
Capitalism Will Not Survive

One thing I keep hearing with these MSM interviews with “voters” and what I keep seeing in the polls is this notion that traitor trump will be better for the economy. Never mind the less-than-stellar performance of the economy under traitor trump’s administration. COVID aside, his economic performance was okay. Yes, he was president when the stock market hit all-time highs. Just as President Biden has been in office while those all-time highs continue, besting traitor trump. To be sure, if you wanted to get rich in the stock market, then Biden made you more prosperous than traitor trump ever did. But that’s usually lost on — well — everyone. Traitor trump’s unemployment rate during his administration was on par — not that much better, not that much worse (including COVID) — with his contemporaries. GDP growth was fair to middlin’. He blew up the national debt, but, as usual, f***tards of America only seem to care about the debt when a Democrat is in the White House; otherwise, it’s “What national debt?” Of course! It never f***ing fails with people in this country; citizens invariably misattribute good economies to RepubliKKKlans and wrongly blame bad economies on Democrats when the exact opposite is true.

Yet the real irony is that people in this sh*t-for-brains country like to think that fascist/authoritarian governments can sustain a thriving capitalist economy. Here’s the short answer for the f***tards out there: Not! All one needs to do is look to other dictatorships: Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc. I’ll exclude China for now because that is an authoritarian, communist country that makes their version of “capitalism” work by stealing intellectual property from the West, by the Communist Party having their hand in every company, by the West having a burning desire to gain access to a market of 1.4 billion people, and by being the country that has the cheapest labor resources on the planet. To be sure, China’s version of “capitalism” relies on a vast class of the working poor. Their economic engine relies on poor workers and a government that subsidizes whatever aspect of the economy they want to support or enhance competiveness globally. They simply play by a different set of rules and get away with it because the West is in love with their cheap labor and population of consumers who are not poor. Don’t get me started on economic nationalism. But I digress.

Our new economy under a traitor trump second term will look more like Putin’s Russia, where kleptocracy and cronyism define and govern the rules of the road. Musk and other RepubliKKKlan billionaires are already proof of this. Yet, once again, morons of America think they’ll be the beneficiaries of billionaires’ crumbs. And don’t give me the excuse that he didn’t ruin capitalism the first time in office. You stupid, stupid people! You’re so f***ing dumb! His first term in office was merely practice, and he never realized his power potential until the fourth year. Now that traitor trump knows what he can get away with and better understands the type of people he must surround himself with, he’ll absolutely destroy American capitalism for his own gains and to appease the uber-rich, who also — ironically — think that a failing economy works better for them. He will pick the winners and losers of industries. The winners will suck up to him and pay him tribute — literally — while the losers will find themselves under DOJ investigations and subject to more government red tape than ever before. You know, that red tape he keeps promising to eliminate. Of course, he only means that for the companies willing to play his game. Mark my words, f***tards! For in this game, the average Joe and Jane are no where in his calculus. You idiots will just be causalities on the checkerboard, and he won’t care. No RepubliKKKlan will care. I promise you, prosperity does not trickle down in a kleptocracy. Wealth will only be further concentrated at the top. But inflation!

Oh, yes! F***ing inflation! You supremely stupid people of the highest f***ing order only care about inflation. Inflation! Inflation! Inflation! (Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!) When it comes to inflation, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Everything traitor trump espouses on the campaign trail is inflationary, but for whatever reason, idiot voters can’t seem to comprehend this. For one, blanket tariffs will be inflationary. Full stop. (Maybe I’ll write a post just on this topic because the vast majority of voters — and traitor trump — really have no idea what tariffs are or how they work. Hint: The governments of exporting countries don’t pay the tariffs.) Also, mass deportation of “illegals,” as he promises to do, will destroy America’s cheap labor force. Absolutely f***ing destroy it. How do you think that will impact the economy when suddenly jobs go unfulfilled? When there is no one to do the jobs that migrants do? Do you think the average lazy American will fill those jobs for the same pay that migrants were willing to be paid? Nope. Americans will demand more money or not work. Either way, these are inherently inflationary outcomes (in the short run). In the long run, equilibrium will eventually restore the balance between aggregate price inflation and aggregate wage inflation (just like wages kept up with prices post-COVID), but there is going to be a lot of pain in the meantime associated with a shock to the system as workers are rounded up and removed from the workforce. Indeed, it may happen sooner rather than later. If traitor trump is declared the winner, immigrants may self-deport immediately to avoid concentration camps. We may have a situation where people just disappear themselves as if the Rapture started without the true believers. But you can’t explain this to the average idiot voter because the vast majority of Americans have never taken an Econ 101 class. Yet, everyone thinks they’re a f***ing economist because they understand gas prices. Un-f***ing-believable! This is the world of stupidity I live in. Oh, well. Whatever. Welcome to stupid America, just as dumb as one expected it to be and no smarter.


