
Newsom 1 – Biden 0 – Democratic Party 0

From The Daily Beast, “Never let a crisis go to waste are words to live by if you are California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is cruising to re-election less than a year after beating a recall effort. Confident after being resurrected politically, Newsom is jumping into the void created by a president disinclined to take the fight to the opposition, and a Democratic Party afraid of its own shadow. … Democrats need to get out of their defensive crouch and take the fight to the Republicans. Who better to do it than Newsom, governor of a state that has the fifth-largest economy in the world? He has a platform, and he has been frustrated for some time over his party’s timidity in confronting the radicalization of the Republican Party, epitomized in the recent string of extreme Supreme Court rulings on abortion, guns, and climate.”

Unfortunately, one governor cannot save the Democratic Party from it’s incompetence. Newsom has the right instinct and the right message, but sadly it’s the party’s leadership — starting at the very top — that lacks the fortitude, decisiveness, and ruthlessness to combat RepubliKKKlans effectively.


Targeting SCOTUS Justices — Good!

According to Axios, “ShutDownDC, a liberal advocacy group in Washington, D.C., said on Friday that it will offer up to $250 to service industry workers in the district for every sighting of the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade. The group is specifically targeting Kavanaugh and fellow Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett and Chief Justice John Roberts.” And this is on the heels of Justice Kavanaugh having to leave out the back door of a D.C. restaurant because there were protestors at the front. To this I say good! I love it! I hope protestors and headhunters make the lives of these justices miserable until they die. Last I checked these justices just ruled that there is no Constitutional right to privacy, so if that includes what’s in a woman’s body, then that certainly includes people dining out in public. Justices are not protected, and Americans should remind them of that. And how is this any different than conservative justices who ruled and upheld rulings that anti-abortion protestors could picket, harass, and threaten women coming and going into healthcare clinics? How is protesting justices at dinner any different? Judges declared that women seeking healthcare could be stalked and encumbered, so I see absolutely no reason why justices cannot (should not) be subject to the same or worse! This is the America they wanted, and they’re going to get it!


End of Roe Now Acceptable, Oh Well

According to Pew Research, “Nearly six-in-ten adults (57%) disapprove of the court’s sweeping decision [on Roe], including 43% who strongly disapprove. About four-in-ten (41%) approve of the court’s decision (25% strongly approve). Wow! A whopping 57 (5! 7!) percent! Um, yeah — no. Sorry, morons of America, but 57 percent is not really a strong condemnation of overturning 50 years of legal precedent and relegating women to second-class status. But! It is entirely consistent with what I long predicted: No one cares. I promised you that in the end, no one would care about killing Roe, and this survey bears that out. Abortion rights are not going to be a game-changer for the midterm elections. People have moved on. One would think if half the population was told they no longer had a right to control their own body that there would be daily protests in the streets, that half the population would be engaging in civil disobedience until America restored their full status as equal citizens, and that half the population would make it a daily mission to remind the other half what has been taken away. One would think! Instead, it is mostly crickets. What Roe decision? It is exactly as I predicted. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America. I wonder how America will react when SCOTUS comes for your rights.


The Greatest Generation Replaced with the Worst

According to CNN, “Bradford Clark Freeman, believed to be the last surviving original member of the historic World War II parachute infantry regiment of the US Army known as Easy Company, died Sunday in Columbus, Mississippi. He was 97.” This is sad news in many ways. The Greatest Generation is dying off. What is replacing them? Baby Boomers, which is essentially the generation that has been in political power for the last couple of decades. Moreover, Baby Boomers are notoriously conservative. So, as the Greatest Generation leaves us, who saved the world from Fascism, we are left with the worst generation, who, apparently, cannot die off fast enough and would rather live in a fascist state led by traitor trump. Welcome to stupid America.


Douchebag Musk Is a White Supremacist

What the f***? Christ-Almighty! According to The Hill, “Tesla CEO Elon Musk reportedly had twins with a top executive at one of his companies last year, his eighth and ninth known children. … The twins were born weeks before Musk and his then-girlfriend, the musician known as Grimes, gave birth to their second child via surrogate in December.” Wow! Douchebag Musk cheated on his girlfriend with a top executive at one of his companies, which just breaks all kinds of business ethics, not to mention evinces douchebag Musk has no morality. Musk is a grade-A a**hole. Now I see why so many Americans revere him. Because Americans love their douchebag a***holes.

