Clyburn Understands!

According to Newsweek, “Congressman Jim Clyburn, the third-highest ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, expressed skepticism that his political party can maintain control of the legislative body in the 2022 midterm elections. … ‘I think we can. I’m not sure we will,’ he continued. ‘My dad used to say to me all the time, “Wherever there is a will, there is a way.” I’m not too sure that Democrats have yet developed the will to win in 2022.’” Double bingo! One sage person actually understands dumbass Democrats. They do not have the will. And I don’t think they can muster enough will to win against RepubliKKKlans’ will to destroy America. It is that simple, f***tards! Welcome to stupid America! We lost America’s democracy the day traitor trump won and ensured its demise the day Biden took office! We expected something different with Biden, but his weakness is killing us! This is merely the intermission, folks! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!

Biden Is Looking to Be the Real Stable Genius

Source: NBC Newsi

I will readily admit that I did not care for Biden’s “basement” campaign approach, nor am I all that excited about those “drive-in” style “rallies” or those anemically populated press conferences and policy speeches. I thought the basement approach weak and too cautious, and the drive-in rallies fell well short — for obvious reasons — of the excitement and motivation objectives when holding a rally, although logically I understood it to be the exceedingly prudent course of action compared to the traitor trump super spreader events. In short, I feared Biden’s half-measures could not compete with the irrational, guttural emotive aims of a true rally. I was clearly wrong. Biden looks like a downright Einstien-level genius for pursuing an unwavering course of cautious determination, and it seems the voters have not penalized him, at the very least, for erring on the side of caution, albeit seeming to be extremely excessive. No doubt, Biden is the measure of thoughtfulness, preparedness, and taking a long-term perspective in decision-making required to return America to its greatness again; in this instance, the term “again” is actually true and properly warranted, unlike the oxymoron campaign cry for “make America great again” after four years of traitor trump’s “leadership.” I rarely express this sentiment because the emotion is the refuge of the impractical and illogical: I have hope — just a bit. Maybe half a bit. Never underestimate the power of stupid America to f*** it up on election day!

As a minor point, the graph above is a poll of registered voters which is a larger, less reliable subset of voters compared to a subset of likely voters. Why pollsters are still putting out polls of registered voters is f***ing beyond me at this point. Casual consumers of information may not understand the subtle differences between registered voters and likely voters. At this point in the election cycle, polling likely voters is far more indicative of how the actual electorate may vote. The cohort of registered voters often includes opinions of people who rarely vote, if they have ever voted! In other words, it’s a garbage subset of people to question because they may express a dislike for traitor trump but may not be willing to vote him out of office (or vote Biden in), which really makes their opinions completely f***ing worthless. Why even bother asking the question or wanting to hear an answer from these morons? Beware!


Salon’s Amanda Marcotte begins her brilliant article thusly, “First things first: Donald Trump is not going to ‘pivot.’ Yes, on Tuesday he stood at a podium and, in stiff and sulky fashion, said words that, as written, were relatively serious and realistic. He admitted the coronavirus pandemic will ‘get worse before it gets better.’ He also claimed that his administration is ‘developing a strategy’ to combat the pandemic, after months of foisting it off on the states and then lambasting any state that tried to take serious measures, while rewarding governors who pushed to reopen businesses and damn the consequences. He said he’d wear a mask now, after months of implying that only soy-boys and wieners wear masks. These are all words that Trump said. But they don’t mean anything. As Dan Rather sagely observed on Twitter, Trump ‘does not pivot’ and whatever temporary behavior we see on display, he will always, always, always revert to being ‘who he is, and always has been,’ which is to say a rancid monster with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Unfortunately, much of the media coverage gave an entirely different impression, presenting Trump’s performance at Tuesday’s press briefing as if it represented a real shift, and seeding the absolutely false hope that Trump might actually start doing something to fight the coronavirus, instead of acting like the coronavirus’s biggest champion.”

I love her. So few people truly understand traitor trump and are smart enough never to take his bait no matter what. Now, if only the MSM would get a clue. Ugh. So many stupid people. Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people.

Pockets of Promise and Progress

According to the AP, “Lightfoot on Tuesday became the city’s first black woman and openly gay person elected to lead the nation’s third-largest city, an overwhelming victory over political veteran and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle.” Preckwinkle never had a chance because of her disastrous sugar tax, which was in effect for a few months before it was repealed because of public outcry. Ostensibly the tax was intended as means to curb unhealthy dietary habits; however, knowing that the demand for sugary drinks is notoriously inelastic to price (for most), like cigarettes, the tax was meant to fill Cook County’s budgetary gap under the guise of wanting to improve the health of the public.

Allow me to explain. The tax was an additional $0.01 on each ounce of targeted drink (soda in a bottle or at the fountain–including diet, sports drinks, some juice drinks, energy drinks, flavored water, coffee if it’s sweetened, etc.). At first, this may not seem like much but consider this typical scenario. I don’t drink soda but I do like Gatorade and load up when it’s on sale, which it usually is somewhere for a fairly routine 10 for $10 of 32 oz bottles. It doesn’t take a Leibniz to figure out that buying Gatorade on sale results in a 30% tax on a sports drink–not really the same thing as trying to deter someone from consuming a daily Big Gulp of extra-corn-syrup-added Coke. Um, no thank you! I simply shifted getting my Gatorade from Amazon in powder form for a fraction of the price compared to bottled. While I ultimately benefited by changing my market for goods, the tax was in general profoundly unfair and really targeted the poor. Needless to say, almost everyone in the county thought the same. Preckwinkle got destroyed on this single issue. She never had a chance! Chicago got smart!