Rittenhouse 3!

Not guilty! I nailed it again, morons! (Although, I was 9 hours off on the over-under.) Vigilantism is free to roam and prosper in ‘MERICA! It’s the new sport killing! Guns everywhere and consequence-free for using them for anything and killing anyone. Kyle is about to be their poster child hero for exactly what you can get away with while in the commission of a murder. Oh, well! This is America! MAGA morons will be parading in the streets because this is what Americans want. People want guns everywhere. America has an undeniable love affair with guns. Just ask Sandy Hook survivors and how nothing has changed since — at all. The Second Amendment, as usual, reigns supreme — above life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! If your happiness is to kill someone in the pursuit of vigilantism, then congratulations! You, too, get another free pass. I say no justice, no peace! Get ready, f***tards! America is about to explode. Whatever! I give up!

And let me segway to traitor trump while speaking of vigilantism and white snowflake grievance. He’s going to steal the 2024 election. Mark my words. I understand the direction the country is going, and it is terrifying. But we get the society we deserve, and we love the chaos and death! Witness the Rittenhouse verdict. He deserves a Dexter moment. I expected nothing less from this God-forsaken sh*thole country of idiots! Nothing ever changes really. One step closer to the next civil war, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!

Dude Looks Like a Lady!

The Rittenhouse family! They live in a trailer, don’t they? I bet they do. What’s missing from the wannabe-cop photo of Kyle is the rest of his body. When I saw the photo on the right (in full), I literally thought Ms. Rittenhouse had a daughter that looks like mommy. How cute. But, oh wait. WTF?!?! Holy sh*t! That’s Kyle! Not only does he have a face of a girl, but he has the classic pear-shaped body, too. (Wide hips — perfect for birthing!) Where there are wide hips and a girl’s face like that on a male’s body then there is, also, essentially an oversized clitoris — also known as a traitor trump-like undersized manhood with a mushroom head and disproportionately thin yet stunted shafted — between the legs. I assume Kyle is part of the incel club. (With a face like that, he could try going lesbian.) So, now I understand the origins of his love for “the blue,” guns, and toxic masculinity. These MAGA morons and conservative f***tards are all the same; they all ache from masculine insecurity, which is why they must project toxic masculinity everywhere they go and in any situation. Indeed, they seek out and create situations for them to demonstrate their “masculinity.” It never f***ing fails. In short, we have to endure these conservative snowflakes because they suffer from some sort of mental dysfunction or self-perceived social and masculine shortcomings, and the only coping mechanism is to terrorize the rest of society to suppress their own feelings of inadequacy. Time after time. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Welcome to stupid America.

The Traitor [T]rump Shadow Presidency Intensifies

According to HuffPost, “The White House was quick to set the record straight on Thursday after former President Donald Trump claimed he had sent an ‘envoy ambassador’ to the Kosovo-Serbia border. ‘Outside of his very active imagination, Donald Trump is no longer president and doesn’t have any “envoy ambassadors” representing the United States,’ a White House official told reporters. Trump released a statement earlier claiming his’ envoy ambassador’ Richard Grenell, a former ambassador and staunch ally, had visited the countries Thursday to highlight an economic normalization agreement his administration brokered in 2020. It’s not the first time Trump or his allies have acted as though he is running some kind of shadow presidency. His ongoing denial and delusions over his 2020 election loss have extended to the point where he has reportedly continued to hold ‘Cabinet’ meetings, though it’s unclear who has participated in them.”

Of course, Democrats ignore and mock this at their own peril. I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself, but people are f***ing morons. They are rarely able to discern fact from fiction, particularly RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and the like. I said this from the start of Biden’s presidency: Traitor trump is not going anywhere, least of all jail, and, in fact, he will conduct a shadow presidency specifically intended to hurt and delegitimize Biden. And right on cue, the shadow presidency and ongoing insurrection continue while Biden and his entire administration — especially his DOJ — conduct itself as business as usual. You know! There is a reason why so many f***tards believe traitor trump is still president, and it has far less to do with a collective mass delusional electorate. It’s the optics; it always has been. That’s how traitor trump became president in the first and how he continues the charade to this day. All these micro-actions collect and build up traitor trump and diminish Biden. Dumbass Democrats — and progressives more generally — just let it happen. They need to hobble traitor trump, but they are too weak to take the necessary, ruthless actions to keep him in check. For starters, the FBI and CIA should be all over this Grenell trip. They should track his every move and make him feel that they are watching him very, very closely. What are the consequences of ignoring the insurrectionist-in-chief? Virginia! Oh, well. I am just beginning to resign myself to the final days of democracy because Democrats are worthless. Welcome to stupid America! I can’t wait for the traitor trump embassy to open in Kosovo.

