From CNN, “Two fans of the actress Ana de Armas are suing the studio Universal Pictures for allegedly duping them into renting a film because they believed she would be in it due to trailers and promotional material. … Woulfe and Rosza say they each paid approximately $3.99 to rent ‘Yesterday’ and claim that — if it weren’t for Universal’s ‘false, deceptive and misleading advertisting’ — they would not have paid to view the movie.” A.) I can’t believe this is actually a news story. B.) I really, really just hate people! People are stupid, insignificant, petty, stupid again, snowflakes, incomprehensible, still stupid, ridiculous, and f***tarded. This story is not worth commenting on any further except to also say this is exactly why America is in the situation it’s in today. There could be no more classic example of the stupid troubles that people find important — a missing movie character that forces two people to sue for spending $3.99 on a movie with which they were dissatisfied. OMG! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore with the stupid. The stupid hurts. It just f***ing hurts. America is so f***ed. Welcome to m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid America!
Category: Purely Moronic
Yeah, I’m one of them! I’m not going to pretend I am above b*tching. In fact, one may reasonably judge this blog to be one b*tch session after another. Of course, one should also understand by now that the blog intends to be scathing and thoughtful yet pokes some fun — sometimes — at the author. I sincerely try to be consistent in my reasoning and arguments, and I try not to be a hypocrite. Granted, there is hypocrisy in all of us. It is natural. However, understanding and recognizing one’s own faults is less natural. And I will not be a hypocrite here. I can be a whiney baby b*tch for good reason, but not for the jejune reasonings of others I am about to discuss below.
All that being said, I renew the titled question. Is it me, or are Americans a bunch of whiny baby b*tches? What provoked this query? The anti-vax mandate march in D.C. yesterday! Let me just say from the very outset that I hate all these people, without exception, and I wish they would all just take their Darwinian exit from life already. Seriously, these people are the reason we cannot get beyond the pandemic, and I feel that too many of the majority — all of us who are vaccinated — are not doing enough to shame and ostracize anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers from society. I am really sick of these f***tards being the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. In other words, these are the whiniest, most selfish members of humanity that expect all the privileges of being in society but none of the responsibilities. When they do b*tch about their responsibilities, then they get all the attention, and, ultimately, everyone gives them a pass allowing them to continue to be obdurate while the rest of us did our civic duty. Some segments of the MSM actually commend their right to protest and be heard. We should not be listening to these people at all — ever! Although, I will concede this one point and one point only: They have a right not to get vaccinated. Likewise, we have a right to expect that they do not participate in society as a consequence of their right to choose to remain unvaccinated! You can’t have it both ways! And by the way, no one and no government entity is strapping any of these people down to get an injection. That is not happening; I don’t care how much or how often they scream Nazis! That fact is never going to change. They can always test out of these mandates, and if that is not an option, they can always find other employment. I’m sick of these f***tards running around acting as if they need to submit or die! No, no! They can always work somewhere else. I am sure there are anti-vax employers out there just waiting to scoop up a cadre of staff that will be particularly prone to high health insurance costs. Please, by all means! And last I checked, there is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees you deserve to have a job, let alone your preferred job, but then again, much of this anti-vax and anti-mask outrage stems from white privilege rage. What else is new!
The Anchorage Daily News provides some choice coverage, “Justin Perrault was demonstrating in D.C. for the first time. The 38-year-old from Fairhaven, Massachusets, said he had watched business to his body therapy and spiritual counseling business dry up as clients – afraid of catching the virus from an unvaccinated practitioner – stopped coming. He said he started using food stamps for the first time in his life, but was ashamed and worried what his children, ages 8 and 4, would think of him. He said he came to D.C. with his wife and her best friend not only to protest vaccination mandates, but also to take a stand against the scientific consensus that the vaccines are safe. … They [another unnamed family] said they haven’t faced coronavirus vaccine mandates in their schools or workplaces, but wanted to protest because they are fearful mandates may be imminent. … The march was billed as a protest of mandates, rather than the medicines themselves. But similar rhetoric – emphasizing individual autonomy rather than untenable scientific ideas – has long characterized the broader anti-vaccine movement.” I could go on, but these excerpts are representative of the march, which excludes any political perspectives. Everyone knows at the core of the movement all anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers have a pro-RepubliKKKlan political agenda. For now, I am focusing on those whining about their lives in the middle of the pandemic as if they are the only ones to have been impacted. I’m sick of the “woe is me” mood, especially from a segment that supposedly espouses lifting yourself up by your bootstraps.