What People Will Do: Nothing

So! What will people do once this sh*t-for-brains nation of f***tards returns traitor trump to the White House? What will happen when, clearly, a minority of the population overrules the majority and turns the country over to a fascist? Will the true majority rebel? Will they take to the streets as a check to balance against the traitor trump administration’s plans to subvert the freedoms of the population and subvert democracy as we know it? Will the real majority stand firm against the minority to save America from itself? Hell f***ing no! The American people will do nothing! Absolutely f***ing nothing except capitulate and cower to the new regime. People will carry on with their lives, trying to endure the insufferable, as if this election was nothing but a blip in our storied history that need only be outlived for four years, after which “things” will return to normal. How f***ing stupid can this country be? There is no return to normal after fascism, and certainly not a return without a painful conflict (i.e., war). Once we cross the Rubicon, there is no more expectation of a peaceful transfer of power. Power stolen by force can only be countered and returned by greater force, yet this country of idiots thinks a return to normalcy is merely a four-year wait. If stupidity and apathy got us into this mess, I don’t see how the same populace would suddenly become enlightened and interested in getting us out of the morass of a second traitor trump term. It just doesn’t make sense. Traitor trump has been a slow-moving freight train barreling down the tracks for the last eight years, and morons of America still failed to get out of the way. I expected nothing less from this land of f***tards!

And don’t think “institutions” will hold again. They will not! This f***ing nation will crumble, you f***tards. You stupid, stupid people. Traitor trump will rule with impunity. The courts will not stop him, thanks to SCOTUS. And if they did rule against his administration, then he’ll ignore them. And then nothing happens. No consequences. The legislature certainly will not stand up against traitor trump. If anything, they’ll enable him. And the way this race is shaping up, this sh*t-for-brains country seems intent on giving RepubliKKKlans full control of Congress. (There goes your healthcare and abortion rights. Eh, no one cares!) So, bye, bye.

The military is not going to oppose traitor trump; they’ll fail in line like everyone else. I promise you! John Kelly is a perfect example. Given his most recent “interview” (cowardly behind closed doors), he still refuses to endorse Harris. So, for all his warnings, he still won’t walk the talk. In fact, several generals (McMaster, Milley, Mattis, McChrystal, McRaven) who worked in traitor trump’s administration are warning against re-electing him, though, again, all via behind-the-scenes interviews. Not one will get in front of the country on television or in a taped interview. Nope! It’s all quotes from news articles and books. They all hide behind the printed word. So, basically useless and ineffective. Active military leadership will be no different. Traitor trump will give illegal orders and they’ll follow them, just like Hitler’s generals. Traitor trump trashes the military all the f***ing time, and the rank-and-file and the top brass love him more for it. Unbelievable! I expected nothing less from these “brave” military men and women.

And don’t think the media will act as a fact-check or counterweight to traitor trump. They will not! They’ll all fall in line for fear of being jailed or not given access. They spent the last eight years enabling his behavior. Most of them still can’t call him a liar! The MSM at large can’t get beyond tepid wording such as “inaccurately,” “falsely,” “exaggerated,” “seems to suggest,” etc. These are all nice ways of diminishing outright and blatant lying. Major newspapers are preemptively capitulating by not endorsing. The Los Angeles Times will not endorse. The Washington Post, where “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” is keeping the lights off by not endorsing. But no one cares. Once he’s back in office, the MSM will do its best to sanewash the traitor trump administration even more so than his first term. Criticism of traitor trump will stop like turning off the water spigot. Whatever. It’s all too late anyway. Eight years, and the MSM has failed at every turn to expose traitor trump for the person he is. So, nothing will change. The battle has already been lost in the MSM. Oh, well.

Whatever! I give up! I called this race three years ago, and except for a month of believing Harris could win, I’ve never changed my mind because I understand the essence of this nation of morons. And that essence is this: People don’t want democracy anymore because they’re too f***ing stupid to apprehend the danger we’re in. It’s that simple. An idiot conman came along to promise the people riches and the ease of never having to think again. “Only I can fix it.” “You won’t have to worry about elections anymore.” And people believe him. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares as the end is clearly in sight. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! Remember, morons, you did this to yourself, and I absolutely don’t care about that! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nothing Matters and No One Cares, F***tards!

