Other Purely Moronic

Get Ready for Traitor [T]rump’s Third SCOTUS Pick

From CNN, “Ruth Bader Ginsburg misses court due to illness.” Elections have consequences, so get ready for a generation of judicial callousness. This is what a stupid country looks like. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Other RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS Will Reverse DACA Sooner or Later

Axios suggests that SCOTUS could “say that, just as President Obama created DACA on his own, Trump can end it on his own.” That is my guess as well. Because RepubliKKKlans refused to protect Dreamers in Obama’s final years of his presidency, he needed to resort to an executive order to create the DACA program, which sadly can be reversed by the next president, and I have no doubt this is the simple argument that SCOTUS will use to deliver their opinion. Even if the High Court should happen to rule in favor of keeping DACA in this particular case, it will no doubt be because of some technical flaw in the administration’s process to which traitor trump will simply redo the executive order to conform to SCOTUS’ objections. No matter what, either SCOTUS will strike down DACA at the end of the term or uphold DACA for now while outlining the reasoning that the administration can use to try again to stop DACA successfully. Let’s be perfectly clear about something: The once-revered institution of SCOTUS really has become nothing more than a conservative rubber stamp that puts the rights and welfare of business above people, and that interprets the law and the Constitution in such a narrow way as to harm the minority while protecting the majority — the exact opposite of the intentions of the Founding Framers when they wrote the Constitution — yet conservative Justices claim to be “originalists” even though they routinely ignore the most original purpose of the founding document.

This is the term in which SCOTUS truly starts to show its colors by striking down anti-discrimination policies against the LGBTQ community (because of religious freedom), women’s rights (also because of religious freedom), Dreamers (because of freedom to hate the “other”), health care protections (because businesses need to make a profit), etc. Mark my words, morons. Roberts is not going to save anything or anyone. I keep hearing pundits say that Roberts wants to protect the integrity and independence of the Court. Um, yeah. That is complete B.S.! It will be the blanket excuse of the Court to say that if Congress wanted to fix the laws, then they can and should do so — not the courts — knowing full well that RepubliKKKlans make the legislative branch dysfunctional intentionally and that SCOTUS is often the last line of defense to protect minorities against the ill and unintended consequences of some legislation and policy. Get used to SCOTUS stabbing society in the back and making everyone’s lives worse because the conservatives on the bench are just as vile and hateful as the RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons with which they pretend not to identify. Most people have not yet lived in a time when SCOTUS tilted so reliably to the right, and now people will start to understand that elections do have f***ing consequences, f***tards!. F*** me! I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!


Early Cold Snap Means Global Warming

CNN “advises” in one of their article headlines: “Here’s your answer when someone asks ‘How can it be so cold if there’s global warming?'” Wow! That was a terrible article and terrible advice. I understand that MSM needs to cater to the general population of morons, but people need to be deeply informed about climate change. So read this article to get the real answer! Welcome to stupid America where most people can only handle explanations in 140-character chunks because this is what a stupid country looks like.

Other RepubliKKKlans

Yes! For the Pets!

A puppy in its kennel at the Animal Welfare Society in Kennebunk after a trip of nearly 1,200 miles from Georgia.
Photo: Brianna Soukup/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images
Source: Axios

From Axios, “The Senate unanimously passed a bill Tuesday that would expand a law to make animal cruelty a federal felony, for which people could face fines and up to seven years in prison. … The ‘Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act,’ or ‘PACT,’ builds on a law that previously only criminalized animal cruelty if those at fault made and sold videos of the act. If President Trump signs the bill, which has already been passed by the House, authorities will be able to prosecute people for crushing, burning, drowning, suffocating, impaling, or sexually exploiting animals.” For once, RepubliKKKlans did something right! It must be chilly in hell this morning! Of course, prison is too good for these people. I completely support in-kind retribution. A person drowns a puppy then his or her last breath will be wet. A person burns a cat then his or her last moments will be very toasty.


More Moron Speak from the Idiot-in-Chief

From CNN, “During a speech on American energy in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, President Donald Trump ticked through his usual issues before making an unusual remark about his long-promised border wall. ‘We’re building a wall on the border of New Mexico. And we’re building a wall in Colorado,’ Trump said. Colorado, located directly north of New Mexico, is not on the US-Mexico border.” This is part of the reason the MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan f***tards in America love traitor trump. Because he’s a f***ing G.D. idiot of the highest order that either constantly misspeaks or has no f***ing clue about America’s geography — news flash: it’s both. Hello, stupid people of America! There is a f***ing idiot in the White House. F*** me. Welcome to trump stupid America!


Oh, So He Absolutely Is Then

According to Politico, “President Donald Trump on Tuesday night denied a report that he has been considering White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin as possible replacements for Mick Mulvaney as his top aide in the West Wing. ‘Wrong, never even discussed this with Kellyanne Conway or Steve Mnuchin. Just more Fake News!’ Trump wrote on Twitter.” Welcome to stupid America!


Mueller Was Always Going to Be a Traitor

Axios reports, “Trump ultimately wasn’t charged with obstruction earlier this year by special counsel Robert Mueller because he did not want to ‘place burdens on the President’s capacity to govern,’ per the Mueller report.” I never had faith in Mueller and this is just another instance. First, traitor trump has no capacity to govern. Second, maybe he should have been more worried about exposing traitor trump for the criminal he is. Last, Mueller, like every other RepubliKKKlan, was always going to betray the country for his party. Welcome to stupid America where each and every RepubliKKKlan without except — even “never trumpers,” which don’t really exist — is a f***ing G.D. traitor to America! I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: every RepubliKKKlan voter and vote since Nixon has led to and condoned a person like traitor trump. Full stop! RepubliKKKlans don’t get to absolve themselves from the consequences of their votes when an incompetent, criminal, and moronic president wins and governs in their party’s name! So, f*** every RepubliKKKlan. I do not pray for their good health! The fewer RepubliKKKlan voters the better! I’m sick of people pretending that RepubliKKKlans and Democrats have anything in common. There is absolutely no commonality between a party that wants to progress and a party that wants to go backward.


I’ve Added Engagement for Ghosts


All Traitors!

From Reuters, “President Donald Trump told two Russian officials in a 2017 meeting that he was not concerned about Moscow’s meddling in the U.S. election, which prompted White House officials to limit access to the remarks, the Washington Post reported on Friday.” [T]rump is a traitor! Every RepubliKKKLan is a traitor! Every MAGA moron is a traitor! Every other traitor trump supporter not defined in the above is a traitor!



From CNN, “The whistleblower’s complaint about President Donald Trump’s communications with Ukraine has been declassified and could be released as soon as Thursday morning, three sources told CNN late Wednesday night.” If this actually happens, then I’m confused and a bit worried, actually. Traitor trump has spent years hiding records, defying subpoenas, and stonewalling Congress, but all of a sudden on this matter he’s an open book, which reveals incompetent behavior at best and treachery at worst. OK! Why do I feel like Democrats are being set up? Something is not right here!