Allow me to rebuff some of the protesters above quickly. First, we have Justin, who is upset that people are afraid to patronize his business because they fear for their health from unvaccinated practitioners. Ugh! So, let me see if I understand Justin correctly. He is complaining that people are exercising their free will to avoid becoming sick because he’s an anti-vaxxer who obviously, is allowing his workers the free will not to get vaccinated. I guess the irony is if he “mandated” his employees to get vaccinated, then his business would not be suffering, and he wouldn’t need food charity, which I think should be withheld from those who willfully don’t get vaccinated. This is classic do as I say, not as I do. It is the cornerstone of the conservative mindset. Oh my f***ing God! I can’t deal with the stupid anymore.
Second, as for the unnamed family worried about school mandates, can you say home school? Please, by all means, just f***ing home school your kids. Stop b*tching and walk the walk! As a clear minority, if you don’t like what’s happening in the schools, then pull your kids out and school them yourself, but don’t bring down the rest of the system where the majority disagrees with you! Lord knows America seems to have a bottomless capacity to absorb more f***tards into society once these morons graduate from “Mom & Dad’s Livingroom Home School,” where “we don’t need no stinking science” is the school motto. Just keep your kids out of the public/private system and away from the majority. I’m sure your kids will find fulfillment in the fast-food industry or more likely from government welfare. Eh, none of it matters. Welcome to stupid America!
I was just writing about this possibility a week ago. From the Tampa Bay Time, “Florida Republican lawmakers on Thursday returned to the hot topic of parental rights in schools, a theme that Gov. Ron DeSantis has seized on during the pandemic and that Republican lawmakers are willing to continue fighting for during the legislative session. … But the measures drew fierce criticism, including from members of the LGBTQ community, who argued that the latter proposal appeared to target and minimize their concerns by prohibiting discussion in elementary schools about gender identity and sexual orientation. … Several speakers rose to oppose the bill, primarily over the section on sexual orientation and gender identity. They suggested the item was stigmatizing, and noted that lawmakers did not attempt to tackle any other potentially controversial matters that might arise in school.”
Make no mistake, f***tards! This is a direct attack on the LGBTQ community while under the veiled notion of parental rights. The aim is very simple: Deny LGBTQ people their humanity by claiming gayness as being something that is harmful to children; ignore that the LGBTQ community is an underclass by making it illegal to discuss the topic. This is the new “gays are pedophiles” attack! They want to put gays back in the closet. All because white straight cis parents are m*****f***ing G.D. snowflakes who can’t handle reality or nature for that matter. The only people who are afraid to allow schools to decide relevant curricula are those bigoted, homophobic haters. Full stop! No exceptions! They are all RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals. Full stop! No exceptions! I have yet to hear about one piece of legislation moving through a RepubliKKKlan (or Democratic) legislature seeking to ban or alert parents about school curricula that claim white straight Christians impose their belief system on American society and politics. And do you really think this type of anti-LGBTQ censorship is going to stop at schools and libraries? Florida is about to pass an anti-“white discomfort” bill, which also applies to private businesses. How long before a white straight cis male gets “uncomfortable” working with a gay coworker for no particular reason other than the coworker is gay? The white discomfort bill is ostensibly aimed at content related to teaching students and training employees, but we all know RepubliKKKlans never let the words or intent of the law stop them from claiming white privilege infringement. Mark my words! It’s coming!
I have been warning you morons since the founding of this blog that LGBTQ rights are under attack and that RepubliKKKlans are coming for our rights next. These new “protect my virgin ears” and “but the children” laws are not being created in a vacuum. With the new super-majority of conservative justices dictating SCOTUS moves and opinions, these new flavors of anti-LGBTQ laws are just the beginning. Mark my words. First, it will be outlawing conversations about LGBTQ people and issues. Then, it will be outlawing LGBTQ behavior, all protected under the notion of states’ rights and there being no such thing as a right to privacy embedded in the Constitution — an idea that is soon to be re-realized by a theocratic-leaning SCOTUS when they reverse Row. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep saying this to you morons, but it is all related! CRT, LGBTQ rights, Roe, voting rights, traitor trump, anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers! It’s all related, people. All of it. You guys need to be thinking about the RepubliKKKlan long game because it is playing out as we speak. But this is what happens in a country full of stupid, apathetic people who worry more about Facebook and Twitter than voting! And for all those gay f***tards, in particular, who thought traitor trump would be no worse than any other RepubliKKKlan (or Democratic) president, you people really are the dumbest of humanity. You gay traitor trump voters have really doomed yourselves! So, congratulations. This is the consequence of your political ignorance and indifference. The stupid is going to kill us all, but the gays will be first! Oh, well! You just played yourselves.