I can’t believe that I have the absolute, unmitigated misfortune to be alive in what history will no doubt record as the dumbest period in American history, not to mention the point when America collectively decided that democracy was simply too much work to sustain. F*** my life! Truly, I live in an era where America just doesn’t f***ing care and nothing matters. Despite whatever traitor trump does or says, nothing moves these f***ards of America. No matter the warnings from everyone, nothing f***ing sways people. Allow me to compile a partial and vastly incomplete list, in no particular order:

  • Traitor trump has said he wants to be a dictator on day one (only for a day as if dictators are so magnanimous as to give up power once they have it), and no one cares.
  • He has said on more than one occasion that he wants to use the military and Department of Justice to go after his political enemies, and people blow off his comments because no one cares.
  • He prefers Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, Orban, and any other democracy-hating world leaders to the leaders of America’s allies, and America seems to love him more for it. Nothing matters!
  • He mishandled the COVID response left, right, and center, yet this sh*t-for-brains country still thinks he’s an effective leader. No one cares!
  • He drove up the national debt as a percentage of the total by more than any other president in our history, but morons of America think he’s a genius businessman. Nothing matters.
  • His mendacity is off the charts — on a daily and almost minutely basis — but people think he’s the most trustworthy politician since George Washington. Nothing matters.
  • He instigated an insurrection to steal the election by force and relished a mob storming the Capitol — the first time since the War of 1812 — and people don’t care.
  • He’s a convicted felon on charges of fraud; no one cares.
  • Hundreds of economists warn that his economic plan (e.g., tariffs) would be a disaster for the country and raise taxes; people put on their blinders, and no one cares.
  • The same economists say Harris’s plans (vision) for America’s economy would benefit the country more, but people refuse to believe them. Nothing matters.
  • Hundreds of former traitor trump administration officials and RepubliKKKlan politicians warn against a second traitor trump term and instead support Harris, but no one cares; it matters not.
  • Hundreds of generals and other military top brass warn that traitor trump is a national security threat; people don’t care.
  • Traitor trump calls all those who don’t support him the “enemy within,” and he has no issue with using the military to go after them, and this is the reaction of people: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. No one cares.
  • He touts mass deportation, which will destroy the economy, and people cheer him on. Nothing matters.
  • He singlehandedly ended constitutional protections for abortions, and women love him more for it because no one cares.
  • He’ll end the ACA; eh, so what? No one cares.
  • Traitor trump talks like a fascist; it doesn’t matter.
  • He intends to dismantle the function of the federal government as we know it, and people will be very surprised when those services and operations they have relied on and take for granted are no longer available, which, to be sure, will negatively impact other aspects of people’s lives; yet no one cares.
  • He thinks climate change is a hoax and intends to roll back any and all regulations and advances we’ve made on the issue to benefit big oil — as hurricanes and other global warming-driven weather events ravage more and more areas of the country. No one cares.
  • America is going backward, and with another traitor trump term, our freedoms will be further eroded, and our democracy further weakened, and people love the idea of a strongman because no one f***ing cares about democracy anymore.
  • Traitor trump will give Ukraine to Russia and Taiwan to China, and no one cares.
  • He’s threatened and continues to threaten Iran with war, yet people think traitor trump is a man of peace. Nothing matters to this sh*t-for-brains country.
  • He’ll pull us out of NATO — the international cooperative defense organization that has guarded against a world war for 75 years. People don’t care.
  • The man has been held liable for sexual assault. No one cares.
  • Traitor trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people”; no one cares.
  • His “signature tax cut” legislation benefited big corporations and the uber-wealthy more than the middle class. Those corporate tax cuts are permanent. The others expire in 2025. Nothing matters.
  • He altered a map of Hurricane Dorian’s path with a sharpie so he could prove to everyone he was “right” about its impact on Alabama. (The hurricane never reached Alabama). He was gaslighting America — again — and no one cares.
  • He sided with Putin over America’s own intelligence services, and no one cares.
  • He illegally retained top secret files after he left office and carelessly stored them and, in some cases, shared them with others. No one cares. Nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump personally and illegally interfered with the 2020 Georgia election count; no one cares.
  • He separated children from their parents of immigrants and held them in overcrowded concentration camps (i.e., cages); no one cares.
  • Mexico never paid for that wall; in fact, he took money from the military to “build the wall,” which turned out to be a few, scant miles of new construction. In some cases, private companies built the wall, which failed and ended up being a big grift headed up by traitor trump supporters, but nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump is now the old man in the race, but no one cares. It was a campaign-ending issue for Biden, but not for traitor trump. Nothing matters.
  • He rambles, is incoherent at times, and clearly shows signs of cognitive deterioration. No one cares. Nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump spent a full 25 percent of his time on the golf course while in office. No one cares.
  • He called people who died in the military suckers and losers, and people loved him for it. Nothing matters.
  • He couldn’t be bothered to visit the cemetery at Normandy to pay his respects to the fallen men of World War II because it was raining. No one cares.
  • He avoided military service in Vietnam because of “bone spurs.” The guy is literally a draft dodger, but the military loves him. Nothing matters!
  • He wanted to have a military parade, a la North Korea, because, you know, that’s the kind of country he wants us to be. He dreams of a military dictatorship, and no one cares.
  • He wanted to nuke hurricanes as a means to stop them. Nothing matters!
  • Traitor trump wanted to shoot George Floyd protestors. Eh, nothing matters.
  • He’s a racist. Have I mentioned that no one cares?
  • The guy is a grifter, hawking shoes, watches, “trading” cards, coins, crypto, shirts, hats, scraps of his suit, Bibles for Christ’s sake, other tchotchkes, and more. No one cares.
  • He mocked people with disabilities. Nothing matters.
  • Traitor trump has a f***ing mugshot! Nothing matters.
  • He sent scarce COVID testing machines to Putin when Americans needed them more. No one cares.
  • During the insurrection on the Capitol, he watched and stood by doing nothing for three hours. Nothing matters!
  • Traitor trump said he wants to terminate the Constitution. No one cares. Trust me, this sh*t-for-brains country just doesn’t f***ing care.

