
Maybe It’s Just Time

Jews, Christians, Muslims. It doesn’t matter. Humanity has proved that these religions simply can’t co-exist, especially Islam, which just doesn’t want to co-exist with everyone else. (Call me biased; I don’t care. I despise all religions equally, but I will lay out my reasoning as to why Islam is particularly awful.) Jews simply want to be left alone; you don’t see Jews proselytizing or seeking converts. Christians seek converts most through peace and love nowadays, but that wasn’t always the case throughout its history. Thousands of years have tempered Christianity for the most part. Islam, on the other hand, seeks converts; otherwise, it puts non-believers to the sword (so to speak) or purges them from society. And I am talking about how these religions are practiced, not what their spiritual texts actually say, for practice and scripture are often wildly disparate. Perhaps this is a function of a religion’s maturity. No doubt, Christianity went through its domination phase of convert or die. Look to the Crusades, the Inquisition, and conquering the Americas as examples.

But let’s face reality, shall we? What religion is behind every terrorist attack in this century? Islam. Not Christianity and not Judaism. Only Islam. Only Muslims fly planes into buildings, only Muslims behead infidels, only Muslims kill innocents using suicide bombers, only Muslims engage in terrorist attacks such as those in Israel and other countries, and the list continues. It is only Muslims. Should I judge an entire religion based on the actions of fundamentalist extremists? Hell-f***ing-yes! Of course! It is the religion that endorses and condones such actions; they cherry-pick the passages of their religious text that best suit their needs. Again, Christians do the same, but as I said, Christianity has matured (for the most part), so such extreme tactics have fallen out of favor (for the most part). Look, Muslims need to clean their own religious house. Unless and until that happens, I am more than content to judge the religion and its followers by the worst deeds of their practitioners. Maybe it’s just time for the rest of the world to have it out with Muslims, for peace and prosperity cannot happen with such an extremist strain of Islam bringing death and destruction to all corners of the planet. I originally had predicted that the war in the Middle East would stay confined to Israel and the Gaza Strip, but now I think the war must necessarily spread. Something has to give, and moderate Muslims seem unwilling to acknowledge these rogue religious fanatic factions are creating worldwide havoc, much less able to check their own adherents’ extremism. It is time to solve this Islamic question once and for all.


Musk Is a Con Man and Stupid America Loves It

According to Forbes, “Tesla’s long-delayed Cybertruck, its blocky version of a pickup truck, will finally be available in November though CEO Elon Musk cautioned investors to keep their sales expectations in check because of how difficult and costly it is to manufacture. ‘It’s an amazing product but I do want to emphasize that there will be enormous challenges in reaching volume production with the Cybertruck and then in making the Cybertruck cash flow positive,’ Musk said during Tesla’s earnings call on Wednesday. ‘While I think this is potentially our best product ever — I think it is our best product ever — it is going to require immense work to reach high-volume production and be cash flow positive at a price that people can afford.’… ‘We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck,’ he said.”

Musk is and always has been a con man and a bully. That is the secret to his success, not his “genius.” Please tell me how the “best product ever” and “dug our own grave” are at all in any way congruent. It’s not. People should have realized this years ago when Musk smashed the “bulletproof” windows on the Cybertruck prototype debut, not once but twice! Because, of course, a “genius” who sees the first attempt fail is drawn to embarrass himself again by proving his stupidity by striking the same glass again. (Sound familiar) Then he shrugs it off, and people love him for it because Americans are morons. This is the same sycophancy that draws 40 percent of Americans to trait trump. It’s all the same. Thus, the Cybertruck was always destined to be a failure, just as DeLorean. I guess an all-stainless vehicle isn’t that original or genius after all. All Musk did was repackage the concept to look like a “truck” and run on batteries. The Cybertruck has been hyped so much and delayed for so long that I think people will finally give up waiting — the luster is already gone. Speaking of luster, one thing idiot would-be owners have yet to apprehend is how stainless steel will weather. I hope morons out there realize the Cybertruck is not your stainless steel refrigerator. Plus, the vehicle is just plain hideous! Welcome to stupid America!


