Evil Evangelicals International Indigestion MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Democracy, Eh!

Data: Economist Intelligence Unit; Map: Jared Whalen/Axios

According to Axios, “An annual global democracy index dropped to its lowest score since tracking began in 2006, with just 45.7% of the world’s population living in a democracy of some sort. … At his inaugural ‘Summit for Democracy’ in December, President Biden cast the global advance of authoritarianism as ‘the defining challenge of our time.’ He pledged to spend up to $424 million over the next year on democratic renewal initiatives. … The index ranks countries on a scale of 1-10, based on 60 indicators grouped into five categories: electoral process and pluralism, functioning of government, political participation, political culture and civil liberties. … Ongoing political polarization during Biden’s first year in office contributed to a democratic decline in the U.S., branded a ‘flawed democracy’ that saw its score drop from 7.92 to 7.85. … The top five countries for democracy are Norway (9.75), New Zealand (9.37), Finland (9.27), Sweden (9.26) and Iceland (9.18).” Funny how the most democratic nations are the ones with economies that most provide a social safety net so that more citizens can prosper. You know, that s-word RepubliKKKlans fear here in America. More evidence that Americans really don’t want a well-functioning democracy. Americans would rather have a poorly performing democracy as long as they can keep the chance to be as greedy and selfish as possible. Everyone thinks they are going to be the next billionaire. There is a direct correlation between a country’s form of government and how it organizes its economy.

And this from The Hill, “The poll, conducted by YouGov, found that 42 percent of Americans surveyed said that the U.S. should send financial aid to Ukraine, compared to 24 percent who said it was a bad idea and 34 percent who said that they were unsure. Fifty-five percent of Americans said that they were against sending U.S. troops in to fight Russian soldiers in the event of an incursion in Ukraine. Only 13 percent of those surveyed thought it was a good idea. Thirty-four percent of Americans disapprove of U.S. troops going to Ukraine to assist but not fight the Russians if an invasion would occur. Thirty-three percent support the idea and 33 percent are unsure of their position.” What is most important in these results is the combination of those against helping Ukraine and those “unsure,” which is just another way of saying Americans don’t care and if hard-pressed would decide against helping a country trying to move toward democracy. How is it that after World War I, World War II, and the Cold War we still have such an isolationist streak in America? How is this possible? It is incomprehensible to me. It’s as if Americans have learned nothing from the past. As if nothing in any other hemisphere of the planet impacts us. As if we no longer care about being the nation that defends democracies around the world, much less at home. I expected nothing less from Americans!

Put these two artifacts together and this is why Biden has it right in regard to both the battle for democracy around the world and standing up to Russia over Ukraine, but unfortunately, the rest of America’s idiocracy just doesn’t get it, and probably will never be convinced otherwise. Let’s face it: America is too stupid it keep a democracy. Autocracy in America, in particular, is on the rise as RepubliKKKlans continue to consolidate power at the local and state levels to the point where rigged elections and voter suppression will be the new normal as a means for RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks to retain permanent political power, and Americans will do the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ while moving toward more fascism. This is why Ukraine is so important. This is why elections matter. This is why having an engaged and aware — that’s putting it politely — citizenry matters. This is why fighting for democracy around the world matters.

Putin likes to complain that NATO nations on Russia’s border are a threat to their national security. That is a lie, of course. The reason Putin is so intent on invading Ukraine is that he fears democracy. It has nothing to do with NATO expansion and everything to do with securing Russia’s autocracy and rebuilding the U.S.S.R. Plain and simple. Democracies are almost never the aggressors — thanks to Bush II for the Iraq War II disaster that proves the rule. Does Putin truly think if NATO were to expand right up to Russia’s border that the alliance would start to invade? That is nonsense thinking. What he fears is that the people of Russia will want to become a true democracy if it gets too close. But guess what? It appears that Americans fear democracy, too! Oh, well.

