
SCOTUS: You Must Fund Religious Schools!

The Supreme Court of the United States has spoken: Taxpayers must subsidize religious schools and all the hate that they teach according to the Carson v. Makin ruling. This was one of the “blockbuster” cases expected this term, and, naturally, the uber-conservative religious right wing of the Court did not fail to deliver. This case was pivotal because of the legal question at issue, specifically, “Does a state violate the Religion Clauses or Equal Protection Clause of the United States Constitution by prohibiting students participating in an otherwise generally available student-aid program from choosing to use their aid to attend schools that provide religious, or ‘sectarian,’ instruction?” Their answer by a 6-3 majority was yes. So, the road to a theocratic nation has begun as taxpayers will now be forced to pay for students who want to attend religious schools. This is the fear being realized: This Court will start giving more and more preference to religion over secularism under the guise of First Amendment protections.

I quote from Breyer’s dissenting opinion, which I think pretty much sums up my feelings: “As Thomas Jefferson, one of the leading drafters and proponents of those Clauses, wrote, ‘to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical.’ And as James Madison, another drafter and proponent, said, compelled taxpayer sponsorship of religion ‘is itself a signal of persecution,’ which ‘will destroy that moderation and harmony which the forbearance of our laws to intermeddle with Religion, has produced amongst its several sects.’”

From Sotomayor’s dissent, “[I]n just a few years, the Court has upended constitutional doctrine, shifting from a rule that permits States to decline to fund religious organizations to one that requires States in many circumstances to subsidize religious indoctrination with taxpayer dollars. … From a practical perspective, today’s decision directs the State of Maine (and, by extension, its taxpaying citizens) to subsidize institutions that undisputedly engage in religious instruction. … In addition, while purporting to protect against discrimination of one kind, the Court requires Maine to fund what many of its citizens believe to be discrimination of other kinds. See ante, at 16 (BREYER, J., dissenting) (summarizing Bangor Christian Schools’ and Temple Academy’s policies denying enrollment to students based on gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion)[emphasis added].” Bingo!

But wait! There is more from Sotomayor. In her closing paragraph, she writes, “What a difference five years makes. In 2017, I feared that the Court was “lead[ing] us . . . to a place where separation of church and state is a constitutional slogan, not a constitutional commitment.”… Today, the Court leads us to a place where separation of church and state becomes a constitutional violation. If a State cannot offer subsidies to its citizens without being required to fund religious exercise, any State that values its historic antiestablishment interests more than this Court does will have to curtail the support it offers to its citizens. With growing concern for where this Court will lead us next, I respectfully dissent [emphasis added].” Double bingo! Sotomayor is the new RBG!

Needless to say, I don’t want my tax dollars supporting f***ing religious institutions that basically teach hate. Still, SCOTUS is forcing us to pony up in the name of freedom of speech and equal protection — more like extra protection for religion. This is the beginning of the end, f***tards. This is the unraveling of long-standing norms in favor of religiosity. Consider all the other issues this ultra-conservative opinion forebodes for minorities and others. Do you think this Court will protect the LGBTQ community given their apparent preference to place religious dogma above others’ rights, all in the name of the First Amendment? What do you think will happen when a petitioner comes before the Court claiming that discrimination against gays is justified because of some “sincerely” held religious belief? It’s about to be open season on non-believers! What else is next? Mandatory prayers in schools? Ten Commandments posted in every classroom? All in defense of not discriminating against religion? Mark my words, morons! Secularism is about to become second-class to religious authoritarianism. As I said countless times already, RepubliKKKlan’s super-majority hold of SCOTUS is the final piece in place to end America as we know it. Oh, well. This is what Americans want, whether they intended it or not. The end of Roe is next week! Welcome to stupid America!


Gas Cards? Tax Holiday? I Can’t with the Stupid!

Biden considers a gas tax holiday and gas cards. According to CNN, “President Joe Biden said Monday he hopes to decide soon whether to support a temporary pause in the federal gasoline tax. … Biden said he is also weighing whether to back sending Americans gas rebate cards: ‘That’s part of what we’re considering, that’s part of the whole operation,’ he said.” Kill me now with this B.S. Ugh! I get it! Morons of America are demanding Biden do something. Clearly, his political and Democrats’ political futures (and the future of America) depend on easing inflation, which in and of itself is a sad commentary on the expectations of America’s masses derived from their utter stupidity — a society that wrongly blames (see here, for example) the president for economic vicissitudes as if he has a “make the economy bad” button sitting on the Resolute desk that he presses just for fun.