Rittenhouse 2!

Oh, never mind my previous post predicting a hung jury. After watching his testimony, the judge’s performance, and the prosecutor’s foibles, he’ll be acquitted on all the original felony charges (assuming no lesser included charges) because this is stupid America where we love our vigilantes all in the name of self-defense. (I’m going with an acquittal in 16 hours or less. Any takers?) Everything is self-defense! Boy goes looking for trouble while illegally possessing a firearm and he’s the one claiming self-defense. Eh, I expected nothing less. He’ll get away with it as all white male defendants do. I only hope that America explodes after such a verdict. I keep telling you morons that we are beyond the point of no return. There is no turning back or returning to “normal.” Traitor trump broke this country; the RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who voted for him and still support him want the country broken. A broken nation cannot stand. The only way is through — through a civil war. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. Welcome to stupid America!

Biden’s Presidency and America’s Democracy Ended Last Night!

Biden’s presidency and America’s Democracy ended on Tuesday 2 November 2021 — only 9 months into office. Election results from last night were catastrophic — no, cataclysmic — for dumbass Democrats, even worse than I imagined — and I usually imagine the worst. So, just about everywhere the country has swung back hard conservative, and what will follow is a rollback of civil rights for minorities and the permanent entrenchment of RepubliKKKlans. Mark my words, morons. Swing voters may have elected Youngkin on matters of the economy, but what they’ll get are racist, anti-gay, and misogynistic policies because welcome to stupid America! Youngkin does not believe in marriage equality and he’s anti-choice, so he’ll manage the executive branch that way, not to mention Democrats are about to lose control of the Virginia House of Delegates. Given that the Virginia Senate is tied and the newly elected lieutenant governor will be casting tie-breaking votes in favor of RepubliKKKlams, they’ll start legislating their hate immediately and undo everything Democrats accomplished. Make no mistake, morons. These RepubliKKKlan wins are all about the culture wars. And don’t be confused by Black people voting RepubliKKKlan. They hate the gays. While White RepubliKKKlan voters hate the Blacks. Latino RepuibliKKKlans hate both. In 2020, it was “defund the police” and BLM. Those terms were turned into racist ideas by RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who said “all lives matter” and “blue lives matter.” This year it is critical race theory, which is not even coded, but plainly means that White snowflakes hate minorities and don’t want schools to enlighten their children that America is still very racist (and all the other -ists.) Full stop! End of story! One can tell we hit a nerve with America’s racist by the voter turnout and the election results.

But don’t worry. RepubliKKKlans in Virginia won’t stop there. Get ready for “voter integrity” legislation in Virginia that will enshrine the RepubliKKKlan majority ala Georgia, Texas, and Arizona. This is what people wanted by their vote, unwittingly or not. And this is what dumbass Democrats allowed to happen because they are the feckless party of morons, only slightly less benighted than their RepubliKKKlan counterparts at this point. Those 13 electoral college votes from Virginia in the next presidential election? Democrats can kiss them goodbye. As usual, dumbass Democrats just don’t f***ing get it! They just don’t. Democratic voters and politicians, alike, just never seem to grasp the danger of crazy RepubliKKKlans winning elections. How many times do I have to say it? How many f***ing times? Democrats need to be running on fear all the f***ing time because that’s what we need to counter RepubliKKKlans. F*** the hope-y, change-y sh*t! Democrats should fear the end of democracy! It seems every major win Democrats manage to achieve is by default — voters elect the lesser of two evils when put to the task. Otherwise, people simply default to RepubliKKKlans, and dumbass Democrats verily accept it with little to no resistance. They capitulate all too easily. And if I have to hear one more moron Democratic pundit talk about how Tuesday’s election results are a wake-up call, then I’m going to blow a m*****f***ing gasket. They always say that. Every f***ing time. After every shellacking, they call for the party to reflect, and then they turn around and learn nothing, do nothing, expect to lose more. Whatever! I give up! We deserve the government we get, and we’re on our way to authoritarianism because America is stupid and dumbass Democrats are worthless.

