According to Reuters, “‘Secretary (Patrick) Shanahan directed his chief of staff to speak with the White House military office and reaffirm his mandate that the Department of Defense will not be politicized,’ Lieutenant Colonel Joe Buccino, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement.” Traitor trump has been politicizing the DoD since day one, so why would things change now? They won’t. Send more soldiers to patrol the Mexico border against brown people because, of course, that is in no way political. “WALL!” Welcome to stupid America!
Category: Other
One Long 2-year B*tch Session
RawStory mocks Dear Leader, “In a series of tweets, the president lashed out — once again — at Mexico by warning its government, ‘America has had enough!’” Yeah, this weblog is intended to be one long b*itch session, so do not think the irony is lost on me to make such commentary; however, the last thing the office of the presidency should be is a b*tch fest. Yet, it is! And America loves him for it, apparently! Welcome to stupid America where the president finally reflects the true debasement of the tyrannical minority that controls the majority.
Honestly, F*** ’em!
From CNN, “A disaster relief bill was prevented from advancing in the US House of Representatives on Friday after Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas objected to passing the bill, meaning the more than $19 billion in aid may not go to President Donald Trump’s desk for his signature before June.” My understanding is that most of these people needing disaster relief are in red states, so f*** them! This is what they voted for, right? They wanted a president and a party to build that f***ing wall, and now they have one idiot GOP member holding up the bill because, in part, there is no funding for the wall. So, congratu-f***ing-lations to those RepubliKKKlans in need because the wall comes first and not helping people second. I’d rather not have my tax dollars go to RepubliKKKlans as a handout. They should have bought more insurance! I mean that’s what RepubliKKKlans always preach, right? Self-sufficiency! No handouts from the government! Bootstraps! I wish to f***ing God we had a system where people get the benefits they deserve based on their voting record. RepubliKKKlans can have all the unregulated for-profit health care insurance they want, without any government help. Flood insurance, which is underwritten exclusively by the government, RepubliKKKlans can go without. Seriously! Find another private insurer. RepubliKKKlans want to provoke a war then they can send their sons and daughters (or themselves). RepubliKKKlans don’t want to pay any taxes? Fine — no government services of any kind! Stay off the roads!
Surrounded by Idiots
What kind of moron agrees to be seen as a traitor trump prop while he (predictably) veers a planned speech into crazy town? Seriously? Where do they find these f***ing G.D. morons? I guess these f***tards have absolutely no problem with awkwardly standing behind their idiot leader as he goes off on incomprehensible rants and tangents. They have no problem because no matter what he says they’re all in 100%. Welcome to stupid America! It is inescapable stupidity! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people!
The One Exception
The Daily Beast reports, “Tillerson reached out to the committee and expressed a willingness to meet, a committee [House Foreign Affairs] aide said.” One pseudo-patriot steps forward while the rest avoid, retreat, and stonewall. Pathetic! Where is Mattis? Where is McMaster? Aren’t these supposed to be national patriots who defend the rule of law, the Constitution, and the integrity of America! Shouldn’t they be warning the country of how dangerous and incompetent traitor trump is? I guess not. Welcome to stupid America; it’s everyone out for themselves.
Elections Have Consequences
CNN: “‘The President of the United States owes farmers like myself some type of plan of action,’ John Wesley Boyd Jr., a soybean farmer in Baskerville, Virginia, told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Monday. ‘Farmers were his base. They helped elect this president … and now he’s turning his back on America’s farmers when we need him the most,’ he added.” If only I could say that I cared!
My Two Cents on GoT
I have read the critical reviews and I say: eh! The finale could have been better, but there were a couple of poignant moments in the last episode such as Brienne immortalizing Jamie’s legacy as the hero who “Died protecting his Queen,” which realized both the flawed (irredeemable) character of Jamie and the fact that he could still be remembered nobly by someone who loved him nonetheless. Of course, another memorable scene is the last one in which Jon rides off into the same woods where the GoT journey began. I’ve always liked stories that come full circle in the end. One cannot help but feel the sadness and pain of the story’s greatest hero ultimately enduring the same punishment for being a bastard as for saving the seven kingdoms. I think this is a particularly salient takeaway that other critics neglected to recognize. Jon is the classic tragic hero. He is a Snow and will always be a Snow, thus banished to live among the Wildlings — those with whom he has always felt a kinship. In short, he is returning home in the end.
Now, as for all the other criticisms of the last season — the pace, the storytelling, the character misdevelopment, the narrative shortcutting and so forth. This is all true. Everything about this season was rushed and took the viewer for granted, sadly! Needless to say, most GoT followers are fairly savvy viewers (except those idiots signing a petition for a season 8 redo — OMG! — get a life) who understand and expect the complexity of the characters and the story. The decision to end the series when they did seemed to leave too much left to be told in too short a time. Conquering the White Walkers and deciding the new king of Westeros in one (shortened) season is just too much too quickly. I guess we will never know why there was such a rush, but the storytelling suffered in the end. It was always going to be difficult to top scenes like the Red Wedding or narratives like how Hordor got his name or when Cersei blows up the Great Sept. They kind of gave up in the end. I guess the writers and creators, alike, couldn’t wait to move on from this project.
Lock It Up and Throw Away the Key
According to Axios: “U.S. Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been jailed again on civil contempt charges for refusing to cooperate with a grand jury subpoena on Thursday.” I say lock it up and throw away the f***ing key. Let’s not pretend it is a traitor to America, and that it gave prominence and legitimacy to Wikileaks which helped destroy Hillary and elect traitor trump. It — Manning– in my mind is just as f***ing guilty! That traitor can go live with Snowden in Russia!
Truly a Nation Filled with F***tards
Politico writes, “The sudden pivot from geostrategy to retweets and likes surprised the lawmakers. It was a remarkable moment given that not long ago Scavino was managing Trump’s golf club. But for Scavino himself, it was just another day on the job. With few allies left in the West Wing, Trump frequently leans on his unassuming social media guru for affirmation and advice about how his most sensitive policies will be received, according to interviews with more than two dozen current and former White House officials, and others close to the president.” The incomprehensible stupidity of the country never ceases to amaze me. Idiot traitor trump measures the popularity of his domestic and foreign policies based on the number of retweets and likes on social media! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! This is the person 42% of the f***tards in this country think is doing a good job. Mind-blowing! Welcome to stupid America. It just is!
Business Sense of an Amoeba
WOW! It is remarkable that this country literally gets dumber every day! Politico reports, “A majority, 54 percent, say they think Trump has been successful in business, the poll shows, while 36 percent say he has been unsuccessful. One in 10 voters say they have no opinion about his success.” I guess “successful” has a rather weak definition in people’s minds. Welcome to stupid America where a man who loses $1 Billion over ten years is considered successful.