
Don’t Fall for This SCOTUS Ruling!

According to The New York Times, “The Supreme Court said on Wednesday that it would let stand for now a ruling that Yeshiva University must recognize an L.G.B.T. student group. The vote was 5 to 4, with the majority saying that the university, a Modern Orthodox Jewish institution in Manhattan, must first pursue challenges to the ruling in state court.”

People might be excited to think a couple of SCOTUS conservatives support gay rights. Not so fast, f***tards. One must read the actual opinion to understand this is no victory; rather, it is a delay tactic. In short, SCOTUS denied injunctive relief because Yeshiva University basically failed to use all the other state channels to find intervention first. Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh have by no means ruled on the merits of the case; they save those opinions for when the case has fully percolated through the lower courts. Once this case “properly” makes its way back to SCOTUS, then you’ll find the six uber-conservative majority will rule in favor of allowing legalized discrimination against the gays. Mark my words, f***tards. This is just kicking the can down the road so that the conservative justices can point to the full due process of the legal system before taking away people’s civil rights because that is the Court’s ultimate goal. Welcome to stupid America!


RepubliKKKlans Want to Legalize Hate Speech

The Hill reports, “The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals [in Texas] upheld a controversial Texas law that restricts companies’ ability to remove users or violative content on Friday. The court’s decision lifts a previous injunction put in place by the Supreme Court, allowing the embattled law to go into effect. ‘Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say. Because the district court held otherwise, we reverse its injunction and remand for further proceedings,’ the court said in its decision.” The only reason this is even an issue is because RepibliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are the vast majority of people spreading hate and propaganda on social media, so these (public) companies (not government entities) are censoring their content because the rest of the users are sick of the vitriol and lying. But conservatives are upset that they are getting kicked off and can’t be as hateful as they enjoy.

So what do they do? Lawmakers write laws to force companies to allow hate speech and lies, all in the name of the First Amendment. As usual, conservatives have no idea what the First Amendment, as well as the Second Amendment, really mean. The First Amendment prohibits the government from banning or infringing on (most) speech, especially political speech. Yet what these RepubliKKKlan legislatures want to do is to force hate speech on non-government entities, who are not very keen on doing so because it’s driving social media users away. But that’s probably just fine for RepibliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks; they would rather be the only voices talking to each other on Facebook, Twitter, and the like. But whatever. I have no doubt that once SCOTUS gets a hold of this case, then forced hate speech and the right to spread propaganda will be the new normal. Welcome to stupid America, always one step closer to the end.


RepubliKKKlans Defy the Courts — They Get It!

The Associated Press reports, “Just hours after a Montana judge blocked health officials from enforcing a state rule that would prevent transgender people from changing the gender on their birth certificate, the Republican-run state on Thursday said it would defy the order. District Court Judge Michael Moses chided attorneys for the state during a hearing in Billings for circumventing his April order that temporarily blocked a 2021 Montana law that made it harder to change birth certificates.” Look, f***tards! Our democracy is done. It just is morons of America. Witness the last pillar of the Constitution crumble as RepubliKKKlans begin to apprehend that there is no such thing as court police to enforce their rulings, so when a judge orders equal protection under the law, conservatives ignore it. I don’t think stupid America really comprehends this.

All of the judiciary’s power and legitimacy come from a collective agreement and the willingness of the citizens to follow what they say. To be fair, I’ve called for the same actions under SCOTUS. When the high Court starts taking rights away from people, Democrats should just ignore the dictatorship of six. I don’t know how much more I can call out and point to that will convince people that America’s democracy is fatally injured and cannot be saved without violence — the only way is through! Soon, the courts are going to be utterly feckless in holding together the rule of law. The lawlessness under and after traitor trump has only intensified; RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks relish corruption. Welcome to stupid America! It is time for a great reset!