I am not sure where to begin with this analysis. I guess let’s tackle the tax holiday idea first — why it’s a bad idea and probably won’t work the way people think it will. Obstensively, suspending the federal gas tax would immediately shave off 18.3 cents from gas prices everywhere, but I promise that’s not going to happen. Look, people. Before implementing a tax holiday, gas companies already know what consumers are willing to pay for a gallon of fuel, so there is no reason ExxonMobile, BP, Shell, and the like can’t merely force prices back up. Do not think that the cost of gas is purely competitive. It is not. Gas prices are relatively inelastic in this oligopoly market. In other words, no matter the price, the demand for gas remains fairly consistent, and the few firms that control gas production know this well! Oh sure, perhaps on the margins, people use fuel more judiciously when prices are high, but in general, not so much. So, don’t think gas companies won’t try to push gas prices to a level they know consumers coped with previously. Gas companies are price makers and gas consumers are price takers in this market.

Moreover, it’s just as likely that consumers would negate the savings by increasing their demand. In short, suspending the gas tax is subsidizing the demand for gas (by lowering the price), which is precisely the opposite of what should be done during inflationary periods. Instead of hesitating to make that day trip to the zoo or park, now the perceived savings in gas expenses may allow the family to say, why not?

In fact, don’t take my word for it. Wharton published a study based on actual gas holiday data from Maryland, Georgia, and Connecticut, which found a pass-through savings of about 70 percent. That is to say, 70 percent of the gas tax abatement trickled down to the consumer. And one final point: In terms of absolute dollars saved, another Wharton study estimates a savings of $17 – $67 per capita depending on the state over nine months. Wow! In short, this gas tax holiday is not going to be the financial windfall I think people expect. And let’s not forget the lost revenue from suspending the gas tax and the cries from RepubliKKKlans declaring, “Democrats want to increase your taxes” as the holiday expires.

As for the gas cards, that’s a bit easier to project. Handing out gas cards is purely increasing demand, which is absolutely going to increase gas prices or any other prices, assuming people spend it on gas or something else. It is basically pushing more money into the system, which is the definition of inflation: Too many dollars chasing too few goods.

If all that stupid America wants is for Biden to appear to be doing something or understanding their pain, then I guess either one of these gimmicks will work, thereby reinforcing the shallowness of the voter without providing any substantive economic relief. Honestly, the only way to get past this period of inflation is to put the breaks on demand — which apparently Americans abhor — or wait for supply to catch up with demand. And we all know waiting is another thing that Americans abhor. But hey! Welcome to stupid America!


‘There Is Violence in the Future.’

From the mouth of RepubliKKKlan Kinzinger, who received a death threat against him, his wife, and his baby. Welcome to conservative America! But wait! There is more.

A still image from a political ad for Eric Greitens, a Republican candidate for Senate in Missouri. The New York Times.

According to The New York Times, “Eric Greitens, a Republican candidate for the United States Senate in Missouri, released a violent new political advertisement on Monday showing himself racking a shotgun and accompanying a team of men armed with assault rifles as they stormed — SWAT team-style — into a home in search of ‘RINOs,’ or Republicans in name only. ‘Join the MAGA crew,’ Mr. Greitens, a former Navy SEAL, declares in the ad. ‘Get a RINO hunting permit. There’s no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn’t expire until we save our country.’ The ad by Mr. Greitens was just the latest but perhaps most menacing in a long line of Republican campaign ads featuring firearms and seeking to equate hard-core conservatism with the use of deadly weapons.”

Look, f***tards! This is the new normal that everyone is dismissing as being hyperbolic. “Oh, those Liberals are just blowing everything out of context and out of proportion.” Yet, RepubliKKKlans are literally threatening and looking to kill their own, but stupid America just keeps shrugging this sh*t off. Then they promptly vote these people into office. I can’t with the stupid anymore. The end of this era of America’s democracy is so obvious and in front of everyone, but gas prices! Whatever. I give up. We love the violence and hate democracy because inflation! Welcome to stupid America, where people think they can trade democracy for lower gas prices. Yeah! It doesn’t work that way, morons!


Hillary Has Always Been Right, Except

In a Financial Times interview with Hillary Clinton, she states, “‘We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window,’ she says. ‘Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.’”

Clinton has been right about everything! Everything! Especially concerning traitor trump. She was so trenchant regarding the type of person traitor trump is and what kind of president he would be that history will judge her as a prophet who everyone ignored. Indeed! But she is slightly wrong in one case. America’s democracy is not “standing on the precipice”; we’ve already gone over the cliff! Perhaps, we had a very brief moment with Biden’s election win to grab a branch to save the country. Still, sadly American stupidity triumphed, cementing what will be the demise of democracy. Remember what I have been saying since the beginning: Biden is merely the intermission to the end. During Biden’s presidency, through no fault of his own, his supporters have grown tired of the boring president and impatient, wondering why Biden has not fixed the world yet. So, they are turning their backs, yearning for the days of the traitor trump sh*tshow — and I’m talking about Democrats and Independents. Add to this the unrelenting enthusiasm by RepubliKKKlans et al. to end democracy, and we have an America that has fallen off the cliff. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America, where the stupid has given up on democracy because it’s too hard.


