
Tate Bros

Influencer brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate arrive in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on Feb. 27. Marta Lavandier / AP

So, I had little knowledge and even less interest in these two assbros until they landed in America. Then all their criminality became the center of attention for a bit. And I have some thoughts. First, having listened to the bald one on some news clips, I wondered: Does he have a speech impediment? Quite honestly, he speaks funny. I don’t think it’s an accent because there is no discernible British affect. Nope. Rather, it sounds like he’s talking with a cock shoved in his mouth, which I assume is just habit. I’m just surmising and I’ve heard other people (many) wonder the same thing. Or perhaps he has a mental disability. It could be a very, very middle retardation, not Down syndrome but some other affliction he can’t hide. Or maybe he was dropped on his head as a baby — repeatedly. Whatever the case, he doesn’t enunciate well.

Second, do these douchbag bros have different mothers or different fathers? I guess they look similar, but I really want to know if their mother(s) is(are) a whore(s) or if their father(s) is(are) an over-sexed pimp(s)? It may explain their sexual and misogynistic proclivities. But I’m starting to think the assbros have different mothers because the mother carries the male patterned baldness gene. Consequently, the mother’s father (the bald one’s grandfather) determines how well he can grow tresses, if at all. Needless to say, the assbros have very different heads of hair, so I’m thinking they have different ho mothers.

Last, is the bald one a Mulatto? (Or maybe both are and the bald one appears more so with his shiny head.) I’ve seen pictures of him with his (half) brother and without, and in some cases I think the queball has a tinge of Black in him. Would he have an afro if he could grow his hair? Or maybe he shaves his head to hide his afro? I’m not sure. Inquiring minds want to know. Perhaps he just tans well. But they both have n***** lips, not the thin lips of true-born European ancestry. So, I’m confused. I’m just asking questions.


Lame Democrats!

Democratic lawmakers hold up signs in protest during President Donald Trump delivers an address to a joint session of Congress in the House chamber at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, on March 4, 2025. | Pete Kiehart for POLITICO

From Politico, “President Donald Trump mocked Democrats who sat in front of him Tuesday night, needling them with a grin, ‘nothing I can say or do to make them happy.’ Democrats mostly responded with silent protest — wearing pink, waving placards emblazoned with ‘FALSE’ and ‘Save Medicaid.’ More than a dozen walked out of his speech early, some revealing shirts that said ‘No Kings Live Here.’ The shambolic scene was emblematic of Democrats’ larger problem after facing a brutal election cycle that locked them out of power as they struggled to communicate in a vastly fragmented media environment. Though the official Democratic response, delivered by Michigan Sen. Elissa Slotkin, got carried on major networks, much of what Democrats had to say didn’t play out on voters’ TVs.”

To be clear from the outset, I did not watch the Dictator Don sh*t show last night because I am not interested in anything he has to say. So, everything about the Democratic “response” or “protest” is all second hand, but, as usual and as predicted, dumbass Democrats do what the do best: Be f***ing weak! I think Politico summed it up well when they described Democrats’ attempts at whatever they were trying to do as “shambolic.” It totally tracks with this pathetic party. Just f***ing weakness at every f***ing turn. Lame attempts at resistance. Inability to coordinate and mobilize. Incapable of mustering the political ruthlessness required to combat The Don! Lacking a coherent message and strategy. Lacking vigor and fervor. Not a modicum of umph. Acting with more ennui than passion. Overwhelming desire to conform to outdated and irrelevant traditions and niceties. More worried about upholding decorum than preserving America’s democracy. Petrified of rocking the boat. You name it. If a specific action is demanded to preserve America as we know it, then dumbass Democrats will most certainly do everything in their power to avoid said action. And people wonder why Democrats keep losing elections.

I warned people that if Dictator Don wins in 2024, then it would be the Democratic Party wandering in the wilderness, and I further said that it will be the Democratic Party that needs to reinvent itself. I have said this countless times, yet no one believes me. No one heeds my warnings. So, here we are with dumass Democrats flailing in mortifying fashion. Yet, dumbass Democrats refuse to change a thing about themselves. And I’m not referring to their liberal policies; I’m talking about their (in)ability to politic in the age of Dictator Don. I will close by reiterating (again!) that the demise of America will not solely be caused by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks; dumbass Democrats will have an equal hand in ushering in the death of democracy! Welcome to stupid America! Just as I predicted! No one cares and no one is willing to fight to save us from ourselves. Fan-f***ing-tastic!


