WTF! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! From the headline of a Politico article: “Dems won’t embrace hardball GOP tactic to force Mueller report release.” I cannot take these f***ing G.D. pathetic and weak dumbass Democrats anymore. Why must they always bring a f***ing knife to a gunfight? I am so f***ing sick and tired of them simply caving and taking the high road all the f***ing time. They think for some reason voters will respect them more for being civil and “above it” all. No! No, no, no,
Category: Politics
But Her Emails!
Hypocrisy from RepubliKKKlans as usual: “A White House staff member has told House investigators that senior officials have overruled concerns raised about 25 individuals whose security clearances were initially denied over a range of disqualifying issues–such as fears about foreign influence and potential conflicts-of-interests–warning of the grave implications to national security, according to a senior Democratic lawmaker.” Welcome to stupid f***ing America!
CNN reports, “Buttigieg told The Washington Post magazine in an interview that published in January, ‘Donald Trump got elected because, in his twisted way, he pointed out the huge troubles in our economy and our democracy.’ He added, ‘At least he didn’t go around saying that America was already
According to CNN Jeff Flake worthlessly said something like this: “[He W]
Buttigieg’s resume in part reads: “a veteran who completed a seven-month deployment in Afghanistan; a Rhodes Scholar [meaning he studied at the University of Oxford in England after he graduated–this is not a simple study abroad program!]; a concert pianist; and a polyglot who speaks a half-dozen languages.” Before him, President Obama received his J.D. (Doctor of Jurisprudence) from Harvard, taught Constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and won the Noble Peace prize to name a few life accomplishments. In addition, President Clinton is also a Rhodes Scholar and graduated from Yale Law School with his J.D. Then we have traitor trump who transferred to and then graduated from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with his Bachelor’s in Economics, although probably with the same C-average–at best–that President W. Bush boasts of earning in college, which only goes to prove that RepubliKKKlans just love to settle for average leaders, whereas Democrats really do have exceptionally smart leaders. This is consistent, I suppose, with the RepubliKKKlan notion that “liberals” look down on their intellect despite the fact that conservatives routinely put forward less intelligent people as paragons of their party. And they win! Un-f***ing-believable. Stupid people just love the idea of having the leader of the free world be someone that they can “have a beer with” (folksy W. Bush) or someone who “talks” like them (racist traitor trump). MAGA morons look to traitor trump (and Sarah Palin for that matter) identifying with the word salad of incoherence that comes out of his mouth. While Buttigieg speaks multiple languages, traitor trump and MAGA morons can barely speak one–English! It is so incomprehensible that I can’t anymore. I just can’t. If anyone wants to understand the collective stupidity of America, then one need only listen to traitor trump speak–or W. Bush, for example, “Rarely is the question asked:
Be Best People
Traitor trump only hires the be best people: “Stephen Moore, Trump’s current nominee to serve on the Federal Reserve board who owes the IRS nearly $75,000 in unpaid taxes, was found in contempt of court in 2012 after failing to pay his ex-wife more than $300,000 in spousal support, child support and alimony, the Guardian reports.” So, more lies and stupidity! Traitor trump never hires the be best people because he doesn’t know any; he only hires those people, like Moore, he sees on T.V. The level of stupidity in the White House is beyond comprehension–for normal people while such idiocracy is a mark of “genius” to MAGA morons. Welcome to stupid America, where it’s stupid people
From CNN: “What is especially galling about the move is that it was apparently ordered by the White House over the objections of Attorney General William Barr, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone. If Barr cares at all about the long-term institutional credibility of the Justice Department, he should resign in protest.” F*** me! Hello, idiots! At what point under traitor trump has any RepubliKKKlan cared about protecting the credibility of any institution? They are all complicit!
A quote from Politico reads: “Meadows said. ‘He [traitor trump] told me this morning, “We’re going to fix it [health care].”’” OMG! Seriously?! How f***ing stupid is this country? So, traitor trump is going to fix health care just like he’s “fixed” everything else? (Of course, he wants to destroy health care first.) He’ll fix health care like he “fixed” the North Korean missile threat? (They are still building.) NAFTA? (The new version of NAFTA has not been ratified yet, and therefore has not taken effect.) Trade with China? (We’re in a trade war.) Our trade imbalance? The deficit? The national debt? (All of these are worse under traitor trump?) Tax fairness? (The rich and corporations got richer after the RepubliKKKlan tax legislation.) Government regulations? (Welcome to a free-for-all and reckless environment for businesses to take advantage of the public trust.) Wall?!?! (Mexico is not paying for it.) Paris Climate Agreement? (We are literally the only nation in the world not in the agreement and does believe in global warming as a matter of national policy.) The Supreme Court and federal judges? (We’ll see what people think of how well he fixed the courts when they start losing their personal freedoms in favor of business and minority rule.) And I could go on. He hasn’t fixed anything. He’s only made the important things worse. Welcome to stupid f***ing America, home of MAGA morons and idiots everywhere!
