just 23 percent wanted him to only consider Black women for the nomination.”

I am disappointed, but not the least bit surprised by the poll’s findings. If the nation’s ever-enduring racism and misogyny could be described in terms of its nuclear destructiveness to society, then America would be 100 percent enriched weapons-grade uranium racist and sexist! Clearly, I’m in the 23 percent cohort, but that’s only because I’m less of a moron than the rest of the population. First of all, any one of the purported Black women on the shortlist of candidates is eminently qualified by their institutional pedigree alone. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit is a twice Harvard graduate (undergraduate and law school); California Supreme Court Justice Leondra Kruger is a Harvard and Yale graduate; Judge J. Michelle Childs of the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina is a University of South Carolina School of Law graduate and Duke graduate with a Masters of Laws — granted not Havard or Yale — but she holds four degrees. All these people — and no doubt anyone Biden nominates — will be cream of the crop. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a racist and a sexist.

Second, SCOTUS should — no, must — better reflect the composition of America, which means the lived experiences a Black woman would bring to the Court makes that person even more qualified than any other race or sex notwithstanding their educational background or lack thereof. It is clearly a missing constituency from the Court. So, when Faux News and all the other RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron racists start b*tching about how Biden is using race and sex to pick the next SCOTUS justice, then I say, you’re f***ing G.D. right he is. He should. Currently, we have a majority of old white straight men on the conservative side of the Court determining the fate of a decidedly less and less white majority population. And last I checked women make up more than 50 percent of the population; that is just a biological fact — a biological necessity. Therefore, you better f***ing believe Biden should bring balance to the Court even if it doesn’t ultimately change the voting majority. To deny this urgent and necessary leveling of the composition of SCOTUS makes you a racist and a sexist, which is why I am not surprised that 76 percent of America fails to understand this imperative, for there is still racism and sexism everywhere, even amongst our own ranks.

One might think Biden’s nomination of a Black woman to SCOTUS would be a RepubliKKKlan freebie; they can show their fake support of a minority, knowing that such an appointment would not impact the overall conservative supermajority. Nonetheless, since RepubliKKKlans are first and foremost racists, they can’t wait to smear and hate on any Biden pick of a superior Black woman. We can take these -isms and -ists out of our language and aspirations, but we can’t take it out of the nation’s soul, apparently. Welcome to stupid America!

I Didn’t Understand This Story Until

According to CNN, “Federal prosecutors are reviewing fake Electoral College certifications that declared former President Donald Trump the winner of states that he lost, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN on Tuesday.” A bunch of MAGA moron fake electors sent fraudulent documents to the National Archives. So? I’ve been listening to the commentary and reading articles on this news story, and I thought the usual commentators, pundits, and politicians were grasping for straws — again. But, as it turns out, the MSM failed to communicate the one key piece of information that would make all the difference in supporting Democrats’ arguments that there was criminal wrongdoing. Allow me to elaborate.

First of all, what the f*** is the National Archives? Thank goodness for Google, lest I’d have to spend a couple of hours in the library. From the National Archives and Records Administration, “The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, coordinates certain functions of the Electoral College between the States and Congress. Acting as an intermediary, it reviews the Certificates of Ascertainment and Vote before Congress accepts them as evidence of official State action in preparation for the counting of electoral votes in Congress. In addition to posting them on this website, OFR makes the physical Certificates available for public inspection for one year following the election. After that year, the Certificates become part of the National Archives collection.” In other words, they receive, vet, and then transmit the Electoral College votes to Congress to be counted and certified; they are the clearinghouse between the States and Congress. The States do not send their Electoral College paperwork directly to Congress; they send it to the National Archives! Therein lies the crime. These MAGA morons literally tried to subvert the election results by fraudulent means. They tried to supplant genuine documents with fake documents. It failed, but the crime is in trying!

Before I started digging into this, I thought what these MAGA morons had tried to do was akin to a college student submitting a plagiarised thesis to his or her local library. Clearly, the plagiarised paper is wrong, but one’s local library could not care less and would have no idea what to do with the submission except deep-six it. That was my initial interpretation. But really this is equivalent to a student submitting a plagiarised thesis to Turnitin, getting a 90 percent similarity score, and then promptly forwarding it to his or her thesis advisor. Wrong! That’s the quickest way to fail and get expelled. So, now it clicks. Now I understand why the DOJ may be interested in this sequence of events. Maybe something will come of it. And that’s your “Did you know?” moment.