Now, many, many Americans, especially MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, will tell you traitor trump is just blustering; he doesn’t mean it. It’s just talk; don’t worry. My response to that is if you have not learned yet that traitor trump does not jest, he says what he means and means what he says, especially when he’s being hateful and cruel, and he’s a fascist in body, mind, and soul, then you are either a complete and utter retard or you love what he says. In either case, an America in this condition cannot endure. It simply cannot. Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming, and no one cares!


America: Too Dumb to Survive

This poll has been causing a lot of consternation among Democrats over the weekend. Oddly enough, I am not one of them, although I am worried for different reasons. If you look at the history going back to July, you’ll see that October appears to be evidence of the ongoing vicissitudes of the race. The October number looks more stark compared to the September results, to be sure, but it’s all still within the range of variations. Moreover, this is a survey of registered voters, which no one in the MSM seems to have pointed out. Polling registered voters is less desirable and informative than polling likely voters. All this aside, what continues to alarm me is that this race is even this close. As I’ve been saying for years now, this sh*t-for-brains country should be nowhere near contemplating electing traitor trump again, yet 48 percent of Americans are persistently and irrevocably brain damaged, so we’re on the cusp of electing America’s first dictator — and no one seems to f***ing care. The apathy is incomprehensible to me, but then again, I should expect nothing less from a supremely f***tarded nation. Seriously, when half the country has an average IQ in the high double digits, one really can’t expect the country to function for long. We’ve reached that moment in history when generations of RepubliKKKlan inbreeding have finally reached critical mass whereby their offspring are too stupid to think for themselves or reason, so they mimic their parents’ votes. Witness the hoards of youthful MAGA moron mouth breathers lining the risers behind traitor trump at any given rally.

So, here is my final prediction for the election, assuming no major, unexpected event. Traitor trump will win the Electoral College, naturally. That’s a given. By how much? Eh, not sure. He’ll probably sweep the blue wall states again. In fact, I will go one step further; you can anticipate the exact moment of traitor trump’s win. If Harris, like Hillary, does not win Pennsylvania early in the night, then she loses. In 2016, I knew Hillary lost when Pennsylvania could not call the race for her within a couple of hours. She was trailing in that state’s returns from the start and never recovered.

