
Shatner Mocks Musk: ROFL

First, I love William Shatner. Second, I love William Shatner. Third, I love William Shatner. Last, Musk is a douchebag — always has been!


A.G. Garland Spent Weeks … Thinking

From The Wall Street Journal, “Attorney General Merrick Garland deliberated for weeks over whether to approve the application for a warrant to search former President Donald Trump’s Florida home, people familiar with the matter said, a sign of his cautious approach that will be tested over the coming months.” All wasted time when there is no time to waste! While Garland has been evincing a de minimis amount of spine in the last couple of weeks, he is playing right into traitor trump’s most valuable tactic: Delay and wait out the clock. As Garland hems and haws about taking each step, traitor trump is plotting and consolidating his power and defense. This only reinforces what I’ve been saying for years now; A.G. Garland is not the killer America needs — indeed, requires — to take down traitor trump and save America. Being too cautious at this point only makes the orange traitor stronger. The army he built is mobilizing, and Garland is too busy musing. Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming for our democracy. I’m not sure how often I have to keep repeating myself before people start to believe.


Weisselberg Flipped Like a Hotcake — Not!

Ha ha! According to The New York Times, “A senior executive at Donald J. Trump’s family business who was charged with participating in a yearslong tax scheme is nearing a deal with Manhattan prosecutors but will not cooperate with a broader investigation into Mr. Trump, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. If it becomes final, a plea deal for the executive, Allen H. Weisselberg, would bring prosecutors no closer to indicting the former president but would nonetheless brand one of his most trusted lieutenants a felon.” Of course!

Allow myself to quote myself from a February 2022 post, “The twin New York investigations have stalled even after the release of his taxes which were supposed to be the holy grail that would undo him [traitor trump]. Weisselberg was supposed to crack and turn on traitor trump. Not! Still waiting!” It was obvious to me back in February that nothing was going to come from Weisselberg. He was never going to flip. He was always going to hold fast because traitor trump is the mob boss, and his lieutenants would literally go to jail for him rather than give him up — ask Michael Cohen. It is another potential prosecution the orange traitor swatted down. It is just one more example of traitor trump getting away with crimes because he’s untouchable. I wish he weren’t, but people need to come to grips with the fact that he gets away with everything. No one will ever hold him accountable, including A.G. Garland. Welcome to stupid America. I give up! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Traitor [T]rump Intended to Sell Nuclear Secrets

According to CNN, “The FBI sought to locate classified documents related to nuclear weapons, among other items, when agents searched former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, this week, people familiar with the investigation told The Washington Post.” There is only one conclusion: Traitor trump intended to sell nuclear secrets to Russia or North Korea. What other reason would there be for traitor trump to possess such information? There is a reason I’ve been calling the orange man “traitor trump” from day one! He is a f***ing traitor of the highest m****f***ing order! Traitor trump hates America, and he is the leader of the “America last” and “hate America” coalition. And RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks will defend him no matter what because they want him to return to the presidency to finish destroying America, for they’re all traitors, too. We execute traitors in this country and the electric chair has been woefully underused as of late.

Yet, 40 percent of the country are traitors or admire traitors and they desire the head insurrectionist to lead the nation once again. Fear not, though! Nothing will happen to traitor trump; it never does. His followers love him more for being “persecuted” and aggrieved, and he’ll just get re-elected because this is what morons of America want — a treasonous, idiot leader who cares more about foreign dictators than the welfare of the nation. But he hates minorities! Being president has always been about traitor trump’s ego and personal aggrandizement and never about serving the nation or promoting the betterment of the citizens. Traitor trump is the mirror evincing the depravity and hatred of a nation, and the nation fell in love with what they saw in the reflection, which is why people are willing and have died for him. Oh, well. The end is coming, f***tards. Traitor trump is a national security threat; no one cares because inflation! Oh, and, of course, but her emails! I can’t! Welcome to stupid America.