America: A Country of Unmitigated Stupidity

According to The Hill, “Former President Trump leads President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 general election matchup by 2 points and is improving his standing among young voters, according to a new poll. An Emerson College poll released Friday showed Trump ahead with 47 percent to Biden’s 45 percent, with 8 percent undecided. That’s up 2 points for Trump compared to Emerson’s poll from last month, while Biden’s support remained the same. … Trump led Biden by 4 points nationwide in a CNBC All-America Economic Survey poll from Wednesday, and he led by 4 points in a Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll of seven key swing states from Thursday. Pollsters found Trump performing better than Biden among the youngest voters, leading the incumbent among 18-to-29-year-olds by about 2 points, 45.2 percent to 42.9 percent. The former president also leads among 30-to-39-year-olds by about 11 points, 49.6 percent to 38.5 percent.”

The end is here, f***tards. Mark my words. Mark them well. You are living in and witnessing the demise of America led by — wait for it, wait for it — the dumbest m*****f***ers on the face of the planet (aka Americans). I will repeat myself — again — at the risk of sounding redundant (redundant): Traitor trump should never be leading Biden in any poll on the face of God’s green Earth. None! Nada. Zilch! Zero! Nunca! Never! Ever! But no! Time after time, poll after poll, we see traitor trump tied or leading Biden, though usually within the margin of error. It is incomprehensible to me that this is the case. But I guess I expected nothing less from a country too stupid to endure. Oh, and one more point on this poll. I thought young people were supposed to save us. That’s what I keep hearing dumbass Democrats tell me. The yutes love Biden and will keep him in office. Now, there is some evidence that the said yutes may prefer traitor trump. Shocking! Not really. As I have said countless times, if the younger generations were always going to be more progressive than the previous generations, then we’d be living in a f***ing Utopis right now. Are we in a Utopia? Nope! Stop expecting the youth to save America. They aren’t going to do it.

We are in a historical moment of dire consequence. War in Europe and the Middle East, and most Americans want to bring back the dumbest person ever to sit in the White House. Granted, I have been disappointed and critical of Biden, mostly for his domestic political weakness, but thank God he’s commander-in-chief at this moment. We could have no better person leading the nation (and the world) on the precipice of world war. Biden is seasoned, knowledgeable, and level-headed. Americans should not be considering anyone else. But no! Not stupid f***ing Americans of the highest f***ing order. Oh, no! The polls indicate voters want a return of traitor trump. Can you imagine that f***tard in the White House during a global crisis? He’d give away the store (Ukraine, Israel, and Tawain) just to impress his dictator heroes (Putin, Kim, and Xi). Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore with this sh*t-for-brains country anymore.

And another thing. Biden’s primetime speech last night addressing the state of the world order was very good and appropriate, but what really aggravated me was the fact that he had to give it. It is mind-blowing that he should have to take to national T.V. to lay out the case as to why America should be defending democracy worldwide and help fight against terrorism. Are you f***ing kidding?!?! (Not mad at Biden, but mad at the realization that Americans are this f***ing G.D. stupid.) Only in stupid America does the president have to explain that confronting terrorists and aggressor nations now is less costly than not facing them later. This should be manifest. It should go without saying. But then I need to remind myself that I live in stupid f***ing hell where everyone — save a few — are complete morons. I can’t wait for Biden’s poll numbers to drop after his speech because America is just too f***ing stupid. This is what a dying nation looks like. (And don’t even get me started on the leadership mess in the House. That was all brought to us by G.D. stupid voters. Thanks, you f***ards! Congress can’t function because people get the government they deserve and desire, and it appears Americans want the dysfunction and chaos, and they’re willing to bring back the person who started it all — traitor trump.) Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! I give up!