I think it’s already about 95% too late for America. All the pieces have fallen into place. After traitor trump, RepubliKKKlans have seized the opportunity to change election laws in all the right places to keep themselves in power no matter what the election results. Redistricting has only boosted their chance and SCOTUS is the final firewall that will gladly uphold anti-democratic and illiberal issues for the next 20 years. As I’ve repeatedly said before, the stars have all aligned in favor for RepubliKKKlans to kill the rest of democracy at home, and it seems the rest of the world is in the same position with America leading the way; it is sad to see polls indicate that Americans really don’t care what happens to Ukraine even though the fate of that nation is critically important to determine if democracies of the world can stand up and win against autocracies. It’s all linked, people. How many times do I have to keep saying it? It’s all linked. These events happen concurrently for a reason. Putin is not acting in a vacuum. RepubliKKKlans are not acting in a vacuum. Traitor trump’s take over of the RepubliKKKlan Party did not happen in a vacuum. Democracy is dying not in a vacuum! Eh! Oh, well. No one cares! Welcome to stupid America!

Economics, Baby Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Idiocracy and Inflation

If it’s Friday following CPI Thursday, then it means the MSM is going apoplectic over inflation and wondering why Biden hasn’t fixed the world yet. Pick a headline! For example, Yahoo! Finance writes, “Inflation reaches 40-year high: January CPI posts 7.5% annual gain.” And from The Wall Street Journal, “Inflation Haunts the Biden Economy.” Then add hot-off-the-presses from new Biden approval numbers CNN, “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans disapprove of how Joe Biden is handling his presidency, with most of that group saying there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of. … His approval rating for handling the economy has dipped 8 points to 37% since early December, while his ratings for handling coronavirus have dropped 9 points to 45%.”

The inflation numbers are what they are, and Americans are too stupid to apprehend them fully. People pretty much look at gas prices and think Biden — bad! The MSM only adds to America’s moronity, especially when these inflation reports drop. They act like a dog who just won’t let go of his bone. CNN is the most culpable. Yesterday they kept talking about how the price of used cars increased 40 percent year over year. OMG! Wow! How many used cars does an average person buy in a year? Major purchases like this typically don’t register as inflationary, especially when prices can be negotiated and the purchase is rare. When someone buys a car, they don’t sit there and think, How much would this have been five years ago? They want to know how much their monthly payment will be. And another thing. Guess what also gets inflated when you trade your used car? Any guesses? The sale price of your used car — assuming you’re a competent negotiator. Nonetheless, the MSM kept harping — oddly — on this one data point as if it was breaking a person’s bank. Then they talked about how a new T.V. — because you know the Super Bowl is coming — will cost you 2 percent more. OMG! Two percent! Holy-f***ing-sh*t! No! Now everyone’s Super Bowl Sunday is ruined. You’ll just have to watch the game on last year’s 4K UHD model. Oh, and don’t get me started on Avocados! But that does bring me to my next point. While food prices are higher, I hope people realize that when the MSM advertises that chicken or beef increased by 25 percent, it does not mean 25 percent of a person’s paycheck goes to paying for meat. I would not put it past the average American to think to themselves that 25 cents of every dollar they earn have to pay for their chicken and beef consumption. No! That’s not how it works. Unfortunately, economics is part reality, part perception, and part feelings.

People’s “feelings” about the economy are why Biden is getting crushed in the polls. As usual, what people think about the economy is measured more by their false perception of reality. My infamous dingbat hairstylist said she heard gas would be $7 per gallon. (No doubt from Faux News or Facebook!) It’s never happened before, and sure it could happen. But that’s how people “think”: Gas is $4 going to $7 because they “heard” it somewhere. (Assuming Russia does not invade, in which case all bets are off for gas prices.)

And it’s all Biden’s fault, naturally, for something that may never happen. I know. I know. The president always gets the blame, but a couple of undercurrents are worth discussing. First, Americans are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order, and they have absolutely no understanding of economics in general and the concept of inflation more specifically. Guess what, f***tards? Looking at gas prices and the price of food does not mean you understand inflation; it means you understand the difference between higher numbers and lower numbers. I have written on this topic extensively before, so I won’t belabor the point here, except to say Biden has no f***ing control over the economy or inflation. I suppose voters are punishing Biden because he does not sufficiently “feel their pain,” as if that is really going to help them. Although, it did work for President Clinton, who had a special knack for understanding the ordinary American moron.

