‘Chief Justice Roberts’s bad math’

From The Hill, “Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has a math problem. In his recently issued Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary, the chief made a basic mistake that would be obvious to anyone who encounters simple math concepts – ratios, proportions, averages – in their work or pastimes, including sports fans, teachers, fulfillment center operators, bakers, mechanics, even lawyers and many others. Roberts’s miscalculation matters because it downplays an ethics problem among federal judges, as I will explain below.”

The title of the article from The Hill, which I used as the title of this post, intrigued me, and the substance of the piece coincidentally coincided with a couple of books I just read — How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Ellenberg and The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rule Our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow. These books were — mostly — a breezy read since their contents were laymans’ interpretation of mathematics and statistics demonstrated by real-world, practical applications. Although I have taken countless math and statistics courses during my undergraduate and graduate studies — and then through self-study with post-graduate work — these books were a refreshing way to think about the subject matter that wasn’t written in pedantic prose. Then it occurred to me how many adults simply are never taught the basics of probability, statistics, mathematics, etc. Of course, this epiphany only reinforced my unyielding premise that Americas are just really f***ing stupid. Allow me to give a real-world example of the massive knowledge gap that “informs” the average American idiot. The person who cuts my hair is one such American moron, and every two weeks I must swallow my disdain to be cordial, not knowing what dumb-dumb notions will come out of her mouth as she watches Faux News. So, you see, all my rantings about RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are well-grounded in my bi-monthly indoctrination of what’s new in crazy town. She may be a dingbat, but she cuts hair well, and I do need to stay in tune with the “other” side of “alternative facts” to justify my experienced writing. More to the point, she often likes to engage in the classic logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc (“with this, therefore because of this”), which, in more colloquial parlance, means correlation proves causation. Of course, this is wrong reasoning. Correlation is not necessarily causation, but people in their failed ability to think critically like to assume that when two events occur together (or nearly together), one must be the cause of the other. A perfect example is when a moron like Joe Rogan contracts COVID, decides to take Ivermectin, claims the drug prevented his death, and thus touts its efficaciousness over vaccines, but never mind he probably was never going to die from the disease in the first place. But whatever! This is precisely how charlatan “medical” treatments by quacks get amplified and perpetuated, all because people are too stupid to think.

Then I am reminded of a friend who passed along part of a social media thread that was driving him crazy. The part of the exchange ended like this: Vaccinated people are 18 times more likely to die from COVID. Full stop! The logical conclusion (in the arguer’s mind) is that the COVID vaccine is bad and deadly, so don’t get it. My friend sent it to me as an example of some of the conversations he gets into, which probably are conversations he should avoid. But assuming the “18 times” number is a fact — doubtful, but again I have no idea where it came from because Lord knows these crazies quote everything and anything as gospel — what other piece of critical information is missing? Anyone? Does anyone at all have an answer? Can anybody out there provide one piece of information to support the counterfactual argument that vaccines are bad? How about this? The unvaccinated are 100 times more likely to die from COVID. Both statements can be true. Without the flipside of the argument (the unvaccinated), you are completely missing the salient point. Yes, of course, vaccinated people are going to die, but there is a greater chance you will die if you are not vaccinated. Clearly, having this additional piece of information would strongly suggest you should get vaccinated. But these lame-brained half “arguments” pervade everything when it comes to COIVD and anti-vaxxers more generally. Again, it is stupid thinking by stupid people meant to confuse other morons to make poorly reasoned arguments. COVID has not made America stupid; it’s only shone a light on just how benighted Americans actually are. And this is why traitor trump is the most popular politician in today’s profoundly stupid America. Oh my, I have severely digressed.

Getting back to Chief Justice Roberts. It is hard to say if Roberts does have a math problem or if his intentions were more insidious. It’s Roberts, so I’m going with insidious, duplicitous, malicious, and plain old mendacious. I’m sure he understands his sleight of hand calculations, knowing that the average moron does not. Therefore, he can get away with making profoundly wrong conclusions while having the air of infallibility disguised in high rhetoric and stately legal-esque prose, which all conveys a sense of logic beyond reproach. In short, Americans can be easily duped because they are not smart enough to know any better. Moreover, Americans are too stupid to recognize what they don’t know, and even if they were cognizant of such shortcomings, nothing would come of it because if the solution or information is not on Facebook or Twitter, then it does not exist. Try picking up a book, dare I say. Welcome to stupid America — always and forever. And no one cares!

Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech

Sure, it was fine for what it was. Sure, Biden was more fiery and showed more fight than usual, but he still needed to evoke fire and brimstone in his content. All in all, though, I think it is too little, too late. Forty percent of the population are going to ignore him willfully and will never be convinced by anything he says. These people, of course, are RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and other assorted traitors to America. As for the remaining 60 percent of the citizenry to which the speech was chiefly aimed, I would say most of those people were listening half-heartedly. Where I think Biden soared with rhetoric and idealism, he failed to stir up the fear factor specifically for those who were tuned in. Once again, Biden and dumbass Democrats keep believing the average voter is smart. The average voter is a moron! Thus, voters are too stupid to react to intellectual arguments; they respond to emotional arguments that require the use of the amygdala part of the brain — aka the lizard brain. So, when Biden talks about saving American democracy and America’s founding principles and preserving America’s legacy and the soul of the nation and the will of the people and so forth, these ideas are still too abstract to concern the average voter, which is why you will never hear RepubliKKKlans try to make such arguments. Indeed, when RepubliKKKlans avoid talking about America’s democracy in general, it is a win/win, for they know their voters don’t care about democracy, and their voters don’t comprehend such abstractions, yet their voters love the conservative moment more because leadership does not tax their lizard brains with such perceived nonsensical notions like democracy. F***! In fact, every time I do hear RepubliKKKlans talking about anything to stir up fear in their base, it’s usually them railing against socialism taking over the country. That abstraction, for some reason, they do seem to misunderstand, naturally.

Dare I say, most Independent and Democratic voters understand just as little. This is why Biden should have spoken in more doomsayer tones and with concrete examples of fear pointed directly at the listener. Fear works, f***tards. I don’t know how many times I have to say it. Clearly, it is advice dumbass Democrats routinely ignore — at their own peril. Biden needs to layout the image of America when RepubliKKKlans regain the House or the Senate and when traitor trump returns to office. He should speak in declarative terms, not with a subjective mood. Your healthcare will be gone! Denying healthcare for pre-existing conditions will return. There will be lifetime caps on healthcare again. You can be denied healthcare for any reason once again. You and your children will be more likely to die from a lack of access to healthcare. There will never be an effort to combat climate change, so your insurance will be out of control expensive, and your beachfront property will be underwater. That is, of course, if your house is not consumed by fire or a tornado. There will be water wars as the West dries up, and states are left to fend for themselves because the federal government has abandoned all accountability. Your marriage will become illegal — gay, inter-racial, inter-faith, unproductive. You will get poorer as the rich get richer. Open carry will be legal in every state, everywhere, and for everyone without training or a license. Open gun battles will be the new norm to settle minor confrontations everywhere, and you’ll be caught in the crossfire. Your children will die in school at the hands of daily school shootings in a nation where guns are more valuable than lives because gun manufacturers will be writing all the gun laws. COVID will never be under control as anti-vaxxers become the lawmakers. SCOTUS will ensure any right to privacy is wiped away, so your actions in the bedroom will be illegal and subject to prosecution. Christian theocracy will be the law of the land; freedoms you enjoy today will be illegal and a sin tomorrow. (But you’ll still have your Facebook and Twitter! God! Kill me now!) Biden should have painted a real dystopian landscape of what awaits America if democracy fails. He should lie if need be because lying works in America; most people are not smart enough to discern truth from lies (or “alternative facts”). Idealism in a speech is admirable but not nearly enough to excite the Democratic base that is sleeping in the face of the RepubliKKKlan base, which is woke and raping the country.

