
RepubliKKKlans Are Gaining Steam, F***tards

According to the AP, “A political shift is beginning to take hold across the U.S. as tens of thousands of suburban swing voters who helped fuel the Democratic Party’s gains in recent years are becoming Republicans. More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by The Associated Press. The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country — Democratic and Republican states along with cities and small towns — in the period since President Joe Biden replaced former President Donald Trump. But nowhere is the shift more pronounced — and dangerous for Democrats — than in the suburbs, where well-educated swing voters who turned against Trump’s Republican Party in recent years appear to be swinging back. Over the last year, far more people are switching to the GOP across suburban counties from Denver to Atlanta and Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Republicans also gained ground in counties around medium-size cities such as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; Raleigh, North Carolina; Augusta, Georgia; and Des Moines, Iowa.”

I keep telling you, f***tards! Dumbass Democrats are f***ed! The end of Roe is not going to save them. Granted, these results are before the official end of Roe, but it is after the leaked SCOTUS opinion. So, that knowledge was already in the public domain, yet people still flock to the RepubliKKKlan Party. Perhaps Roe’s “actual” end is more potent than the “theoretical” end? It’s not! Again! I will repeat myself: Far fewer people care about the end of Roe than you may think. Again! I say that most people think ending the right to choose is someone else’s problem. I’m right about this.

Moreover, people would rather live in a Democracy with no rights and low inflation than with rights and high inflation. I guess that I just have to keep repeating myself until people finally comprehend the disaster that morons of America are willingly going to vote for because they’re too stupid to do otherwise. Watch the turnout of primaries going forward. The trend you say before the Roe ruling is precisely the same as you’ll see afterward. America is too stupid to understand that ending women’s rights endangers everyone’s rights. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America — dumber and less free by the day. And we love it! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


White Life!

The truth comes out. According to NPR, “‘President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,’ said Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., as she raised her hands to lead the crowd in Mendon, Ill., in applause.” They claim she misspoke. That’s a lie. She said exactly what she intended to the crowd she intended, and they all cheered in agreement. This is the white theocracy coming to power in America. Mark my words, f***tards. I think the vast majority of dumbass Democrats still fail to think big enough and dark enough. They’re stuck thinking America’s backsliding is confined to the erosion of rights, but it’s not. RepubliKKKlans intend to supplant America’s democracy with theocratic fascism. That is the true goal. White straight Christian males at the top and everyone else subserviate or jailed. It’s coming, people. It! Is! Coming! How many f***ing times do I have to keep repeating myself? Capturing SCOTUS was the final piece of the puzzle. It’s all downhill from here. Welcome to stupid America!


We Need the Political Violence in America!

How else do you think half the population will get their rights back? Do you believe SCOTUS and RepubliKKKlans are going to give up with a “pretty please?” Do you think RepubliKKKlan voters will simply stop voting, having finally achieved the end of Roe? Do you think the RepubliKKKlans’ dream of a theocracy has been achieved with the end of Roe, or is this just the beginning? Unless you’re a moron, the answers to these questions should convince you that the fight has just begun. And let me also ask this: Do you think dumbass Democrats are capable of righting the ship through politics? For which team would you bet on to win the political game? RepubliKKKlans who have relentlessly fought for ending Roe for 50 years or Democrats who watched the anti-abortion train slowly coming at them and still managed to get rolled over?

Citizens who expect RepubliKKKlans to be happy with their victory and Democrats to fix things are f***ing morons of the highest f***ing order. People need to prepare to do more than just vote. Lord knows, Democrats are sh*tty at voting, so I would not count on winning back rights at the ballot box. No! Political violence is coming. Indeed, I think it is necessary! This is political violence in the name of reclaiming our profound rights as Americans, not in reaction to a lie because people are sore losers of a free and fair election. The motivations are entirely different. One is justified, the other is not. The political minority is going to force their puritanical, theocratic rule onto the majority. What are you willing to do to stop them! Political violence is the only answer.


Gay Marriage: Dead Man Walking

Allow myself to quote myself from a post I wrote nearly two years ago on the day RBG died because I could foresee then as crystal as a clear blue sky exactly what her death meant: “People have no f***ing clue — no idea, no comprehension, as usual — just how catastrophic [RBG’s death] is for America! Roe v. Wade? Gone! Obamacare? Gone! Corporations are people? Hell, yes! And get ready for them to be able to vote, too! Gun control? Never! You get an AR-15! And you get an AR-15. And you get an AR-15! Marriage equality? Gone! Climate change issues? What climate change? Corporation versus individual? The corporation always wins. All those other unenumerated constitutional rights? All those other rights only inferred by the Constitution which a liberal Court found? Gone! Gone! Gone! … A conservative Court will enshrine the First Amendment as reasoning for open season on discrimination of every kind, especially against the LGBTQ community. I cannot repeat the disaster this will be for America for the next thirty years! Mark my words, morons! People have been asleep at the wheel [emphasis in original].” What I’ve been warning about for all this time is coming to pass, beginning with Roe. Marriage equality is just a matter of time. That Constitutional right is a dead man walking. It would seem that people have finally awoken to reality, all too late, though.