From The New York Tims, “On Jan. 5, 18 people — mostly the children and wives of Russian diplomats — boarded buses and embarked on a 15-hour drive home to Moscow, according to a senior Ukrainian security official. About 30 more followed in the next few days, from Kyiv and a consulate in Lviv, in western Ukraine. Diplomats at two other Russian consulates have been told to prepare to leave Ukraine, the security official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss national security matters. How to interpret the evacuation has become part of the mystery of divining the next play by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Thinning out the Russian Embassy may be part propaganda, part preparation for a looming conflict or part feint, Ukrainian and U.S. officials say. It could be all three.” The stupid hurts and the MSM is making it worse. I am getting rather sick of news anchors, commentators, pundits, and “experts” “all-sides-ing” blatant evidence that Russia is preparing — has been for months now — to invade Ukraine, yet everyone seems to be providing alternate — any number of other conceivable — explanations as to why Putin may not be preparing to invade. (Except Lt. Colonel Vindman. He’s been very clear-eyed with his analysis about what’s sure to happen.) I don’t know what the f*** it is with Americans that love to be willfully ignorant, complacent, and stupid. Perhaps the MSM doesn’t want to be alarmist. Well, maybe they should be. Maybe they need to wake America the f*** up! Christ, Biden gets it! He basically just said Russia is going to invade. He did not mince words, unlike every other pundit and “expert” on the subject matter who keeps thinking there is some negotiated off-ramp waiting to happen. Look, Putin has already decided to invade; we’re just waiting for him to pull the trigger.
Look here, f***tards! I will repeat myself — again! If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s a f***ing G.D. duck, morons. Yet, I keep hearing these international and Russian “experts” on MSM providing justifications as to why what everyone is seeing could just be one large, prolonged feint (psych!) or a negotiating tactic, although negotiations have essentially stalled. These people are in wishful thinking mode. Fan-f***ing-tastic. International political analysis based on hope. He’s going to invade, morons! Putin has been adding more troops to surrounding Ukraine borders. He’s invaded Ukraine twice before — and he’s still there. He knows Biden is weak and America is divided. Putin also knows 40 percent of Americans love Russia more than America; those people are the traitor MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and the Russian-lover traitor himself trump. Putin knows NATO and the EU are unwilling to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty in order to protect their own economic (energy) interests by extension. Not to mention the entire world has been weakened by COVID. This is Putin’s chance! It’s just so f***ing obvious, yet the world seems pretty intent on looking the other way. But, don’t worry, people. When it does happen then the Allies will wring their hands a bit and slap on more feckless sanctions. And then shrug their shoulders. After that, Ukraine will be on its own to resist becoming a satellite state of Russia, or should I say the U.S.S.R., which is Putin’s grander dream. Not to mention Putin literally believes Ukraine is still a part of Mother Russia that’s gone rogue. Mark my words, morons. It’s as plain as the nose on your face! We’re just going to let this happen when we should be bombing Putin and Russia into the stone age. I’ve had enough of Putin walking all over us!
It’s All Related
From the Los Angeles Times, “As I observed then, pleas for ‘civility’ are a fraud. Their goal is to blunt and enfeeble criticism and distract from its truthfulness. Typically, they’re the work of hypocrites. It may be not a little ghoulish to celebrate or exult in the deaths of vaccine opponents. And it may be proper to express sympathy and solicitude to those they leave behind. But mockery is not necessarily the wrong reaction to those who publicly mocked anti-COVID measures and encouraged others to follow suit, before they perished of the disease the dangers of which they belittled. Nor is it wrong to deny them our sympathy and solicitude, or to make sure it’s known when their deaths are marked that they had stood fast against measures that might have protected themselves and others from the fate they succumbed to. There may be no other way to make sure that the lessons of these teachable moments are heard.” This is certainly the first published article I’ve seen that is not afraid to suggest that cheering for the deaths of the willingly unvaccinated is not only not a bad thing but perhaps appropriate. Finally! I’ve never been civil, nor do I want to be toward these people. They are the same hateful people who want to round up the gays and kill them. Yes, it is a leap, but let me explain.
