
The End Is Coming, Folks

Democrats are going to lose the nation! Full stop! A special election in Texas last Tuesday is the classic canary in a coal mine. Politico reports, “Less than 24 hours after the GOP flipped a congressional district in South Texas, several Latino Democrats cornered their campaign chief on the House floor with a fervent plea: It’s time for the party to make a crucial course correction. Republicans blew up more than a century of almost uninterrupted Democratic control in that region Tuesday night, earning a special election win in a heavily Latino border district they had rarely even contested since its creation in 2012 — but where the GOP has made rapid gains in the last few years. That trend has been on Democrats’ minds since former President Donald Trump cut deep into the party’s margins in the Rio Grande Valley in 2020. But national Republicans poured money into the special election in this 85 percent Latino district from the beginning.”

This is dumbass Democrats just not f***ing getting it! They are clueless and are helping RepubliKKKlans kill our democracy. Democrats should have kept this seat, but no! And this development also reinforces my previous warnings: Demographics will not save the Democratic Party or the country. A younger, browner, more liberal demographic coming of voting age as a strategy to bolster the Democratic Party is all B.S. It always has been. If current generations of progressives always relied on the succeeding generations to be more enlightened and more liberal than the last, then America would be a utopia by now! This nonsensical, flawed, incompetent political strategy is costing dumbass Democrats their Latino voting base, who are succumbing to the enticements of the RepubliKKKlan Party.

And don’t let racism confuse you, morons! As with all minorities in the RepubliKKKlan Party, they are completely blind to the racist platform of the party because they’re not very savvy, and they, themselves, are a bit racist. Latinos like to think of themselves as the other white meat, except, of course, when they refer to other Latinos. Trust me when I say that Latino groups love to hate other Latino groups, especially American Latinos who hate all those at the border. American Latinos will be the first ones to claim they are not “those” people, while whity in the RepubliKKKlan Party can’t tell the difference among them all. Yet that does not stop Latinos from flocking to the racist party. Yeah, yeah. I know. That begs the question: Why would Democrats want to court Latino racists? At this point, to maintain power, I’d rather they not vote at all. But they’re showing up to the polls while Democrats sit on their hands. Oh, well! Democrats are so f***ed and keep pretending that it can’t happen here. Well, take a look, f***tards. It’s already happening in Texas. Mark my words, morons. Once Democrats lose the House, the end is imminent. But whatever! I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!


Gun “Safety” Bill Already DOA

Of course! What did I say long before the hyper-hysteria that “this time is different” took over the idiot masses, especially Democrats. What did I say? I say the same thing after every regularly scheduled massacre by gun: I can’t wait for nothing to change. And it would seem that tried and true statement has not yet died, for Cornyn and RepubliKKKlans have begun the art of killing the “compromise framework” — right on cue! According to The Hill, “Sen. John Cornyn (Texas), the lead Republican negotiator of a bipartisan gun safety framework, said Wednesday that some issues still need to be ironed out and warned the package may have to be slimmed down in order to get a bill passed. Cornyn said he’s ‘starting to get a little concerned’ about the impasse over ‘a couple of issues that need to be settled before we can reach an agreement.’”

Look, f***tards! This is why I did not hop on the bandwagon. While everyone cheered that a “deal” (i.e., “framework”) had been reached and that, indeed, this time was different, I was not going to be deceived! What a f***ing joke. Naturally, Democrats touted and still tout success! They are so easily duped because that’s what dumbass Democrats are — dupes! Of course, RepubliKKKlans agreed to “something” one minute. Then in the next minute, they started signaling all the ways to walk back from key aspects of the deal so that what remains are underfunded bill components related to mental health and “hardening” schools. In short, it is a gun “safety” bill that has nothing to do with guns and little to do with safety. Fan-f***ing-tastic. I expected nothing less. And dumbass Democrats look like the morons they are for getting excited over nothing and failing to understand that RepubliKKKlans will never change, no matter how many children die. Welcome to stupid America! Ugh, yeah.


Kill Jonathan Shelley!