Gaza Hospital ‘Attack’

Wow! It took all of five seconds for the American MSM f***tards (viz. MSNBC and CNN) to take Hamas’ word at face value. CNN was the worst of the bunch, and they are really starting to show the network’s subtle anti-semitism, especially for some of the anchors like Jake Tapper, who is their chief advocate of bothsidesism. For hours, the MSM ran with Hamas’ claim that Israel ‘attacked’ one of Gaza’s hospitals while blithely qualifying their reporting with the usual “we have not been able to independently confirm” Hamas’ claim. CNN can’t confirm what Hamas is saying to be true, but Jake Tapper (and others) has no problem continuing to describe the event as an “attack!” What the f***ing hell?!?! I must live in stupid hell. If you can’t confirm the details of the event, then why are you calling it an “attack,” and why are you towing the Hamas line that Israel did? MSM is amplifying a lie. An intentional and obvious lie. I knew it was a lie the second it was uttered. Never believe Hamas. They are all liars and murderers. Why is this so difficult to apprehend? But not the f***tard MSM! Oh, no. If they can’t confirm the story on their own, then they just go with Hamas’ characterization of the event because why not? Death sells. Anti-semitism sells. Un-f***ing-believable!

MSNBC could not escape this “must sell death and destruction” story. Nicolle Wallace fell into the same trap, but at least she had the gumption to interview an Israeli spokesperson about the hospital “attack.” Seeing the spokesperson chastise Wallace immediately for parroting Hamas’ claim that Israel was responsible was gratifying, especially when it was coming to light that another Gaza Strip terrorist group was the cause of the “attack.” Yes! As it turned out, it was a terrorist group’s rocket that misfired. Islamic Jihad blew up their own f***ing hospital and killed their own people because, of course, they did! It was not until Wolf Blitzer’s show that the hospital “attack” was more accurately described as an “explosion,” which they should have been doing from the get-go. MSNBC followed suit in changing the description, but the damage had already been done. (Although, the word “attack” has not been completely purged from their reporting.) The wrong narrative had already been set in stone, helped by morons in America’s MSM.

And allow me to respond to MSM reporting in real time. I literally just heard Raf Sanchez on MSNBC lend Hamas a hand in their propaganda war. As he reports live from Israel, he gave credence to Hamas’ claim that an Israeli rocket hit the hospital because of the number of causalities. He asserted that the large number (if that is truly the case since it is Hamas claiming “hundreds” of dead) of people killed was more consistent with a powerful rocket from Israel as opposed to a smaller, weaker rocket from Hamas. OMG! Was Sanchez born an idiot, or has his stupidity developed over time? Allow me to point out the obvious for f***tards out there. What happens when a smaller, weaker rocket hits a building (or parking lot as is the case here) packed with people? You get causalities consistent with a larger rocket that strikes a less dense space. This is not rocket science (excuse the pun). But Sanchez, either not realizing this fact or unable to grasp the concept, just puts out his “analysis” as if it were logical fact that only an Israeli rocket could have caused the number of dead that Hamas is reporting. He did, however, mention that a crater in the parking lot — which is only characteristic of a large rocket from Israel — was missing at the hospital’s site. All that aside, it is hard to imagine that a rocket hitting a parking lot could have killed 500 people as Hamas claims unless it was a tailgate party before a Bears vs. Packers game. Unbelievable! So he just bothsides the facts of the explosion: It could not have been Israel because of a lack of a crater at the scene, but it could have been Israel because of the number of dead being reported by Hamas — again, a group that lies like a rug on the floor. Nothing about this hospital story makes sense unless one interprets the events in the context of pure propaganda. I give up! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people!

It only takes a simple logical test to verify the invalidity of Hamas’ claim. Cui bono? I will assume the most generous interpretation of the event and assert the missile was indeed a “misfire” and unintentional. Who has the most to gain by claiming the “attack” was purposefully done by Israel? Hamas does. I have no doubt the terrorist group made lemonade out of lemons in this situation. They inadvertently killed their own people, so why not take the opportunity to inflame the wider Arab world? Hamas needs to gin up the emotions of Arabs in other countries because let’s face it: The Arab world has not really been rushing to help Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Arab nations have strong words for Israel, but that’s about it. Not really the response Hamas had been expecting after starting a war with Israel. Their Arab brethren have sacrificed those in Gaza. (I expected nothing less.) Thus, Hamas has been looking for ways to get other countries in the Middle East involved to aid their cause. Bombing their own hospital was the latest tactic, and the MSM gleefully obliged!