Laundering Lies

According to The New York Times, “At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said.” So, now the lawyer is in legal jeopardy? Two words: Plausible deniability. I’m not a lawyer, but when I hear these armchair solicitors on M.S.M. claim that traitor trump’s lawyer and traitor trump himself could be legally culpable for what is clearly a false declaration made to the F.B.I., I roll my eyes. Once again, morons on the boob tube and inter-webs keep convincing themselves that traitor trump has never done this before now. This is his first time flouting the law and dodging the legal system, so naturally, he has no idea how to — indeed, cannot — evade federal prosecutors. Wrong!

This is precisely how the “he said she said” argument is going to go. Traitor trump’s lawyer will claim that she signed and submitted the statement in good faith because she consulted with traitor trump and personally reviewed the boxes locked in storage. She saw nothing — because Traitor trump was playing hide-and-seek with the files. Traitor trump will argue that he told her the truth and that he relied on her to conduct the necessary due diligence before she submitted such a declaration. In other words, it’s not his fault, although again he’s been playing hide-and-seek with national security documents. Of course, federal prosecutors would need to establish who ordered moving boxes around and when to hide from investigators. I promise that the chain of commands for moving said boxes will be like a long game of third-grade telephone where no one knows anything for sure. This is exactly how traitor trump launders his lies into “truth” so that he always gets away with establishing doubt and plausible deniability, which has kept him out of jail for 50 years. They’re never going to get him. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!


The Presidential Declassification Wand

One of the primary defenses in support of traitor trump’s handling of classified documents is that he has the power to declassify anything thing he wants. As The New York Times reports, “Former President Donald J. Trump claimed on Friday that before leaving office, he declassified all the documents the F.B.I. found in this week’s search of his Florida residence that agents described as classified in a list of what they seized — including several caches apparently marked as ‘top secret.’ ‘It was all declassified,’ Mr. Trump asserted in a statement. The claim echoed an assertion in May by Kash Patel, a former Trump administration official and a major supporter of Mr. Trump, after the National Archives found materials marked classified in boxes of documents it removed from Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club and estate. He asserted that Mr. Trump had deemed those files declassified shortly before leaving office, but that the markings had not been removed from them. … But in any case, such a claim would not settle the matter. For one thing, two of the laws that a search warrant executed at Mar-a-Lago this week referred to — Sections 1519 and 2071 of Title 18 of the United States Code — make the taking or concealment of government records a crime regardless of whether they had anything to do with national security.”

Let’s put aside this last part of the quote, although it is the most significant factor in this Mar-a-Lago-gate mess. I will save that for another time. What I am most interested in is this presumption of the presidential declassification wand: That the president can declassify anything while in office. It interests me because it has never been tested, of course, until traitor trump entered the White House and decided to wreck everything. Before traitor trump, there was a process for handling and declassifying national security material that every other president would never dream of violating. Then enter traitor trump, who declassified on a whim and violated every administrative process. By his very contempt and disregard for norms, practices, principles, and morality, he has pushed the notion of the unitary executive — a philosophy particularly advanced by the dick, Cheney — to its maximum, which basically states that all the executive power resides in the chief executive, aka the president. Because he is the “C.E.O.” of the nation, then he is defacto above the law while in office. How convenient for the criminal president traitor trump and Bush II, who preceded him.

Naturally, when this type of fracture arises, one must go directly to SCOTUS. How will SCOTUS rule? That is the real question. Therein lies the fundamental crux of the matter. Will this SCOTUS confer even more unitary power upon the president? Will this SCOTUS create a declassification wand whereby the president can ignore the long-established declassification processes and just declare national security secrets open source because he said so? The short answer, of course, is hell yes! Or, more specifically, yes for RepubliKKKlan presidents, for they’ll find some exception in the “traditions and history” of America that only applies to “conservative” applications of an imperial president. Make no mistake, always ask yourself how will SCOTUS rule if such a matter needs to be adjudicated before the High Court. When you suspect they will vote in favor of conservative causes or a RepubliKKKlan president, then you will better understand the significance of what’s happening in politics. Conservatives are always looking for test cases to expedite to SCOTUS with the intention of expanding the powers of an imperial presidency. RepubliKKKlans want a Constitutional crisis because they know America’s democracy loses and Fascism wins in such cases. Welcome to stupid America!


‘Did the F.B.I. Just Re-elect Donald Trump?’