Second, the primary causes of this inflationary period are supply chain issues (including labor) and the price of energy (aka gas), which is a significant input cost for everything you buy. Gas costs more because the OPEC+ cartel targets oil production output to meet a barrel price of their choice! Not to mention the tensions with Russia — also a significant oil producer — is not helping matters. But, of course, morons of America look at the grand total to fill their gas tank, and it’s Biden’s fault! F*** me! Add to the economic mix the fact that fewer people are returning to the workforce for whatever reasons — but one of them is not unemployment or welfare — and guess what? Fewer workers mean higher wages, which means higher retail prices. The irony here is that inflation in today’s environment results from a red-hot economy, not fiscal and monetary policies. Do you want to know why prices are so high? Look in the f***ing mirror, a**hole! God! I just f***ing can’t with the stupid anymore.

Last, I am astonished that most people say, “there’s literally nothing Biden has done since taking office that they approve of.” Seriously? I’ve been hard on Biden most of the time, but ironically, I think he’s doing better with his firm stance on Ukraine and Russia in the last few weeks. Yet, people can’t think of one thing he’s done correctly? How about COVID, f***tards? Does anyone really think we’d be in a better position today if traitor trump were still running the show? He literally held daily COVID press conferences merely for the show! Of course, large swaths of the population — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon cultist kooks — want Biden to fail and want to perpetuate the pandemic misery and want the economy to tank. Then they blame Biden for the dysfunction they forced upon America. Biden is only at fault for his naivety in assuming the “loyal” opposition still believes in American democracy and a shared sense of citizenship. Clearly, they do not. They just want Biden to f*** up, and they’re actually succeeding at it, convincing some Democrats in the process.

People know nothing, yet they vote and base their political decisions as if they’re actually informed and enlightened. As I constantly say, America is too stupid to endure. Welcome to stupid America! “It’s all Biden’s fault!” Kill me now!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


If I were king of Canada, then I would deploy the Einsatzgruppen to dispatch these “FREEDOM!” protestors with all expeditiousness and alacrity. Of course, the irony of the picture above is completely lost on protestors and every other f***tard “FREEDOM!” sympathizer and enabler. Does anybody see it? Anybody at all? Anyone out there. Raise your hand if you see the inherent contradiction in a truck claiming “FREEDOM FOR ALL” as it blocks the road. Apparently — and as usual — their idea of freedom is a one-way street, whereby they claim all and any freedom they want but have no problem blocking your freedom, which in this case, is your freedom to drive where you want or, worse still, need. Not to mention the exacerbation to the supply chain they are causing. They are literally forcing auto plants to cease operations because they can’t get parts due to these protestor f***tards. I guess they feel like they have the freedom to cripple peoples’ livelihoods. In fact, one reporter interviewed a Canadian trucker who claimed he was protesting against mandates to protect his right to a livelihood. Literally. Those were his words — a right to his livelihood. How very retro communist of him to assume in today’s liberal democracies that he has a right to a job of his choice. So, like a petulant child if he can’t get his way, then he feels like he has the right to f*** things up for everyone else. Talk about white privilege grievance entitlement. God! I hate these people! And may I remind these f***tard protestors that no one and no government is strapping anyone to a gurney and sticking them with a needle. They all have a right to quit their jobs and similarly, no one is obligated to employ a person who is unvaccinated. Or they can get f***ing tested. God f***ing forbid they should have to get tested regularly in lieu of getting the vaccine. These people cannot have it only their way during a worldwide pandemic of a highly contagious and deadly (or debilitating) airborne disease. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if they’re exhausted or over COVID. Guess what? After two-plus years we all are, but we aren’t f***ing acting like babies over it. Have I mentioned that I hate all these people? If these f***tards refuse to undertake the minimum responsibilities required to be part of a society, then I recommend they exit life — immediately. Like I said: Einsatzgruppen time! But, whatever.

And just to be absolutely clear regarding these people. They are not engaging in civil disobedience or boycotting. They are absolutely exacting social and economic terrorism! Civil disobedience is a sit-in at a university or at a government building that lasts a day or two. Civil disobedience is blocking or impeding traffic for an afternoon or day. Civil disobedience is camping out in a public park ala Occupy Wall Street. Civil disobedience is not shutting down roads and international commerce for weeks. Civil disobedience is not disturbing the peace of neighborhoods ala blaring truck horns day-in and day-out for weeks. These people are not patriots, heroes, or freedom fighters. They are criminals. They are vermin. Every last one of them. And what do we do with vermin?

