
Russian Spy Slept with Traitor [T]rump et al.

Russian spy Inna Yashchyshyn poses with former President Donald Trump and Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., at Mr. Trump’s private golf course just miles from Mar-a-Lago in May 2021.

According to a Post-Gazette investigative report, “A year before the FBI’s spectacular raid of the former president’s seaside home, the woman whose real name is Inna Yashchyshyn, a Russian-speaking immigrant from Ukraine, made several trips into the estate posing as a member of the famous family while making inroads with some of the former president’s key supporters. … Little information is public about Ms. Yashchyshyn, who once worked for a suburban Miami business that specializes in providing pregnant Russian mothers the option to have their babies in the U.S. [aka anchor babies] to gain citizenship, court records show. … She used ‘her fake identity as Anna de Rothschild to gain access to and build relationships with U.S. politician[s], including but not limited to Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Eric Greitens,’ he said in a court affidavit in Miami. … One of them, Sergey Golubev, a Russian-born U.S. citizen who was once married to Ms. Yashchyshyn, said they wed in 2011 so she could obtain U.S. residency and stay in the country, but the marriage was only on paper.”

Suffice it to say, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans always make easy targets for Russian spies; they attract them like flies to sh*t. And don’t think for a second that Yashchyshyn did not sleep her way into power, money, and influence. They are called honeypots. Maria Butina is another well-known Russian spy of this variety. Welcome to stupid America, where MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan traitors help Russia and destroy America!


QAnon RepubliKKKlan Offers to Buy Child

Typical Florida Man: QAnon, RepubliKKKlan, and Pedophile

According to Fox13 News, “A Florida man – and a registered sex offender – was arrested Thursday after he offered to buy a woman’s daughter for $100,000 while at the grocery store, according to Port Orange Police Department. In 2018, the same man allegedly offered to purchase a woman’s child for $200,000. Police said the latest incident happened on Aug. 16, 2022, at a Winn-Dixie grocery store in Port Orange, which is northeast of Orlando, and north of New Smyrna Beach. Hellmuth Kolb’ attempted to purchase a female minor for $100,000.00 from her parent,’ police said in a Facebook post.” Naturally, and of course! Enough said. Welcome to stupid America!


Allahu Akbar!

As Axios reports, “A Florida activist is fundraising to donate Arabic ‘In God We Trust’ signs to Texas schools after a state law was enacted to require signs with the U.S. motto in public schools. … Critics have called the statute, which mandates that schools display the signs in a ‘conspicuous place’ if they are donated, an attempt to reinforce Christian nationalist values across the state. … The signs must ‘contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag.’ No other words, images or information are allowed. … He says he plans to flood Texas schools with ‘hundreds’ of donations of Arabic-language ‘In God We Trust’ posters.” I hate all religions, but I love this idea!

Look, f***tards! This is how you beat RepubliKKKlans at their own game. Unmistakably, when Texas wrote and implemented this white Christian Nationalist rendition of Sharia law, they only intended to have English versions of “In God We Trust” displayed, but they could not very well explicitly write that into the law because it would be discriminatory. Yet, the implication and the wink-and-nod understanding was manifest. Now, it looks like someone is calling them out on it. So, what is Texas to do? Naturally, there is not a snowball’s chance in hell that any Arabic sign proclaiming “In God We Trust” will be posted in the great state of Texas because you know: Arab’s God of Abraham is different from Christian’s God of Abraham. If Chaz Stevens, who is organizing the GoFundMe campaign, is serious about his advocacy, then he should be willing to sue to get his signs posted. Only through a lawsuit will we become fully aware of the state’s intentions, which is to promote white Christian Nationalism. I would love to see such a lawsuit come to fruition and, ultimately, come before SCOTUS, whose collective right-wing cabal’s head would explode trying to justify discriminating against Arabs and, by implication, Islam. But fear not, for SCOTUS has it covered with their newly created “traditions and history” test, which obviously does not protect Islam or Arabs. Welcome to stupid America. Eventually, the nation will show its true colors: Pure white!


Call Me a Recalcitrant Contrarian

Call me stubborn. Call me obtuse. Call me willfully ignorant for being a contrarian despite the mounting evidence, but I still do not think traitor trump will be indicted, much less convicted. I just don’t see it. I don’t see the federal government going after a former president because that’s not what America does. America has a long track record of not holding former government officials accountable for their crimes. I stand firm in defense of my First Axiom of presidents. I don’t think A.G. Garland will cross the Rubicon, so to speak, of indicting a former president. It’s just not going to happen, and I don’t care how much noise liberal legal experts muster. They keep claiming that there is no way Garland can’t indict. Of course, that’s B.S. Mark my words, f***tards! Traitor trump shall get away with it — whatever it is — too. Welcome to stupid America!