Homos Are ‘Abnormal’ Says Sh*thole Texas GOP

Rise up, LGTBQ community! They are coming for you! How many f***ing times must I repeat myself? How many times? From the Insider, “The Republican Party of Texas adopted a platform that included explicitly anti-LGBTQ ideology at its biennial convention on Saturday. … It calls for a policy of fighting against special status for members of the LGBTQ communities and protection against criminal or civil penalties for those who oppose homosexuality out of ‘faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.’ There is no federal law that protects LGBTQ individuals from discrimination or grants them special status. … Chris Halbohn of the Log Cabin Republicans of Houston, an organization that represents LGBTQ Republicans, called the language ‘unnecessarily gratuitous,’ the NPR affiliate KUT 90.5 reported [emphasis added].” And as a point of comparison, CNN reports, “Instructively, the Texas GOP platform did not include such language in 2018 and 2020.” They! Are! Coming! For! The! Gays!

For all the morons out there that keep claiming that “this time is different” after the Uvalde massacre — which is it is not — people should be paying attention to the real this-time-is-different moment: RepubliKKKlans et al. are advocating to cancel all LGBTQ civil rights! Mark my words, f***tards! Mark them well. While the LGBTQ community has always been a target for hate, the MAGA moron and QAnon kook movements are accelerating the hatred and the desire to kill the gays. Arm up! Do not rely on gay allies, for they will abandon you when push comes to shove. Be prepared. Be prepared for the day the RepubliKKKlan Party seizes government control. You will be on a kill list al la an ISIS kill list that targets their enemies. Do not think that I’m kidding or being hyperbolic, and do not think Texas is an outlier state. This is the future of the RepubliKKKlan Party, f***tards. Recall that Texas picked up two congressional seats in the last census. The state is not only getting more popular it is becoming more conservative and more powerful. Don’t believe that the Texas G.O.P. is just the fringy of the fringe. It is not! Believe you me. The America of today is, indeed, different in at least one way! Wake the f*** up, people! Open your eyes. The fringe is now the mainstream, yet no one is seeing or paying attention.

And those Log Cabin f***tards! Those utter morons! I’ve written about them before, and there is no other group I wish more would collectively take their Second Amendment right, shove it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing trigger. Guess what? The rest of the LGBTQ community does not want you closet Cabin gay idiots alive to “advocate” conservative hate for them. It is incomprehensible to me how or why a bunch of people so desperately want to be part of a group that hates them. The stupid never ceases to amaze me. If these closet Cabin gay types hate themselves so much, then they should exit life instead of whining and b*tching about how their own party believes them to be “abnormal.” Whatever! I live in stupid hell. I’ll close with my usual entreaty for the LGBTQ community. Rise up! The moment of kill or be killed is upon you. Know who the enemy is! RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks are the enemy! Now and forever! Kill the enemies, for have no problem with killing you! Welcome to stupid America!


Paola Tulliani-Zen

What the f*** is up with that see you next Tuesday candidate? Seriously! What the f*** is with her? I was minding my own business doing yard work while listening to MSNBC via TuneIn radio, and my sensibilities were assaulted with several barrages of 3- and 4-back-to-back political ads touting Paola Tulliani-Zen for Arizona Governor. Needless to say, she is a nutjob MAGA moron and QAnon kook — coo-coo for cocoa puffs crazy. Her ads — probably six unique ones I heard in total — ran the gambit from stolen election lies to Second Amendment bat-sh*t craziness. In short, the common threat of all the ads was the Democrats are coming for you, RepubliKKKlans! So, keep Arizona pure and free! I can’t recall all the specific nuttiness of the copy, but suffice it to say, her ads were the paragon of just how f***ing G.D. stupid the RepubliKKKlan Party, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks genuinely are. I mean, she was saying bat-sh*t crazy stuff, yet I have no doubt everything she expressed is precisely what her audience — what 40 percent of stupid America — believes. This is why I keep saying America is just too f***ing far gone to return to normality. This level of stupid and crazy cannot be undone because one of America’s only two major political parties is just f***ing nuts and unrecoverable. Sorry, f***atrds, but America cannot survive when 40 percent are simply too stupid to think if they ever really “thought” at all. Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming.