Of course, there is a glaring double standard playing out. The reason any other sit-in or traffic blockade never lasts long is that law enforcement typically breaks them up quickly. With all haste is the speed minorities and minority causes are managed. Since these protestors are having a white grievance tantrum, then they’re allowed to carry on for weeks before anyone does anything. It takes weeks for the general public to become fed up with these white snowflakes. When it comes to minorities? They have hours before the police drop the hammer. Were some of the BLM protests unlawful? Hell, yes. Of course, some were! Some looted and some vandalized to be sure. The vast majority of BLM marchers were peaceful. But all of these “FREEDOM!” protests are unlawful now a judge has ruled. And at least the BLM cause was worthy. Fighting for the underclass of society is meritorious. A bunch of white majority snowflakes kvetching about their white privilege entitlement being encroached upon to help the greater good of humanity is absolutely and completely unworthy. In fact, I can think of no cause less deserving than these mouth-breathing warts of humanity throwing a collective hissy-fit.

It’s the usual hypocrisy that embodies all these conservatives, no matter the country. It’s all the same everywhere — from ‘Merica! to Canada to Russia. There is absolutely no difference in mentality, selfishness, and stupidity among RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons here and conservatives to the North and abroad. Authorities need to f***ing crush these protestors quickly and completely. Part of the problem with our liberal democratic system is that the system is too weak and slow to act. When people with authoritarian tendencies want to throw off the yoke of democracy, then governments need to f***ing show their strength instead of seeking to negotiate with them for a resolution. We do not negotiate with terrorists! If they are not vanquished then we lose, and democracy is about to lose bigly because too many democratic countries like America and Canada still treat these people with kid gloves! F*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid humanity!

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

MTG: Dingbat Soup Nazi

From the New York Post, “Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene became a laughing ‘stock’ [ha ha] Wednesday after confusing gazpacho with the Nazi Gestapo.” This is why I keep a blog. RepubliKKKlans are the dumbest f***ing people on the face of the planet — bar none. They prove themselves every single f***ing day. Hello, f***tards of America! If you’re going to use an inept analogy, then you should at the very least use the current terms. MTG is a see you next Tuesday dingbat! She is a living, walking brain defect. I live in stupid hell and the stupid really is hurting today. Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

Stupid Questions Do Exist

This stupid write-up from AlterNet, “Veteran Associated Press reporter Matt Lee grilled a State Department spokesperson Thursday over the U.S. government’s refusal to provide direct evidence for its claim that Russia is planning to fabricate a mass casualty event as a pretext to invade Ukraine, an allegation that the Pentagon said is backed up by intelligence. During a press briefing, Lee asked the State Department’s Ned Price—a former CIA official—to furnish concrete proof of the government’s accusation, which suggests Russia is plotting an elaborate false flag attack involving a graphic ‘propaganda video… depicting corpses, crisis actors pretending to be mourners, and images of destroyed locations or military equipment.’ Lee said he has every reason to be skeptical of U.S. government assertions, given the lies that the Bush administration used to justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq. ‘I remember WMDs in Iraq,’ said Lee.”

This Lee guy is a G.D. f***ing moron. Why didn’t he just ask straight-up: Please reveal to the entire world the U.S. Intelligence Community’s sources and methods for obtaining and analyzing secrete information. WTF?!?! And then he goes on to compare this situation with WMDs in Iraq. What a G.D. f***tard. OMG. The stupid hurts. We invaded Iraq on the WMD lie — thanks to Bush II and RepubliKKKlans. We are not going to invade Ukraine! And we are certainly not using this information as a pretext to invade. F***! We probably won’t even help defend the country, but for some reason, moronic reporters want to characterize the U.S. as attempting to trick the American people into believing we’re going to fire the first shot or we’re hoping Russia invades. Un-f***ing-believable. Honestly, I don’t give one G.D. f*** if this intelligence about a possible red flag is true or not because it’s completely immaterial to the situation. Russia will be at fault the second it invades Ukraine, and no one will care about the false excuse Russia claims as a reason for attacking a sovereign nation. I guess if the false flag unfolds as the U.S. predicted, then good on us for getting it correct, but if it does, then so what? Russia still invaded! And it’s not like a false flag is improbable. Hitler used a contrived attack on a German radio station by “Poles” as the justification to invade Poland and start WW II.