Of Course, Jordan Will Be Speaker

Of course, Jim Jordan will become Speaker of the House. What part of the RepubliKKKlan Party evinces that they’re not crazy? What part? Name it! Of course, they will elect an insurrectionist sympathizer — nay, someone who helped orchestrate the January 6 attack on our government. Of course, they will elect someone who voted to overturn the 2020 election. Of course, of course, of course! I expected nothing less from this supremely stupid, stupid country. And do not believe these “holdouts” or never-Jordan folks. They don’t exist. They never existed, just like never-trumpers don’t exist. All these holdouts can be bought, and that’s exactly what Jordan is doing. He’s making promises with “moderate” RepubliKKKlans (they don’t exist either) to get their vote. These are promises he will not keep (e.g., funding Ukraine or keeping the government open) because these so-called moderate RepubliKKKlans are morons and easily duped. They all fall in line eventually. He may not win on the first round of voting, for the first votes are always the protest votes, the “I voted against it before I voted for it” vote. But give it a few times before RepubliKKKlans abandon their never-Jordan “convictions” and elect the worst guy possible to be Speaker of the House. And this is why Jordan will get elected, for Americans want the crazies in charge. They want the chaos. It never f***ing fails.

Not to mention that Jordan has never passed a single piece of legislation. The one thing House members were elected to do, he has never done. How do you expect him to be able to lead the conference to pass bills if he’s never done it? The short answer: They don’t want to pass bills; they want a leader who will spend all his time “owning the libs” and making the government more dysfunctional. Oh, and get traitor trump re-elected. This election of Jordan has nothing to do with wanting to legislate. It’s all about creating and keep the chaos. How many times do I have to keep repeating myself? How many f***ing times, f***tards? This is what a dying country looks like, f***tards! Things can always get worse, and they will! Mark my words, morons!

And, of course, this was all part of the chaos caucus plan. The crazy wing of the party understands that the “moderate” bloc — again, this is a faction of the party that does not really exist; they are all extremists — will eventually cave. This is why Steve Scalise failed so quickly. The far-right made it clear within 24 hours of his nomination that they would never vote for him. (They want traitor trump’s pick — Jordan.) Just the opposite happened with Jordan. The crazy caucus was all in immediately, and he knew he could pressure his detractors. That’s what we’re witnessing now. Slowly but surely, these “never-Jordan” people are coming around. RepubliKKKlan dysfunction is actually ensuring that they elect the most extreme Speaker. They understand that they can’t proceed any longer without a leader, so they will select Jordan to end the impasse just for the sake of moving on. (And don’t get me started with the f***tard MSM believing there could be a coalition government whereby some RepubliKKKlans join with Democrats to pick a Speaker. What a f***ing joke that is. The MSM is filled with a bunch of idiot “experts.” Pigs would sooner fly.) Electing pro-insurrectionist Jordan will be yet one more step to advancing the end of our democracy because no one f***ing cares. F***tards of America keep electing morons to office, and this is precisely the outcome: A RepubliKKKlan Party that can’t govern, doesn’t want to govern, and only cares about destroying the government. So, here we are. Welcome to stupid America! The end is here, people. You people still don’t get it! Americans are utterly indifferent to our democracy’s survival. Mark my words!


JFC, Jake Tapper!

What the f***ing hell! Jake Tapper both-sides civilian causalities. I’m sorry, but did Americans really question the morality of those civilians killed or wounded as U.S. forces pushed their way into and across Nazi Germany? I doubt it. Oh, sure, most Germans in the 1930s and 1940s did not support their Nazi government, which waged war in Europe. But the masses of Germans didn’t do much to stop it and most likely had some sense of national pride (while they were winning) as Nazis rolled over Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Norway, the Balkans, Greece, the Baltic states, North Africa, Russia, and other countries.

