Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

66% Say Keep Roe — Eh, So What!

From CNN, “Sixty-six percent say Roe v. Wade should not be completely struck down, and 59% would support Congress passing legislation to establish a nationwide right to abortion, including 81% of Democrats, 65% of independents and 30% of Republicans, the survey finds.” Compare this to a Morning Consult poll on gun control, “84% of voters, including 77% of Republicans, support requiring all gun purchasers to go through a background check.”

How are these two firmly and long-held public opinions similar? They are meaningless! F***ing meaningless! There is a vast gulf between what people “claim” they support and how much they actually care about their own convictions. America is awash with gun violence. While there is collective outrage over mass killings in schools as a matter of routine, the collective will to do anything about it is zero. Overturning Roe is going to be exactly the same thing: A bunch of rage but no actual action to do anything. Mark my words, morons! People will be pissed, but they’ll be more than happy to elect and re-elect those same politicians who will perpetuate that rage because no one cares. When Roe is gone and states — as well as the federal government soon enough — start restricting women’s rights and other minority rights, then there will be a collective shrug. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! RepubliKKKlans want to roll back progress, and dumbass Democrats stand by to watch! Civil war is coming, and Roe is another gallon of gas thrown on the fire! Welcome to stupid America!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Cawthorn Goes Full Porn!

Fire Madison Cawthorn PAC
(This PAC is now defunct. He was fired!)

Can you say FranterityX? This is definitely Madison Cawthorn because you can see the wheelchair, and he’s admitted as much, “A new hit against me just dropped. Years ago, in this video, I was being crass with a friend, trying to be funny. We were acting foolish, and joking. That’s it.” Also, if you watch the video via the link in the caption above, then you’ll see a guy’s head peek up. Last I checked, straight guys don’t do this sh*t unless, I guess, they’re drunk, which is possible. Now, you tell me he isn’t gay. Why are RepubliKKKlans always in the closet, hating themselves and taking it out on all the other gays?

Of course, this new revelation still does not answer my tallywacker question! The actions would suggest that a “little Cawthorn” might be working down below. I’m waiting for the leaked video with him masturbating and blowing a load on the camera. That will be proof enough for me. In the meantime, Cawthorn, bro, shave that f***ing ass. Have your boyfriend — oh, I mean your cousin — do it for you!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Smartest Man in Democratic Politics

James Carville is brilliant and absolutely correct. If ending Roe cannot motivate Democrats, then nothing will and nothing can be done for these people (and the country). Guess what? He wasn’t sure this matter would be enough, and I’m here to tell you that it won’t be enough! People just don’t care, and even if they did care, they don’t care enough to do something about women’s rights, i.e., vote. I’m only saying this to prepare America for a significant letdown come November. It is not enough to march in the streets, picket before SCOTUS, and rage against the machine. People must vote, and as it stands now, with RepubliKKKlans ever more entrenched in greater than half the states, normal voter turnout would certainly be insufficient. Indeed, a higher-than-average turnout would still be lacking. Perhaps an exceedingly high Democratic turnout might achieve the necessary results, but that is akin to winning the lottery. Moreover, RepubliKKKlans have rigged the system in their favor by putting election deniers in charge of conducting and counting election results. To be sure, people gabble with their rights when they fail to vote, and Americans have been losing for many years. They’re about to lose their houses! Welcome to stupid America!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

LA: Pregnant Women, Criminals in Waiting

Louisiana is about to charge women obtaining abortions as murders. From The Daily Beast, “A bill in Louisiana that is working its way through the House would make those involved in an abortion—including patients and doctors—subject to homicide charges. House Bill 813, which claims life should be protected upon fertilization, cleared the House Appropriations Committee by a vote of 7-2 Wednesday.”

This law is one logical extension of ending Roe that I have not written about, but of course, states are already advancing maximalist legislation. It is not enough to ban abortions; they must codify punishment. Everything RepubliKKKlans do is to subdue women and all minorities. It is only a matter of time before all conservative legislatures criminalize abortions. Many women and doctors are going to prison, but fear not, people! Fear not! There is nothing to fear but fear itself, for no one cares. I promise that half the population is telling themselves that the abortion issue does not pertain to them, so they don’t care. Truly a demonstration of America’s abject stupidity. Once they finish with women, you’re next! Mark my words!

