
Climate Change? What Climate Change?

The New York Times said it perfectly in a news article: “In short, delay is the new denial.” As usual, RepubliKKKlans will find any excuse to avoid the issue of climate change. The article continues, “Few Republicans in Congress now outwardly dismiss the scientific evidence that human activities — the burning of oil, gas and coal — have produced gases that are dangerously heating the Earth. But for many, denial of the cause of global temperature rise has been replaced by an insistence that the solution — replacing fossil fuels over time with wind, solar and other nonpolluting energy sources — will hurt the economy. … Overwhelmingly, Republicans on Capitol Hill say that they believe that the United States should be drilling and burning more American oil, gas and coal, and that market forces would somehow develop solutions to the carbon dioxide that has been building in the atmosphere, trapping heat like a blanket around a sweltering Earth.”

So, in other words, “It’s the economy, stupid.” That is, of course, wrong. RepubliKKKlans are killing the planet, and they don’t care. Most of them are crazy evil evangelicals and QAnon kooks who believe (secretly) everything is a hoax and do not care about the here and now; the afterlife is their true goal. Well, those f***tards should speak for themselves and not the rest of us who would rather not sh*t all over the environment in which we live. Nonetheless, Biden had it absolutely correct in his climate speech today when he said that combating climate change means jobs, jobs, jobs. Of course, it does. Naturally, what stupid RepubliKKKlans are failing to understand is that delays and doing nothing will cost the economy even more in the future. I just can’t understand the level of abject stupidity that is putting off tackling climate change, especially when using “the economy” as an excuse. Do these f***tards have no clue of what economic, political, and military — yes military — hellscape awaits the world by doing nothing or doing too little? I have written so much about climate change that I’m getting sick of it, yet I will continue for newcomers.

I liken America’s (would-be) pursuit of global leadership on climate change to the Apollo program. Even during the 1960s, many saw the endeavor as a waste of money and resources, but America persevered. Why? Going to the Moon certainly was not a global necessity to protect the Earth. At best, it was pure national pride coupled with the expectation of gaining scientific experience and knowledge through such an achievement. (Not to mention a desire to beat the Soviets.) We did it most of all for bragging rights. But now, when the health of the planet is in the balance, we as a nation hesitate and balk at the crisis upon us. We can’t be bothered to save our own burning house because of the economy. Talk about how far America has fallen — from landing on the Moon to saying “eh” with the planet literally burning around us. Wow. It is disgraceful. What a pathetic spectacle from the RepubliKKKlan Party that has ignored and obstructed any efforts to address climate change for decades. Traitor trump still thinks it’s all a hoax. So, here we are. Here the world is — leaderless on the most critical issue in the history of humanity, all because Americans want to protect their pocketbook. Just wait until crops start failing across the gloge. How do you think that will play out? That’s when the real fun begins. Welcome to stupid America, leading the world into hell because we can’t be bothered, and that’s what we do! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


Women Are Property in Missouri

With the end of Roe, arcane, 50-year-old laws are suddenly coming into effect in situations that could have been avoided. One example is in Missouri. Salon reports, “Under an old Missouri law from 1973, a woman cannot get a divorce finalized if she is pregnant; she can file for divorce, but it won’t be finalized as long as she is pregnant. In 2022, abortion rights defenders are worried about the law’s ramifications now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court after 49 years. … According to Gordon, the Missouri law makes no exception for survivors of domestic violence.” Since all abortions are banned in Missouri, a wife becomes the captive property of an abusive husband. Fantastic! I just have to keep reminding myself that this is what Americans want. This is why they voted for traitor trump. Welcome to stupid America.


Women Seek Sterilization Post Roe

From the Los Angeles Times, “Many women said that opting for sterilization was their way of retaining control at a time when they feared lawmakers would continue to chip away at reproductive rights, including contraceptives and sterilization. … Sometimes young women, especially those in their 20s who are unmarried and without children, face pushback from healthcare providers who strongly discourage the procedure out of fear that the patients might change their minds in the future. A 1999 study found patients under 30 reported a higher rate of feeling regret after the surgery.” So, the end of Roe is forcing women to throw the baby out with the bath water. (Forgive the pun.) Talk about unintended consequences, but don’t worry. RepubliKKKlans will put an end to that too.