But don’t take my word for it. Justice Thomas said the quiet part out loud in his concurrence opinion, “For that reason, in future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous,’… we have a duty to ‘correct the error[.]’… After overruling these demonstrably erroneous decisions, the question would remain whether other constitutional provisions guarantee the myriad rights that our substantive due process cases have generated. For example, we could consider whether any of the rights announced in this Court’s substantive due process cases are ‘privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States’ protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.” Commentators have rightly focused on Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell, but be very clear that Thomas wants to go after every freedom emanating from the Fourteenth Amendment. Things you haven’t even thought of yet are on the chopping block. According to Thomas, there are many freedom “errors” to fix. So get ready, f***tards.

Moreover, do not rely on the majority’s opinion that proclaims, “And to ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.” And they reiterate, “Finally, the dissent suggests that our decision calls into question Griswold, Eisenstadt, Lawrence, and Obergefell. … But we have stated unequivocally that ‘[n]othing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.’… We have also explained why that is so: rights regarding contraception and same-sex relationships are inherently different from the right to abortion because the latter (as we have stressed) uniquely involves what Roe and Casey termed ‘potential life.’” Oh, my! They sound very reassuring. In fact, a bit too reassuring. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” The “potential life” as a difference as an argument is a fallacy. They think they can carve out this one exception for dismantling unenumerated rights because it deals with potential life. That’s like being partially pregnant. Either they acknowledge there is no such thing as unenumerated rights in the Consitution, which they used to justify overturning Roe, or there are unenumerated rights. It can’t be both, and that’s the type of legal reasoning in future challenges that will make their way to SCOTUS, which they’ll use to scuttle gay marriage.

Finally, make no mistake that the majority of justices are liars, except Thomas. He actually said what the rest are thinking and believe. Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett all lied about Roe during their confirmation hearings, claiming that Roe and Casey were “settled law” and that they were “precedent on precedent.” All lies! They lied then, and they lied in the Dobbs opinion. So, what makes you think Obergefell is any different? That precedent is only seven years old and has not been tested. So, there is nothing “settled” about it. And let’s remind ourselves of the justices sitting on the Court now who voted against marriage equality in Obergefell. Hmmm. Roberts, Alito, Thomas. A third in the bag plus the three liars! The supermajority of uber-conservative justices will strike down gay marriage the first chance they get. Mark my words, f***tards! I was right two years ago, and I’m right now! Welcome to stupid America, where every day is a return to the past, and people love it! Most just won’t admit it.


The Civil War Started Yesterday

Friday, June 24, 2022. I’m marking this day as the beginning of America’s next civil war. The demise of Roe is the 21st-century analog to South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas seceding from the Union several months before the Civil War turned hot in April 1861. This Roe decision is the first profound fracturing of the nation, and it cannot be repaired. There is no reconciliation, especially given this Court is going to deprive minorities of more rights in the next couple of years. However, it is likely the states and citizens will have taken up arms against each other by then.

Look, morons. I truly see no other way through this moment. I have been warning that America is headed for a new civil war — sometimes suggesting the culture war has already put us there. But I think this ruling is a watershed moment, and as I have said before that there is no way back; the only way is through. This SCOTUS is not going to backtrack on the course they have set, and, in fact, the Court is only going to get more radical for the next 20 years. How can a nation survive in the coming decades where more and more people find themselves living in a country where blue states are islands among a sea of red — by geography, not population. How can a nation endure whereby minorities passing through an itinerary of states gain and lose rights with each border crossing as if a dimmer light switch — or as if traveling from one country to another! Consider in state A a person has all their civil rights, but in state B only half the rights, and then in state C only 10 percent of rights. How does that work? It cannot. One thing that is supposed to bind America is the notion that people all have the same or very similar civil rights among states, but what SCOTUS has begun to do — and will continue to do — is widen the gulf all in the name of states’ rights. That gulf is created not by preventing the expansion of rights, but by taking rights away. Eventually, the country will be so fractured — in short order — that states and, indeed, people within states — will not wish to be neighbors. This Court has set us upon a path of utter destruction. Roe is the powderkeg, and six justices lit the fuse, indifferent to the consequences. Welcome to stupid America! “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Indeed!


God Love This Woman!

Reporting from The Hill, “Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) declared ‘the hell with the Supreme Court’ after its justices ruled on Friday to eliminate federal-level abortion protections, overturning a 50-year precedent. ‘This turnout here?’ asked Waters, who stood near fencing that was installed in front of the high court. ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet. Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop [us]. The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them.’”

