Politics RepubliKKKlans

Of Course, He Did

According to NPR, “In a move that critics say will hurt plants, animals and other species as they face mounting threats, the Trump administration is making major changes to how the Endangered Species Act is implemented. The U.S. Department of Interior on Monday announced a suite of long-anticipated revisions to the nation’s premier wildlife conservation law, which is credited with bringing back the bald eagle and grizzly bears, among other species. Republican lawmakers and industry groups celebrated the revisions, some of the broadest changes in the way the act is applied in its nearly 50-year history.” Welcome to trump stupid America. People simply don’t care. Destroy the planet. Kill the animals. Poison the water. So long as businesses can make a buck. We just all quietly sit by and do nothing. Wake the f*** up voters!

Eh, whatever! None of this matters because it’s too late. RepubliKKKlans finally clawed their way back to power at a critical time when they can stay entrenched for decades to come (i.e., federal court judges and newly constitutionally sanctioned gerrymandering). Congratulations to all the stupid apathetic people who didn’t vote or thought traitor trump was going to be good for the country. We deserve this. Just don’t be surprised by how much worse things are about to get, morons of America. Welcome to stupid America!


Whatever, Liar

From CNN, “Anthony Scaramucci, a former White House communications director who has frequently defended President Donald Trump on television, said Monday he no longer supports Trump’s reelection bid and that the top of the 2020 Republican presidential ticket may need to be replaced.” He’s a liar and an idiot! What? Just two weeks ago he was defending traitor trump despite all of his vileness, and now he’s no longer on board. I don’t buy it! He’s lying. Welcome to stupid America!



A headline from RawStory reads: “Maybe a sleazy real-estate-developer-turned-reality-TV-star isn’t qualified to manage a super power.” As always when I quote RawStory, I must stipulate that the site is not true journalism (so I did not read the article), but they do have some of the best headlines. I thought this one was especially germane because it is the single most important question that everyone should have asked themselves before voting. While any person with at least two brain cells to rub together to generate a spark of thought should have easily concluded: hell f***ing no! Instead, we have a m*****f***ing stupid country that said: sure. Un-f***ing-believable. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumb as f*** and getting dumber!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Here We Go: Get Ready to Lose

According to The Hill, “President Trump on Friday mocked former Vice President Joe Biden after the Democratic presidential candidate committed a gaffe by telling supporters that ‘poor kids’ are ‘just as talented as white kids’ before correcting himself to say ‘wealthy kids.’ … ‘Joe is not playing with a full deck. He made that comment, I said “woah,”’ Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a fundraiser in the Hamptons.” So, here we go with the media helping traitor trump put the nail into the coffin of Biden’s presidential bid. Clearly, the MSM simply ignores the daily gaffe machine of traitor trump because they are morons, while one gaffe from Biden — which admittedly is not uncommon for him — becomes headline news (literally). Moreover, to be fair Biden realized that he misspoke at the moment and tried to correct his train of thought by elaborating on the comment. Yet, traitor trump understands how to land a precise and pithy punch, against which dumbass Democrats are feckless to respond. I’m sorry, but saying Biden is not playing with a full deck seemingly rings true enough with morons to help traitor trump win re-election, despite his own repeated slurring during speeches, stumbling over words and blatant stupid-speak. But this is trump stupid America, so all those traitor trump gaffes speak directly to enough RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons to ensure his next win, while Biden is simply seen as being weak and too old. F*** me! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Idiot-in-Chief Failed Diplomacy

Politico reports, “His trade war with China keeps escalating, with mounting costs to the U.S. economy. Diplomatic overtures to Iran and North Korea have so far failed to yield the president’s desired outcome. Jared Kushner’s Middle East peace plan, two years in the making, is nowhere to be seen. And America’s retreat from Syria, where the president once boasted he had defeated ISIS, has allowed the terrorist group to regenerate, according to a brand-new Pentagon inspector general’s report.” Imagine that! A f***ing G.D. moron who knows nothing can’t make anything work. This supposed master dealmaker has delivered nothing. Naturally, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons don’t see this because, hey, this is trump stupid America! According to those f***tards, the only-I-can-fix-it idiot is actually fixing everything! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t take the stupidity in this country anymore. Of course, things are worse because traitor trump is just so f***ing G.D. stupid, but he’s still slightly smarter than his RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron supporters, which means they really do see him as some kind of f***ing genius. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Let the Farmers Die

From Bloomberg, “Wertish criticized Trump’s ‘go-it-alone approach’ and the trade dispute’s ‘devastating damage not only to rural communities.’ He expressed fears Trump’s $28 billion in trade aid will undermine public support for federal farm subsidies, saying the assistance is already being pilloried ‘as a welfare program, as bailouts.’ Others joined in. Brian Thalmann, president of the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, complained about Trump statements that farmers are doing ‘great’ again. ‘We are not starting to do great again,’ he said. ‘We are starting to go down very quickly.’”