Hello, morons of America. One needs, first, to understand the fundamental reason why Roe was overturned. It has nothing to do with returning significant and essential questions back to the states in the name of states’ rights. And it has nothing to do with preserving all life. And anti-abortion proponents have no interest in personal rights and liberties. Killing Roe has always been about controlling women’s bodies. Full stop. And more specifically, to regulate white women in the name of re-populating the white (Christian) race. Once RepubliKKKlans get wind of women taking birth control into their own hands via sterilization, then they will pass laws to stop it. Mark my words, morons. If women living in red states haven’t learned by now that they are not in control of their bodies and that their bodies are property of red states to be vessels for forced birth and white re-population, then they never will. Maybe the country would be in a different situation if women spent more time changing the politics in their states instead of cutting their tubes. But whatever! I guess instead of voting or moving to a blue state, they’ll settle for the next best thing: Sterilization. Welcome to stupid America. You can’t make this sh*t up!


Marriage Equality Bill to Die in the Senate

According to NPR, “The U.S. House overwhelmingly approved legislation Tuesday to protect same-sex and interracial marriages amid concerns that the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade abortion access could jeopardize other rights criticized by many conservative Americans. In a robust but lopsided debate, Democrats argued intensely in favor of enshrining marriage equality in federal law, while Republicans steered clear of openly rejecting gay marriage. Instead leading Republicans portrayed the bill as unnecessary amid other issues facing the nation. … Wary of political fallout, GOP leaders did not direct their lawmakers to hold the party line against the bill, aides said. Dozens of Republicans joined Democrats in voting for passage.” I will concede that 47 RepubliKKKlans voting to support the bill is not nothing. But that’s about all I’ll say in my “praise” for the other side.

The Senate, on the other hand, is another matter, and like most bills coming from the Democratic-lead House, it will die without a vote because RepubliKKKlans dare not allow yet another minority group to gain a civil right; they’re in the business of limiting minorities’ rights, not granting them. But allow me to play all sides of this issue for a moment. Let’s assume for sh*ts and giggles that ten RepubliKKKlans join Democrats on cloture and the bill passes. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Hallelujah! Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty we are free at last. Um, yeah! Not so fast. How long will it take for the first case to come before SCOTUS claiming some religious freedom objection to same-sex marriage? How long will it take for a group of red states to file suit? One year? Two, maybe? Then what happens? Do you think the Court will deny certiorari? God, no! This is precisely the type of case they love to take. Federal law vs. the Constitution. Given that two-thirds of the Court now subscribes to the new “history and traditions” doctrine for determining cases, how long will it take them to find that — unsurprisingly — gay marriage is not deeply rooted in the country’s “history and traditions”? This sh*t is a no-brianer.

Look, f***tards. We are stuck with this uber-conservative SCOTUS that will spend the next two decades making sure America returns to its 18th and 19th centuries roots as if the 20th and 21st centuries never happened. Mark my words! So, the second Congress passes a federal law RepubliKKKlans don’t like, then red states will swoop in with legal challenges screaming “history and traditions!” “History and traditions!” We’re f***ed. But this is what Americans want. This is why RepubliKKKlans have obsessed about taking supermajority control of SCOTUS, and dumbass Democrats stood by wondering what was so special about SCOTUS? Now they seem to understand but far too late. People will truly apprehend just how powerful the Court is and how it is the third, co-equal branch of government that uniquely has the final word on what the other two branches can do. It doesn’t sound co-equal to me, but RepubliKKKlans always knew that. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we desire and deserve; SCOTUS will make sure of that!


Dumbass Democrats and Biden Don’t Get It

According to The Washington Post, “The U.S. Secret Service has determined it has no new texts to provide Congress relevant to its Jan. 6 investigation, and that any other texts its agents exchanged around the time of the 2021 attack on the Capitol were purged, according to a senior official briefed on the matter. Also, the National Archives on Tuesday sought more information on ‘the potential unauthorized deletion’ of agency text messages. The U.S. government’s chief record-keeper asked the Secret Service to report back to the Archives within 30 days about the deletion of any records, including describing what was purged and the circumstances of how the documentation was lost.”

Look, f***tards! If it was not evident under Obama, then it is undoubtedly manifest now: The U.S. Secret Service (or the SS for short) is wholly captured and beholden to the RepubliKKKlan Party and traitor trump. They are protecting him to this day, and dumbass Democrats seem pretty ho-hum about it. They are caught somewhere between confused and skeptical. Ugh! Kill me now! Nothing is confusing about the situation, and there should be absolutely no skepticism. The facts speak for themself. The SS (aka the Schutzstaffel) clearly broke the law to cover up traitor trump’s complicity in the insurrection. Moreover, they are more than happy to lie and mislead Congress and oversight bodies to protect their treasenous leader because the SS, as an institution, is entirely of one mind with the guy who usurped the White House and who organized (and literally wanted to lead) an insurrection against the government in an attempt to stay in power. The SS loves traitor trump, and they destroyed evidence to protect him. They colluded with the chief insurrectionist, which makes them traitors, too.