As for Biden’s agenda, it’s toast. The bipartisan infrastructure plan will pass, but the Build Back Better legislation is dead on arrival. There is no other way for Manchin to interrupt Democrats’ massive losses last night as anything other than a signal to put the breaks on everything. Don’t forget that Manchin is perfectly fine with not passing anything else related to Biden’s BBB agenda. So, dumbass Democrats will continue with their infighting and the legislation will collapse. Unfortunately, Biden is not strong enough nor does he have the political capital to force his party to enact his priorities. He should have done that months ago, but didn’t. And at this point, even if Democrats managed to pass his BBB agenda, I don’t think it will make any difference to the voters. Again, idiot Democratic pundits and politicians seem to think that all they have to do is pass legislation to regain voter confidence, but it’s too late. I fear the damage has already been done. It would have been effective if Democrats had pushed through Biden’s legislation out of the gate, but they didn’t. Clearly, Democratic control of the federal government helped the nation weather COVID — compared to the disastrous handling by traitor trump — but how did voters reward Biden’s success? Look to Virginia. But this is par for the course. Voters always punish Democrats for their successes. Witness the Affordable Care Act. This is no different. Democrat’s policies and COVID leadership got shots in arms, but what RepubliKKKlan message won out? Vaccines are a personal choice and masks are overkill. Never mind that these two things helped us survive the pandemic.

Moreover, the inflation issue is, in part, because of the economy’s success. It was easy for the world to turn off economic levers in an instant, but turning them back on is far more difficult. And when a society (America) comes roaring back from COVID to spend hoards of money they’ve been stockpiling for the last two years in an economy that has not fully reopened (think supply chain issues) then what happens? INFLATION! Too much money chasing too few products! That’s what happens! Has anyone noticed that the stock market is near all-time highs? These inflation pressures are a sign of a strong economy, ironically. No one was complaining about failing gas prices when people stopped driving during lockdowns. No one complained about how there was no inflation and some deflation (e.g., airfare and gas) during the worst of the pandemic, but now that things are improving quickly and resulting in higher prices as a reflection of shocks in the re-opening of global markets, everyone is in an uproar and b*tching! But whatever! I live in stupid hell! Stupid, stupid people everywhere who know knowing about economics or how the world works. It’s all Biden’s fault, naturally. There is a lot that Biden has f***ed up, but the economy is not one of them. Nonetheless, he just gets the blame, rightly or wrongly. About the only thing he could do is suggest to the Fed to stop quantitative easing, although Biden has no direct control — none — over the Fed. The problem is Democrats allow such perceptions to persist unchallenged and unabated. But I guess you can’t undo stupid and you can’t teach stupid, so Democrats are stuck because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America!

Don’t get me started on what last night portends for the 2022 and 2024 elections, but I will finish on this thought. Many like to analyze election vicissitudes as a pendulum that swings back and forth between left and right, Democrats and RepubliKKKlans. I agree with that metaphor, but the real question is where the needle lands more often than not. Is it far-left or far-right? Center-left or center-right? What I can say is that the needle never occupies the blue space as long and as deep as it does the red space. While Democrats can wrangle the point of the pendulum to their side for a short time, it always swings back toward RepubliKKKlans sooner rather than later, and the needle always lands in deeper red territory each time. That, my friends, is the true nature of America. And that is why our democracy is dying. RepubliKKKlans — and the voters who give them power — really don’t believe in democracy anymore. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America! The end is near. One lost state at a time.

