MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

This Administration Is a Joke

From Axios, “Attorney General Bill Barr said in a speech during the Combating Anti-Semitism Summit at the Justice Department Monday that groups fighting ‘under the banner of identity politics’ are dividing Americans.” Apparently, each and every MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan are laughing because they know this administration is a joke and they don’t care. So, welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

I Give Up: Bring It!

According to CBS News, “In a ruling that pro-abortion rights advocates called ‘rogue,’ an Oklahoma judge upheld a state law on Friday that banned the most common abortion method for women at least 14 weeks into a pregnancy.” To be honest, I hope all these abortion bans are upheld by the Supreme Court. Just let it all f***ing happen! Apparently, dumbass Democrats really don’t f***ing care until it’s too late. Only when women’s rights have been completely repealed do they start to get politically animated. Perhaps what the f***tards in this country need is a big wake-up call! They have taken for granted their freedoms, especially the freedom to make decisions over their own bodies. So, let it happen. I just don’t f***ing care anymore. I say let abortion rights go back to the States. Let the States determine the legality of abortions. This would be the catalyst for the Great Reordering of America that is desperately needed. We really are a nation divided, so let’s stop pretending we are an indivisible union. I say let those f***tards that want to live under quasi-dictatorships move to red states; perhaps in time, the population will be so concentrated in blue states that we can take permanent control of the House of Representatives. (Sadly, probably never the Senate for obvious reasons.) RepubliKKKlans have had a rallying cry for 40 years with Roe V. Wade and eventually it has worked. Now dumbass Democrats need a rallying cry for the decades to come, assuming they are smart enough and committed enough to sustain their passion (I doubt it). Welcome to trump stupid America! Democracy takes work unless, of course, one wants a dictatorship then people are allowed to be lazy and apathetic — like I said: welcome to stupid America! Who cares. None of this matters anymore. Dictator-loving people have won and gained permanent control. It was too late the second traitor trump became elected. We lost the democracy the second that happened and the country did the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. We deserve climate change. We deserve repeal of the ACA. We deserve tyranny by the minority over the majority. We deserve all of this and more because this is a country of f***ing G.D. idiots that simply do not care.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

What Else Is New?

From Bloomberg, “The U.S. budget deficit widened by 23% to $747.1 billion in the first nine months of the fiscal year, as rising spending eclipsed a small bump in revenue from the Trump administration’s tariffs. … America’s budget deficit is widening as a result of Trump’s tax cuts, which are expected to add about $1.5 trillion to the national debt over a decade, and higher spending approved by Congress. The gap will exceed 4% of gross domestic product this year, and stay above that level through at least 2029, the Congressional Budget Office forecasts.” Right on cue, RepubliKKKlans are blowing the budget and increasing the deficit, yet RepubliKKKlans are always considered the party of fiscal responsibility! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore. I can’t take the level of trump stupid in this country anymore. Tax the rich less and the middle class more and watch RepubliKKKlan political power increase. Welcome to stupid America!


Oh, Great — A RepubliKKKlan Light Democrat

From CNN, “Former Vice President Joe Biden expressed deep skepticism of the leftward tilt of the Democratic Party in an exclusive interview with CNN airing Friday.” Yup, he is already starting to sound like RepubliKKKlan light and sadly I think he is more right than wrong. Look! This is stupid America! We don’t do bold, big, and daring anymore. No! We settle for not rocking the boat, marginal improvements, and showmanship over substance. When this country calls for a massive change it collectively recoils to safety and ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (oh, well).

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

American Pride

From Axios, “Americans’ pride in the U.S. has hit its lowest point since Gallup first asked the question in 2001: 70% of U.S. adults say they’re proud to be Americans; fewer than half (45%) are ‘extremely’ proud.” Imagine that! A minority of f***ing G.D. morons elects an idiot as president to literally rule over the majority and suddenly people are feeling the least prideful since the measure has been recorded. Welcome to trump stupid America. When the f*** will this country f***ing wake up and learn we live in a land of tyranny by the minority over the majority? Time after time, example after example the minority of Americans impose their will against the will of the majority. Climate change and the Paris agreement, gun control and background checks, access to quality affordable health care and drug prices, a woman’s right to control her own body, progressive taxation (the rich pay more), and money in elections name a few causes off the top of my head. While the majority of people favor these progressive ideas, we get a minority party controlling the government that continuously tries to roll back progress. Hello, f***tards! Living in a democracy takes work! It doesn’t happen automatically, but apparently, idiots of America seem to think by not voting things will somehow improve. What happens when people fail to vote? We get a country ruled by MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans! So, congratu-f***ing-lations. We have the government we deserve, which most people seem to dislike, and I expect citizens will be too apathetic and too lazy to want to make a change, which is why traitor trump is going to get re-elected because stupid can’t be fixed overnight! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. So much stupidity! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people.



CNN reports, “People gathered at a 2020 presidential fundraiser for Joe Biden Saturday pushed back against the former vice president’s claim that just a few years ago people in Washington state would have let a homophobic comment slide, saying ‘Not in Seattle!’” This well-intentioned anecdote is just another reminder that a relic is running for the Democratic nomination and more proof that traitor trump is going to win. If the electorate has to decide between two dotards the incumbent always wins. Mark my words, morons. This is not going to end well for Democrats. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Only Stupid America!

From a Politico headline, “Trump pressures other G-20 leaders to weaken climate goals.” I just f***ing can’t anymore! I live in the dumbest country on the planet surrounded by a bunch of f***ing G.D. morons who think this is what the president should be doing — literally going against the entire world, without exaggeration. This idiot, traitor trump, stood up in front of the electorate during the last presidential campaign and repeatedly called climate change a hoax to which a majority of voters believed him. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in a stupid country as this one does being against the rest of the world mean a person should be in a position of leadership because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans like the fact he’s saying “f*** you” to the rest of the world! Welcome to stupid, obstreperous, and obdurate America wherein being dumb, difficult, and wrong are considered admirable qualities! F*** me!


My Money Is on …

Kamala Harris to win the Democratic nomination but will lose in the general election. To be fair, any Democrat would lose to traitor trump because this is stupd America! One does not need anymore analysis than that.


I’ve Been Waiting for the Harris Breakout

A CNN headline reads, “Harris’ attack on Joe Biden steals spotlight at Democratic primary debate.” I haven’t been watching the Democratic debates because I’m not interested in wasting my time by watching 15 no-name, no-chance contenders try to establish themselves. My interest will start in earnest when the top five candidates emerge. Nonetheless, I have been waiting for Harris to breakout and from what I am reading this debate could be the moment. So, that is of interest to me.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Yup, Yup

CNN states, “On Thursday, the Supreme Court showed how much difference who wins the presidency makes. Armed with a five to four conservative majority thanks to President Donald Trump’s appointment of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh over the past two years, the Supreme Court said it had no role to play in partisan gerrymandering — a decision that amounts to a massive political victory for Republicans, not just in the moment, but also likely for the next decade-plus.” Elections have consequences, which is something dumbass Democrats still have yet to understand. To be fair this ruling will cut both ways, but the problem is that already gerrymandered RepubliKKKlan districts will remain, well, forever as they can now constitutionally keep their maps (and continue to re-work them every ten years). Pathetically, on the flip side, dumbass Democrats are too weak and spineless to play ball in the same way. While RepubliKKKlans will continue to rig congressional districts to retain and gain more power, dumb Democrats will be fretting about how to make things fairer in the districts they already control (and are about to lose given their propensity to be weak when trying to be “fair”). Hello, f***ing stupid dumbass Democrats! Try f***ing winning first and then worry about being fair. Welcome to stupid America! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t!