And do not believe for one second that these vital communications were “lost” in some scheduled device update. It is a lie! It’s all lies. Lies, deception! They were intentionally erased. And if I have to hear one more f***tard commentator, pundit, analyst, or MSM anchor claim that “nothing is ever deleted,” then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Look, idiots of America. The notion that in today’s world of technology and the internet, nothing is ever “permanently” deleted or unrecoverable is a f***ing lie. Data is lost — unintentionally — all the time, and more importantly, data is destroyed — intentionally and permanently — just as often. Not everything gets “backed up” automatically and held indefinitely. To do so would be incredibly expensive, and corporations and governments aren’t going to needlessly waste money holding data just for the sake of holding data. And no! The NSA is not intercepting every communication around the world. That’s nonsense, stupid talk. If the SS had followed the law by backing up all their communications as they were supposed to do, then there would be other records. But they didn’t — on purpose. So, those texts are gone forever.

So what happens next? Nothing! Of course, nothing ever happens. No one is ever held accountable. There are never consequences, especially with Biden in the White House. The only recourse would be for Biden to waive executive privilege and demand that the SS agents testify to what they were texting, communicating, witnessing, and being ordered to do in the days surrounding the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol. Biden has total control over the organization. He should be delivering an ultimatum: Testify fully, openly, and honestly, or you’re fired. But he won’t because Biden is too affable and he’s too f***ing G.D. weak. So, nothing will happen except to expedite the end of America’s democracy. They just don’t get it. They still fail to understand the levers of power to get things done — like getting SS agents to f***ing testify in lieu of missing texts! Whatever! I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America! “But her emails!”


Child Support for a Zygote: Hell Yes!

According to The New Civil Rights Movement, “U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is sponsoring legislation that would require anyone whose sperm is used to fertilize an egg to begin paying child support from the moment of conception, upon the mother’s request. … ‘The bill itself makes a specific change to current federal regulations regarding child support,’ WFLA reports. ‘Under the proposed legislation, the government would require that states “establish and enforce child support obligations of the biological father of an unborn child (and subsequent to the birth of the child) to the mother of such child” at the mother’s request.’”

I say abso-f***ing-lutely! Bring it! Reductio ad absurdum to the maximus! I’m only being half facetious. Look, morons of America! Men took away women’s right to bodily autonomy, and it will only be men who can give it back. How do you get men to give women back control of their bodies? You start making them pay for their part in creating the zygote! It’s the only way. Sadly, women will never succeed in their efforts to take back control until men allow it, and Rubio’s bill is that means. Imagine all the men going apoplectic that they are now on the hook for f***ing, and there is no longer a way to terminate the pregnancy. Oops! Too bad, so sad. Once they start having to pay, then men will be demanding legalized abortions faster and to greater effect than women. Just you watch!

Also, consider all the false allegations. Think about that woman who finger-points her last one-night stand as the man who got her pregnant. Then what happens? At what point can the male demand a paternity test to confirm he’s not the sperm donor? Is it before or after birth? If after the birth, then how many weeks has the guy had to pay in child support and legal fees before he can prove he’s not the father? Then the former sex partner has to counter-sue to get his money back? Right! One can see how all this becomes a mess, but it is the mess that Americans want. And I mean that! Once again, I will repeat myself. America voted for traitor trump willingly and enthusiastically. The abortion rights debacle playing out across the nation is the consequence of that election and everything that redounds from it. Oh, well. Men, watch where your dick goes and watch your sperm! Use a condom. Yeah, like that will happen. It’s no fun unless it’s raw. Welcome to stupid America!


Women Need to Die!

According to Raw Story, “In an interview with CNN, Texas mom Marlena Stell explained that her [sic] suffered a miscarriage after becoming pregnant last year, but that her doctor would not perform an operation to remove the dead fetus from her body because they could be targeted by anti-abortion activists who have been empowered by a law passed last year that allows ordinary citizens to sue anyone who helps in delivering an abortion. Stell said the fetus stuck inside her was causing her increasing pain to the point where she had difficulty walking. She eventually found a doctor willing to perform the procedure to remove it, but only after undergoing yet another ultrasound to ensure that the fetus was actually dead.”