Time to remind the reader of the incredibly germane — yet trite at this point — warning from the prominent Lutheran pastor in Nazi Germany.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller

Conspiracies for Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

QAnon v. Democrat

QAnon will win because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! J.R. Majewski, the RepubliKKKlan, versus Rep. Marcy Kaptur, the incumbent Democrat. As CNN reports, “This is the weirdness of the 2022 midterm elections: An Ohio Republican associated with the QAnon conspiracy movement — and who painted massive Donald Trump murals on his lawn and put out a crass rap song on his campaign website — will face off in November against a Democrat who could become the longest-serving woman in Capitol Hill history. Due to Ohio’s newly drawn congressional map, the race is likely to be a tossup, according to professional handicappers.”

Of course, this race is a tossup because people love the f***ing crazy, and RepubliKKKlan voters would sooner go full-on suicide vest bomber in a crowd rather than vote for a Democrat. It is particularly true for Ohio, which becomes redder with every election. So, this is where the country’s at right now, a nation intent on electing more crazy to Congress. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying it, but a country cannot survive with this level of stupid in the population and participating in government. And I don’t want to hear about how there has always been some level of absurdity in America. Ture! But not this much bat-sh*t-crazy and not this much bat-sh*t-crazy winning elections.

Furthermore, I find it especially interesting that this QAnon candidate’s last name is Majewski. He has a conspiracy literally written in his name: MaJEWski. I thought QAnon hated the Jews because they are secretly running the world. Whatever. This guy is going to win. I can promise that right now. Mark my words. And his certain win will be another nail in America’s coffin. Welcome to stupid America. It’s going to be much dumber after the midterm elections. People just don’t f***ing get it! The end of America is coming! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Roe Is Dead: Women Are Second-Class Citizens

Let’s strip away all the pretenses of the “anti-abortion” crowd. Let’s dispense with the morality of abortion and the notion of when life begins. Let’s forget about the argument of privacy being in or not in the Constitution. In reality, none of these are factors for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks in the pursuit to overturn Roe. There is only one concern: To relegate women to second-class citizens. Of course, none of these people will admit their ultimate goal so directly; we must infer their intentions by the outcome. What is the outcome? It is nothing new and nothing that has not already been mentioned. The outcome is to forbid women’s agency over their bodies. Their body and its function are about to become the state’s property. Full stop! If in an alternate universe where the gender roles were reversed but the political power remained the same, I promise the outcome would be different. That is to say, if men were getting pregnant and had all the political power, then abortions would be legal, on-demand, and without restriction.

Since America is a society wherein the “weaker” sex (i.e., women) must be subdued and dominated, the primary way to do so is for white, straight, cis-gendered male evangelicals to take away a woman’s control over her body. And America is supposed to be a country that proclaims freedom! If conservatives truly believed in freedom — as they like to shout and remind everyone, every day, and at every opportunity — they would have to concede that freedom to bodily autonomy is paramount and that a pregnant woman is simply a line that cannot be crossed. The notion of bodily freedom should be controlling in decision-making and in law; abortion is a potentially unsavory consequence that really is no one else’s business. If you hate abortions, then don’t f***ing get one, f***tard. I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America.

Politics Purely Moronic

Economic Ignorance

Americans know f***-all about economics, and it’s destroying the country because I live in stupid hell. CNN reports, “President Joe Biden and his administration appear perilously close to an irreversible severing of public confidence in his capacity to deliver prosperity and financial security as stiff economic challenges balloon into huge political liabilities. A CNN poll released Wednesday shows that the President’s repeated efforts to highlight undeniably strong aspects of the economy’s post-pandemic rebound and to offset blame for its bad spots aren’t working.”

American democracy cannot endure with an ignorant citizenry. Don’t take my word for it; read Jefferson: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be. If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” While all of America is mostly (no less than 40 percent) is moronic, for this post, I’ll focus on the one aspect of ignorance that — astonishingly — determines the outcome of most elections: The economy. Democrats will lose control of the House come this midterm because people are too f***ing stupid to understand how the economy works. The vast, vast majority — I’d venture a guess that 99 percent — have never taken an economics course, yet the same majority bases their election choices on a subject they have never formally learned. That’s like a 16-year-old competing in NASCAR because they have a learner’s permit. People live the economy every day, but that doesn’t mean they actually understand how it works; that just means they know rote functions. For example, higher prices mean their paycheck doesn’t go as far. They understand how to allocate and re-allocate scarce resources, but they don’t understand the root causes of how or why their resources are being constrained. I won’t go into detail; I’ve done that plenty in other posts. Of course, stupid America thinks the “cause” is Biden. Ugh! F*** me! I can’t with the stupid anymore; it f***ing hurts, and these idiots are going to punish Biden and Democrats for something over which they have very little control. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Atlantic: Pathetic Democrats

A brilliant article in The Atlantic aptly discusses the leaked Alito opinion, but I want to point out an extremely cogent observation the author makes about dumbass Democrats, “The conservative movement has been working toward this victory [overturning Roe and privacy rights] for decades, and it has been made possible not simply by its determination and a few fortunate accidents, but by the haplessness of its opponents. Many in the center of the Democratic Party have been paralyzed by the belief that they might ‘do popular stuff’ and coast to victory without having to get their hands dirty fighting the opposition, while its left-wing critics too often forget that democracy is an ongoing process, not a battle that ceases after casting the right vote once or twice. In both cases, the right has been fortunate in having opponents who argue themselves into complacency [emphasis added].”