’72 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction’

Oh, joy! Another poll. Another snapshot into the dangerous psyche of the mob. In this latest installment of “where are we now” from NBC News, there are only two responses that matter: “On the state of the nation’s politics, 70 percent agree with the statement that America has become so polarized that it can no longer solve the major issues facing the country — and that those differences will only continue to grow. … That’s a significant shift from when this question was last asked in 2010 — when 50 percent answered that America always comes together in tough times, versus 45 percent who said that the nation’s political differences would only grow. … [And] a whopping 76 percent of Americans — including 7 in 10 Democrats, Republicans and independents — believe there is a threat to democracy and majority rule in this country.”

So! I have heard countless politicians, political pundits, and historians keep reassuring their audiences that Americans will get through these troubled times, that claiming America is headed toward a new civil war is ridiculous and needlessly alarmists, that Americans always come together in the end. And to all these f***tards I always roll my eyes because they are the ones in la-la land. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? They are just as willfully ignorant and quixotic about the world around them as Carlie Brown and the football. I’ve been saying we’re headed toward a civil war for nearly two years now. In fact, we are in a cold civil war as we speak, and it is only a matter of time before it turns hot. Now, I’m not suggesting the populous will form battle lines with opposing generals leading formations of organized and uniformed soldiers. No, no! This will be more gorilla warfare with random acts of violence, political assassinations, and all-out skirmishes. Like those seen when racists fought with BLM protestors, but much bloodier. Rather than formalized conflict, it will be one block of neighbors against another. It will be neighbors driving out other neighbors as one majority group expels the minority. It will be a slow consolidation, not unlike what is happening now with progressives moving to cities and urban areas while conservatives continue to entrench themselves and wither in rural areas. It will be rural versus urban with militias protecting their turf.

With poll numbers like the ones above, there is only one way to proceed — and that is through! There is no other way, morons. There is no going back or retreating. There is no coming together. The differences are irreconcilable; one side believes in facts and the other side believes in lies. One side is rational; the other side is brainwashed. It is impossible to meet in the middle under such circumstances. There is no other way to undo this mess, except through a great cleansing. There is no reconciliation or mutual understanding, except for the realization that the only way such a divided nation can preserver is when one faction successfully dominates and destroys the other. People may look back to the 1960s as proof we can overcome these troubled times, and in response to that, I say this country is just getting warmed up. This century is not like the last. America is dumber, more armed, more polarized, and more gullible to the point where morons of America absorb and propagate conspiracy theories and other nonsense as if they were sources of mental nutrients. The next presidential election will be the flashpoint of no return, no matter what the results. Although, I will concede there is less likelihood of an eruption of all-out war if a RepubliKKKlan wins because dumbass Democrats will readily give up and accede to domination by RepubliKKKlans and the crazies. Let’s face it: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards want to destroy democracy more than dumbass Democrats and Independents want to keep it. Sorry, I have to admit the truth! Mark my words. Of course, if RepubliKKKlans lose, then all hell will break out because they’ve all been conditioned to believe that whenever Democrats win then the election was stolen, without exception. It is a convenient fallacy in which RepubliKKKlans delude themselves into believing they can never — should never — lose an election. As I have said many, many, many, many, many times before a nation this stupid cannot survive. Verily! Welcome to stupid America!

Russia v. Ukraine: World War III or Regional Conflict?

First, I have to say that the MSM changed its tune rather quickly on this topic. Just a few days ago I was aggravated by their relentless downplaying of the rising tensions; it was only last week they had experts who kept trying to convince the audience that diplomacy would win the day and that somehow all of Putin’s moves were elaborate and drawn out negotiating tactics. Fast forward seven days, and basically, everyone is now seeing the inevitable, logical conclusion: War is coming. Christ! I’ve been warning an invasion is “imminent” — in the weakest sense of the word — since the beginning of December. In fact, I wrote a post called The Fall of Ukraine long before these “experts” on military and international affairs jumped on board the Captain Obvious bandwagon. Ugh. Whatever!