And this from The Hill, “Idaho’s Republican Party on Saturday adopted language to their platform that supports the criminalization of abortion in all cases, rejecting an amendment that would have supported allowing a person to get an abortion to save their life. Delegates at the state’s GOP convention in Twin Falls approved changes to the party’s platform that went further than existing language classifying abortion as murder from the point of conception. The new language backs criminalization of all abortions in Idaho, according to the Idaho Capitol Sun.” So, die or go to jail! I promise that most women don’t care that these are the choices they have. They like it.

Sorry to say it, morons. But this is what Americans want. They want women to die. America is going backward to a point where women are being refused medical care because doctors fear breaking intentionally vague anti-abortion laws that would end their livelihood. So, women will die. And that is perfectly fine with RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks. In their minds, a few dead women here and there to re-populate the white race is worth it. In fact, these people are hoping that those “few women here and there” really are a lot of minority women everywhere. But, as I said, this is what Americans want. This is why they elected traitor trump. What else am I to conclude? Traitor trump campaigned aggressively on and without reservation about nominating only anti-abortion SCOTUS justices. And that’s exactly what he did. So, why are people surprised? Shocked? Horrified? Confused? This is what Americans want. How many f***ing times do I have to say it? They voted for it, and now it is here. Oh, well. Maybe when enough women die, things will change. I doubt it. Once the right to a woman’s bodily autonomy is gone, it is never coming back, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


The Biden Fist Bump

Ugh! The only people who care about this Biden fist bump with MBS in the MSM and sensitive dumbass Democrats. No one else f***ing cares. Look, f***tards, especially you uber-liberal types, foreign policy requires working with unsavory leaders. Full stop! To be sure, the U.S. is frenemies with Saudi Arabia, and as long as America remains addicted to and consumes most of the world’s oil, then this is going to continue to be the case until America decides it wants to get off oil, which is never. Biden was correct when he asked the MSM, “Why don’t you guys talk about something that matters? I’m happy to answer a question that matters.” He’s right! Buh, buh, buh, but the dead journalist! No one cares! As long as Biden is not giving away national security secrets as traitor trump did to Russia and North Korea, then I don’t care either. Welcome to stupid America!


Uvalde Video: Sh*thole Texas Cops Are Cowards

So! The Uvalde video and report all prove the same thing I said two days after the massacre: Sh*thole Texas cops are all f***ing cowards! M*****f***ing G.D. cowards! The report summed it up best, “At Robb Elementary, law enforcement responders failed to adhere to their active shooter training, and they failed to prioritize saving the lives of innocent victims over their own safety.” It does not take a genius to call a spade a spade within 48 hours of learning about the massacre and what all cops failed to do. Once again, I will say that I am astonished we have not heard news reports of these cowardly cops putting a bullet through their heads for being the cowards that they are. How could these white feather f***tards live with themselves knowing that they directly caused 19 children to die? How can they live with so much blood on their hands? How do the video and report not put a nail in their coffins? Only in stupid America do these cowards endure in law enforcement jobs, utterly unaccountable for their cowardice. Not to mention, I thought more good guys with guns were supposed to take down the bad guy with a gun. I thought that was the whole purpose of the NRA advocating arming every citizen. Whatever! I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America! A sh*thole country!


Again — Demographics Will Not Save Democrats

A couple of headlines caught my attention. From The Hill, “GOP basks in growing Latino outreach success.” Also, from The Hill, “Young voters flee Biden — but who is the alternative?” There are other headlines, but these two kinda say it all, and they sum up what I’ve been saying forever: Demographic changes are not going to save the Democratic Party. I repeatedly hear idiot pundits, analysts, dumbass Democratic politicians, and the like keep telling the public that the next generations — Millennials and Gen Z — are the largest and most progressive generations yet. Perhaps. But there is a big, big difference between a progressive generation and a generation that votes and manifests its progressive values into political outcomes. It’s fairly evident that these generations, like so many that have come before, are more likely to vote with their feet. As with every election cycle, Democrats find themselves disappointed, dismayed, and bewildered by the youth vote that invariably fails to show up to the polls to vote. Time after time, dumbass Democrats are the proverbial Lucy with the football whereby Charlie Brown ends up on his back. And as I have said countless times, if every successive generation is supposed to be more progressive than the last, then America would be a utopia by now. Do you see a utopia? I don’t. And I also wish dumbass Democrats would stop expecting Latinos to be progressive. They are not. They are Catholics and have a long, long tradition of machismo, so they are by definition not progressive, which is why you see more and more Hispanics defecting to the RepubliKKKlan Party even during the traitor trump administration that was specifically hostile to all Hispanics. Democrats need to wake the f*** up and stop expecting the next generation and minorities to automatically save the party. Welcome to stupid America!