How spot-on is this excerpt! It echoes what I have long argued but with better prose. The claim and deliberate approach of the author above tends to be more effective than my rage writing. That being said, allow me to rage at dumbass Democrats. I think I can finally quantify the level of blame for the end of Roe and our right to privacy. Fifty-one percent blame goes to RepubliKKKlans, and 49 percent blame goes to dumbass Democrats. The preponderance of fault assigned to RepubliKKKlans is self-evident. As for dumbass Democrats being nearly equally culpable is almost just as self-evident. Suffice it to say, Democrats are weak and stupid. They have no idea how to play politics with the ruthlessness to save our democracy. RepubliKKKlans gunning for Roe has been a slow-moving train coming down the tracks for decades, and Democrats still managed to get crushed. Welcome to stupid America. The end is nearer than you think! Mark my words!


100% Outrage, 0% Commitment to Vote

Naturally, I was glued to the MSM media to understand the “fallout” from the leaked SCOTUS opinion on killing Roe and, ultimately, privacy rights. I saw the rallies and heard journalists interview protestors on both sides. I thought to myself, how all very cute. Indeed, the crowds were primarily youthful — men and women — and I also thought to myself, what passion from these yutes protesting to preserve women’s rights. Unfortunately, none of these people are going to vote in the midterms. Okay, perhaps none is too strong. Let’s say 20 percent actually take time out of their busy social media schedule to show up to midterm elections to vote for Democrats.

I point to a specific interview of a pro-choice protestor in front of SCOTUS on MSNBC. She was young and very well-spoken; that is to say, this was not her first time speaking passionately about Roe before an audience. She was not rambling, and I take her perspective to be well informed and mainstream for her generation. She was disappointed with Biden’s lack of comment on the topic, not just that day but during his term thus far, emphasizing that Biden had only mentioned abortion once. It is an entirely fair argument and an unquestionable point of frustration. Yet, she then says — I am paraphrasing — that because Democrats are failing to have the backs of pro-choice youth, then the youth was not going to have their backs at the polls. And that! That is why I say all of this fuss and fury will not translate into votes. Every midterm election cycle, pundits, pollsters, and politicians keep expecting the youth vote to turn out, and with every midterm election, the actual youth turnout fails to materialize.

Out, out, brief candle.
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5

I hear the future — the youthful life — of America briefly raging against the machine. Still, in the end, they will fail to do the most basic function of being a citizen to effectuate desired change, thereby rendering their vexation and will to nothingness! Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America.

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Installing the Crazies

James “Jethrow Hillbilly” D. Vance wins the Ohio RepubliKKKlan Senate primary all thanks to traitor trump’s last-minute endorsement. He was 10 points behind in the polls and won the election by 9 points. To all those f***tards out there who keep talking about how traitor trump’s influence and political power are waning, they are f***ing morons! I’m getting really tired of idiotic pundits, commentators, and “experts” predicting traitor trump’s political demise. No f***ing way! His MAGA moron movement is the RepubliKKKlan Party. Full stop! He still has all the power, and Vance’s win is more confirmation. And do not think traitor trump is playing kingmaker just for the hell of it. No! This is all part of an orchestration to steal the next presidential election. The more crazy MAGA moron politicians traitor trump has in the House and Senate, the better chance he will usurp the next election. Mark my words, f***tards!

While everyone was relieved that Biden won and could not wait for traitor trump to retire from the political scene — perhaps in handcuffs — I was never convinced, not for a second. I never believed traitor trump would “go gentle into that good night!” The man has a score to settle and really has nothing better to do with his life except being a troll — and people love him for it! I posted as much early and often after the last election. And, of course, I was right. I’m unsure how or why people are still delusional about the peril traitor trump poses to America. Open your f***ing eyes, idiots. In particular, dumbass Democrats. Their quixotic worldview is killing the country. And people’s expectation that the law is catching up with traitor trump only proves how stupid Americans truly are. Ain’t never going to happen. See my First Axiom. MAGA world is taking over the country, and people are still in disbelief. The country is not exhausted with the toupee-wearing orange, for most people either love the traitor trump train wreck or, worse still, are indifferent. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!