Stock Market Plunge

I am pissed! I’m pissed at myself for deferring to the “wisdom” of the stock market last month. I even conceded that I was wrong when Dictator Don delayed his tariffs 30 days ago. At the time, the market hardly flinched at his threats, perhaps sensing he was bluffing. So, I admitted that I was wrong then. Apparently, I missed something, but I was still steadfast that these tariffs would eventually take place. I guess I was crying wolf too early. But guess what? Tariffs are here, just as I was warning from the very beginning. I was the only one who took The Don! seriously. No one believed me, especially the stock market, until today, that is. I’ve been warning since his inauguration that, unlike his first term, he means what he says and he says what he means. In other words, all the sh*t he wants to inflict on the country, he’s going to do with a sh*tty grimace. And no one will stop him! Not a single f***ing person!

Why is it that everyone — absolutely every f***ing person! — still fails to understand The Don! except me. Everywhere I turn — MSM, talk radio, podcasts — I constantly hear opinions and reporting along the lines of Dictator Don is using the threat of tariffs as a negotiating tactic or he’s a master businessman or he’s implementing tariffs to curb immigration and fentanyl or you name it. Whatever the excuse, it’s usually giving him the benefit of the doubt that The Don! knows what he’s doing. And that is always their first mistake. They all tow the Dictator Don talking points. Always! Always! Always! They always think the idiot-in-chief knows what he’s doing despite his decades-old track record evincing that he generally has no clue what he’s doing. This guy is the epitome of failing upward. How very American of him! Truly, his only real success that can rightly be credited to him is his political comeback, which could only have been achieved by bamboozling a supremely stupid, stupid electorate! The MAGA moron Pied Piper descended upon a nation of f***tards and enchanted them right out of their democracy and prosperity! What a joke America has become.

But I digress, back to my point. I get Dictator Don. He is an easy simpleton to apprehend. His mental capacity is an inch wide and an inch deep. He is an unthinking character, motivated purely by reflexive emotions with little forethought and absolutely no regard for consequences to the nation at large. He launched a trade war for the pure pleasure of the war itself. Full stop! Nothing more, nothing less. This is The Don! flexing his might to show our allies — our allies of f*** sake — that he can and will bully them. There are no concessions Mexico and Canada could have made to avoid these tariffs. It was always his plan to implement this Dictator Don tax on the American people, and the only reason he delayed them for 30 days is because he did not have his “economic” team — more like a team of prosperity wreckers — in place to effectuate said tariffs. I understood this from the beginning, yet the “smart” money is still stuck in la la land, thinking that Dictator Don is some “genius” negotiator. Chirst-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Only in stupid America!

Dictator Don is what this sh*t-for-brains country voted for — incomprehensibly. So, congratulations, f***tards of America! You did this to yourself. F***! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to trump stupid America! Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it, f***tards! This is what a dying country looks like! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Walkout, or Die

So! The tub of lard, Dictator Don, is coincidentally set to deliver an address on the “state” of the union to a joint session of the Congress on Fat Tuesday. Irony is not dead after all. Consequentially, the usual questioning of dumbass Democrats by idiot journalists about what they should do abound, with Democratic leadership showing the usual weakness that will only solidify their sweep into the bustbin of history. I expected nothing less from this feckless party!

Axios seems to sum up the range of responses well, “Democratic lawmakers, united in their fury over DOGE, are diverging on how to use President Trump’s address to Congress next week as the effective launchpad for Resistance 2.0. … House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) want members to attend and bring special guests who have been negatively affected by the administration [pathetic!]. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) told Axios he is leaning against attending the speech because ‘when Trump does it, it’s not a serious event’ [weak!]. … Nearly a dozen House and Senate Democrats told Axios they are either leaning against attending the speech or undecided [indecisiveness — fan-f***ing-tastic and exactly what the opposition party needs to be doing right now!].”