More Traitor [T]rump Winning

This is what a dying democracy looks like. Traitor trump has infected the judiciary with his corrupt and incompetent judges. The D.O.J. and the Biden administration are completely unable to identify the danger that is traitor trump and unable to counter his attacks. There is a reason traitor trump has been getting away with criming all his life. There is a reason he is untouchable. There is a reason more and more people come running to his defense. He plays crooked and dirty, whereas dumbass Democrats from Biden to the A.G. play by the rules; they will get crushed in doing so, and this latest Cannon ruling proves that. As The Hill reports, “A federal judge on Thursday denied the Justice Department’s motion to access the classified records stored at Mar-a-Lago and installed a recently retired judge to serve as the special master former President Trump requested. The duo of orders from federal district Judge Aileen Cannon will ignite a Department of Justice (D.O.J.) appeal to the 11th Circuit and also selects Judge Raymond Dearie to serve as the special master — the one candidate both the D.O.J. and Trump’s legal team could agree on.” Whatever! Traitor trump always wins against the law. Always! Mark my words, f***tards! Welcome to stupid America. No one cares!


Auschwitz Guy Had 21 Prior Convictions

According to Politico, “A Virginia man who stormed the U.S. Capitol while wearing an antisemitic ‘Camp Auschwitz’ sweatshirt over a Nazi-themed shirt was sentenced on Thursday to 75 days of imprisonment. … Packer is a self-employed pipe fitter. Prosecutors say he has a lengthy criminal record, with approximately 21 convictions, mostly for drunken driving and other motor vehicle violations.” Of course! All these MAGA morons are exactly the same — every single one of them. They’re criminals. They’re drunks. They’re drug addicts. They’re hypocrites. They’re morns. And, above all, they are Everyman of conservative America! Welcome to stupid America!



Chicago Tribune – Gene J. Puskar/AP

What a mess already! The Chicago Tribune reports, “Federal law bars a freight railroad strike or lockout before Friday, and Congress could intervene and block a work stoppage if the unions and railroads can’t reach a deal by the end of the week. But Amtrak is only the latest agency to take preemptive steps beforehand. The railroads said they would begin curtailing shipments of hazardous materials and other chemicals Monday to ensure carloads of dangerous products won’t be stranded along the tracks if the trains stop moving. The heads of the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers — Transportation Division union that represents conductors, and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen union that represents engineers, criticized that decision as a move to increase pressure on shippers and Congress to intervene.”

What a f***ing disaster this could turn out to be, especially — singularly — for Biden and Democrats. If rail workers strike and Congress intervenes — and they will in order to prevent an economic meltdown — then what will Biden do? Sign legislation forcing union workers back to their jobs? Biden was supposed to be the most union-friendly president ever, which is fine, but this strike could force him to reverse course for the greater good of the nation, and there is no way for him not to come out looking like a hypocrite. God! Right before the midterms. I have no doubt RepubliKKKlans are meddling in union politics to pile on Democrats.


National Abortion Ban By Ms. Lindsey Graham

According to The Hill, “‘I think we should have a law at the federal level that would say after 15 weeks, no abortion on demand except in cases of rape, incest and save the life of a mother. And that should be where America’s at,’ Graham said during a press conference on Capitol Hill, adding a line sure to be featured in Democratic campaign ads in the next two months. ‘If we take back the House and the Senate, I can assure you we’ll have a vote on our bill. If the Democrats are in charge, I don’t know if we’ll ever have a vote on our bill,’ he added.”

Much ado is being made about this new push by Ms. Lindsey Graham to enact a national abortion ban, and for good reason. But I write with a different angle in mind. Never mind the hypocrisy of RepubliKKKlans having always insisted that abortion rights are a state’s rights issue. (They’ve never believed in states’ rights regarding an individual’s personal rights.) Never mind the timing of the announcement, which “trampled” all over negative inflation news yesterday accompanied by a drop in the stock market. Never mind that Ms. Lindsey Graham is seeking a “middle way” on the abortion issue, for he is proposing what most Americans believe: Legal abortions before fetus viability with key exceptions. All sounds very reasonable, yes? Well, that’s the subterfuge. He’s trying to activate RepubliKKKlan and Independences to vote for a not-so-radical-RepubliKKKlan-majority-after all. But they just want a foot in the door. Who really thinks RepubliKKKlans will stop at 15 weeks and securing protections? Did we not hear the same thing about Roe for 50 years? Don’t worry — Roe isn’t going anywhere. Make no mistake — and idiot Americans keep falling for this — RepubliKKKlans, given power, will not only ban abortions nationwide, but they will get rid of exceptions. Who trusts RepubliKKKlans? F***tarded Americans. Will Ms. Lindsey Graham’s ploy work? While many RepubliKKKlans are already distancing themselves from his proposal, I think his “middle way” is the type of insidious proposal for which morons of America always fall. Welcome to stupid America!