So, Terry McAuliffe (and Democrats) Are Screwed

Very recent polls have McAuliffe and Youngkin either deadlocked or too close with less than a week before election day. Earlier this summer McAuliffe had a seven-point lead. Not to mention this was a state Biden won by 10 points and now his job approval is underwater. Clearly, momentum favors RepubliKKKlans — unbelievably. And I put more stock in momentum (the “mighty mo”) than in any other political measure because it energizes the ascending faction and demoralizes the descending faction. But maybe this momentum is less so unbelievable when viewed through the prism of a supremely stupid America. Then everything makes sense. Then, of course, dumbass Democrats are f***ing up what should be an easy win. Then, naturally, voters really do want traitor trump’s return to the White House — or people just don’t care. It is not hyperbolic for me to place such import on this gubernatorial election three years out from the next presidential election, for this real-time assessment of the Biden administration could easily be the mighty mo needed to place RepubliKKKlans and traitor trump on a path to recapture all branches of government in 2024. To be sure, a great deal can happen in three years, but we must consider this election sequentially and at the beginning of a set of cascading (not mutually exclusive) events. A RepubliKKKlan win in Virginia energizes the crazies, and that energy propels the midterm elections, which then energizes RepubliKKKlans in the next presidential election. All the while, Democrats grow more pessimistic and feckless. Like I’ve said countless times before, RepubliKKKlans are always enraged to vote about something; it’s just a matter of what level of rage they’re at — 11 or 100. On the other hand, dumbass Democrats are generally at a rage level of 0 to 3 and maybe up to 10 when traitor trump is on the ticket. Other than that, Democrats seem perfectly content to let RepubliKKKlans kill democracy. How many times must I tell dumbass Democrats? They need two or three issues that permanently — election in, election out; all the time, every day — enrage the Democratic base to match that of RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, QAnon, and evil evangelicals!

All that being said, I think McAuliffe is going to lose, and I was convinced of that, even more so, when I looked up his job approval during the last year on the job; it was 48% approval and 31% disapproval. Ugh. So, his current polling numbers are basically reflecting his ceiling from where he was four years ago. Fan-f***ing-tastic! It is not difficult to imagine that Independents, who will decide the election, could easily give Youngkin a shot at governing. That seems to be a pretty common and mindless “analysis” by many voters — let the other guy try it. Kill me now! Witness traitor trump’s 2016 win! Then there are the topics of the culture wars and inflation (the economy, stupid). As usual, RepubliKKKlans are exploiting outrage over fake issues like CRT in the classroom as evinced by the violence and stupidity at local school board meetings. And that’s all it takes. Remember, Americans are f***ing morons. They believe everything, especially baseless narratives and conspiracy theories. And, of course, snowflakes hate the truth, namely that America is a racist country (and all the other -ists that go with it). God forbid they should have to look in the mirror and remind themselves they love the traitor trump reflection after all! We see them for who they are.

And as for the economy, unfortunately, the people most impacted by — and vote based on — the complexities of the economy are those least capable of understanding it. So, the morons of America who are most affected by inflation are those least qualified to make judgments about or understand the causes of such economic vicissitudes. As a consequence, fairly or not, Biden and Democrats get the blame for the current inflationary period. The extent of economic theory comprehended by the average idiot goes no deeper than one spouting out “supply and demand!” While a bedrock concept of economics, people generally have no clue what they mean when they say such things. Morons probably don’t even realize they’re talking about how a supply curve intersects a demand curve, let alone which line generally slopes up and which slopes down and what the intersection of the lines represents — an equilibrium. No, they just say “supply and demand” imagining they are now economists! Moreover, most people can’t even properly explain what is inflation. People might say higher prices. Well, yeah. Congratulations you’ve defined the word with a version of the same word. Classic stupidity! Here is a learning moment for the future: Inflation means too many dollars chasing too few products. How and why there are too few products and too much money is the real key to understanding the economic phenomenon. But I digress. The point is this: There are many factors contributing to inflation — many of which are exogenous to America. Supply chain disruptions are a chief contributor. Yet, American morons seem more than confident in their economic “expertise” to wrongly blame Biden. More often than not, peoples’ experience is not caused by what they believe to be the impetus. In other words, people wrongly connect cause and effect; correlation is not causation! People still think traitor trump was a great businessman and the economy performs better under RepubliKKKlans compared to Democrats — both of which are demonstrably wrong! And don’t get me started on the fact that anti-vaxxers are part of the drag on the economy, which is definitely not Biden’s fault but every RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron — the very same who are about to elect Youngkin as Virginia’s next governor. But whatever! I give up! Nonetheless, Carville has never been wrong when he’s asserted “the economy, stupid” as a primary political driver. I guess I never really understood until now that he may have meant it’s the stupid people who ultimately misjudge the causes and effects of the American economy where somehow RepubliKKKlans get the praise for a booming economy that isn’t and Democrats get blamed for a not booming economy that is. Welcome to stupid America where most people don’t understand the truly important stuff!