Rise up, LGBTQ community! Rise up! Destroy and kill these Baptists. They will come for you if you do not kill them all. Mark my words! We are reaching a tipping point in this country, for when Democracy ends, then theocracy will reign, and they will hunt you down and put that bullet in your head that they preach. Mark my words. This is why I keep saying religion is a disease. Christianity is a scam. Find these people and kill them where they live and preach.


Kill Dillon Awes!

According to the Advocate, “A pastor at a church in Texas labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center delivered a sermon calling for the government execution of LGBTQ+ folks, and it’s not the first time he’s made such disturbing calls for violence. In his sermon entitled, Why We Won’t Shut Up, Dillon Awes of the Stedfast Baptist Church in Hurst said gay men were predatory pedophiles who have either committed sex crimes against a child or just haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet, leading him to the conclusion that ‘We need to put these people to death through the proper channels of the government.’ Awes claimed the Bible’s solution to what he called the ‘sodomite deception’ is queer people ‘should be lined up against the wall and shot in the back of the head.’”

Hating the gays is not new, but the violence is coming, morons. They are coming for the LGBTQ community. Mark my words, f***tards. This rhetoric is on the rise and violence is becoming more acceptable to eliminate the “others.” What the f*** do you think is going to happen when SCOTUS rules permitting conceal carry is unconstitutional? It will be open season on the gays! Wake the f*** up, people! Arm up LGBTQ members. It is kill or be killed!


Yes, Dumbass Democrats Are Killing Democracy

Let me first be clear about the title. This does not mean I’m pro-RepubliKKKlan. That will happen only when hell freezes over. What the title does convey is my ever-lasting frustration with dumbass Democrats being the morally right party while also being the weak, pathetic opposition. Yes, every election is not so much a struggle between picking between two parties as it is knowing Democrats eventually shoot themselves in the foot. Unsurprisingly, I am reacting to an article from CNN, “Commentators offer different theories to explain Biden’s low approval ratings, but many miss the importance of partisan loyalty. Gallup polls show that Biden’s support among Democrats declined from 95% at the start of his presidency to 85% by early 2022. Trump, on the other hand, had lost only 1% of Republicans over a similar time period during his presidency, going from 87% to 86% in approval. What could likely account for Biden’s comparatively worse losses among members of his own party is the insidious influence of what I call the ‘fan fiction left.’”

In previous posts, I have lamented Democrats’ (including my own) displeasure with Biden, but I’m sure not in hell going to tell a pollster that. I may think it privately (and not so privately here), but I’m still going to support Biden if he runs for re-election — let’s hope not, though. Unfortunately, there is not an insignificant portion of the dumbass Democrat caucus that likes to stick it to Biden publicly, as the polls show and as some (e.g., AOC) tacitly reveal. Of course, Democrats are the first ones to abandon their president the second they ask, What have you done for me lately? Eh.


Dumbass Democrats Just Don’t F***ing Get It

The Daily Beast writes, “Violent extremism, racism, and bigotry are a growing threat, and their ideologies are entwined with mainstream conservatism right now. … Why, then, is it so hard for Democrats to connect the dots, and communicate to the American people just what exactly is going on [in America]? … National elections are won because one side has the ability to tell a better story to voters about who they are and what they can do for the country. However, in the current political climate, it isn’t enough to discuss the ‘kitchen table issues’ Democrats say they want to focus on. Your kitchen table doesn’t matter if democracy falls, or if you are unable to vote, access an abortion, or live free from abject violence … If you still believe—as President Joe Biden claimed the other day when he said that ‘rational republicans’ still exist—then you aren’t paying attention. … If Democrats want to win in November they need to showcase to the public that we are no longer living in a ‘rational’ two-party democratic system. Instead, one of the major political parties no longer believes in the rule of law. It believes in violence, it believes in denying a free and fair election, and it believes in (at best) looking the other way when its own members engage in rank racism—when it isn’t blatantly encouraging bigotry itself.”