I can never go more than a month or so without hating dumbass Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans. Ya know, there is only one response to a Dictator Don speech before a joint session of Congress: Stand up in unison and walk the f*** out! It is not enough to avoid the event altogether. That is cowardly. Dumbass Democrats need to make a dramatic spectacle of their distain for The Don! And that can only be achieved by every member of the Democratic Party showing up to fill every seat, and then once Dictator Don begins speaking, they all stand up and walk out! I just don’t f***ing understand how and why evincing this level of solidarity is so f***ing G.D. complicated for dumbass Democrats. To sit politely in the same chamber as this destroyer of American democracy is condoning his very behavior. Full stop! Why is this so f***ing hard to understand? Seriously! WTF!?!?

Now, now! I can hear nay-sayers, especially those within the Democratic Party, counter with some stupid reason as to why they should not spurn The Don! Chief among them would be, I have no doubt, that they don’t want to “upset” voters. Ugh! A walkout would, to be sure, delight Democrats and even breathe life into a dying movement and party — and believe you me the Democratic Party is dying. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well on this point! A walkout may upset Independents, but so what? They’ll get over it and move on. RepubliKKKlans will, of course, raise hell about Democrats disrespecting Dictator Don. And to that I say: Good! That is the whole point, and who the f*** cares what RepubliKKKlans think? Offending RepubliKKKlan snowflakes is the last thing about which dumbass Democrats should care.

But whatever! This walkout is nothing but a fever dream, and I can never expect dumbass Democrats to grow a spine. I’m sick of dumbass Democrats playing nice. I’m sick of them blithely continuing with tradition for the sake of tradition. They’re going to tradition us right into an autocracy! It is sickening to watch them uphold the facade of decorum while RepubliKKKlans destroy America! But I should have expected nothing less! We know dumbass Democrats are incapable of fighting. They are the weak, timid party. They are a party afraid of their own shadow, and they will not save America! Mark my words, f***tards! Mark them well! Welcome to stupid America!


Are You Proud?

President Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as Vice President JD Vance reacts at the White House in Washington, D.C., Feb. 28, 2025.
Brian Snyder/Reuters

According to NBC News, “An ugly and unprecedented confrontation in the Oval Office hammered home President Donald Trump’s hostility toward Ukraine and its president, along with his persistent affinity for Russia’s autocratic ruler. … It also seemed to illustrate Trump’s lopsided negotiating tactics, demanding the weaker side — Kyiv — make concessions instead of trying to pressure Moscow into a compromise. … For decades, presidents from both parties embraced the idea that backing democratic countries served America’s interests and reflected its values. U.S. foreign policy viewed democratic states as better allies and better trading partners, helping to promote stability and the free flow of commerce.  But Trump, and the Republican party he has transformed, appears to have rejected that decades-old American consensus [emphasis added].”

Let me say from the start that I hate — haaaate — Dictator Don et al. to the nth degree. I hate them unreservedly. I hate them with the heat of a thousand white-hot Suns. I wish them death! I truly do! I would gladly piss on the graves of Dictator Don and J.D. Mascara Vance. I hate all RepubliKKKlans, without exception. I hate all evil evangelicals, without exception. I hate all MAGA morons, without exception. I hate all QAnon kooks, without exception. I hate them all. None of these people are redeemable. They have all proved themselves to be vile, anti-American upright walking apes. In fact — dare I say — I may begin to despise those who abide these people. You must be against these people — not tolerate them — and God forbid never indulge them. They are the enemy! The enemy to America and democracy.

But to my main point. I hope Americans are happy. I hope they feel proud of their Idiot-in-Chief. I hope this is a prideful moment for Americans as this sh*t-for-brains country inches — leaps — closer and closer to autocracy and joining the Axis of Evil. This is what f***tards of America voted for, and the sad thing is voters knew it! Of course, they did! The dumbest country on the planet with the dumbest electorate looked at two candidates this past November — one, a paragon of upholding our democratic values as the leader of the free world, and the other, a twice-impeached, convicted criminal with autocratic aspirations — and this sh*t-for-brains country elected the latter. Un-f***ing-believeable. Only in stupid America! Always a proud moment to behold! Welcome to trump stupid America! The end is here, just as I predicted. Oh, well! People get the government they deserve and desire!


FAFO — Praise Jesus!