Nonetheless, war is war. We have long ago — if ever, really — abandoned warfare mostly fought on open fields away from population centers. War invariably involves innocent civilians, and I wish the idiot MSM would stop pretending that it should not, as Tapper did while questioning a Biden spokesperson this morning about Israel’s tactics of prosecuting the war against Hamas. What a f***ing idiot! The terrorist group Hamas, which runs and “manages” the Gaza Strip, waged war on Israel, and now Israel is waging war back. The Palestinians may not have explicitly condoned Hamas’s first strike, but they have to live with the consequences of it because they have enabled Hamas for over 15 years. And let’s not pretend that people are entirely hapless and unaware of the government which they allow to persist. How do a people overthrow an autocratic theocracy terrorist group such as Hamas? Not easily, but for the oppressed to do nothing and acquiesce eventually leads to war nonetheless. Some people just don’t wish to be free, sadly. Or their idea of freedom is actually oppression which must be spread to other societies. But I digress.

People get the government they deserve and desire, from democracies to theocracies to dictatorships. People, when they desire, have risen up to topple all forms of government, so unless and until citizens collectively decide to change their form of leadership, then they are complicit in the acts of their government. I keep hearing that most Palestinians want peace with Israelis, yet they seemingly endorse Hamas by allowing its presence. As long as Hamas exists, then there can never be peace, and people appear to be copacetic with that. In this case, Palestinians are complicit — rightly or wrongly — in the war Hamas started with Israel. Can we stop pretending that we must value these people’s plight equally with the Israelis who were attached? Yes, the images from the Gaza Strip are unfortunate, but it is certainly not the other side of the same coin. (And there is a reason why other Arab countries refuse to open their borders to help Palestinian refugees. Their own kind has abandoned them, which is basically all you need to know about Islam and Arab civility. Not to mention Arab nations fear letting in terrorist groups [aka Hamas and the like] on their land, but Israel is expected to be neighbors with such terrorists. Arabs and Islam: The worst kind of people and religion. I’m just saying.) Hamas started the war, and Israel will finish it! How they do so is not open to bothsidesism critiques. War is not a sterile endeavor. Engagement is not cleanly drawn between combatants and non-combatants, no matter how much people or the moronic MSM wish it. It is bloody, uncertain, chaotic, random, and unfair. Just report on that instead of trying to calculate the number of “innocent” causalities on each side and calling out the disparities.


We’re in the End Times!

We’re in the End Times! Not in a Biblical sense but in the end of liberal democracy worldwide sense. Mark my words, f***tard. The clues are all around us. Most recently, look to Germany, New Zealand, and Louisiana, who now join the likes of Spain, Hungry, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, Greece, and Israel. According to CNN, “The German states of Bavaria and Hesse vote in regional elections on Sunday, in what is widely being seen as a test-case for Germany’s shifting political landscape. The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) is set to make gains in both states, although most other major parties have ruled out collaboration with it. While Sunday’s elections are not expected to yield drastic outcomes, they will indicate the extent of the AfD’s grip on the regions.” We all know what happens when Germany starts electing right-wingers to power. Do not forget that the Nazis ceased power by never getting more than a third of the national vote; indeed, in most nations, right-wing, conservative political parties come to power without a majority, but people don’t care because humanity is simply too stupid to apprehend the worst consequences of their votes.

Then in New Zealand, CNN reports, “New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins has conceded his Labour party lost Saturday’s election, as voters punished the government and took the country rightwards nine months after his predecessor Jacinda Ardern suddenly resigned.” Like Germany, challenging economic conditions seem to be the primary cause for idiot voters electing conservative governments to fix their problems — presumably faster than liberal governments have been able to do. Naturally, fast enough never really happens because governments and political parties (left or right) can hardly be expected to change the course of the global economy on a dime. Yet that’s what moronic voters expect, which is why these f***tards are more than willing to give up their freedoms for a few more dollars in their wallets now! It never f***ing fails. Stupidity and impatience kill democracies and freedoms. (Democracy and preserving one’s freedoms is hard work, requiring constant vigilance and maintenance.) But no one cares, for people only think a minute into the future while ignoring the long-term consequences of their actions. Once people give up their freedoms, it is difficult to get them back. But whatever! I live in f***ing stupid hell! Welcome to stupid, lazy humanity. It’s easier to do nothing and just see what happens next.