Not Much Is Happening

I have been rather reticent these last several weeks. I’ve been quiet because not much has been happening on the political front, and there is not much about which to comment. Oh, sure, I know investigations into traitor trump have been “heating up,” allegedly. But have they, really? If I have to hear one more f***ing pundit or politician claim that the walls are closing in on traitor trump, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Indeed, I thought traitor trump would have announced his presidential intentions by now, given the latest D.O.J. investigation into his mishandling of classified documents. But the fact that he hasn’t reinforces my assertion: A.G. Garland won’t go there. Full stop. I think traitor trump is correct when he feels that he’s above the law. Because he is. How many investigations does the D.O.J. intend to open before it actually does something? When Garland says that they will pursue justice without fear or favor, he really means holding everyone around traitor trump accountable, except traitor trump himself.

I genuinely believe the government fears widespread unrest if they charge traitor trump. To which I say: Bring it! The government should just embrace the potential for violence. I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it: America needs to have it out once and for all, and if traitor trump in handcuffs is the catalyst to that end, then the D.O.J. should do it! Do it now! But they won’t, which is why I have not been commenting much, even as more is relieved about traitor trump’s criming. He has the government right where he wants them — bogged down in legal fights that will drag everything out, and eventually, he’ll win just enough to blunt the bunch of all of the investigations into him. So, I’m in a holding pattern until the next shoe drops, which is the upcoming midterm elections. I’m bored.


If It Works…

According to Investor’s Business Daily, “President Joe Biden’s approval rating bounced higher over the past month, helped by lower gas prices and a series of legislative wins, a new IBD/TIPP Poll finds. Younger Americans, in particular, rallied around Biden following approval of the climate-focused Inflation Reduction Act and his decision to forgive up to $20,000 in college loans. Biden’s approval rating jumped 6.6 points to 49, the highest since April. … Adults 18-44 now approve of Biden’s handling of the presidency by a 51%-40% margin. Biden’s net approval of 11 points among younger Americans reversed from net disapproval of 11 points in August. At that time, just 40% approved and 51% disapproved of his job performance.”

On the one hand, it is sad that young Americans need to be bribed in order to approve of Biden’s presidency. On the other hand, if debt forgiveness works, then so be it. I have not commented on the college debt forgiveness plan because I am somewhat agnostic on the subject. I have no college loan debt — never did. I paid as I went back when it was actually affordable. I guess my only feeling on the matter is that debts owed should be repaid by their borrowers, but the interest rate on college loans is absurd and, in fact, criminal. These are generally government-back loans with interest rates exceeding mortgage rates. That is a f***ing travesty. These loans should carry zero interest or one percent at most. But no, lenders and bankers need their usury cut.

That being said, if President Biden needs to hand out free money to get the youth vote, then I’m all for it. Whatever it takes to win. I’m not ashamed to admit it. If Democrats need to “buy” votes to save democracy, then so be it. It is a small price to pay in the long run.


This Idiot!

2018 POOL/AFP/File / Matt Dunham

Apparently, traitor trump is surprised he was not invited to Queen Elizabeth’s funeral because he thought he had a special connection with Her Majesty, according to Maggie Haberman of The New York Times. Seriously?!?! I expected nothing less from that f***tard. One visit with The Queen and he thinks he’s “special.” This is the same moron who walked in front of The Queen while inspecting her guard. But, of course, he did because traitor trump — Moron the First — thought they were his guard and were lined up for him! No, no. They were lined up for her; he was just along for the ride. This was the same idiot man-baby who showed up late to meet The Queen. What a f***ing embarrassment. God! I get infuriated all over again thinking about it. Traitor trump is the American human mirror. He reflected everything wrong with America for four years, and he still does. Welcome to stupid America! I can’t.