Axios reports, “Two days after Axios published an investigation of Bossie’s fundraising, the president personally authorized the Trump campaign to issue an extraordinary statement that, without naming Bossie, effectively called for the authorities to investigate Bossie’s group, the Presidential Coalition.” Hello, f***tards! The only reason traitor trump is upset about this situation is because he did not get a cut of the graft. So f***ing stupid. Welcome to stupid America!
Category: Other
Only in America!
From Axios: “The Philadelphia policy has not been finalized, and there is no timeline for rollout yet. The plan is for it to be a diversion system, which means anyone arrested or charged for having small amounts of illicit substances would not face incarceration or having a criminal record.” Only in America do people become criminals for having an addiction, which is a medical problem. What else does one expect in a country filled with the dumbest people on the planet? Welcome to stupid America. Dumber by the day when these injustices persist.
Good Riddance — Full Stop!
The headline to a CNN opinion piece reads thus: “Good riddance to Milo, Jones and Farrakhan. But the Facebook ban offers a false sense of security.” While the author, S.E. Cupp, correctly acknowledges this is not an issue about censorship, I have heard many other raise consternation about corporate censorship of this sort. They couch their caution about Facebook’s decision to censor certain speech as if it infringes on the “public square.” Let me make something clear about corporate censorship: it is perfectly legal! This is not government censorship, which is unconstitutional and something other critics seem to forget. This notion that Facebook has somehow become the new forum for public debate is f***ing ridiculous! It is amazing how others are so willing and ready to elevate Facebook to the new street corner. It is not. Last I checked the street corner is not in the business of making a profit (unless a hooker occupies it). Last I checked the street corner is maintained, policed, and indeed brought into existence by the collective will of the public (aka the government). Facebook is not the collective will of the public; it may be the collective repository of expression of the public. Otherwise, it is the collective will of management (i.e., Zuckerberg). Un-f***ing-believable.
CNN reports: “‘Your Democrat governor here in Wisconsin, shockingly, stated that he will veto legislation that protects Wisconsin babies born alive,’ Trump said. ‘The baby is born, the mother meets with the doctor, they take care of the baby, they wrap the baby beautifully, and then the doctor and the mother determine whether or not they will execute the baby.’” One would think everybody who hears this non-sense says or thinks, WTF?
Yet sure enough, traitor trump says such things because idiots out there believe him. How do I know, because such an idiot who cuts my hair repeated this same anecdote to me. (I don’t know how we got on this topic but we did.) Sure as Scheiße she (incorrectly) described the Wisconsin legislation in question that would allow, as traitor trump states, the mother to terminate a baby after delivery as a form of legalizing late-term abortions. She went further to explain how this legislation would allow a mother giving birth to decide to terminate the baby as she was delivering it as if such a mercurial decision could be considered earnest and ubiquitous. No doubt she probably found this “news” on Facebook because that’s where most morons seem to go for “facts” or “alternative facts” in RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron speak. In fact, the legislation addresses a very rare and specific situation in which a mother is allowed to make the equivalent to a DNR decision. This is not legalizing smothering a baby after birth as anti-abortion people would like to believe. One cannot make up the level of stupidity that resides apparently — everywhere! Needless to say, I was rather incredulous about such obvious B.S. Once again, these type of people like to conflate everything regarding babies with abortions. No matter the legislation, the circumstances, or the story, if there is a baby, a womb, and a doctor involved then it must be something pro-abortion because rational thought stops at the first synaptic impulse for these morons. Welcome to stupid America. It is literally everywhere!
Fine! Let It Happen!
According to Axios, “Alabama passes law banning most abortions, eyes Roe V Wade challenge.” I say fine! Let it happen already! Let SCOTUS overturn Roe because apparently people are too stupid to properly estimate the consequences of their vote. The Supreme Court has been hanging in the balance for years and now it has finally flipped conservative on all issues, especially on matters of personal liberty, which just for clarification means conservatives don’t want women to have free choice over their bodies — but anyone can own an arsenal of weapons without question because that right is important and necessary to protect. Let SCOTUS start peeling away individuals’ protections against discrimination and the right to make their own medical decisions. Perhaps then people will be shocked enough into caring about their votes — doubtful. Welcome to stupid America!
The Traitor Praising South
The AP reports: “He [traitor trump] said he was referring to some who were protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general.” Only in stupid America do people worship statues of traitors. Seriously! By the strict definition of a traitor, Lee was a traitor. Hello, racist morons of America! Lee was a traitor and all those who fought against the Union were traitors; most white southerners are descendants of traitors. Apparently, this country is so stupid that it forgot people don’t worship lost causes unless, of course, one is a dumb southerner. Guess what? Only traitors that win may call themselves patriots. But losers are just that: losers and traitors! (This is not something one brags about.) Welcome to stupid America!
From Axios: “The FBI is assisting San Diego County police in the investigation into a shooting in Chabad of Poway Synagogue, which killed 1 woman and wounded 3 people Saturday. … In an online post an hour before the synagogue shooting, a person identifying themselves as John Earnest, a nursing school student, claimed responsibility for the Escondido Mosque attack. The poster praised the New Zealand mosques massacre and the Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh, mass shooting. California State University, San Marcos, confirmed to AP there’s a student fitting that description listed with them.” Welcome to stupid, racist, and anti-Semitic America! It’s here and it’s real and traitor trump is making it worse.
CNN reports, “In his five short years, Andrew ‘AJ’ Freund endured more trauma than any child should.” Yes, we’re all thinking the same thing about the perpetrator.
Twitter Intrigue
How f***ing stupid is this country? Tell me, please! Just how m*****f***ing stupid is this country to elect a president that worries more about his Twitter following than doing his job? Yeah, it’s official. This country is f***tarded stupid. Everyday evinces this more and more. Welcome to stupid America where Twitter was invented — dumbing down voters one mass text at a time!
Five Minutes
According to the AP, “Authorities are trying to identify a woman captured by security cameras tossing seven newborn puppies into a dumpster in Southern California.” I would like five minutes alone in a room with this person to deliver some Social Darwinism of my own!