
I Pray Someone Shoots Jenna Ellis in the Head

The DailyBeast quotes, “‘I’m disappointed conservatives are acquiescing to the LGBT agenda… The Orlando shooting was absolutely terrible and tragic. But the response to this tragedy should not be embracing and advocating for gay rights.’” Thank God for my freedom of religious beliefs which includes purging the world of RepubliKKKLans, MAGA morons, and Evangelical idiots. They make America dumber.


A Well-Worn Lawyer Joke

The prelude: The New York Times reports, “Maybe President Trump has not been impeached after all, or at least not yet. Impeachment happens, according to Noah Feldman, a Harvard law professor, only when the House transmits the articles of impeachment to the Senate.”

A man is looking for the answer to the burning question of “What is 2+2?” He first consults a mathematician who whips out paper and pencil to prove the answer is four. The man then goes to an accountant to ask “What is 2+2?” The accountant whips out an adding machine to calculate the answer: four. Finally, the inquiring man goes to a lawyer and asks, “What is 2+2?” The lawyer responds, “What do you want it to be?” Ha … Ha …


Literal Shows of Sexism and Misogyny

From CNN, “5 titleholders of major pageants are all women of color. And that’s a bigger deal than you might think.” Congratulations to these women, but seriously! We as a society still do this kind of Scheiße? F***! America really is the land of pure stupidity and shiny things! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Other RepubliKKKlans

When Will Traitor [T]rump Drop Dead?

From CNN, “President Donald Trump attacked Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell and her late husband, Rep. John Dingell, during a rally on Wednesday, implying the former congressman was ‘looking up’ from hell.” Welcome to trump stupid America. This is the real America, open and naked hatred. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons love traitor trump more the more his vileness reflects their own vileness. I pray they all die — heart attack, cancer, bus, Second Amendment! I’m not picky!

MAGA Morons Other Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

And We Wonder Why…

From CNN, “Last month, King said that Cook Children’s had already reached out to nearly 20 facilities from Los Angeles to Philadelphia to see if another hospital would take over the infant’s care. But they all agreed with Cook Children’s assessment of her condition and said there was nothing more they could do, according to King.” And we wonder why our health care expenses are so f***ing high. Because we waste money on lost causes. Pediatric intensive care? That’s easily $10,000 per day just for the bed! Make another f***ing baby! Or better yet adopt a child who needs loving parents! Look, not all life is valuable. In fact, I argue that RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron life is inherently less valuable! Oh, but I keep forgetting that this is a country of selfish people. Me, me, me all the time. Welcome to stupid America!


Citron Research, Really?

According to CNN Business, “Short-seller Citron Research said Tuesday it expects the stock to plunge nearly 85% to just $5 a share.” I am familiar with Citron Research and I am surprised that these idiots actually get recognized in an MSM business news article. I am familiar with Citron Research because their “analysis” targeted a direct competitor of the company for which I work, which tanked the entire f***ing peer group. So thanks for that, Citron; my stock is still down 25% from its high. As I read their “research” report on said competitor I could not believe how the market actually gives credence to a report filled with attacks, unfounded speculation, and rather weak “analysis.” Anyone can cherry-pick a set of financial ratios and measures to suit his or her needs. For instance, in their writeup of my company’s competitor they attached — harshly and comically, I might add — the Christian foundations of the competitor, with which I wholly heartedly agree, but religious attacks on the company are not proper analysis and weakens everything else in the report. Proper analysis should be dispassionate and unbiased. I even found a couple of grammatical errors. Un-f***ing-believable! Yet, Citron is clearly a market mover. That is to say, when they speak the market reacts no matter how flawed and obviously biased the “analysis.” It amazes me. I mean the intentions of Citron are in the type of trades the firm engages: short-selling. They intentionally criticize companies with the explicit motivation to drive down the stock price — and it works! I have always been a believer that the market embodies perfect information; prices reflect all known and even unknown information (speculation), but to actually see markets react to nonsense I think says more about the underlying stupidity of America. Another case in point, the wild swings in the market as traitor trump hints (lies) about some progress in trade talks with China, which China later contradicts or the said progress just doesn’t pan out, e.g., agricultural purchases that traitor trump said China was going to make and have yet to happen.


The Most Perfectly Pithy Statement on America I’ve Ever Read

From Salon, “The United States is sick with income and other forms of social inequality. It suffers from cruelty, loneliness, greed, gangster capitalism, white supremacy, violence, sexism and a culture of ignorance and distraction. Our broken political system does not encourage critical thinking or nurture a capacity for responsible, engaged citizenship [emphasis added]. President Donald Trump is the human embodiment of almost everything wrong with American society. He is both the symptom and the disease.” Because this is the m*****f***ing dumbest country on the planet. So many f***ing stupid people! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Other Purely Moronic

‘The U.S. military: Attacked by Trump, voting for Trump’

From Salon, “What is perhaps even more stunning is that Trump’s transgressions didn’t even cut into his support among the U.S. men and women in uniform and veterans. In 2016, current and former service personnel preferred Trump over Hillary Clinton by a 2-to-1 margin. This represents a very curious form of ‘beaten man syndrome.’ Since becoming president, Trump has been more consistent, but in a different manner than political observers expected. Trump didn’t stop his attacks on the U.S. military. He just became more insidious in his attacks on the military. A transgender ban set one group of soldiers against another, and the share of African-Americans among new recruits has been declining in recent years. Honor is a crucial concept for any soldier. The motto Death Before Dishonor is what makes them put their lives on the line.”

None of this matters because this is trump stupid America! America’s unconditional reverence for the military is for idiots. Let’s be very, very clear: the highest concentration of traitor trump authoritarian sycophants is in the military. He is precisely the dictator leadership about which the military organizes. “Death Before Dishonor” is laughable! They dishonor themselves by being seen with the traitor!


Einsatzgruppen for RepubliKKKlans!

A Slate headline reads: “Alaska’s Discrimination Against a Gay Couple Shows the Continued Threats to Marriage Equality.”


I Wish He’d Drop Dead

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump underwent a ‘quick exam and labs’ as part of his annual physical exam on Saturday, out of anticipation of a ‘very busy 2020,’ the White House said.”