Let me end by saying one more thing. Biden still refuses to say traitor trump’s name, which I think is a grave mistake. I don’t know why he refuses to do so. He need not call him “President [traitor] trump,” but instead by the more prosaic title of Mr. [traitor] trump. In fact, I don’t think Biden should ever refer to traitor trump as the “former president” or “my predecessor.” It should be Mr. [traitor] trump all the time, every time, as if he were never president. That would irritate the former traitor-in-chief more than anything. When Biden refuses to say his name, to some degree, he fails to recognize and clearly define the threat. Lord knows, this is par for the course for dumbass Democrats; they only see the disaster after it’s too late. Oh, well. You’ve been warned, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America.

Most Encouraging Poll I’ve Seen in a Long While — Not!

From The Hill, “More than 8 in 10 registered voters in a new poll are worried about the future of American democracy. The survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, found that 83 percent of registered voters are very or somewhat worried about the future of America’s democracy. For comparison, 15 percent of registered voters said they are not very worried or not at all worried about the future of America’s democracy. Both Democrats and Republicans said they are very or somewhat worried about the future of democracy, 82 percent and 86 percent, respectively.” RepubliKKKlans and Democrats sharing the same worries for America’s democracy? This could be an encouraging poll — maybe. Not! Without more detailed questioning it is possible that RepubliKKKlans worry about our democracy because of alleged voter fraud or more to the point because minorities are voting. So, one must be careful how to interpret these results. Considering RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, evil evangelicals, and all the remaining assortment of insurrectionist groups account for no less than 40 percent of the American population, it is easy to see how a good portion of the “8 in 10” are worried democracy is working too well for minorities and against white supremacists. It is the classic white grievance argument. Poor white men. They don’t have enough privileges. I guess when the time comes 83 percent will be fighting over democracy fears of some sort. Welcome to stupid America. Stupid no matter how you spin the numbers.

Of Course, He Did and They Would

According to Axios, “Former President Donald Trump endorsed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for re-election Monday, throwing his ‘complete support’ behind the nationalist leader. Orbán, a far-right, populist leader who says he’s turned Hungry into an ‘illiberal state,’ has changed election laws to benefit his party, the New York Times notes. It is Trump’s second endorsement of a world leader since leaving office. Last October, Trump endorsed Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, another far-right leader accused of authoritarian tendencies.” And then from CNN, “Thirty-four percent of Americans think violent action against the government is sometimes justified, according to a new poll from The Washington Post and the University of Maryland released days ahead of the one-year anniversary of the insurrection at the US Capitol. The new figure ‘is considerably higher than in past polls by the Post or other major news organizations dating back more than two decades,’ according to the newspaper. The survey, conducted between December 17 and 19, revealed stark partisan splits on the question: 40% of Republicans and 41% of independents said violence against government is sometimes justified, compared to 23% of Democrats.”

First, of course, traitor trump is all in with the dictators. It’s nothing new, but he does go out of his way to signal to his base that he is a full-on straight WASP authoritarian. Second, it is becoming increasingly evident that his base is willing (and wanting) to engage in political violence (aka an insurrection) to bring traitor trump to authoritarian power and destroy America’s democracy. Look, morons. I guess I’ll keep repeating myself until it sinks in with the masses — which may be never — or until the worst comes to pass. The warning signs are blinking brighter and faster. The stars are aligning. Decades of RepubliKKKlan machinations are coming to fruition. And the fecklessness of dumbass Democrats cannot stop the runaway train that is the rise of American Fascism. The 40 percent of Americans who are not RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, or evil evangelicals simply don’t care enough to save the country from the crazies. They just fail to show up to vote — every time. RepubliKKKlans always get away with it; they always get re-elected no matter how much they display their utter contempt for democracy. As I have said countless times before, Biden is merely the intermission to the end. Conservatives are primed and pumped to steal the next presidential election and make traitor trump the permanent president. I wouldn’t give Democratic and Independent voters enough credit to be passionate enough to fight to keep our democracy. They’re too consumed by Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and all that nonsense. Oh, well. The end is coming; it’s just a few years away! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America.