Make absolutely no mistake! These are exactly the same people — all of them. These are all anti-science and pro-religion morons who all think vaccines and being gay is an abomination. Do not think for one G.D. second that these anti-vaxxer deaths are simply because of their consumption of “misinformation” or crusade to protect personal choice — you know where being gay is a personal choice, and apparently, a wrong one, which they are against and claim should not be protected. Again, this only reinforces the hypocrisy assertion that the author makes in the article. It’s all the same and it’s all intertwined, people. They willingly seek out and assimilate anti-vax information that already conforms to their bias and bigotry, which is why all this consternation about vaccines and masks, especially in schools, has turned school board meetings and the contents of libraries into battlegrounds of the culture war. Have you ever wondered why the sudden push of anti-LGBTQ issues? Why has this become such a big deal for RepubliKKKlans during the pandemic? There is a reason why COVID has exacerbated the culture war. There is absolutely no daylight between the two — anti-vaxxers and culture warriors attacking LGBTQ rights. These anti-vaxxers are killing themselves off and with them goes their hatred and, no doubt, their RepunliKKKlan vote. I say, good on this author for finally speaking plain truth!
According to CNN, “House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said he will not cooperate with a request from the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot, hours after the panel asked the California Republican to voluntarily provide information, including details about former President Donald Trump’s state of mind during the Capitol attack and in the weeks after.” Look here, morons! No principal player, observer, or enabler of the insurrection is going to cooperate with the committee, as I have said many times. While quixotic dumbass Democrats, MSM commentators, and other progressive political pundits proclaim the select committee is making progress and starting to get aggressive, I say no! No they are not! It’s already too late, f***tards. Traitor trump has fully subsumed the RepubliKKKlan Party into his grander MAGA moron cult movement so that no person of importance is going to crack. Traitor trump has demanded RepubliKKKlans hold firm with the Big Lie and obstruction, and that is exactly what they are doing and will continue to do. They are standing firm and giving the committee and the country the middle finger — proudly. The one thing RepubliKKKlans have plenty of is time to do nothing, and they are using it effectively. The one thing dumbass Democrats have plenty of is cowardice. These targeted House members who received “letters” “asking” for voluntary testimony and cooperation are coming off as strong while standing up to the Left. RepubliKKKlans only gain popularity with their base when they obstruct. On the other hand, the Democratic base and Independents aren’t paying attention. They don’t care, of course! The committee members are left standing their saying words of admonishment, but ultimately having nothing more than their dicks in hand.
Unfortunately, the committee will do nothing in response. They are never going to subpoena a sitting member of the House, and the DOJ is worthless to do anything even if the committee referred House members for defying a Congressional subpoena. The courts will also do nothing. SCOTUS will defer to traitor trump and RepubliKKKlans as the justices find some magical House or presidential privilege to protect, thereby allowing members of Congress to serve while subverting the rule of law and the Constitution. They’ve been sitting on the House request to expedite the legal case to get Trump’s documents for weeks now, so it’s pretty clear that SCOTUS (the conservative wing) wants to run out the clock, too. We are really at the end of the road here already. And all this noise about the committee having interviewed hundreds of people and collected thousands of documents is going to be all rather meaningless. The committee may very well have gathered enough information to produce a very convincing report about what happened on January 6, 2021, but in the end, there will be a huge hole in the theory of the case. No one new will be convinced or swayed. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons will still embrace the Big Lie; Democrats and Independents will shrug their shoulders. There will not be a smoking gun, for all RepubliKKKlans need to do is keep their mouths shut, and they will win. Mark my words, morons. The committee is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors trying to hide their fecklessness, not because they are incompetent but because they simply do not have the power and never did. This entire matter really should be in the hands of the DOJ. That, too, is a pipe dream. Our democracy is done, f***tards. I hate to break the news, but it is. When Democrats lose the House and possibly the Senate, then America is done for good. RepubliKKKlans are going to win just by obstructing. Democrats all too often let them. And, of course, no one cares! Oh, well. I guess people will still have Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. Welcome to stupid America!
From The Hill, “Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has a math problem. In his recently issued Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary, the chief made a basic mistake that would be obvious to anyone who encounters simple math concepts – ratios, proportions, averages – in their work or pastimes, including sports fans, teachers, fulfillment center operators, bakers, mechanics, even lawyers and many others. Roberts’s miscalculation matters because it downplays an ethics problem among federal judges, as I will explain below.”