And now with the recent revelation from the U.K. intelligence that Putin intends to install a puppet government in Ukraine, we begin to see the larger picture, which, of course, is not at all surprising. Christ-all-f***ing-mighty! Putin tried and succeeded in infiltrating the U.S. government at the highest level. Everyone knows traitor trump was Putin’s puppet. Thankfully, the orange fat man is trump stupid; even Putin was disappointed in the end. Nonetheless, Putin was able to establish long-lasting disruption within the soul of America. I think it is fair to say, the current state of America’s dysfunction allowed Putin to create the Ukraine crisis. Now’s his chance to recapture history; I’ve said from the start that Putin sees Ukraine as being part of Mother Russia. Furthermore, he wants to reassemble the U.S.S.R. It doesn’t take an Einstein to surmise as much. Seriously. You just need to know a little bit of not-so-distant history.

Yet, the real question is how catastrophic will the Russian invasion be? Forecasting the imminency of conflict is rather easy based on informed reasoning that elucidates daily, but understanding how it develops after the first interactions is just guesswork. Does Russia drag us into World War III or does the fall of Ukraine remain a localized tragedy? Normally, being the contrarian means I can easily argue the World War III, worst-case-scenario perspective rather readily, but in this case, I have no clear insight. I do know Biden is weak, which is helping precipitate this entire mess. I am not blaming Biden, but the Democratic Party and his idealism have not done him any favors with his approval at home. As I said, Putin sees America divided, and I promise you, Putin has more support among RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons than Biden does. A divided nation is not going to war, lest it tears itself apart (cf. Vietnam War), which would also be a win for Putin. Seriously! There is little downside for Putin to invade. When Biden misspoke during his press conference about a “minor incursion” and suggested divisions within NATO, they were not a poor choice of words; it was a Freudian slip. I don’t care how much clean-up on aisle 5 the State Department had to do to clarify what Biden really meant. What came out of Biden’s stream of consciousness mouth was a clear signal to Putin that the President of the United States is already gauging the least costly response to a Russian move. What Biden should be doing is to drop everything to prepare Americans for this impending conflict. Because as it stands now when war does break out Americans are going to be completely blindsided. The average American idiot can’t even find Ukraine or Russia (and in many cases the U.S.) on a f***ing map, let alone care about the consequences of an international conflict that will serve as a proxy for the struggle between democracy and autocracy. Unless Biden starts preparing Americans by explaining the significance of this moment in history, then morons of America will blame him for allowing war to interfere with their Facebook and Twitter time. He needs to prepare Americans for what military conflict with a former superpower is going to look and feel like. Even if the fighting is localized, the ramifications will be globalized.

Then there is Europe. They have little appetite for a protracted and expansive conflict. The sooner they can sacrifice Ukraine then the better for them. After all, what’s one country that falls under the authoritarian rule of Russia? Of course, it’s this short-sighted thinking, employed time after time and situation after situation, that’s emboldened Putin in the first place. We can thank Bush II and Obama for that. We should have slapped down Putin years ago, but we failed to do so. Now we have a braver, bolder, and stronger dictator that knows democracy is dying around the world. How will democracies of the world react? Dare I answer that? I think I already know the answer, and I fear much more is going to be lost than just the sovereignty of Ukraine. To be sure, the U.S. and NATO are starting to send military hardware and other support. And I do find it rich that the former Soviet satellite states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania appear to be the NATO nations most eager and willing to provide Ukraine with military aid. But in all honesty, it is too little too late and truly evinces that the Allies are once again behind the eight ball and have sorely underestimated Putin’s resolve — another thing he’s already anticipated.

Biden has often said the world is struggling between democracy and authoritarianism. Ukraine will be a test of his sincerity and conviction in that belief. This conflict will be a monumental trail for the world. If the democracies of the world react to Russia in the same way nations of the world have addressed climate change, then we have nothing to worry about. 😐

All RepubliKKKlans and MAGA Morons Are Snowflakes Without Exception!