From Yahoo!News, “They voted for Donald Trump for president and for a change in the direction of the federal government. But this wasn’t the kind of change they had in mind. Laid off by the administration in recent days from their U.S. government jobs, the Trump voters expressed dismay at what they said has been an unfocused, counterproductive and callous slashing of the federal workforce. … ‘I was thinking that there would be changes,’ said a Department of Agriculture researcher in the mid-Atlantic region who studies drought- and pest-resistant crops. ‘But instead of being focused, this is just going completely off the rails, chopping and slicing up parts of the government that are protecting Americans.’ … Steward, who voted for Trump for president in three straight elections, said she believed job cuts would focus on early retirements and workers who underperformed. But she said she lost her job, helping military veterans and others understand their benefits, even though she was just in training and had met all her job requirements. … Steward said she had consistently voted as a Democrat but felt that, as a Black woman, the party had taken her vote for granted. She voted for Trump, hoping for change, in 2016, 2020 and last year. But she now feels Musk has helped lead the president astray.”

Praise Jesus! Praise him hard! I could add more quotations from this article, but I think you get the gist. I especially wanted to quote the n***** who voted for Dictator Don — three times! — and lost her job! Praise Jesus! I could not be happier! Now, I use the n-word sparingly, but it is a pejorative I reserve only for those supreme(-acist?) morons who vote against their best interests, those Black voters who are too stupid to apprehend that the RepubliKKKlan really is the party of racists! These idiots — above all — deserve to be hurt the worst, right behind poor white trash RepubliKKKlan voters. Needless to say, I have no sympathy for the plight they have brought upon themselves! I wish only the most devastating consequences for these people. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, you morons of the highest m*****f***ing order. Welcome to stupid America, proving daily that it can always reach a new nadir of stupidity. Praise Jesus!


Child Death — Good!

From NBC News, “Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Wednesday appeared to downplay the seriousness of the West Texas measles outbreak that has killed a school-age child. The child’s death, the first from the disease in a decade in the United States, was confirmed by Katherine Wells, director of public health at the health department in Lubbock, Texas. The child had not been vaccinated against the measles. The outbreak has so far infected at least 124 people — mostly children — in rural West Texas.”

Praise Jesus! A child died from measles, and I like it. Indeed, I welcome it. In fact, I hope many, many more people die from this disease, and I would be even more gratified if they were children! This is precisely what this sh*t-for-brains country has become: A collective of anti-science f***tards that are about to f***ing find out, and mass death (usually) is the only way people start to pay attention. However, one could rightly argue that death does not always translate to learning (see COVID). Welcome to trump stupid America. Morons every, every morons!


Target: Comey

According to Mediaite, “FBI Director Kash Patel has ordered an investigation into James Comey over the bureau’s alleged surveillance of the 2016 Trump campaign, according to a Tuesday report. The Washington Times reported that Comey, who President Donald Trump fired as the head of the FBI in 2017, was alleged by a whistleblower last year to have ordered an ‘off-the-books’ probe into Trump. The whistleblower claimed Comey enlisted two female undercover agents to get close to the then-candidate in 2015. That alleged probe was said to have been separate from the Trump-Russia collusion investigation Crossfire Hurricane. According to the Times, Patel and newly-appointed Deputy Director of the FBI Dan Bongino are targeting Comey and citing the whistleblower’s allegations. … Trump and his allies have claimed for years that Comey – acting on behalf of former President Barack Obama – plotted to spy on his first campaign. Comey has denied those claims. According to the Times, Patel and Bongino have kicked off their probe by seeking to find Comey’s two alleged ‘honeypots.’”

And so it begins: Investigating the investigators! This is classic authoritarian sh*t. And what’s a greater tell is the hunt for “honeypots.” Do you know what country is infamous for using honeypots to spy on and corrupt individuals? Anyone? Anyone like to hazard a guess? Any moron at all? Don’t be shy. Shout out the answer if you think you know it. It’s Russia. I’m not saying the now-corrupted FBI is determined to uncover a Russian honeypot scheme. Nor am I saying Comey hatched a honeypot operation — he didn’t! What I am pointing out is this: It’s awfully interesting that the corrupt FBI leadership is adopting the same mindset that Russian spy agencies use to gather intelligence and cooperation from their marks. It’s funny that FBI leadership now embraces their fever dream of some “deep-state” conspiracy against Dictator Don as a basis to investigate their enemies — aka other Americans. Of all the dangers in the world, this alleged deep-state conspiracy must be uncovered first and foremost, if at all. This is their focus now. And it doesn’t matter if such conspiracies do not exist; they’ll fabricate the evidence. Mark my words! Mark them well!