Rittenhouse: America’s Future

Source: U.S. News

From The Guardian, “A month after his acquittal on murder charges, Kyle Rittenhouse was given a standing ovation at a conservative conference in Phoenix on Monday night, as panelists discussed events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020, when the teen shot three men. The event, called AmericaFest, was held by Turning Point USA, a young conservatives group. As Rittenhouse took the stage, thousands of cheering fans chanted his name, along with his own theme song, adapted from his name. Hosts asked if any women in the crowd wanted to go on a date with Rittenhouse, prompting loud cheers. One audience member held a ‘Kiss me’ sign, according to one spectator. Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, praised Rittenhouse, telling him: ‘You’re a hero to millions, it’s an honor to be able to have you.’”

America’s Yutes: ABC10

This is America’s future, morons! Dumbass Democrats need to wake the f*** up to the threat of conservatism! RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals are building up an army nation, f***tards. Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross! How many f***ing times do I need to scream the obvious, yet it falls on deaf ears, and these images project onto blind eyes. Look, morons! Sure! There are many examples in America’s past demonstrating a radicalized segment of society that has come to nothing. Indeed, the German-American Bund was literally Nazism rooted in America. Of course, the Bund was a fringe party and was only 25,000-member strong. Today, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon, RepubliKKKlans, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, et al. are no longer fringe; they are mainstream, and they wholely comprise one political party in a two-party system. These f***tards are a significant percentage of America — no longer wackos on the periphery of humanity. They are a rising minority, and the youth are embracing the violence, and the terror, as the pictures above evince. And do not think these are just stupid immature children. No, they are the offspring of parents who are themselves bigots. This entire mindset breeds like roaches.

While conservatives understand their future by embracing this faction of the population through events like those attended by Rittenhouse, the liberal side of the political spectrum does nothing except appeal to people’s better nature. OMG! We are so f***ed! We cannot meet this threat with “kindness” and “understanding.” The danger is real and can only be countered with the same kind of opposing radical force. This will not just go away, nor will the movement fizzle out. For years it has only been getting worse. I have said before that America is headed for a new civil war. The problem is that the conservatives are already at war, and they are building infrastructure (state laws), recruiting people (especially youth), and stockpiling weapons (weapons) as if the war has already been engaged and they are losing. Progressives, on the other hand, are still picking flowers and hoping. Ugh! Oh, well. I’ve read this history many times before, and I know how it ends — the fall of a nation! Welcome to stupid America!

No FEMA for You!

Climate change strikes again across parts of climate-change-denying U.S.A. A record number of tornados destroy large swaths of land and property over Midwestern and Southern states in December. Small towns and farms will be left devastated. Of course, we all know want kind of politics permeates these areas. It is the same mentality that wants the government out of their lives, especially the federal government, and to that I say: Abso-f***ing-lutely! I have said this before and I’ll say it again. People should live the way they vote. So, for all those f***tard RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons out there, I say you get no federal help. No help from FEMA, no low-interest federal loans, no emergency assistance or housing from the federal government. You people who keep b*tching about the intrusiveness of the federal government are always the first ones with their hands out — Rand Paul who wrote a letter to Biden begging for some of that socialism! Naturally! Give me! Give me! Give me! I can’t take the stupid anymore! I say, if you voted for any RepubliKKKlan in the last election or traitor trump at any time, then f*** you! Go die as far as I’m concerned. I’ll even offer to give you a rebate of any federal tax dollars you feel that have been spent on helping “other” people in times of emergency because I promise you the amount of your “refund” will pale in comparison to the amount of money the rich blue states will send to parts of these poor red states to help you through this climate change event. It never f***ing fails! It’s always the giving rich blue states subsidizing the taker red states! To you conservatives who tout relying on your fellow neighbors for help in times of tragedy, I say fine. Please, by all means, look to your neighbors whose houses have been destroyed to help you with your destroyed house. Sure, go ahead. I am sure one collectively destroyed community will figure it out without help from the outside. Conservatives always preach that people should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and the Lord helps those who help themselves. So, good luck with that! I don’t want to help you, and I don’t want my tax dollars helping such RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron ingrates!