From The Hill, “A Florida state Senate committee on Thursday advanced a bill that would prohibit making white people feel ‘discomfort’ when taught or trained about past discrimination in public schools and private businesses. In schools, the bill, SB 148, would prevent educators from teaching subjects that could make students feel responsible for historical wrongs based on their race, sex or national origin.” Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these people? “White discomfort!” Seriously?!?! You know, for a group of people who constantly complain about how “sensitive” liberals are about their issues, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards (aka white straight cis evangelicals) sure are the first ones ready to codify a prohibition on making white people feel “discomfort.” They’ve always been snowflakes, and they’ll always be afflicted by their “poor woe is me” mental dysfunction. As I read somewhere by some trenchant political writer, RepubliKKKlans always project. Always! Whatever! I just wish they would take their Second Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing G.D. trigger already! I’m tired of living with these insufferable mentally weak people. If they are so easily triggered by uncomfortable feelings from the realities of life, then I suggest they leave life immediately. Now ask me how I really feel! Welcome to stupid, “white discomforted” America. *Gasp* Oh, my, poor white people!

I Said This Months and Months Ago!

Wow! Hello, Captain Obvious. Of course, what Haberman just said is the exact same thing I have been saying for many, many months. Indeed, I even warned AG Garland of the same political move just a couple of weeks ago when I wrote to him telling him to quit; I posted it previously. I have always said there were two things traitor trump was waiting for prior to announcing his next run for office. One, RepubliKKKlans taking back the House in the midterms, and two, legal indictments becoming imminent. Whichever comes first will determine the timing of his announcement. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s just that simple, morons!

And, of course, something is seriously wrong with our system if someone runs for president to avoid accountability for criminal behavior, but, hey, it’s the American way! Seriously, America is a consequence-free society for those at the highest levels of power, facilitated by dumbass Democrats’ incompetence and RepubliKKKlans’ pertinaciousness and love of criminals. Full stop! This goes back to Obama refusing to prosecute Bush II for clear war crimes related to torture and now with RepubliKKKlans’ full embrace of MAGA morons, insurrectionists, white nationalists, and the most criminal president in the history of the country. This is all par for the course. So, don’t be surprised if criminal indictments come one day and traitor trump declares his candidacy the next. Then watch those prosecutions disappear. Oh, well. You always heard it here first! Welcome to stupid America!

Russian Invasion Is Imminent

From The New York Tims, “On Jan. 5, 18 people — mostly the children and wives of Russian diplomats — boarded buses and embarked on a 15-hour drive home to Moscow, according to a senior Ukrainian security official. About 30 more followed in the next few days, from Kyiv and a consulate in Lviv, in western Ukraine. Diplomats at two other Russian consulates have been told to prepare to leave Ukraine, the security official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss national security matters. How to interpret the evacuation has become part of the mystery of divining the next play by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Thinning out the Russian Embassy may be part propaganda, part preparation for a looming conflict or part feint, Ukrainian and U.S. officials say. It could be all three.” The stupid hurts and the MSM is making it worse. I am getting rather sick of news anchors, commentators, pundits, and “experts” “all-sides-ing” blatant evidence that Russia is preparing — has been for months now — to invade Ukraine, yet everyone seems to be providing alternate — any number of other conceivable — explanations as to why Putin may not be preparing to invade. (Except Lt. Colonel Vindman. He’s been very clear-eyed with his analysis about what’s sure to happen.) I don’t know what the f*** it is with Americans that love to be willfully ignorant, complacent, and stupid. Perhaps the MSM doesn’t want to be alarmist. Well, maybe they should be. Maybe they need to wake America the f*** up! Christ, Biden gets it! He basically just said Russia is going to invade. He did not mince words, unlike every other pundit and “expert” on the subject matter who keeps thinking there is some negotiated off-ramp waiting to happen. Look, Putin has already decided to invade; we’re just waiting for him to pull the trigger.