Sh*thole Texas Police Cowards Seek to Hide

I expected nothing less from a sh*thole state where a cowardly police force failed to defend children. Instead of cowering in a hallway waiting for the murderer to run out of bullets or victims, the cops should have been catching bullets for the children. And now they want to hide their cowardice. According to Axios, “The city of Uvalde has contracted a private Texas law firm to argue that it should be exempt from releasing public records related to the Robb Elementary School mass shooting, according to a letter obtained by Vice. … In a letter to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the city’s lawyer Cynthia Trevino argues that Uvalde, which has received 148 separate public records requests, should not have to release them because the city is being sued and investigated for the police department’s response to the shooting, and because some records could include ‘highly embarrassing information.’”

Of course, A.G. Paxton will be more than happy to run interference for the police cowards because that’s the kind of sh*thole state voters want to live in. Sh*thole Texas — the state that likes to brag about FREEDOM! — is going to bury the truth; there is no freedom to find the truth. Those poor parents are never going to understand the full reality of Uvalde’s sh*tty police force. The only freedom Texans seem to have is to die and vote for sh*tty politicians repeatedly. What a piece of sh*t state. Welcome to stupid America. Americans love the sh*t!


Douchebag Musk Fires Staff for Free Speech

According to The New York Times, “SpaceX, the private rocket company, on Thursday fired employees who helped write and distribute an open letter criticizing the behavior of chief executive Elon Musk, said three employees with knowledge of the situation. Some SpaceX employees began circulating the letter, which denounced Mr. Musk’s activity on Twitter, on Wednesday. The letter called the billionaire’s public behavior and tweeting ‘a frequent source of distraction and embarrassment’ and asked the company to rein him in. Mr. Musk is currently closing a $44 billion deal to buy Twitter.”

Dripping butt-load baby diaper douchebag Musk throws a tantrum by having employees fired for criticizing Dear Leader while exercising their free speech. Yes, yes, yes! I know there is no free speech privilege for employees within the confines of a private business, so spare me your “gotcha” hypocrisy. The real hypocrisy is that Musk purports to be a “free speech absolutist,” except when the man-baby is the object of the truth. Then poor white grievance billionaire pot-head gets offended and has to retaliate. Make no mistake, morons. He retaliated against his employees because he was personally slighted. Douchebag Musk becomes more like traitor trump every day — fragile snowflake. Musk is a grade-A a**hole. I wish he’d climb into one of his spaceships and launch himself into deep space. Americans love their douchebag billionaires because I live in stupid hell!


‘Clear and Present Danger’

According to The Guardian, “Luttig said: ‘Almost two years after that fateful day … Donald Trump and his allies and supporters are a clear and present danger to American democracy.’… ‘That’s not because of what happened on January 6. It is because to this very day the former president and his allies and supporters pledge that in the presidential election of 2024, if the former president or his anointed successor as the Republican party presidential candidate were to lose that election, they would attempt to overturn that 2024 election in the same way that they attempted to overturn the 2020 election, but succeed in 2024 where they failed in 2020.’ … According to the Washington Post, more than 100 Republicans who have won primaries for midterm elections this year back Trump’s lie about electoral fraud in 2020. Such candidates have targeted important state elections posts as well as governors’ mansions and seats in Congress.”

Red light flashing that we’re f***ed: Uber-conservative Judge Luttig testified that traitor trump and MAGA morons are to this day still a clear and present danger to America. Sadly — and unsurprisingly — most of idiot America is utterly oblivious to what’s going on; they’re too busy b*tching about gas prices and wondering why eating out is so expensive. Stupid America is too busy blaming Biden for their personal problems as RepubliKKKlans elect conspiracy theory-believing politicians to steal the next election from Democrats. Oh, well. We get the government we deserve and desire.


I’m Impressed

In a previous post, I had wrongly anticipated the January 6 hearings would be a worthless sh*tshow. I said sh*tshow when I really meant a bore-fest. But neither has proved true so far. Although I did not watch the first primetime session, I’ve been watching the subsequent hearings, and I have been impressed. There is very little new information, and in the end, no minds will be changed, but at least Democrats are not sh*tting the bed! So, that’s something.

However, these hearings beg the usual question: Where the f*** is the DOJ? Why hasn’t AG Garland — the human version of Eeyore — done something by now? If the committee uncovered all this information, then what is Garland waiting for? What has he been doing for the last 18 months? I know. He’s waiting for traitor trump to declare his candidacy, so he doesn’t have to deal with investigating a former president and saving our democracy because — you know — Garland dares not look like a political partisan. This is why you hear rumblings about traitor trump eager to announce his re-election bid; he fears other RepubliKKKlans beating him to the punch, but more importantly, he wants to freeze out any DOJ investigation. Just watch! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!