He won’t win the popular vote, though. Thanks to our Founding Fathers and their infinite wisdom, we’ll be a nation once again at the mercy of a minority of the population controlling the majority. Thanks a lot, fellas! I will go one step further still and predict that traitor trump will receive more votes than he did in 2020. Imagine that! Given the disaster of his first administration, traitor trump got 10 million more votes than he did in the 2016 election. Now consider everything that’s happened since. I’m confident this sh*t-for-brains country is ready to give him even more votes! Because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Then all hell will break loose. (More on that in another post.) Welcome to stupid America. I’ve been warning you for years, yet no one believes me. Oh, well. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and these sh*t-for-brain voters have no idea what they’re getting themselves into, especially these marginal, minority voters. Oh, well, f***tards! You will finally get the government you deserve and desire, and that will be an even more dysfunctional government with a dictator at its head. What could possibly go wrong?


Black and Latino Men and Palastinian Sympathizers Are Going to Elect Traitor [T]rump

To be sure, Harris is trailing among most demographics compared to Biden in 2020, but it seems to me that Black and Latino men, with whom the force of misogyny is strong, my young padawan, will gladly risk their futures by not voting for Harris. Add to that Muslims and other Palestinian sympathizers, and you get a segment of the population that will vote against their own best interest to elect traitor trump and, in so doing, end our democracy. Furthermore, these people will get everything that befalls them in a traitor trump administration. They will deserve it, and honestly, I hope they get everything they “voted” for — in spades. Put a white nationalist in the White House. Fine! Good luck with that. Talk about giving a permission structure to those who will now feel emboldened to be a bigot and racist openly and proudly. Thank God I can fly under the radar, but when Southern Whites suddenly feel justified in their actions against Blacks and Latinos because traitor trump is president, then oh well to them. I will have no sympathy. People get the government they deserve and desire. What the f*** would these people have expected by voting for traitor trump or by sitting on the couch, doing nothing?

Let the deportations of Latinos commence! And I say Lanitos generally, not “illegals,” because these f***ards are about to find out that traitor trump and Whites make no distinction when they start rounding these people up. If you’re a natural-born or naturalized citizen, you can try to prove that after they drop you off in a foreign country. You people better get a passport and carry your papers with you everywhere you go because that’s the country you’re willingly creating by electing traitor trump.

And fine! Let the Muslim bans return. I genuinely don’t care about this policy. Although I’m against such actions because it’s un-American, if that’s what traitor trump puts in place (again, mind you f***tards), then so be it. And when traitor trump gives Bibi a blank check to do whatever he wants in Gaza, the West Bank, and Lebanon, then, again, oh well. Don’t come running to me whining that traitor trump has been worse for Palestinians. This is not difficult to apprehend. (Well, I guess it is mentally challenging for these people to foresee the consequences of not voting for Harris.) In a race where margins will decide the winner, these voters on the margins cannot afford to waste their vote on a protest vote, yet they will. They’re going to f*** around with our democracy and find out. Again, this sh*t-for-brains country gets the government it deserves and desires. Welcome to stupid America! We’ve learned nothing.


Fear vs Joy (and Hope-y Change-y)

Anyone who follows Smerconish is familiar with his daily survey question. I’m clearly among the fear crowd on this question, as I’ve been trying to impart this wisdom in my writings, which morons of America clearly fail to heed. I will concede a great point that Smerconish made on this radio show as a counterfactual to this question that checked me: Obama won on hope and change. But then again, McCain was not running a campaign of fear in 2008, unlike traitor trump did in 2016 and now in 2024. So, I suppose one could say Biden won on hope and change? Eh, not so much. His campaign’s mantra was more a return to normalcy.

In 2024, two campaigns are in opposition: One based on fear and one on “joy.” Ugh! Yeah, we’re so f***ed. Fear trumps joy — every time. It’s the f***ing lizard brain. I can’t deal with this sh*t anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Once again, Democrats keep appealing to voters’ intellect, reasoning, and “sound” judgment when they should be honing in on people’s emotions. People vote with their emotions, not the grey matter between their ears. This has always been a fatal flaw of Democrats — assuming the average voter is enlightened. They’re not. Nowadays, people are informed by 30-second TikToks, 140-character Tweets, and YouTube “influencers” (aka DIY “journalists”), all of which lack the depth and sophistication to be trustworthy sources of information. RepubliKKKlans get the fear factor, and they will win because of it. But whatever! The end is coming (is here)! As I’ve been shouting for the last four years, Biden was always ever going to be the intermission to the end of our democracy. And no one f***ing cares. Welcome to stupid America! Too stupid to keep its democracy. Mark my words! Mark them well!