Look here, f***tards! I will repeat myself — again! If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s a f***ing G.D. duck, morons. Yet, I keep hearing these international and Russian “experts” on MSM providing justifications as to why what everyone is seeing could just be one large, prolonged feint (psych!) or a negotiating tactic, although negotiations have essentially stalled. These people are in wishful thinking mode. Fan-f***ing-tastic. International political analysis based on hope. He’s going to invade, morons! Putin has been adding more troops to surrounding Ukraine borders. He’s invaded Ukraine twice before — and he’s still there. He knows Biden is weak and America is divided. Putin also knows 40 percent of Americans love Russia more than America; those people are the traitor MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and the Russian-lover traitor himself trump. Putin knows NATO and the EU are unwilling to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty in order to protect their own economic (energy) interests by extension. Not to mention the entire world has been weakened by COVID. This is Putin’s chance! It’s just so f***ing obvious, yet the world seems pretty intent on looking the other way. But, don’t worry, people. When it does happen then the Allies will wring their hands a bit and slap on more feckless sanctions. And then shrug their shoulders. After that, Ukraine will be on its own to resist becoming a satellite state of Russia, or should I say the U.S.S.R., which is Putin’s grander dream. Not to mention Putin literally believes Ukraine is still a part of Mother Russia that’s gone rogue. Mark my words, morons. It’s as plain as the nose on your face! We’re just going to let this happen when we should be bombing Putin and Russia into the stone age. I’ve had enough of Putin walking all over us!

Look Here, Morons!

According to CNN, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he will not cooperate with a request from the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot, hours after the panel asked the California Republican to voluntarily provide information, including details about former President Donald Trump’s state of mind during the Capitol attack and in the weeks after.” Look here, morons! No principal player, observer, or enabler of the insurrection is going to cooperate with the committee, as I have said many times. While quixotic dumbass Democrats, MSM commentators, and other progressive political pundits proclaim the select committee is making progress and starting to get aggressive, I say no! No they are not! It’s already too late, f***tards. Traitor trump has fully subsumed the RepubliKKKlan Party into his grander MAGA moron cult movement so that no person of importance is going to crack. Traitor trump has demanded RepubliKKKlans hold firm with the Big Lie and obstruction, and that is exactly what they are doing and will continue to do. They are standing firm and giving the committee and the country the middle finger — proudly. The one thing RepubliKKKlans have plenty of is time to do nothing, and they are using it effectively. The one thing dumbass Democrats have plenty of is cowardice. These targeted House members who received “letters” “asking” for voluntary testimony and cooperation are coming off as strong while standing up to the Left. RepubliKKKlans only gain popularity with their base when they obstruct. On the other hand, the Democratic base and Independents aren’t paying attention. They don’t care, of course! The committee members are left standing their saying words of admonishment, but ultimately having nothing more than their dicks in hand.

Unfortunately, the committee will do nothing in response. They are never going to subpoena a sitting member of the House, and the DOJ is worthless to do anything even if the committee referred House members for defying a Congressional subpoena. The courts will also do nothing. SCOTUS will defer to traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans as the justices find some magical House or presidential privilege to protect, thereby allowing members of Congress to serve while subverting the rule of law and the Constitution. They’ve been sitting on the House request to expedite the legal case to get Trump’s documents for weeks now, so it’s pretty clear that SCOTUS (the conservative wing) wants to run out the clock, too. We are really at the end of the road here already. And all this noise about the committee having interviewed hundreds of people and collected thousands of documents is going to be all rather meaningless. The committee may very well have gathered enough information to produce a very convincing report about what happened on January 6, 2021, but in the end, there will be a huge hole in the theory of the case. No one new will be convinced or swayed. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will still embrace the Big Lie; Democrats and Independents will shrug their shoulders. There will not be a smoking gun, for all RepubliKKKlans need to do is keep their mouths shut, and they will win. Mark my words, morons. The committee is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors trying to hide their fecklessness, not because they are incompetent but because they simply do not have the power and never did. This entire matter really should be in the hands of the DOJ. That, too, is a pipe dream. Our democracy is done, f***tards. I hate to break the news, but it is. When Democrats lose the House and possibly the Senate, then America is done for good. RepubliKKKlans are going to win just by obstructing. Democrats all too often let them. And, of course, no one cares! Oh, well. I guess people will still have Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Welcome to stupid America!