Moreover, from CNN, “Of the 11 states in which 30% or more of the under-65 population has some sort of pre-existing condition, all 11 were won by Trump in 2016.” What else is new? The dumbest people on Earth elect the dumbest president we’ve ever had, and now they will suffer the worst of any if ACA repealed. Welcome to stupid f***ing America!
Politics 101
CNN writes, “Trump proudly embraces his smashing of political idols. Desecrating the old ways of doing things — and doing so gleefully — he believes is at the root of his political people. It says, he thinks, that he won’t let the rules that past crappy politicians have lived by govern him.” This article touches on the political stupidity of America! And leads me to the “Fenno’s Paradox,” which identifies the apparent contradiction in the perpetually low approval rating of Congress compared to much higher approval ratings of individual members. (See also this article.) In short, why do people hate Congress but love their own representative? While the real explanation is probably complex, multifaceted, and nuanced, I take a much simpler view: voters are f***ing morons and don’t understand civics!
The common complaint is that Congress is full of corrupt, elitist, self-serving, and out of touch professional politicians except, of course, those representatives for whom an individual voted. Every other politician is a crook but not their own. This is typical stupid logic in America, a country populated by voters incapable of looking in the mirror and realizing they support bad politicians. This is especially true for RepubliKKKlans who always put the party before the country. This leads to my next point. People are too stupid and lazy to vote out their representative. There is a reason why incumbency is so difficult to overcome. Morons of America hate to change, so it’s easier to keep electing the same idiot to political office, which completely contradicts the Founding Fathers’ intentions; they did not want voters to elect their representatives by rote. There is a reason why the Peoples’ House (of Representatives) has two-year terms. There is a reason why the Founding Fathers wanted the entire House to be up for re-election so frequently. They expected representatives to do their civic duty and then return to private life, not become entrenched in life-long political careers. Moreover, they expected voters would be engaged and informed enough to vote politicians in or out appropriately, which is why they did not include any term limits when they drafted the Constitution–except federal judges, which are termed for life. Ultimately, citizens are the ones who impose term limits through their votes. Fast forward nearly 250 years, and we have a stupid, lazy, and apathetic society of voters that routinely re-elect incumbents (more often than not) without a second thought because–you know–it’s always the other Congressman who is corrupt and wouldn’t do his or her job. In short, Americans have encouraged and condoned–through collective inaction–the perpetual persistence of the professional politician they so hate. Welcome to stupid America!
Hello morons! There is a connection between low/declining voter participation and government not working for the average American. G.D.! I can’t anymore. I just can’t deal with this I
A CNN headline reads: “Mueller told Justice Dept. three weeks ago he couldn’t reach a conclusion on obstruction.” Well, if it hasn’t been clear already it is becoming clearer now. Mueller simply stopped trying to fully investigate traitor trump because I assume, like all RepubliKKKlans, Mueller is a traitor. I never trusted him and never believed in his honor and professionalism, unlike most dumbass Democrats. It is the usual miscalculation by Democrats to fail to understand the enemy. Years of investigating and Mueller is unable to reach a conclusion on obstruction, which begs the question: why did Mueller never interview traitor trump? Seriously! If he was at an impasse to reach a conclusion on the matter of obstruction of justice, then would it not have been critical to take the next, necessary, and final step of personally interviewing the president? Oh, wait. What the f*** am I thinking? This is stupid America where RepubliKKKlans are corrupt and control the “Department of Justice.” In their minds, the president is above the law. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats have lost the chance to play any other political hand; now they will look like the spiteful party out to get traitor trump. Well played Democrats. Losers again! Welcome to stupid America!
Just to be clear about the other part of the Mueller investigation. Yes, there was no “collusion”–the most misused term in the media over the last two years because the MSM’s viewership is mostly composed of idiots, and for some reason, media personalities never took the time to educate their audience. The correct terminology is
Finally, the term “traitor trump” still applies as it always has; not because I think him a traitor who conspired with an enemy country, but because he has been a traitor to the Constitution from the moment he was sworn into office. He has abused the meaning and spirit of the Constitution from day one, but here we are trapped in a world of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who are too stupid to realize there is a dictator at the head of the government. Stupid me! That’s what they wanted. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!