They say there are no such things as stupid questions. Guess what? That’s a lie. It always has been, and don’t believe anyone who tells you otherwise. Think before you speak. Always! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘The NFL always wins’

Axios writes, “America is obsessed with football — a love affair that has allowed the NFL to tighten its already-firm grip on our culture despite mounting scandals. … From brain injuries to toxic workplaces to racism allegations, the NFL is no stranger to outrage. Then Sunday arrives, and all is seemingly forgiven. … The NFL has arguably never been more entertaining than it was this season, delivering unrivaled parity, a record number of close games and thrilling playoff drama. … ‘The NFL doesn’t care about your concerns, because the NFL doesn’t have to,’ as NYT’s Kurt Streeter put it — not as long as viewership, revenue and franchise values continue to outpace every other sports league on Earth [emphasis added].”

I read this article and it says everything about America! Why America’s stupid cannot be undone. Why RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will always win. Why America never learns. Why America keeps repeating its mistakes. Why America’s democracy is dead. All because people are more concerned about being entertained than any issue that matters. Oh, well. If you want to understand the level and pervasiveness of American dysfunction, then simply track NFL ratings. Thank God election day does not fall on Sunday or Monday, lest no one would vote because everyone’s too busy watching games. Welcome to stupid America. Stupid is as stupid does. And we do stupid here better than anyone.

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

They’re Coming for the Gays!

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “Does the next director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services need to be a Christian? That is the question after Gov. Mike Parson said in a statement Tuesday that he would only choose someone for the job who shared the ‘same Christian values’ as him.” Parson defined such values as, “‘Christian values, family values, and love for this nation.’” And there it is, coded as usual in the terms of “family values,” which means anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-marriage equality. This is an especially dangerous litmus test for someone who would serve as the director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. This would be the same person who applies his “Christian values” to discriminate against gays to promote conversation therapy, deny transition services and information, restrict HIV testing and treatment, along with other essential services the LGBTQ community — in particular the most vulnerable among them — needs and deserves. Mark my words, f***tards. These stories are so subtle that they are constantly overlooked, but they always point in the same direction. Christian (evangelical) theocracy is slowly weaving its way into the corners and crevasses of the states and the nation. Red states are getting redder and more religious even though the country more generally is getting less religious, but that never stopped RepubliKKKlans from imposing their minority morals on the majority. Don’t think it will stop with harassing the gays; they’re just first on the list. Once they’re done with them, then they’ll come for you!

Moreover, pretty soon SCOTUS will start issuing opinions that feel far more religious in their deliberation than in the past. They are about to rule on the power and prominence of religion itself in the nation via a First Amendment case before them this term, as they look to weaken the separation between church and state regarding school tuition assistance nonetheless. Pretty soon your tax dollars will be going to religious schools in the form of tuition assistance because Lord knows we should be forced to help parents pay for their children to go to religious institutions to become indoctrinated in religious bigotry. These religious places don’t have to pay taxes but they sure are eager to have their hands out for my tax dollars. I expected nothing less. But there is a larger issue with this case before SCOTUS. Do local schools as battlegrounds sound familiar? School boards? Books in school libraries? School curriculum? Don’t say gay? It’s all related. I keep warning you people. There is a reason SCOTUS is taking up these hot bottom issues. There is a reason why books, curricula, and gay issues are all suddenly at the forefront of the culture war. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals are emboldened and they know they are winning. Mark my words.

Change is coming, and you’re not going to like it, but you’ll be stuck with it for the rest of your lives because no one cares about the justices that sit on the highest, most consequential court in the land until it’s too late. And to think all this happened because America elected a con artist to be the president, who then selected one-third of the justices on SCOTUS, pushing it to a supermajority of conservatives who are eager to roll back decades of progress. One of those nominations was duly owed to Obama but denied by RepubliKKKlans. One would think this outrage should have inflamed voters and pushed them to the polls. Oh, wait. It did. For RepubliKKKlans. Oh, well. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Welcome to stupid America! Like I’ve said countless times: You cannot undo the stupid!