Noted conservative David Brooks poses the question in The New York Times. He does not quite answer the question strictly but conjectures, “I presume in those circumstances Trump would be arrested and imprisoned. I also presume we would see widespread political violence from incensed Trump voters who would conclude that the Regime has stolen the country. In my view, this is the most likely path to a complete democratic breakdown. … My impression is that the F.B.I. had legitimate reasons to do what it did. My guess is it will find some damning documents that will do nothing to weaken Trump’s support. I’m also convinced that, at least for now, it has unintentionally improved Trump’s re-election chances. It has unintentionally made life harder for Trump’s potential primary challengers and motivated his base.”

He’s partially correct in that America is about to break down entirely. And, in my estimation, we are one step closer to the hot civil war that has been ten years in the making. Brooks is wrong in that traitor trump’s chances have been improved with the F.B.I. raid. No, no. I contend that his chances of winning remain unchanged because he always had a near-certain chance of winning. And all these political pundits who claim traitor trump was on the political ropes, that the Big Lie was losing its potency, and that DeSantis was about to overtake the orange man are idiots who have not been paying attention. Traitor trump only appears to have been in a political lull over the last two years; yet, he was always destined to come roaring back once he declared his presidential ambitions. The only thing the F.B.I. did was accelerate the timeline. Revving up the MAGA moron crazies and whipping the RepubliKKKlan Party in line to support traitor trump was always going to happen at the flick of a switch. DeSantis never had a chance. Pence never had a chance. All the “Never Trumpers” and traitor trump detractors never had a chance to change the course of the RepubliKKKlan Party or trumpism.

Moreover, traitor trump’s entire presidential campaign was always going to be based on revenge and lies and violence, so what the F.B.I. did or did not do and when the F.B.I. did what it did or did not do what it never intended is utterly immaterial to the eventual goal: Elect traitor trump on a platform of hatred, stupidity, conspiracy theories, and revenge. And should the D.OJ. actually charge the orange traitor with a crime — though he’ll never be convicted — the outcome was also going to be exactly the same: Political violence. Political violence before his election and political violence after the election. Political violence should he win or not win. If traitor trump should win, then the violence would merely be sanctioned by the government, and no one except enemies of the state will be held accountable. Suddenly, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will fall in love with the F.B.I. again. Mark my words, f***tard. The end was also coming; it just sped up a bit. Welcome to stupid America!


Sh*thole Texas to Remain a Sh*thole

From The Hill, “Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has maintained a 7-point lead over Democratic nominee Beto O’Rourke in the Lone Star State’s governor’s race, new polling shows. … A slightly higher percentage of Democrats reported they’d cross party lines to back Abbott than Republicans who said they’d do the same for O’Rourke — 12 percent and 8 percent, respectively. … In all, 47 percent of respondents said they approved of Abbott’s job performance and 49 percent disapproved. More than half of voters surveyed also said they thought Texas was ‘headed off on the wrong track’ under its current leadership, at 56 percent, while 43 percent said it’s ‘headed in the right direction.’”

As usual to everyone except dumbass Democrats, Texas remains fools’ gold for dumbass democrats. If I have to hear one more f***ing time that Texas is a purple state just waiting to turn blue any election cycle now, then I’m going to go f***ing G.D. postal! Given the numerous disasters on Abbott’s watch — energy problems, school shootings, climate denialism, more guns everywhere accompanied by gun terrorism, handling of COVID, etc. — the best O’Rourke can achieve is down by 7 points. Un-f***ing-believable! Moreover, the poll indicates more Democrats are willing to cross party lines to vote for a RepubliKKKlan. It never f***ing fails. Dumbass Democrats can never coalesce around their Democratic nomination. They always splinter, allowing the opposition party to win. I give up! Then, of course, the most absolutely galling conclusion of the poll is that despite 56 percent of Texans believing the state is headed on the wrong track, they still want to elect the same governor who put them there. Yeah, I get it. There is much thrown into the “wrong track” bucket, including RepubliKKKlans who think Texas is not conservative enough, and the same can be said about Biden’s approval. But let’s face it. Those who wish to re-elect Abbott want more of the same disastrous policies. Whatever! Texas is never going to turn blue, f***tards. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!