Federal Court of Appeals Warns America but No One Is Listening or Cares

In the closing paragraph of the opinion from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit they write, “Benjamin Franklin said, at the founding, that we have ‘[a] Republic’ — ‘if [we] can keep it.’ The events of January 6th exposed the fragility of those democratic institutions and traditions that we had perhaps come to take for granted. In response, the President of the United States and Congress have each made the judgment that access to this subset of presidential communication records is necessary to address a matter of great constitutional moment for the Republic. Former President Trump has given this court no legal reason to cast aside President Biden’s assessment of the Executive Branch interests at stake, or to create a separation of powers conflict that the Political Branches have avoided.” This quote from Franklin has been often referenced as of late for obvious reasons — America’s democracy is dying! It is even more striking that an appeals court found it worthy — nay, urgently necessary — to include such words, perhaps as a reminder of the current, dangerous state of our democracy. Now, if only the rest of stupid America understood the danger. I expected nothing less from morons of America who apparently just don’t care — witness Virginia’s last election results. RepubliKKKlans, led by traitor trump and the MAGA moron mob, are killing America’s democracy, and what do voters do? Reward them with electoral wins. I know they say all politics is local, but f***ing hell! Seriously, people. Just for f***ing once can you f***tards take a grander perspective to recognize giving RepubliKKKlans power at any level destroys America everywhere. Oh, well. I give up. This level of stupid cannot be reversed. I have to keep reminding myself of that fact. This case goes to SCOTUS next and we all know most of the justices sitting on that panel love the idea of authoritarian rule; they love the notion of a unitary executive (read: imperial presidency), but not when a Democrat is sitting in the White House in which case the unitary executive deference reverts to the prior guy! The backsliding cannot be stopped and these ephemeral judicial wins are merely bumps in the road to the dead-end that is autocracy. Welcome to stupid America — too stupid for democracy!

‘lol, I’m not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught’

From ABC News, “The parents of a teenager accused of killing four classmates at Oxford High School in Michigan have been charged in connection to the school shooting. ‘At the meeting, James and Jennifer Crumbley were shown the drawing and were advised that they were required to get their son into counseling within 48 hours,’ she said. ‘Both James and Jennifer Crumbley failed to ask their son if he had his gun with him or where his gun was located and failed to inspect his backpack for the presence of the gun, which he had with him.’ The parents left school while Ethan Crumbley returned to class, likely with the gun in his backpack, McDonald said. Once news broke of a shooting at the school, McDonald said Jennifer Crumbley texted her son, ‘Ethan, don’t do it.’ James Crumbley called 911 to report that a gun was missing from his house and said he believed his son may be the shooter, McDonald said.”

I cannot begin to convey the sense of blind rage I’m feeling right now, but I must calm and remind myself that this is stupid f***ing America; then everything always makes sense again. Soooo…this is the country that we live in. This is ‘MERICA! This is a country that puts guns over people at all times. This is a country where parents of a clearly troubled teen think it’s a good idea to buy him a gun. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t.

As it turns out, the parents are more culpable than the child, as evinced by their brief period of being on the lamb. Naturally, these parents are — I have absolutely no doubt — “law and order” MAGA morons who will readily decry every other criminal while they were literally fugitives evading criminal charges. It never fails. The most vile political party attracts the most vile people who then breed vile offspring, all the while looking to every other person around them and claiming how vile the “other” is. Also, ironic that the “law and order,” Second Amendment-loving, and traitor trump-loving mother texted her son about how he should not get caught. “Do what you want but just don’t get caught!” I guess they practice what they preach as they absconded to avoid being arrested. Think about that; they fled, leaving their son behind to face first-degree murder charges. These parents…these “law and order” hypocrites…these “take personal responsibility” hypocrites…these MAGA morons…these “family values” hypocrites were more than willing to let their son hang out to dry for murder while they ran. Right on cue, they are thinking only about themselves. F*** the kid! Great family values because, hey, “all lives matter,” right? Especially the lives of those going to Oxford High School, as the parents insist their unstable, murderous kid goes back to class. Wow! Unbelievable. Typical RepubliKKKlans! I expected nothing less. It never f***ing fails. This is another reason why abortion needs to remain legal; not everyone should be a parent. Some people are just evil and should not be allowed to procreate. All these people are the same; they are a bird of the same feather that flocks together. And I also have no doubt that RepubliKKKlans and the MAGA moron army will start a GoFundMe page to pay for these criminals’ legal bills and to fund their retirement because this is exactly the country we are. I laugh after every tragic event like this because political pundits and other MSM moron commentators pontificate about how this tragedy does not represent America. Every f***ing time. “This is not who we are!” They exclaim! Hello, f***tards of the highest f***ing order! This is exactly who we are! Too many to count mass murders in high schools with guns obtained from the home is exactly who we are!