Purely Moronic

Rudy Giuliani Does Furry

With a straight face, CNN reports, “There was a time in the not-too-distant past when Rudy Giuliani was seen as a future face of the Republican Party. Now, he’s a punchline. Giuliani’s journey from ‘America’s Mayor’ to eye-rolling embarrassment hit another low this week, when it was revealed that not only had he appeared on the latest season of the reality show ‘The Masked Singer,’ but also that when his identity was revealed, two of the show’s hosts walked off in protest.” I assume Rudy Giuliani performed as a furry of some sort. Perhaps he even f***ed a chicken while singing. People will have to wait for the show to air to find out the truth, but one can only speculate at this point. Of course, the sad truth is that the traitor lawyer who literally helped traitor trump with his attempt to overthrow the government finds himself on a TV show as a singing “celebrity” contestant. Only in stupid America would producers of “The Masked Singer” believe that Americans want to be amused by a traitor singing and dancing in a costume. And they would be right! I have no doubt. Eh, none of this matters because I live in stupid hell where insurrections are readily forgotten and traitors are easily forgiven, so long as no one f***s with people’s Facebook, Twitter, and TV entertainment time! I give up. Welcome to stupid America! You just can’t make this sh*t up!

Purely Moronic

The Anti-vaxxers and Anti-maskers Won

Source: Worldometers

I say this because they have, sadly. They b*tched, moaned, resisted, and demonstrated throughout the pandemic, and now they will be rewarded as major cities like Denver start to remove vaccine and mask mandates. So, what will the lesson be for these anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers? There are no consequences for being a burden on society and for their recalcitrance. All they had to do was wait long enough for the worst to pass and they can claim victory. They got through the pandemic without abiding by the public health requirements. In their minds, having survived to the end, the entire two years of lockdowns and mandates were completely unnecessary. Just watch! Mark my words, idiots! Unless there are some long-lasting consequences for refusing to get vaccinated then they won the battle. Unfortunately, COVID did not take them out. This is exactly how the entire pandemic episode is going to be remembered in American history: Those who did the right thing by getting vaccinated, masking up, and locking down, and those who did nothing — in the end, same results for both. No lessons learned. Welcome to stupid America! Wicked is good!

Purely Moronic

Joe Rogan: Stupidity Opiate for the Masses

I don’t listen to Joe Rogan because he’s a comedian posing as a “thoughtful” “intellectual” “broadcaster” “obsessed” with “pursuing” an “alternative truth” of whatever the hot button issue of the day is. He’s one of those people just “asking questions.” I am very comfortable imagining what the rest of his show entails from clips that I’ve gleaned. But let’s face it; he’s a muscled-up racist pothead pretending to be a sophisticated broadcaster when in fact, he is the jejune pied piper seducing morons across America with his nonsense of “differing opinions” because his followers all “think” similarly — everything is an opinion to these people. To them, there is no such thing as truth and facts; everything is relative. Unfortunately, they don’t approach such questions in search of answers from genuinely profound philosophical introspection. No, no. These morons are too stupid for such deep thinking. Instead, they question truth and reality purely because of their anti-intellectualism. It’s just intellectually lazier for them to believe whatever is the opposite.

And it certainly doesn’t help that his show is getting noticed and attention from the likes of Patriot Front. While Rogan may be mocking them, it does not bode well for him, nonetheless, when tech journalists write that “Patriot Front had good reason to convince themselves the Rogan mention was a helpful’ shoutout,’ as one called it. The group relies on recruiting disaffected young men who, in the broadest terms, fall within Rogan’s massive demographic, and the leaked chats show the group’s leader, Thomas Ryan Rousseau, was ‘desperate’ for any opportunity to break out of a plateau in membership in the low 200s [emphasis added].” Joe Rogan just made himself a recruiting tool — in both senses of the word — for Neo-Nazis. Fan-f***ing-tastic. But actually, it is everything I would expect from a show like his.

Moreover, like Faux News, Rogan is another provocateur for the masses, who are addicted to the opiate of stupidity, (roid) outrage, and FOMO. (I stopped watching Faux News 20 years ago because it was idiotic back then, and it’s only proved worse now.) These viewers and fan base delight in anti-intellectualism because they know that they lack the requisite facilities to keep up with the rest of us. There is a reason why Rogan is so highly paid and basically commands Spotify programming, and there is a reason why Faux News has been the number one “news” cable channel for 25 years. It’s not because these people and platforms appeal to the high intellect of society. It’s because America is an idiocracy and has only been getting dumber since the onset of a Black man becoming president, traitor trump, and COVID. The popularity of Joe Rogan and Faux News is not a cause of our idiocracy; rather, it is the symptom. Welcome to stupid America!