But this is what f***tards of America voted for; this is what morons wanted. This is what this sh*t-for-brains country elected The Don! to do: Investigate nonexistent criminal enterprises that offend Dear Leader! What’s more, no one f***ing cares. Idiot voters and citizens are largely checked out. People have given up on democracy; I am confident of this, for I have yet to see any million-person march. As usual, people are apathetic as the Dictator Don Show ravages the country. The corruption of our government and country is happening in full view and in real-time, yet no one f***ing cares! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America. You did this to yourselves, f***tards!


U.S.A. Joins the Axis!

From The Independent, “Donald Trump is risking world peace by siding with North Korea, China and Belarus in refusing to condemn Vladimir Putin, senior Tories have claimed. In a chilling warning, former deputy prime minster Lord Heseltine said the US president risks forming a “new axis’ which will reward Russia and its allies. He spoke out after the Trump administration, alongside the three dictatorships, rejected a UN General Assembly resolution against Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine which was backed by Europe and most other nations.”

I have never hated my own country more than I do today under the Dictator Don administration. And I have never hated a group of people more than RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. My hatred for these people runs deep; it is unabiding and unconditional. More pointedly, I hate you for being you. Or, I guess, to be a tat more generous, I loathe you for your decision to align yourself with such vile groups. People like you can never be forgiven. There is no redemption possible for you idiots. In my mind, you have crossed the Rubicon with your affiliation; you made your vote loud and clear. Now, face the consequences. And the derision you’ve brought upon the United States of America is unforgivable. With your vote, America is now a part of the Axis of Evil. Un-f***ing-believable! I wish you would all die, and let me be absolutely clear and let it be said in no uncertain terms: Take your Second Amendment right, stick it in your mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger! Welcome to stupid America! This is what f***tards of America voted for, and they are slowly finding out! Oh, well. America: Too f***ing stupid to survive!


Market ‘Geniuses’

According to Politico, “Donald Trump’s election helped turbocharge an already surging bull market in the U.S., sending stocks and cryptocurrencies to record highs. Now, some on Wall Street are beginning to sound the alarm that the fast times can’t last. … ‘For good or bad, depending on your politics, we’re back to the chaos presidency,’ said Jim Chanos, a hedge fund manager who famously bet against Enron and other failing companies. ‘Whatever you might think about the Biden administration, if you were a market participant, you generally didn’t need to check your Twitter feed the first thing in the morning when you woke up just to see what was said. But we’re back to that, and with that, comes probably more volatility.’ … But the bullishness is running into economic headwinds — adding to the volatility in the markets. (The S&P 500 followed its record highs last week with a two-day slide.) Inflation jumped more than expected in January, effectively guaranteeing that the Fed is unlikely to cut interest rates any time soon — much to the dismay of stock and crypto traders. And a lack of clarity about Trump’s plans is bound to weigh on the economy, J.P. Morgan Asset Management Chief Global Strategist David Kelly warned.”

The key “insight” here is “we’re back to the chaos presidency.” No sh*t Sherlock! Wow! No one saw this coming! Who could have guessed? Dictator Don is turning the stability of the markets and the federal government on its head, and people are just now starting to rethink his presidency? I’m sorry, but what part of a return of The Don! to the White House was supposed to instill confidence and reassurance of steadiness and placidity in the markets? Once again, we are to the point of these market “gurus” being a day late and a dollar short. All of this was foreseeable, yet the market reeved up to all-time highs following the election — inexplicably. I guess morons are finally starting to catch on. I wondered when the markets would begin to price in the inevitable Dictator Don chaos. And these market makers and movers — who no doubt voted for The Don! — are supposed to be the experts? To some extent, volatility is desirable for these market manipulators. You can make just as much money betting on a declining market as a rising market. In fact, the more ups and downs, the more profit opportunities there are. But then again, no one wants to catch a falling knife, I guess, except for Dictator Don voters. But whatever! Comeuppance is a b*tch, and we’re just at the nascent stages of finding out. Welcome to stupid America! Always dumber and soon-to-be poorer because this is what people — knowingly and proudly — voted for!