The Election Is Slipping Away from Harris

Democrats are (rightly) beginning to panic. Of course, right on cue, the panic is about four years too late as the Democratic Party has constantly and relentlessly failed to understand the zeitgeist of the MAGA moron movement, for it’s not just a domestic shift in political attitudes but a global one. Because authoritarianism is sweeping across liberal democracies worldwide — in particular Europe — the Democratic Party cannot be (should not have been) so laissez-faire with their political tactics. Believing that the onset of traitor trump and the MAGA moron movement is not a true representation of “who we are” as Americans has been a grave, grave error. Of course, this is precisely who Americans are! God bless Harris (I guess) for her campaign of “joy” and taking the fight to traitor trump more so than Biden ever could, but it is not enough. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it before this sh*t-for-brains country finally begins to get it, but people are not motivated primarily by “joy.” It’s the lizard brain that gets people off the f***ing couch and into the polling booth. It’s the fear and loathing, stupid — to borrow the syntax of James Carville. Traitor trump gets this, and it is why he has been holding rally after rally, interview after interview, ramping up his rhetoric of lies, hate, and fear. And guess what? It’s f***ing working. (Never underestimate the capacity for morons of humanity to become beguiled by a fellow moron.)

He’s blunted, if not stopped altogether, Harris’s momentum precisely at a time when she needs it the most. Once traitor trump gets the momentum back, he will be unstoppable. It’s starting to show in the polls. Harris’s within-the-margin-of-error lead in battleground states is shrinking, and more telling is that Senate races in blue states are tightening (e.g., Michigan and Pennsylvania) when they should not be. (I’m starting to think Democrats may get wiped out in the Congress.) These are ominous signs. Harris should be pulling away in the polls at this late stage, yet she is not; the movement is going in the other direction.

So, whatever! I’ve given up long, long ago. I had wistfully hoped for a bit at the beginning of Harris’s presidential campaign, but I could not sustain my enthusiasm because her campaign strategy has not been enough despite all of her changes in tactics compared to what Biden failed to do at every turn and on every level. And, clearly, the Democratic Party still has learned absolutely f***ing nothing during the four years of a traitor trump administration and the four additional years of his postpresidency. Harris’s presidential bid is slipping away just as it did with Hillary, and Democrats are oblivious to the signs. Or they see the warning signs and are incapable of mounting an effective counteroffensive — like a deer in the headlights. They aren’t adjusting to the new reality. And don’t get me started on this final sprint of “media blitz” by Harris and Walz. It should have been a blitz from the get-go. Honestly, it’s looking a bit desperate at this point. When a candidate changes tactics suddenly, it starts to look contrived. They are no longer controlling the narrative; they are chasing after attention and reacting to circumstances in a way that makes them appear to be behind the eightball — following rather than leading. Moreover, don’t think Harris’s outsized war chest of money means anything. It does not. Hillary far outraised traitor trump in the 2016 money race. Just ask President Hillary Clinton how that worked out. The end is coming. Mark my words, and no one f***ing cares. Welcome to stupid America. Too dumb to save it’s own democracy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jack Smith Strikes Again — And No One Cares!

Smith plainly states in his most recent legal filing, “When the defendant lost the 2020 presidential election, he resorted to crimes to try to stay in office. With private co-conspirators, the defendant launched a series of increasingly desperate plans to overturn the legitimate election results in seven states that he had lost—Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin (the “targeted states”). His efforts included lying to state officials in order to induce them to ignore true vote counts; manufacturing fraudulent electoral votes in the targeted states; attempting to enlist Vice President Michael R. Pence, in his role as President of the Senate, to obstruct Congress’s certification of the election by using the defendant’s fraudulent electoral votes; and when all else had failed, on January 6, 2021, directing an angry crowd of supporters to the United States Capitol to obstruct the congressional certification. The throughline of these efforts was deceit: the defendant’s and co-conspirators’ knowingly false claims of election fraud. They used these lies in furtherance of three conspiracies: 1) a conspiracy to interfere with the federal government function by which the nation collects and counts election results, which is set forth in the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act (ECA); 2) a conspiracy to obstruct the official proceeding in which Congress certifies the legitimate results of the presidential election; and 3) a conspiracy against the rights of millions of Americans to vote and have their votes counted [emphasis added].” Then, he goes on in this 165-page argument to detail why this case against traitor trump should move forward.