Preach! Although, I don’t think her meaning of “the hell with the Supreme Court” is as defiant as one would like her intention to be. As I’ve posted before, blue states should simply stop listening to SCOTUS opinions that they disagree with, for as the Court itself recognized, decisions related to people’s rights should be remanded back to the hands of those politicians closest to the voter. For sure! So, if those closest to politicians (i.e., voters and citizens in blue states) disagree with the ruling of SCOTUS, then politicians in those states should ignore the Court. Full stop!


My Favorite Legal Analyst: Elie Mystal

Regarding Roe, he writes, “If [overturning Roe] sounds like a dystopian hellscape, that’s because it is. It’s because the court’s conservative majority, and Republicans around the country, want to force others to live in that hell. It is a hell created entirely out of Christian fundamentalism that ignores the views of people with different faiths, or people who believe secularism is the proper grounding for law. … Alito comes to his barbaric conclusion in the usual way ideologues on this court craft their horrible decisions: by concerning himself only with the views of white men from the 18th and 19th centuries. Abortion rights in this country are (or were) grounded in the Fifth and 14th amendments’ right to due process. Alito says, quite rightly, that the people who wrote those amendments did not think they were conferring upon women a right to bodily autonomy. For Alito and the conservative majority, that is enough: If dead white men didn’t grant it, we can’t have it. … They believe that the country is and should be permanently stuck in a vision of the world as articulated by white men who purposely excluded everybody else from participating. … They want the constitution and its protections to be by white men and for white men, and they resist any effort to change it. … Right now, only Republicans are willing to use all their power to get what they want. And what they want is for women, minorities, and the LGBTQ community to have fewer constitutional rights than cis-hetero white men. Second-class status for roughly half of the country is now the law of the land. Conservatives and Republicans couldn’t be happier.” Preach!


Of Course, America Did

According to Axios, “With the Friday’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the U.S. joined only three other countries — El Salvador, Nicaragua and Poland — that have rolled back abortion rights since 1994, according to the Center for Reproductive Rights.” Just another feather in the cap of sh*thole America! America is moving backward, and people f***ing love it! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!


Can I Just Say…

The end of Roe is what America wants! Oh, yes. You heard me correctly. This SCOTUS and all their rulings are exactly the America citizens want. I understand it is a bold and somewhat absurd statement, yet it is rooted in my political philosophy of how the will of the people is made manifest. How can you deny that the vast majority of Americans had and do have the right to vote or not vote? Granted, SCOTUS and states have made it more difficult but not impossible. Nonetheless, people can and do vote. Likewise, people fail to vote, and perhaps this is my point. While the numerous periodic polls on any hot-button political topic are enlightening, they are meaningless. The only poll that matters is the one that happens at the election box. For those who claim — “Oh, voting is not important”; “Voting is complicated”; “My vote doesn’t count”; “All the parties are the same”; or “I’ll vote next time” — what am I supposed to infer from these non-voters? For their failure to vote is, in fact, a vote of sorts. Everyone who sits on the sideline misapprehends that a failure to vote could very well be an implicit vote for the opposition. Silence is consensus!

Moreover, people vote (obviously) but vote in ignorance. Or do they? One can only assume that most people who vote are well informed. Yes, it is laughable to surmise this, but their votes are an official understanding of the political facts and consequences at that moment. Whether voters knew what the f*** they were doing or not is inconsequential because the result is the same: Someone wins. When traitor trump stands before the nation on numerous occasions and declares he will only install SCOTUS justices that will overturn Roe and that women should be punished for getting an abortion, then what else am I to assume? People did not hear? People thought he was bluffing? People did not care? No matter: Voters elected him. This is why I keep saying that the America you see around you today is the America that people desire and, indeed, deserve. The protests mean nothing because while it evinces that people are agitated enough to walk in the streets and show off their homemade signs when it comes to the actual “difficult” action of voting and when it comes to people expressing their preferred political preference, then the “true” majority is suddenly absent. So, make no mistake, f***tards. This is the America people want until the next election. Then we’ll see just how committed the “people” are to democracy and freedom. I think you’ll find they are just as devoted to democracy as they were to not voting and voting, which led us to this moment in the first place. Welcome to stupid America!


Revolution and War Is the Only Way Forward

This SCOTUS is going to take away more rights; they’re just getting started. The gays are next. Ending gay marriage and re-criminalizing gay sex is next. Mark my words, f***tards! The time for fixing America at the ballot box has passed. SCOTUS already reversed voting rights over the last serval years to blunt the impact of your right to vote. This has all been part of the conservative plan. With re-districting and the erosion of voting rights at the state level, condoned by SCOTUS, RepubliKKKlans have checkmated Democrats. The king will be forced to lay down come November. I don’t give one G.D. f*** how big the protests are today, for, in a couple of months, people will return to their routines, well, except for some pregnant women. So, the question is this: What are you willing to do to keep your freedoms? Most will merely cower and accept their newly defined second-class status. For those who resist, then understand that there is only one way forward. Arise. Live free or die!