But what! There is more! Also, from The Hill, “The 51-year-old CEO has been an outspoken advocate for more childbirth, expressing fear of a possible fertility crisis in the U.S. and touting his own success with childbirth. ‘Contrary to what many think, the richer someone is, the fewer kids they have,’ Musk said in a Twitter thread. ‘I am a rare exception. Most people I know have zero or one kid.’ ‘I mean, I’m doing my part haha,” Musk said in a follow-up tweet in the thread last month.” Does this sound familiar? Anyone? Anyone at all? Does anyone realize what his comments suggest? He’s acknowledging the Great Replacement Theory. For a man who is supposedly worried about the Earth and the impact humans are having on climate change and the environment, he’s worried that too few rich (white) people are not having enough children. You know — to add to the world’s problems caused by over-population. As I’ve said before, people deciding not to have or are unable to have more children really is nature’s way of controlling an over-populated planet. It’s a feature, not a bug of evolution, f***tards. But whatever. I digress. The real story is that Musk has always been a white supremacist, and he just proved it in a tweet. What a f***ing douchebag. God, I hate that guy!


PM Johnson Out

Didn’t this guy just survive a no-confidence vote? Didn’t this guy topple Conservative PM May on a wave of a half-hearted populist movement that crested with the uber-popular Brexit, which is still going swimmingly from what I keep reading? I mean, Britons knew what they were getting when they voted for him in the past as Mayor of London. His mayoral tenure did not sink his political career. Then Britons voted for the Conservative Party in December 2019. The Conservative Party knew what type of guy they were backing — controversies and quirks alike — when they elevated him to PM. What were people expecting? Something different? Now, they’re shocked? Appalled? Well, the country will always have the aftermath of Brexit as a Johnson parting gift. He will be the gift that keeps on giving!


Nah, I Was Right After All

After the Uvalde massacre, I was confident that nothing would change with guns, gun safety, or gun legislation. I was certain. Then a “bipartisan” “gun” “safety” bill actually passed, and Democrats and Biden hailed it as landmark legislation in 30 years. I posted that I had been wrong — something actually did happen. There was change. This time was different. I was prepared and, indeed, did eat my hat. Well, guess what? Nah. I take it all back. Nothing has changed, and the Highland Park massacre proves it. I should have stuck to my guts because my gut is never wrong. So, what the Democrats allowed to pass with such fanfare really is a worthless piece of legislation that could not have stopped this latest domestic terrorist attack. That piece of legislation is a school safety bill mixed with a bit of mental health funding disguised as “significant” “gun” “safety” “legislation.”

As usual, RepubliKKKlans dupped dumbass Democrats to basically compromise their way into a watered-down law that never addressed the real underlying issue: Guns. So, now no matter how much worse the gun violence gets in America, RepubliKKKlans will point to the 2022 gun law and claim nothing more can be done — the human turtle McConnell said as much. Democrats mistakenly believed that what they achieved was the start of something more meaningful, that the “log-jam” had been broken, and that they could build on the moment’s momentum to go further. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong. It will be another 30 years before anything else changes if the country lasts that long. Mark my words, f***tards! RepubliKKKlans effectively washed their hands of any more gun reform, and dumbass Democrats are running around chasing them to beg for more. “Please, sir, I want some more.” Once again, Democrats outplayed and pathetic! This is why I keep telling you morons that Democrats will not save America. Welcome to stupid America!


Crimo Murder Breeders and Enablers

Robert “Bob” Crimo and Denise Crimo
Robert “Bob” Crimo reveals his Second Amendment absolutism.

According to the New York Post, “It has since emerged that the suspected gunman’s father, Bob Crimo, a longtime deli owner who previously ran a failed campaign for mayor of Highland Park, on May 27 ‘liked’ a tweet that read: ‘Protect the Second Amendment like your life depends on it.’ The tweet came just days after a shooter made his way into Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, and killed 19 children and two teachers on May 24. His Twitter page indicates that the elder Crimo follows just one account — an archived account of former President Donald Trump.” Moreover, WBEZ reports, “The Highland Park massacre suspect was too young to get a gun permit in 2019 from the state of Illinois, but his father sponsored him for one anyway — even after the son had threatened to kill himself and his family, authorities said Tuesday.”