But guess what? No one f***ing cares. Voters don’t care. Non-voters don’t care. Certainly, RepubliKKKlans don’t care. Not a single f***ing person cares beyond those who are following the United States of America v. Donald J. Trump case and the seemingly diminishing number of people who want to keep America’s democracy. Don’t get me wrong. Everyone should care. Yet the vast majority simply don’t. But whatever! This is only the future of our country, yet morons of America can’t be bothered to care or even want to understand the gravity of this moment. I keep hearing the moronic pundits and commentators on the MSM immediately ask, “How will this filing impact the election?” (As if there is some underlying secret nugget of wisdom to be unearthed.) The short, sad answer: No impact at all because I live in f***ing stupidity hell.

It’s funny because movements like this remind me of that time traitor trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and won’t lose any voters. At the time, moronic pundits — after getting over their shock by his comment — merely brushed off the “quip” as hyperbolic. What f***tards! Even I knew then that not only was he not kidding, but he was correct! I immediately saw him for who he was years ago while morons of America rolled their eyes. How hilarious that nearly ten years later, everything he evinced and foreshadowed then has come to pass without skipping a beat to his adoring fans. If people didn’t care about his tendencies back then, then they sure in hell will not care about his actions now or in the recent past. Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well!


Sadly, Harris Cannot Win!

Get ready, f***tards of America! The end is coming and coming sooner rather than later! I’ve been reticent these last few weeks as I’ve been carefully assessing the state of the presidential contest, and I am now ready to render my sad verdict: Harris cannot win. I had high hopes, and, to be sure, she came out of the corner swinging hard and landing punches, but, unfortunately, she is competing in the dumbest country on earth and to a sh*t-for-brains electorate that is saturated with racism and misogyny. I knew Biden could not win, and now Harris cannot win despite all of her efforts. I’ve always been a backer of Harris, even back in 2016, knowing the odds would always be against her. But I, too, can fall into a state of hopeium. I had hoped the surprise nomination of Harris and the ensuing enthusiasms would push the nation to elect her; however, the polls have stabilized, and while she is a couple of three points in the lead, it is not enough. She needs to be winning outside the margin of error. Allow me to make my case.

First and most importantly, Harris is not only underperforming in the polls in key, but she must have constituencies compared to Biden. She is also underperforming compared to Hillary Clinton at this same point in the race. She’s losing white men — no surprise there; she’s losing Black and Latino voters to traitor trump — again, not surprising given that constituency, which was to be expected. She is performing better among Gen Z, but as usual, a party that anticipates the youth vote to show up to cast a ballot is one that can expected to be sorely disappointed. She also overperforms with the female vote, which is the most reliable of voters. Nonetheless, considering everything, I don’t think it is enough to get her over the top. And that’s just the Harris side of the equation. The traitor trump side of the equation is even more depressing for Democrats because given everything that traitor trump has done since the time he came down that golden escalator — given everything we know and have witnessed of him — nothing f***ing matters. Nothing has fazed this sh*t-for-brains country. Nothing! It is more so this side of the Harris-trump calculus that persuades me that Harris cannot win. This race should not be close — ever! Yet, it is. And that is the sad truth. How can America survive if it is utterly incapable of discerning the dangers of traitor trump from the Harris, who wants to protect our democracy? It can’t. Welcome to stupid America!


Traitor [T]rump Disgraces Himself and Fallen Soldiers — and Americans Love It!

Look, f***tards. Nothing matters. He pulls this sh*t — grinning in a photo with thumbs up over a grave site because why not? — and people love him for it. They think Captain Bone Spurs is the champion of the military because I love in stupid f***ing hell! The military loves him or, at the very least, is reluctant to speak out against him. Whatever! America is sleepwalking right into a dictatorship, and no one f***ing cares. That is the most frustrating aspect about this sh*t-for-brains country: People are clueless. They’re just blithely letting everything traitor trump does or says wash right over them as if it’s just another day in Stupidville. And if I have to hear one more political pundit, journalist, or some other moron news commentator say that Americans have become enured to traitor trump over the last decade, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. It’s not that this idiocracy has simply become “used to” traitor trump; they welcome him! They love him. As I have said countless times before, Americans are a pathetic, bored bunch, and they need to be constantly entertained by the traitor trump reality T.V. show, just like Survivor or Big Brother. Whatever! Stupid is as stupid does. Welcome to stupid America; it can always get dumber, and Americans prove it daily.