Walrus Freya Murdered

According to France 24, “A walrus nicknamed Freya that attracted crowds while basking in the sun of the Oslo fjord was euthanised, Norway officials said on Sunday. … Officials had previously said they were considering euthanasia for the mammal because repeated appeals to the public to keep their distance from the young female weighing 600 kilograms (1,300 pounds) had been in vain.”

Let me see if I understand this situation correctly. A wild walrus does what walrus do — live in and around the sea — and Freya just so happens to be in an area of human population. Then people — in all their stupidity — flock to see said walrus after repeatedly being told to stay away. Because humans are morons and because humans have encroached upon walrus’ (and all wild animals’) habits, then the walrus must be killed. Un-f***ing-believable! Wild animals are not the problem. Humans are the problem. How many times do I have to repeat myself? How many f***ing times? Humans are the parasites on Earth. We are our own extinction-level event! Welcome to stupid humanity! Let’s randomly kill wild animals because they’re in our way or worse — for sport!


Idiot Boy Andrew Yang

RawStory recapped an interview on CNN between Jim Acosta and idiot boy Andrew Yang. Yang is another one of those people who rubbed me the wrong way from the very start, like douchebag Musk. I just have a sixth sense for B.S. artists. I can spot fake people from a mile away — traitor trump, Musk, and Yang are all perfect examples. Ever since Yang ran for president in 2019, he came off as a fraud, especially with his gimmick to attract attention at one of the debates where he promised a surprise — via Twitter, “Andrew Yang’s campaign manager just called to tell me that at tomorrow night’s debate, Yang will be doing ‘something no presidential candidate has ever done before in history.’” The surprise was to give $12K to 10 randomly selected people as “a pilot program for his universal basic income proposal,” according to Vox. More like a stunt for attention. Has anyone heard of this universal basic income proposal since? Yang certainly has not been promoting it. One would think that COVID would have been a great time to prove the legitimacy of his idea.

Then there is his new Foward Party. As The New York Times puts it, “Let’s not mince words. The new Forward Party announced by the former presidential candidate Andrew Yang, the former governor Christine Todd Whitman and the former congressman David Jolly is doomed to failure. The odds that it will attract any more than a token amount of support from the public, not to mention political elites, are slim to none. It will wither on the vine as the latest in a long history of vanity political parties.” Truth! Another third party is another f***tarded idea, led by the next generation of f***tards. Have these people no sense of history? Third parties invariably hurt Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans. Just ask President Al Gore and President Hillary Clinton. I thought Yang was supposed to be a math genius. I’ve watched Yang’s interviews where he shows off his “Math” lapel pin and talks about the importance of math education. Yet, apparently, when it comes to the math of splitting votes engendered by a third-party presidential candidate, then he’s a complete idiot of the highest f***ing order. Yang proves he’s terrible at math — twice. That’s one plus one, or the index finger and the middle finger held up in terms that Yang can understand.

Finally, I come to the primary reason for this post that further highlights Yang as being a moron, and he’s not a Democrat. He never was. He’s one of those libertarians who evinces RepubliKKKlan proclivities. One of those proclivities is to buy right into the deep state paranoia. As he writes in a Tweet before knowing very much about the raid (or anything ever), “It seems like this was authorized by a local judge and a particular FBI office without buy-in or notification of higher levels of government. But literally no one will believe that or make a distinction. It’s probably bureaucratic but it seems political.” Well, of course, it was authorized by a local judge and a particular (local) FBI office. That’s how it works, idiot. Law enforcement and investigations are always local, even when the federal government is involved. It’s not like the Florida branch of the FBI is going to outsource its responsibilities to another state. And, of course, AG Garland would be involved with the first-ever raid of a former president. Any moron would have understood that, but apparently not Yang. Oh, no. To him, this is political payback meted out by Biden and not the rule of law being applied to all citizens. Of course, the idiot boy goes right to the notion of a witch hunt while trying to distance himself from defending traitor trump. No, no. It can’t be both. Idiot Yang. Why are people still listening to him? Welcome to stupid America!