But the losing hits closer to home. According to NBC News, “Democrats’ two-term hold on the governorship of Louisiana will come to an end next year after Republican state Attorney General Jeff Landry won the seat Saturday by capturing a majority in an all-party primary. Landry had more than 51% of the vote when The Associated Press called the race after 11 p.m. E.T., running far ahead on a ballot that featured 16 candidates, including Democrats, independents and Republicans.” What?!?! How can this be? I thought — according to dumbass Democratic pundits and commentators — that Democrats were in a stronger position than those pesky “unreliable” polls (aka elections) indicated. I thought Democrats had stopped the “red wave” by narrowly losing the House! (As usual, only dumbass Democrats think losing is a form of winning.) I thought the Dobbs decision was going to be the game-changer for elections. Clearly, not. RepubliKKKlans won because of low turnout by Democratic voters — of course. Imagine that! I expected nothing less. They may have liked their pro-life Democratic governor, but they surely will love the new anti-contraception RepubliKKKlan governor. Whatever! People get the government they deserve and desire.

Sorry, but dumbass Democrats live in a fantasy world, and they are utterly blind to the political trends around the world and what is about to happen in next year’s elections. Granted, Democrats have won other special elections, flipping red seats to blue here and there, but a governorship loss — a statewide loss — is a big deal and a warning sign flashing bright red. Don’t be so sure that RepubliKKKlans’ incompetency in governing and managing the House will cause them to lose the House in 2024. (The RepubliKKKlan chaos brand in the House certainly did not cause voters in Louisiana to think twice.) Anyone paying attention and having two brain cells to rub together — which are few — could have predicted that giving control of the House to RepubliKKKlans would grind the government to a halt in spectacular fashion. Yet that’s precisely what idiot voters did anyway. And come 2024, these same morons will conveniently forget the chaos they voted into office by re-electing RepubliKKKlans to continue the damage to our democracy, except they’ll give more power to RepubliKKKlans because deep down inside, people want the disorder and don’t care about the country; that was made evident when they elected traitor trump to office. They crave the circus. Americans love the chaos to turn their boring, pathetic lives into an exciting reality T.V. show. We’re in the End Times, f***tards! Mark my words. Hoards of morons worldwide are turning against liberal democracies because people are stupid. They’re f***ing around and about to find out! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with stupid people and stupid humanity. Be careful what you wish for, idiots! Oh, well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh, Dear Lord!

I am not sure what is so f***ing confusing about the situation in Israel, especially with the MSM starting to both-sides the fighting. Look, f***tards! Hamas started a war with Israel, and Israel is going to finish it! It’s that f***ing simple. Almost by definition, war necessarily involves innocent civilian casualties. But that is life; that is the human condition. At our core, we are no better than apes, but we have cell phones and guns.

That being said, I don’t think Israel should have bombed Gaza because that is precisely what Hamas expected them to do. No doubt Hamas anticipated a severe response, but now is the time for Israel to act counterintuitively. If they intended to get back hostages, then a long siege would have been better. (Honestly, I don’t think Israel ever planned to save the hostages; the situation has moved beyond that. Thus, hostages will become martyrs to history.) I say, have the IDF surround Gaza and then just f***ing wait and wait and wait until the food, water, and fuel runs out. That’s when the residents of Gaza will start to turn on Hamas. However, when you bomb the populace at large, the citizens begin to blame the nation doing the attacking more than Hamas for the death and destruction. The same logic applies to invading ground forces. Instead of Hamas being the terrorist group holding Palestinians captive in Gaza, they become the fighters protecting citizens and catching IDF bullets. It is better to starve the population into submission. You can’t bomb Hamas out of the population; you need the population to turn on Hamas. Many may argue that the citizens of Gaza have failed to turn on Hamas for the last 15 years. True, but this moment is qualitatively different. Now is the time to try other methods and different strategies. Unfortunately, the entirely understandable urge and desire by Israel for revenge are clouding their better judgment for the long term.