Bingo! It should be easy, but, of course, it never is for dumbass Democrats who are a wholly feckless and worthless political party. Allow myself to repeat myself — again. It takes two parties to destroy America’s democracy: The RepubliKKKlan Party, which prefers fascism over democracy, and the dumbass Democratic Party, which stands by to watch. The article is spot on to recognize that “kitchen table issues” don’t matter if there is no democracy in the end, yet that’s where we’re headed because I live in stupid hell. People get the government they deserve and desire. If more Americans are worried about gas prices and punishing the political party in power — that has no control over inflation — than preserving democracy by voting to keep RepubliKKKlans out of office, then so be it. It’s really that simple, morons. There is no need to overthink the impact of elections, whether those consequences are direct by the people’s vote or indirect via people failing to vote. No matter the means — to vote or not to vote — the result is the same: A government the people prefer. And Lord knows that Americans can never stay the course long enough for meaningful change to take hold; one bump in the road and morons of America are ready to jettison the current political party (Democrats) in favor of the opposition (RepubliKKKlans). At this point, I am slowly reconciling myself to the inevitable end: America is too stupid to survive. Morons of America would rather lose their freedoms than endure inflation. Oh, well. I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America!


Pride Month: Don’t Kid Yourselves, People!

One of the greatest human fallacies is that progress is always a straight line and always unidirectional. Western civilization loves to applaud itself as always heading in the correct, progressive direction, that the children of tomorrow will always be freer and better off than their parents, that minorities of tomorrow will always be less oppressed than their predecessors. I’m here to tell you that it is all grade-A B.S., and it is dangerous to think otherwise.

But don’t take my word for it. As The Hill reports, “Pride Month celebrations across the country are playing out against a backdrop of growing threats to the LGBTQ community from conspiracy theorists and far-right extremist groups, and the results have already turned violent. … Baptist ministers in Idaho and Texas have gone viral in recent weeks for calling on the government to execute gay people. … ‘It’s all part of the same hard right authoritarian movement in the country,’ said Michael Edison Hayden, a senior investigative reporter at the Southern Poverty Law Center. ‘This synergy between social media culture and the mobilization of extremists is really scary, and it shows how easily it can spill over into something much bigger than’ the Jan. 6 insurrection. … The number of hate crimes specifically targeting LGBTQ people has risen in recent years, according to statistics published by the FBI. At an event at the White House last month marking International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, President Biden cited both the progress made in recent years and the ongoing violence.”

People may argue that there has always been and there will always be LGBTQ hate. Of course, that is weak reasoning. What matters today is that extremism and violence are becoming mainstream! Let me repeat myself: Hate and violence are becoming more mainstream. And as I have also said before, do not expect or trust straight friends, family, or the government will save the LGBTQ community. What happens when SCOTUS scuttles marriage equality? Then the gays go right back to being acceptable second-class citizens deserving of fewer and fewer rights because the judges of law have spoken! People eventually become cowed into believing whatever the power structure dictates. Look to Nazi Germany as an example. An entire nation was convinced to hate Jews or, at the very least, ignore what happened to them as they were literally stripped of their German citizenship. Don’t think that the LGBTQ community could not be next for a second! Wake the f*** up, morons! Only violence can counter violence! Arm up, people! SCOTUS is about to make that legal everywhere, too. And gays will be the new target practice! Mark my words!


‘Problem From Hell’

According to The New York Times, “‘For a president, inflation is the problem from hell — you can’t win,’ said Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the founding director of the Center for Effective Public Management. ‘Because it’s so difficult economically, politically it is even worse: There’s nothing you can do in the short run to solve it.’”

Inflation! Inflation! Inflation! “Marsha!” “Marsha!” “Marsha!” Ugh! I’m tired of reading about it, and I’m tired of writing about it. Americans are morons, so Biden is f***ed over something he has little control, and it’s already too late to change the trajectory of the mid-term election diaster, which is the purpose of this post. Everyone’s pissed at Biden over his handling of the economy — except me. I actually understand the vicissitudes of the national and global economies. Moreover, I understand just how little an administration impacts the national economy, especially in the short run. Nonetheless, the rest of moronic America blames Biden and, more egregiously, intends to vote in RepubliKKKlans to fix things. How exactly is a divided government supposed to “fix” the economy? Well, that much “thinking” ahead idiot voters have yet to apprehend; they’re just pissed, so they want the other party to run Congress, without any regard as to how that is actually supposed to work. House RepubliKKKlans are going to spend the next two years of Biden’s term impeaching him and holding hearings about conspiracy theories. They have no interest in working with Biden to fix America’s issues, except getting to the “cause” of the stolen 2020 election and the “oranges” of COVID. Once again, the stupidity of America engenders a whip-saw reactionary voting citizenry who can’t stay the course long enough and with enough conviction to truly change the nation’s direction. No! Their ephemeral attention span demands all problems be fixed within two years, lest the moronic masses mandate a national course change again. Whatever! And we wonder why nothing changes for the better. Welcome to stupid America!