‘TRUTH Social’ Soon to Be State TV

According to USA Today, “Former President Donald Trump has announced that he plans to launch his own social media platform called Truth Social now that he has been banned from other popular social media sites. In a press release, the Trump Media and Technology Group said it has entered a merger with Digital World Acquisition Corp. to become a publicly listed company, with Trump as its chairman.” Never mind most of traitor trump’s business ventures fail. Never mind that. Remember, MAGA morons love him because he fails. They love him because he sticks it to the little guy as he walks away richer. They love it because they all think — astonishingly — they are not the little guy that traitor trump would piss on in a New York minute if he had the chance; and, apparently, this new TRUTH Social megamedia conglomerate to-be is the perfect opportunity to capture monthly subscriptions from his moronic followers who will find themselves making three times the payments because they failed to check some conditions box in the fine print of the terms of agreement.

But that is not why I am writing. I am writing because traitor trump is the chairman of this would-be media group, and I see yet another piece of the puzzle falling into place for the demise of democracy and the rise of America’s dictatorship. That piece, of course, is control of the media. To be sure, TRUTH Social is long, long away from dominating American media, much less competing with Facebook and Twitter. But how will that calculus change when traitor trump returns to the White House? Does anyone really think he’ll give up the chairman’s seat? Of course, he won’t. Indeed, he will be the head of the government and have a self-made media company — though nascent, but not for long — to focus, magnify, and distribute — unconditionally — his propaganda exactly what dictators need to do to control the masses. They need to control the media and the message. Traitor trump had problems doing so in his first term, so now he’s setting himself up to control not only the media but to be the media and the President of the United States. Traitor trump will have his own media platform, and he’ll have the power of the executive branch to go after his competitors. Facebook, Twitter, CNN, and the networks will find themselves mired in government investigations. Suddenly, their truth (aka reality) will be in the crosshairs of government micro-oversight and frivolous lawsuits. And there won’t be a single RepubliKKKlan to stop his egregious attack on the free press. In fact, they will be more than happy to codify anti-First Amendment legislation to target his competition and promote his TRUTH Social. Wake up, morons! This TRUTH Social venture is just as much about his ego and revenge on other media outlets as it is the groundwork to control what the government will eventually determine to be the TRUTH! In other words, State TV in its purest form because Faux News is still too liberal for the task. Welcome to stupid America. Good luck!

Yeah, We’re Screwed Sideways

From Politico, “In a focus group last week, Pennsylvania Democrats one after another articulated the issue vexing top White House aides, party operatives in Virginia and voters in Georgia: Why isn’t President Joe Biden’s diminished job rating rebounding? All nine participants from Tuesday’s session gave Biden C- grades or lower. And their answers circled back to a similar point: The pandemic and the many ways it continues to hinder normal life is souring their views of Biden. One woman said she wanted to buy a car but supply chain issues were delaying new shipments to the dealership. A man complained about understaffed restaurants [emphasis added].” Lord knows I’ve soured on Biden, but his handling of the pandemic is the least of my criticisms about him. And, I guess, it should come as no surprise that idiots of America are blaming Biden for consequences that are completely out of his control (e.g. inflation), which the emphasized portion of the quote above evinces. I was particularly struck by the examples of these morons’ criticisms. (I assume the article quotes these people for their germane representation of voters’ feelings.) Clearly, the disruption in the global supply chain is Biden’s fault and, clearly, the staffing shortage at one’s parochial restaurant is also his fault. These are the things people b*tch about? Seriously!?!? Truly, if extra wait time at a restaurant is at the top of your b*tch list, then guess what? The pandemic for all intents and purposes is over for you! I’m not sure why these f***tards are not blaming the anti-vaxxers, MAGA morons, and RepubliKKKlans for destroying the economic recovery. Biden said this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and he’s absolutely correct. But since the unvaccinated live (sadly) among us, they are ruining the chances for America to get past COVID more quickly than we are currently. They are to blame, not Biden. And that’s not even a perception thing; that is a reality thing. This malaise people are feeling toward the pandemic is the fault of these morons. Anti-vaxxers, MAGA morons, and RepubliKKKlans are the problem with the pandemic, not Biden. For example, f***tard Governor Abbott of Texas is actively preventing progress by forbidding vaccination mandates by all “entities” in the state. So, in short, the “small government” — keep government out of my business — RepubliKKKlans are criminalizing private businesses for their actions to protect their employees and their customers. Whatever. I give up. And I digress.