Anti-Abortionist Wants Kiddies to Molest

Obvious pedophile RepubliKKKlan Luke Bowen — It’s always the beady eyes, and he’s fat!

According to The Courier, “Former Texas Right to Life Political Director Luke Bowen has been charged with online solicitation of a minor after an Aug. 3 sting operation by Montgomery County Internet Crimes Against Children.” Of course! Imagine that! A pedophile is pro-life! Of course, he is. Of course, they are. Do you really think that people who are anti-abortion care about life? Do you really believe that? Either they want to control women’s bodies, or they want women to breed more children so they can eventually sexually molest them. It’s that simple — supply and demand. Looks like Luke Bowen is one such predator. I expected nothing less! The more babies, the better! Welcome to sicko America! Sick and stupid!


‘Let Them Eat Crudité’

This is why I just love Fetterman. He’s a fighter that is not afraid to punch and take the fight to RepubliKKKlans. Of course, I am referring to idiot boy Dr. Oz’s political “misstep” as NBC News reports, “Mehmet Oz on Wednesday dipped into the hullabaloo over his now-viral attempt to shop for a crudité platter, addressing for the first time his remarks in an April video that boomeranged around the internet this week. … Twitter users resurfaced the April video of Oz shopping for groceries in a Redner’s supermarket in Pennsylvania. The video was intended to show the impact of inflation on state voters.”

A couple of things are going on here. First, it aggregates me that the MSM keeps treating the Dr. Oz video as some high-larious “unforced error” or “hullabaloo” because it is not. The video is far less funny and far more derisive. His attempt (and failure) to be the Everyman of Pennsylvania goes right to the heart of his campaign. The video is not a bug of his candidacy and character; it’s a feature. But the MSM keeps wanting to pass it off as “tone deaf.” No, no! He’s just plain old deaf; it’s his personality! That is the point, not that he missed the mark. But Fetterman understands this, which brings me to my second point. Fetterman went there with Dr. Oz, whereas a typical dumbass Democrat would do nothing for fear of deigning to fight back as if what Dr. Oz did was so obviously ridiculous that it need not require a counter punch. Well, that’s the problem with Democrats. They think everything is so apparent to voters when in reality such political opportunities need to be pointed out and seized upon– explicitly and endlessly. Democrats take for granted that voters are well informed. They are not! Also, dumbass Democrats are afraid to punch back when such political gifts arise for fear of seeming to fight unfairly. They don’t want to take advantage of a political opponent’s gaffe. F*** that! Take the gaffe and magnify it by 1000. Fetterman does it because he’s the man. Dumbass Democrats more generally? Not so much! Welcome to stupid America!


‘In God We Trust’

Are you f***ing kidding me? Seriously? I mean, this must be some kind of joke, yes? Oh, wait! No, it’s not because this is American theocracy coming to pass. To what am I referring? According to CNN, “Texas school districts have begun receiving donated posters and framed copies of the national motto, ‘In God We Trust,’ that they will now be required to display in accordance with a new state law. The law says a public elementary or secondary school or an institution of higher education ‘must’ display a durable poster or framed copy of the motto in a ‘conspicuous place’ in each building if the poster or framed copy is ‘donated for display at the school or institution’ or ‘purchased from private donations and made available to the school or institution.’”

This is straight-up indoctrination. It’s bad enough that the motto is on American money, but now in every educational institution. This is what a stupid society looks like. This is what implanting a theocracy looks like. What’s next? The Ten Commandments alongside the “In God We Trust” sign. I’m surprised Texas (and other red states) haven’t legalized “Christians Only” segregation, but with the current makeup of SCOTUS, I’m sure such a plan is in the works because Lord knows Christians only is consistent with the “traditions and history” of America. The country enslaved Black people and displaced (and committed genocide against) Native Americans in the name of Christianity, the second worst majority religion behind Islam. Religion — humanity’s worst invention! I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!