But, wait! There is more. Fear not citizens of ‘MERICA! Fear not, I say. Nothing will change! America’s guns are safe! This, too, shall pass, for deep, deep down inside the black hole of America’s soul no one cares. One mass killing after another mass killing at a school and nothing ever f***ing changes. People just move on and vote more RepubliKKKlans to office to protect their right to buy their kids guns so that the cycle can start all over again. Welcome to stupid America! Never quite dumb enough.

I Still Wish Traitor [T]rump Dies!

According to The Guardian, “Donald Trump tested positive for Covid-19 three days before his first debate against Joe Biden, the former president’s fourth and last chief of staff has revealed in a new book. … Nonetheless, the stunning revelation of an unreported positive test follows a year of speculation about whether Trump, then 74 years old, had the potentially deadly virus when he faced Biden, 77, in Cleveland on 29 September – and what danger that might have presented.” Of course, traitor trump totally acted without any regard to other people’s well-being. Classic! Just like every other RepybliKKKlan and MAGA moron. So, I will gladly return the same measure of concern for traitor trump’s health that he pays to everyone else: Drop dead, traitor trump! Quickly! Your mother should have smothered you in the crib!

I Just Love Chauncey DeVega

He writes in Salon, “Democrats are being encircled by a radicalized Republican Party increasingly committed to fascism. Instead of organizing their forces and launching a coordinated counterattack, the Democrats are fighting many battles at once — and losing most of them. … The Republican fascists and larger ‘conservative’ movement are continuing their ‘culture war’ attacks. Their newest weapon is the right-wing moral panic about ‘critical race theory,’ against which Democrats have been largely defenseless. … The Republican fascist movement is successfully attacking truth and reality, and once again, liberals and progressives have no remotely equivalent propaganda machine. … Instead of leading a counterattack and rallying his supporters, Joe Biden has sought consensus. This may be a historically dreadful decision. … As shown by their behavior and language, Republicans and their supporters are prepared to fight a life-and-death battle to end multiracial democracy in America. In response, Democrats are giving stern lectures about proper comportment and the importance of so-called democratic institutions. It would be laughable if it were not tragic. … Democrats and many of their supporters, along with the mainstream news media, consistently underestimate the extreme danger to American society posed by right-wing militias and the larger ‘Patriot’ movement. … Liberal Democrats in particular are extremely invested in presenting an image of, ‘We’re going to just keep going on. Everything’s just going to keep working the way it always has.’ I’m here to tell you that normal is gone and it is not coming back for a really long time. And it will not come back until we recognize that we have this powerful force attacking our democratic institutions and basically the heart of what America is. We can’t fight it if we don’t recognize it. … I am of the mind that that [sic] there has to be some kind of world-shaking tragedy for the American people to wake up. Even then I am not sure such a horrible thing would be enough to wake people up. Here in this country we have developed an incredible reflex for normalizing the crises and dangers.”

DeVega is one of the few progressive writers who actually gets it! I quoted only a small portion of a much lengthier article, but I encourage you to read it in its entirety. No truer words have ever been written. He actually understands the threats to America’s democracy which includes Democrats’ incompetence. And he understands how dumbass Democrats are just as much of a menace as RepubliKKKlans because they are blind to the conservatism scourge killing (literally and not) America. I especially appreciated how he called out progressives for expecting a return to normal. Again, a state of affairs I have long said is never going to happen; normal is gone for good. But leave it to dumbass Democrats to be thinking about yester-year while RepubliKKKlans plan for the future — an America without a democracy. Needless to say, we are f***ed! Americans are too stupid. Dumbass Democrats are too clueless and too weak. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too strong and relentless. Oh, well! I’ve been saying it for several months now, but it is the countdown to the end of democracy for these reasons. Mark my words, f***tards! Whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!