I say good! They deserve to suffer and go ruined as far as I’m concerned. Elections have consequences, f***tards. Since farmers are a stronghold of traitor trump’s RepubliKKKlan and MAGA morons, I say let them die. Seriously!!! Let them! These are the “pull yourself up by your bootstrap” types. These moron rural types are always preaching self-reliance, get government out of their lives, so let it all happen. No f***ing welfare for them. I don’t want any of my tax dollars going to any m*****f****ing G.D. RepubliKKKlan or MAGA moron farmer. If they voted for traitor trump then they get exactly what they deserve — a disastrous trade policy enacted by a moron president. They should have had contingency plans: sell the farm, deliver pizzas, or put a bullet through their head.

I have no f***ing clue what part of a businessman who has filed for bankruptcy several times indicated to farmers that traitor trump had any clue about how to run a business let alone the entire federal government, but then again this is trump stupid America! He says he’s a “billionaire” yet fears to release his tax returns. How do these f***ing G.D. idiots of the highest order believe him? Nonetheless, these f***tards apparently think that’s not at all suspicious or that he’s not trying to hide something — like his f***ing success as a businessman. Un-f***ing-believable. Seriously! I don’t want any of these farmers surviving to vote for traitor trump again. So, I say again: let the RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron farmers die! They should not be saved whatsoever. Others in the country should not be allowed to suffer while they get government handouts! Period! Full stop! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

F***ing Morons

Two idiot CNN writers suggest, “Washington could not summon a collective will to act after the slaughter of children at Sandy Hook Elementary. But just maybe, this time might be different, spurred by the rapid succession of tragedies.” Um, yeah. No! Just like after every other (worse) domestic terrorist attack by mass shootings, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will wait out the public’s sentiment to eventually accomplish nothing. Congress has the entire month to forget about these tragedies. It takes one phone call from the NRA for traitor trump and Moscow Mitch to scrap whatever gun control plans they supposedly supported. And for the record: we are so f***ing beyond universal background checks or “red flag” legislation as solutions or partial solutions in order to claim something was passed. Everybody keeps claiming these are the least that can/should be accomplished, yet in the same breath, acknowledge such measures would not have prevented whatever the most recent terrorist attack was that re-sparked the gun control debate. So, in short, the argument still centers around getting legislation through that will, in effect, prevent nothing — and not even that can gain traction just for show. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I can’t wait for nothing to happen! Predictable stupidity. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Not to mention this bi-line reminder from Politico, “The president said he has taken tough action on guns. His administration has mostly focused on expanding gun access through little-noticed regulatory moves.” Because, of course, he did. I mean, one cannot make this Scheiße up! Serious! And traitor trump’s job approval is still >1%. Welcome to the dumbest f***ing country on the planet. Full of morons here. We’ve got plenty of f***ing morons here!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans


From CNN, “President Donald Trump’s campaign aides on Tuesday sharply criticized Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro for posting to social media the names and employers of some of the President’s largest donors in San Antonio.” Finally! A Democrat with some f***ing G.D. balls. Too f***ing bad that MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans have been “outed.” This is legally publicly available information. I thought traitor trump supporters were supposed to be proud of their racist and white nationalist terrorist in chief? Keep it up, Democrats. Learn to play dirty for once! Maybe they’ll actually grow a spine!


Rise Up, Citizens!

CNN reports, “‘I declined the invitation because I refuse to be an accessory to his visit,’ said Escobar, who represents El Paso. ‘I refuse to join without a dialogue about the pain his racist and hateful words & actions have caused our community and country.’” Rise up, people! I don’t know what the f*** more needs to happen for people to rise up into the streets and take back this country. Apparently, only one person is willing to give traitor trump the time of day he deserves — a cold shoulder. Everyone else is inclined to meet traitor trump out of respect for the Office of the Presidency, which is an absolute f***ing joke. I cannot possibly comprehend the level of stupidity in that type of rationale. Others want to “respect” the Office of the Presidency by not refusing traitor trump even though he disgraces the “Office of the Presidency” every f***ing day. It is just more cowardice of political officials who refuse to stand up to traitor trump. So, congratu-f***ing-lations for being so weak and giving into a white nationalist terrorist. Absolutely f***ing great! People need to rise up into the streets. The citizens of El Paso should block every road and sidewalk to make it impossible for traitor trump to move anywhere. He always wants to make the story about himself, so the people of El Paso must keep the story about themselves by collectively refusing the traitor president. Wake up, idiots! Do something meaningful instead of hoping. F***ing hoping. Pathetic! Ugh! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t. Welcome to trump stupid America!



From Axios, “White House counselor Kellyanne Conway clashed with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour over President Trump’s divisive rhetoric during a heated interview Monday on the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, last weekend.” Why the f*** do these people even bother with this see you next Tuesday White House advisor? Seriously?!?! Is this part of CNN’s attempt to be fair and provide both sides of the argument? The one side being hatred, lies, and fear because, of course, that side needs to be heard. Un-f***ing-believable! The stupidity in this country is beyond comprehension. Welcome to trump stupid America!