The Armed IRS Boogeymen, of Course

According to The Hill, “In an appearance on Fox & Friends this week, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) questioned whether the IRS was ready to send in armed units of agents into small Iowa businesses. ‘Are they going to have a strike force that goes in with AK-15s already loaded, ready to shoot some small business person in Iowa with these, because I think they’re going after middle class and small business people, because they think that anybody that has pass-through income is a crook, and they aren’t paying their fair share, and we’re going to go after them,’ he said. … ‘The incendiary conspiracy theories Republicans are pushing about armed IRS agents are increasingly dangerous and out of control,’ Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a statement.” Of course! RepubliKKKlans never want to pay their fair share. They want everything free and have everyone else pay.

The stupidity is sinking in, as I detailed in a recent post. That post was a real-world, real-time example of the level of idiocy that infects and will destroy America. As I repeatedly say, this nation cannot survive with a level of moronity so widespread throughout the population and perpetuated by RepubliKKKlan leadership that it will kill all of us. It just can’t. When I sit in a popular breakfast spot in the middle of a blue-leaning community to hear word-for-word talking points of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons, then I apprehend the disease of stupidity is no longer relegated to the fringes of society but is mainstream, and the infection is spreading. This IRS claim, which literally borders on a level of mental (in)capacity (IQ in the 20-25 range) to believe, is instructive of a nation headed toward a civil war if for no other reason than the intelligent, knowledgable part of society needs to purge the f***tards, lest the entire country sinks into a state of babble and drool. Welcome to stupid America — more true than not.


Shirtless Pics of Musk: Hold Your Breakfast

I assume these are real, yes? Or close to accurate? I mean, if douchebag Musk is the genius he claims to be, then he could easily srub the interwebs of fake and deep fake pics, right? I mean, he claims to be the mastermind and the end-all, be-all of space, cars, and technology. Oh, wait! What the f***? They are real? According to Musk’s own Twitter response, “Musk, 51, cheekily responded to one of the jokes saying he needed to take his shirt off more often. ‘Haha damn, maybe I should take off my shirt more often … free the nip!! (already back in the factory btw),’ he posted.” I was half kidding when I questioned the legitimacy of the pics. I figured they may have been slightly altered, but I guess not. Musk actually owns and embraces that body. Now I want to know how the f*** that guy is still bedding women and fathering illegitimate children? Ugh. Gross. Seriously! He’s a gross old fat white man. Ick! Just ick! Oh, and have you seen him dance? Wow! No! I love how old straight white men just give up at a certain age.


On Liz Cheney

Chip Somodevilla / Getty

Mark Leibovich writes in The Atlantic, “I joined Cheney in the college town of Laramie, at a house party hosted by one of her supporters. As usual, people were coming up to her—very young people and very old people and liberals who probably used to deride her father, Dick Cheney, as Darth Vader and a war criminal. Now they were praising Darth Daughter, reminding her that she is playing for history and on a stage much bigger than Wyoming. They tell her not to be deterred—by the abuse or the Ditch Liz signs or whatever ugly results come in after the voting’s done. … Being a lonely exemplar of courage in a party otherwise bloated with cranks and cowards has made Liz Cheney one of the most admired political leaders in America—at least among Democrats. ‘The world is upside down,’ Cheney has been saying. Indeed, the marvel of Dick Cheney’s daughter now having a 59 percent approval rating among Democrats, and only 14 percent among Republicans, has not been lost on anyone.”

Ugh! Between you, me, and the fence post, I’m among the 59 percent and one who called the Dick Darth Vader and a war criminal, which still holds true to this day. But I concede that I must be getting squishy in my old age. I still hate all RepubliKKKlans without exception, but I hate a few less (perhaps a quiet contempt) than most others, for example, Michael Steele. And I’ve even learned to mostly forgive former RepubliKKKlans such as Joe Scarbrough and Nicolle Wallace, who are among my favorite commentators. I guess if they are trenchant enough to know when to leave a party that has become anti-American, then I could respect them for their choice even though they were once part of and supported a party that paved the way to this moment in history. So, they are not entirely faultless. Of course, I would sooner pull a hole in my head than ever vote for a RepubliKKKlan.

But back to Cheney. Even though she has not left the RepubliKKKlan Party — the party left her, as the cliché goes — she is truly the most ferocious defender of America’s democracy than anyone in Congress, including Democrats. And she further gained my respect when she voted in favor of the Respect for Marriage Act, which was surprising. Amazing how a lesbian sister changes one perspective, but that’s par for the course with a conservative mindset; they find empathizing with others difficult unless they have been directly or indirectly impacted, especially on culture war issues. Unfortunately, Sith Lord traitor trump has cut down Jedi Master Cheney, and now he’s more powerful than ever. The end is coming, morons. Mark my words. Welcome to stupid America!