The title of the article from The Hill, which I used as the title of this post, intrigued me, and the substance of the piece coincidentally coincided with a couple of books I just read — How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Jordan Ellenberg and The Drunkard’s Walk: How Randomness Rule Our Lives by Leonard Mlodinow. These books were — mostly — a breezy read since their contents were laymans’ interpretation of mathematics and statistics demonstrated by real-world, practical applications. Although I have taken countless math and statistics courses during my undergraduate and graduate studies — and then through self-study with post-graduate work — these books were a refreshing way to think about the subject matter that wasn’t written in pedantic prose. Then it occurred to me how many adults simply are never taught the basics of probability, statistics, mathematics, etc. Of course, this epiphany only reinforced my unyielding premise that Americas are just really f***ing stupid. Allow me to give a real-world example of the massive knowledge gap that “informs” the average American idiot. The person who cuts my hair is one such American moron, and every two weeks I must swallow my disdain to be cordial, not knowing what dumb-dumb notions will come out of her mouth as she watches Faux News. So, you see, all my rantings about RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are well-grounded in my bi-monthly indoctrination of what’s new in crazy town. She may be a dingbat, but she cuts hair well, and I do need to stay in tune with the “other” side of “alternative facts” to justify my experienced writing. More to the point, she often likes to engage in the classic logical fallacy of cum hoc ergo propter hoc (“with this, therefore because of this”), which, in more colloquial parlance, means correlation proves causation. Of course, this is wrong reasoning. Correlation is not necessarily causation, but people in their failed ability to think critically like to assume that when two events occur together (or nearly together), one must be the cause of the other. A perfect example is when a moron like Joe Rogan contracts COVID, decides to take Ivermectin, claims the drug prevented his death, and thus touts its efficaciousness over vaccines, but never mind he probably was never going to die from the disease in the first place. But whatever! This is precisely how charlatan “medical” treatments by quacks get amplified and perpetuated, all because people are too stupid to think.
Then I am reminded of a friend who passed along part of a social media thread that was driving him crazy. The part of the exchange ended like this: Vaccinated people are 18 times more likely to die from COVID. Full stop! The logical conclusion (in the arguer’s mind) is that the COVID vaccine is bad and deadly, so don’t get it. My friend sent it to me as an example of some of the conversations he gets into, which probably are conversations he should avoid. But assuming the “18 times” number is a fact — doubtful, but again I have no idea where it came from because Lord knows these crazies quote everything and anything as gospel — what other piece of critical information is missing? Anyone? Does anyone at all have an answer? Can anybody out there provide one piece of information to support the counterfactual argument that vaccines are bad? How about this? The unvaccinated are 100 times more likely to die from COVID. Both statements can be true. Without the flipside of the argument (the unvaccinated), you are completely missing the salient point. Yes, of course, vaccinated people are going to die, but there is a greater chance you will die if you are not vaccinated. Clearly, having this additional piece of information would strongly suggest you should get vaccinated. But these lame-brained half “arguments” pervade everything when it comes to COIVD and anti-vaxxers more generally. Again, it is stupid thinking by stupid people meant to confuse other morons to make poorly reasoned arguments. COVID has not made America stupid; it’s only shone a light on just how benighted Americans actually are. And this is why traitor trump is the most popular politician in today’s profoundly stupid America. Oh my, I have severely digressed.
Getting back to Chief Justice Roberts. It is hard to say if Roberts does have a math problem or if his intentions were more insidious. It’s Roberts, so I’m going with insidious, duplicitous, malicious, and plain old mendacious. I’m sure he understands his sleight of hand calculations, knowing that the average moron does not. Therefore, he can get away with making profoundly wrong conclusions while having the air of infallibility disguised in high rhetoric and stately legal-esque prose, which all conveys a sense of logic beyond reproach. In short, Americans can be easily duped because they are not smart enough to know any better. Moreover, Americans are too stupid to recognize what they don’t know, and even if they were cognizant of such shortcomings, nothing would come of it because if the solution or information is not on Facebook or Twitter, then it does not exist. Try picking up a book, dare I say. Welcome to stupid America — always and forever. And no one cares!

From The Daily Beast, “A leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the COVID vaccine died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease. Cirsten Weldon had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname ‘CirstenW.’ She was prominent enough to become a sort of QAnon interpreter for comedian conspiracy theorist Roseanne Barr, and started recording videos about QAnon with her. … ‘The vaccines kill, don’t get it!’ Weldon warned the waiting vaccine recipients in an undated video posted to one of her online accounts. ‘This is how gullible these idiots are. They’re all getting vaccine!’ [sic] … In September, a QAnon follower named Veronica Wolski became a cause celebre in QAnon circles after she was hospitalized with the coronavirus. QAnon fans besieged the hospital with phone calls demanding that Wolski receive ivermectin, the deworming drug used by some as an unproven coronavirus treatment. Wolski died of the disease later that month.”