The only legitimate criticism about Biden’s handling of COVID is that he spent too much time asking people to do the right thing by getting vaccinated. Instead, he should have, from the start, demanded it and ordered it in the domains where he has authority. He wasted too much time being nice and believing 40 percent of the country (aka MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans) actually wants what’s best for the rest of the nation. If anything, be critical of Biden for being so f***ing naive. But whatever. We are screwed if the average dumbass Democratic voter can’t discern appropriate cause and effect. I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

I Find It Rich

A Good Target for Hate Speech?

I find it rich that a black man is bigoted against another minority class of people with immutable characteristics. Oh, well. A bigot is going to bigot. Maybe some people should have never been released from their chains. I will also say this. The LGBTQ community needs to start rising up and not in an empathetic “can’t we all just get along?” sense. Nor in an educational, persuasive sense. No, no. There are haters in America who are gaining power and influence that need to be silenced, lest we are forced back into the closet as it becomes open season on the gays. Mark my words, morons. The gays are in the crosshairs of the culture wars and everything we’ve won can be reversed — just ask pregnant women in Texas. Welcome to stupid America! No one is taking the RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron threat to America’s democracy seriously! Whatever! No one cares. Everyone, return to your social media feed because that’s where reality lives — apparently.

I Am One of the Four in Ten! The Hot War Is Coming, F***tards!

From AlterNet, “The highly-respected University of Virginia’s nonpartisan Center for Politics has released a new study that finds a majority of Trump voters believe it’s time to split the country into two, with ‘red states’ and ‘blue states’ seceding from the Union. The organization, headed by Larry Sabato of ‘Sabato’s Crystal Ball,’ reports that four in ten Biden voters agree. ‘The divide between Trump and Biden voters is deep, wide, and dangerous. The scope is unprecedented, and it will not be easily fixed,’ said UVA Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato. … Eight in 10 Biden and Trump voters say elected officials from the opposition party present a ‘clear and present danger’ to democracy. Almost eight in 10 Biden and Trump voters say Americans who support the opposite party have also become a ‘clear and present danger’ to the American way of life.”

I’ve been saying for well over a year now that America is headed toward another civil war, but I suppose I must amend that notion. We’re already at war as of 6 January 2021. Traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon stormed the Bastille, and in so doing set the civil war smoldering. Things are about to get hotter! I totally agree that America should split into red and blue states. In the current arrangement, I am sick of my tax dollars flowing out of blue states (givers) and into red states (takers) because, by definition, conservatives are dumber and poorer, requiring handouts and entitlements from the smart, rich states. So by all means, buh-bye! Let the blue states with the largest, richest economies of the Union form our own country — California, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, etc. Let the states with the best universities in the world come together — MIT, Standford, Harvard, University of Chicago, Yale, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Cal Tech, Northwestern. All the top universities in the world — and I mean all — are in blue states, and that is not a coincidence. So, by all means, let’s get the f*** out of the Union. The stupid states are dragging us down! Not to mention that the Capitol is already surrounded by blue states and the Capitol itself is vastly Democratic. I guess the red states can put their capital somewhere in Flori-duh! So, let the red states unionize and eventually wither on the vine; I mean given their predilection for unregulated gun ownership, “personal responsibility,” and being anti-science, they’ll end up killing themselves off soon enough. Then we can just invade and take over in a decade or so. Honestly, the blue states should still be occupying forces in the red states since 1865. Bring it! I will miss Orlando, though.