Last, the notion of a widening war is overblown. I just don’t see it. I really don’t. And I don’t care how brutal or far Israel may overreach in this war. Arab countries have slowly been sacrificing and abandoning the Palestinians for years. This is why and how Israel has been allowed to make peace and normalize relations with neighbors that were once thought unthinkable. It started with Egypt and Jordan years ago and has progressed to countries like the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Sudan, and Bahrain, and possibly Saudi Arabia. These countries have slowly realized that economics and stability are more important. If the war were to widen, it would have done so by now, and if it does widen to include Iran, I think most other Arab countries (governments) would be okay with that, happy to stay out of the fight. It is a long time coming and long overdue that Iran be ended, and Lord knows we can’t count on the so-called women’s revolution to do it. I’m still waiting for those ridiculous predictions (by “experts”) to come to fruition as if angry women would ever topple Iran’s theocracy.


The Stupid Never F***ing Ends, Does It?

From The Hill, “Former President Trump said Israel ‘wouldn’t have had to be prepared’ if he was president, implying that the U.S. would have detected and stopped a Hamas attack Saturday which sparked a war between Israel and the militant group in Gaza. … ‘We have to protect Israel, there’s no choice,’ Trump said. ‘And why do we have to do it? [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] has been hurt very badly because of what’s happened here. He was not prepared. He was not prepared and Israel was not prepared. And under Trump, they wouldn’t have had to be prepared.’”

As if by Pavlovian reflex, traitor trump advocates the counter-narrative and claims, of course, that everything would — as always — be different if he were in charge. Somehow, every worldwide adversity would be nonexistent if he were in power. And right on cue, he turns against his former (for now) ally Netanyahu by bashing him. (I wonder if Israelis are reconsidering the Trump Heights dedication. I doubt it. Israelis love their antisemite!) Like all crooks and thieves, they turn on each other at the drop of a dime without a flinch. And guess what? All these MAGA morons believe whatever traitor trump says without question or a second thought, even as he changes positions and direction on topics in whip-lash fashion. It doesn’t matter. None of it does. His flip-flopping is especially annoying as he now claims Hezbollah — another terrorist group — is “smart.” So, on the one hand, traitor trump pats Hezbollah on the back, while on the other hand, claims Israel f***ed up by allowing the terrorist attack to happen. But that guy is not an antisemite! Whatever! Kill me now! It’s all pathetic. Traitor trump is the destroyer of worlds that half of Americans love and idolize. Welcome to stupid America! The end is here, f***tards! You morons just haven’t apprehended it yet.


Just Kill the Nazis!

From RawStory, “A Texas woman’s Sunday taco lunch with her mom was interrupted by a group of diners who were wearing Nazi garb with one of them belting ‘White power!’ Jessica Gregorio, 31, quickly recorded a snippet of the estimated ten-deep group – one man was clad in a beige uniform with a Nazi swastika armband – causing them to finish up their lunch at Torchy’s in Fort Worth. His suspected cohorts were also spotted in a black hoodie bearing an image of a skull and a slogan that read ‘Gott Mit Uns’ (translated from German to mean ‘God With Us’).”

This is part of the problem with America: Domestic terrorist groups are allowed to roam free in this country when righteous citizens should be killing them on the spot. I’m sorry, but the First Amendment and the right to free association should not protect the likes of Nazis. As far as I’m concerned, if you parade around in a brown shirt with a swastika armband, then you are a dead man walking, and anyone should legally be allowed to walk up to you and put a bullet in your head. This is the only way to handle these people. But no! Because America is filled with a good 35 percent of racists, bigots, white nationalists, and domestic terrorist sympathizers, scenes like this are allowed to happen — indeed, they flourish and are celebrated. This is what a dying country looks like! Sh*t like this happens with barely a stir and acknowledgment of wrongdoing because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Welcome to stupid America!