As usual, MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan traitor trump-loving parents breed and enable a traitor trump-loving killer because FREEDOM! I keep telling you people that it is time to make these people pay for their politics! Run them out of town! Shun them! They are the problem! RepubliKKKlans are the problem! MAGA morons are the problem! Welcome to stupid America. FREEDOM!


Biden and Democrats Are Weak and Pathetic

According to The Hill, “President Biden is finding himself largely powerless to address a spate of setbacks in recent weeks that have sparked alarm among Democrats about the state of the country. … ‘It’s infuriating,’ said one top Democratic strategist, venting frustrations about Biden and his team. ‘Our house is on fire and it seems like they’re doing nothing to put the fire out. They’re just watching it with the rest of us.’… ‘The base just wants somebody who can fight. You don’t have to have a plan to land the punch, win the round, or knock down the opponent, you just need to be seen as fighting,’ [a RepubliKKKlan strategist said of Biden] said.” (Of course! Of course, a RepubliKKKlan strategist understands better than Democrats.)

I am lifting my moratorium on criticizing Biden during wartime, although I had already violated it. But this is a full-on frontal assault on him and dumbass Democrats, who are nearly hand-in-hand with RepubliKKKlans in helping destroy America as we know it! Let me first reiterate that despite whatever I say here, I’ll vote blue no matter who, but I really hope it is someone other than Biden. In my mind, if Biden and Democrats aren’t helping to save the country, then they are just as much part of the problem as RepubliKKKlans, who are actively killing America’s democracy. All I ask is that Biden and dumbass Democrats be the one party that stands in the breach, the one party to say “Not today!”, the one party that guards against the ruination of America. But, no! Instead, I get a weak, hapless party of stupidity that keeps longing for the good ole days — Biden.

It’s not that he’s unintelligent, has numerous speaking gaffes, walks like an old man, stumbles over his words, etc. These are signs of his age that, although cringeworthy, do not stir my ire. No! My ire stems from his weakness. This is my greatest criticism of Biden. I expected him to stop the bleeding after traitor trump, but as it turns out, he simply does not have the fortitude for the moment. He needs to be a killer. And he is not, nor is the Democratic Party. So, this is why they can’t handle the stream of catastrophes coming at them from all directions. They are stuck fighting 21st-century political problems with a 20th-century mindset. This is why America is doomed. Welcome to stupid America!


Run the Crimo Family Out of Highland Park!

According to The Daily Beast, “The uncle of the 22-year-old named a ‘person of interest’ in the July 4 parade shooting that left six people dead insisted that he ‘saw no warning signs’ that his nephew could be violent. Paul Crimo told Fox 32 Chicago that he saw Robert Crimo on Sunday evening and did not notice anything out of the ordinary with his nephew, whom he described as a ‘Youtube rapper.’ ‘I saw no signs of trouble. And if I did see signs I would have said something,’ Crimo said. Adding that he and his brother are ‘very well known’ in Highland Park, Crimo also expressed his sadness, saying that his ‘heart is just shattered.’ ‘I am deeply deeply sorry for everyone that lost their lives and got injured. From the bottom of my heart…I am heartbroken,’ he added.”

I hope the great citizens of Highland Park run the Crimo family out of their town. They are just as culpable for these murders. The apple never falls far from the tree. Their death-wish son (nephew) lived with family in Highland Park. And they saw nothing wrong or suspicious? Really? I don’t buy it. The only way they failed to see the red flags is because, obviously, the entire family is part of the MAGA traitor trump cult, so their son (nephew) buying an assault rifle probably seemed perfectly fine. Because why not! They’re not legal in the town, but these are MAGA morons who love their guns more than people. This entire family should be hunted down and run out of town. This is the only way citizens are going to get their peaceful lives back — by running the MAGA moron terrorists out! Time to start picketing in front of their home! Maybe if entire families feared being held accountable for other family members, then they might pay more attention! No justice! No peace!