Praise Jesus! Hallelujah! ♪ ♫ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ Another one bites the dust. ♩ ♪ And another one gone and another one gone. Hey. ♪ ♫ Another two QAnon f***tards are dead! Praise Jesus. I find it especially rich that “CirstenW.” believed those who got vaccinated were “gullible” “idiots.” I keep telling you, morons! America is just too f***ing stupid. Too stupid to survive. And I mean that in the literal sense — these QAnon retards keep dying because of their own stupidity. And in the figurative sense — the country cannot endure where these f***tards are allowed to prosper and spread their stupidity to others (until they die). Oh, and don’t for one G.D. second let experts try to tell you that these conspiracy theorists are merely being led astray or have some underlying social issues that make them susceptible to such craziness. That is all psycho-babel B.S. These people are just plain stupid. I’m sorry. They were born stupid, or they were dropped on their head as a baby or something, but these people are not the victims of society. Perhaps they are victims of genetics, but not because of societal shortcomings or “the system.” Look, everyone likes to think they’re smart, but clearly, not everyone can be, or the bell curve would be nonexistent. So, it is safe to say that people self-select themselves into the group of f***tards by choosing to believe in QAnon.
The stupid in this country is so deep and pervasive that it can never be undone. Seriously! These stories are the exact reason I created this blog and why I will never run out of stories on which to comment. So, keep dying AQnon retards, please! I know there are plenty of you out there. Welcome to stupid America! So stupid it hurts. *long sigh*
Novak Djokovic Gets Denied
Good! Novak Djokovic gets denied entry to Australia! I am so f***ing sick of these superstar athletes just flouting COVID rules, thinking they are above the law, rules, and basic civic courtesy. Of course, Djokovic is an anti-vaxxer, so he’s among the “f*** you people!” crowd; he can do what he wants without any regard to others’ safety. I’m sure his “medical exemption” was along the lines of “I don’t wanna!” And people love him for it. He is no different than these football and basketball players here in the States where they flout the rules and, of course, team owners and the public — especially — indulge their obstinance because that’s America. It is a pathetic commentary on our society and humanity in general because people seem to be enthralled with sports — mesmerized by the notion of observing rather than doing. What is even more egregious is that these superstars are above reproach. As long as they win, then no one cares how poor of a role model they are in their personal lives. Sports and money at all costs. Follow the money; the stupid is never far behind. Amazing how the most highly paid people on the planet do the least important jobs and perform the least valuable functions in life. But whatever! Welcome to stupid humanity!
From CNN, “[Bob and Sue Walker] died of Covid-19 over the holidays on separate floors in an Arizona hospital. The couple found out they had Covid-19 just before Thanksgiving — Sue was tested in the hospital while getting treatment for what they thought was a COPD flare-up and Bob took a home test when his wife tested positive. Neither of their parents were vaccinated and they both had health issues, son Jonathan Walker, 42, said. He said his dad had kidney problems and other health issues in the past and had recently had part of his foot amputated because of complications from diabetes.”
Good! F*** them! Honestly, I am so over the f***ing G.D. stupid. I can’t stand it anymore. And I love how CNN runs these personal story features as a way to give a face to the “tragedy” that is COVID. Oh, f***ing spare me! All that these stories prove is this: Stupid is as stupid does. In fact, these stories actually make me happy. Hopefully, these were two RepubliKKKlan voters. Lord Jesus! We can only pray so. Clearly, these two special morons were not taking care of themselves in the first place — the dude had out-of-control diabetes, and the see you next Tuesday wife had COPD, which is just a nice way of saying emphysema caused by, no doubt, chain-smoking. I have no idea how these paragons of healthy living thought that they were especially exempt from the worst of COVID, but apparently, they thought they were untouchable — Ivermectin or horse paste protected, I suppose. Un-f***ing-believable. But, whatever. Like I said. I’m glad. They should have died sooner. Stupid people will die in stupid ways. So, congratu-f***ing-lations, morons. You got what you deserved and what any person with two brain cells to rub together could have predicted. Please, anti-vaxxers, just f***ing die already. Too many of you are still kicking! Now, ask me how I really feel. Welcome to stupid America.