Patriot Front and Pride

Rise up, LGBTQ community! Rise up! How often do I have to keep urging you people, especially during pride month? Reporting from Politico, “Authorities arrested 31 members of the white supremacist group Patriot Front near an Idaho pride event Saturday after they were found packed into the back of a U-Haul truck with riot gear. The men were standing inside the truck wearing khakis, navy blue shirts and beige hats with white balaclavas covering their faces when Coeur d’Alene police stopped the U-Haul and began arresting them on the side of the road. ‘They came to riot downtown,’ Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said at a news conference. All 31 were charged with conspiracy to riot, a misdemeanor, White said.”

As a reminder to morons of America, Patriot Front is an American Fascist hate group. Moreover, the Department of Homeland Security just last week, at the beginning of Pride month, released a National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin that read, in part, “[Terrorism] targets could include public gatherings, faith-based institutions, schools, racial and religious minorities, government facilities and personnel, U.S. critical infrastructure, the media, and perceived ideological opponents. Threat actors have recently mobilized to violence due to factors such as personal grievances, reactions to current events, and adherence to violent extremist ideologies, including racially or ethnically motivated or anti-government/anti-authority violent extremism.”

Domestic terrorism is on the rise, yet Americans seem somewhat oblivious. (I expected nothing less.) Do not expect law enforcement or the government to protect you, for even though the 31 Patriot Front buffoons were apprehended before executing their plans, misdemeanor charges are a joke. If the charges are not amended or augmented, then there will be no jail time for first-time offenders. These terrorists will be let out to pick up where they left off because America really has no problem with these types of incidents. Americans don’t mind domestic terrorists, and neither does law enforcement. And do not be fooled by a pitiful 31-member show of force. Consider that only 10 percent could actually commit but 100 times that number are actually members and 10,000 times that are actually sympathetic to Patriot Front beliefs. And that is only one of several hate groups — the biggest one being the RepubliKKKlan Party. So, the hate runs deep and wide. Rise up, people! Be prepared to kill the terrorists, for they are coming to kill you! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!


Where the F*** Is AG Garland?

I did not watch the prime-time January 6 committee show because it would be a waste of my time and boil my blood all over again. To me, the committee is preaching to the choir. I am, however, watching the Morning Joe re-cap coverage the following morning, and my blood is boiling watching the highlights. There is no new information, but some new images point to the same question I’ve been asking for over a year: Where the f*** is AG Garland?

Let me give you the headline: Traitor trump is a traitor to America — always has been — yet he is completely above the law, and not a single person in the DOJ or any prosecutor in any state is willing to hold him accountable for any crimes, in particular, AG Merrick Garland. Where the f*** is Garland? Let’s assume the DOJ has all the eyes and ears of everyone else in the world. The only thing the public hearing on the January 6 insurrection has reminded me of is why the f*** isn’t Garland doing his f***ing job? Why is traitor trump still walking free after 18 months? Therein lies the essence of America’s demise. It is often said that America is a nation of laws, not men. Well, that has always been a lie, for some men are above the law, and traitor trump is at the apex. He is the proverbial head of the snake that is the MAGA movement. No one is willing to kill the king. Garland fears him because he thinks America is a nation of laws — a nation of laws that submits to a corrupt man no longer in power. And time is running out. Nay! Dare I say time is already out. As I have said countless times, the second traitor trump declares his candidacy for president, then he’ll be protected entirely because, of course, Garland will not pursue a political candidate for fear of looking like a political witchhunt, which, apparently, is far worse than steering America’s democracy right into the ground. Again, I will repeat myself! At this point, the greatest proponent of America’s demise is AG Garland. He is too weak to do his job, and he’s going to “by the book” drive America into extinction, and Biden is doing nothing to prevent it. Welcome to stupid America! I give up!