So, I had little knowledge and even less interest in these two assbros until they landed in America. Then all their criminality became the center of attention for a bit. And I have some thoughts. First, having listened to the bald one on some news clips, I wondered: Does he have a speech impediment? Quite honestly, he speaks funny. I don’t think it’s an accent because there is no discernible British affect. Nope. Rather, it sounds like he’s talking with a cock shoved in his mouth, which I assume is just habit. I’m just surmising and I’ve heard other people (many) wonder the same thing. Or perhaps he has a mental disability. It could be a very, very middle retardation, not Down syndrome but some other affliction he can’t hide. Or maybe he was dropped on his head as a baby — repeatedly. Whatever the case, he doesn’t enunciate well.
Second, do these douchbag bros have different mothers or different fathers? I guess they look similar, but I really want to know if their mother(s) is(are) a whore(s) or if their father(s) is(are) an over-sexed pimp(s)? It may explain their sexual and misogynistic proclivities. But I’m starting to think the assbros have different mothers because the mother carries the male patterned baldness gene. Consequently, the mother’s father (the bald one’s grandfather) determines how well he can grow tresses, if at all. Needless to say, the assbros have very different heads of hair, so I’m thinking they have different ho mothers.
Last, is the bald one a Mulatto? (Or maybe both are and the bald one appears more so with his shiny head.) I’ve seen pictures of him with his (half) brother and without, and in some cases I think the queball has a tinge of Black in him. Would he have an afro if he could grow his hair? Or maybe he shaves his head to hide his afro? I’m not sure. Inquiring minds want to know. Perhaps he just tans well. But they both have n***** lips, not the thin lips of true-born European ancestry. So, I’m confused. I’m just asking questions.