Economics, Baby Purely Moronic

Worthless Poll Question

According to Axios, “69% of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation, according to an ABC News-Ipsos poll published Sunday.” What a f***ing G.D. worthless poll question. Seriously! What a joke. First, the question assumes the president of the United States actually has any sort of control over inflation. WTF?!?! The Fed has more influence over inflation than the president does, and to remind morons of America, the president does not tell the Fed what to do. Second, the question evinces the incomprehensible stupidity of voters and, of course, their profound lack of understanding of economics. Gas prices are a ubiquitous example of this, and they are often viewed as a barometer of inflation for everything. (By the way, it’s not; it’s just the most noticeable. But one would swear people vote based on gas price on their way to the voting booth — God help us!) Now, when Biden announced he was going to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to pressure from “people” to do something about gas prices, I rolled my eyes and remained silent on the subject because I thought it was a ridiculous tactic, although it was a good play optically for morons of America. And, as I have said several times before, Biden needs to play the optics game more effectively, so good on him. Let the confused masses be fooled. That being said, would anyone like to venture a guess about how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes per day? Anyone? Anyone at all? About 18 million. So, Biden will release about three days’ worth of oil — a drop in the bucket and obviously not enough to impact gas prices significantly.

While, in fact, gas prices have dropped about 10 percent since his announcement, I have two concepts that more likely explain this “phenomenon”: Reversion to the mean and correlation is not causation. (I will leave it to the uninformed reader to Google for a fulsome explanation.) Needless to say, the recent drop in gas prices is more a coincidence of timing, which reinforces my previous point: Biden has no control over inflation (i.e., prices)! But the MSM likes to gin up its pathetic, stupid viewership into believing he does, and that false narrative exactly mirrors the results of this poll. And that leads me to my final point. Of course, the MSM (and pollsters) want to play this inflation story for all it can by asking stupid people stupid questions that yield stupid (worthless) results which add no value to our knowledge base except to convey a message that voters are pissed — about something. What else is new? F*** me! I live in stupid, stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

‘For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind’

From The Hill, “Newsom said he directed his staff to work with the legislature and Attorney General to work on a bill that would allow private citizens to sue for up to $10,000 ‘anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts in the State of California. … If the most efficient way to keep these devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that,’ Newsom said.”

I say, bring it! Bring it times ten. Texas has sown the wind with its abortion law, and now California will reap the whirlwind with this gun control proposal. I am super excited about this suggested law — for as long as it will last. Although, I am completely realistic about what SCOTUS will do to any Texas-like law enacted in the name of gun control. I have no doubt that SCOTUS will treat this law much differently from laws related to protecting the right of women to have an abortion because, as you know, a bunch of white men sitting on the highest court of the land is more than eager to allow other white men in legislatures across conservative states to control women’s bodies and healthcare choices.

In contrast, they’ll readily stop states from going that extra mile to control weapons of mass destruction on the streets of their communities. SCOTUS made absolutely no attempt (on two occasions) to maintain the status quo of protecting a woman’s choice by enjoining the Texas law while it is being challenged in the courts, which is customary. Of course, they didn’t, and I have no doubt when the California law takes effect, SCOTUS will enjoin that law in a heartbeat because the hypocrisy is overwhelming with conservatives, and the irony will be completely lost on them, for the Second Amendment reigns over everything and everyone. All things and all people must bow to the right for anyone to own any firearm and carry it anywhere at any time. What will the collective response be from a nation that wants more gun control in the wake of a court that actively tries to limit states from making streets safer from weapons of mass destruction? I already know. It is the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, of course. That’s what we do. This is a country built on apathy that keeps electing politicians to lead the charge on gun control antipathy. If Sandy Hook could not change minds, then nothing will — or has since. As usual, I can’t wait for nothing to change with gun control as SCOTUS does everything in its power to encourage and enshrine in case law precedent more unregulated gun ownership. Sadly, the much-anticipated whirlwind will eventually be just a breeze. Welcome to stupid America! The stupid is incomprehensible here!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘lol, I’m not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught’

From ABC News, “The parents of a teenager accused of killing four classmates at Oxford High School in Michigan have been charged in connection to the school shooting. ‘At the meeting, James and Jennifer Crumbley were shown the drawing and were advised that they were required to get their son into counseling within 48 hours,’ she said. ‘Both James and Jennifer Crumbley failed to ask their son if he had his gun with him or where his gun was located and failed to inspect his backpack for the presence of the gun, which he had with him.’ The parents left school while Ethan Crumbley returned to class, likely with the gun in his backpack, McDonald said. Once news broke of a shooting at the school, McDonald said Jennifer Crumbley texted her son, ‘Ethan, don’t do it.’ James Crumbley called 911 to report that a gun was missing from his house and said he believed his son may be the shooter, McDonald said.”

I cannot begin to convey the sense of blind rage I’m feeling right now, but I must calm and remind myself that this is stupid f***ing America; then everything always makes sense again. Soooo…this is the country that we live in. This is ‘MERICA! This is a country that puts guns over people at all times. This is a country where parents of a clearly troubled teen think it’s a good idea to buy him a gun. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t.

As it turns out, the parents are more culpable than the child, as evinced by their brief period of being on the lamb. Naturally, these parents are — I have absolutely no doubt — “law and order” MAGA morons who will readily decry every other criminal while they were literally fugitives evading criminal charges. It never fails. The most vile political party attracts the most vile people who then breed vile offspring, all the while looking to every other person around them and claiming how vile the “other” is. Also, ironic that the “law and order,” Second Amendment-loving, and traitor trump-loving mother texted her son about how he should not get caught. “Do what you want but just don’t get caught!” I guess they practice what they preach as they absconded to avoid being arrested. Think about that; they fled, leaving their son behind to face first-degree murder charges. These parents…these “law and order” hypocrites…these “take personal responsibility” hypocrites…these MAGA morons…these “family values” hypocrites were more than willing to let their son hang out to dry for murder while they ran. Right on cue, they are thinking only about themselves. F*** the kid! Great family values because, hey, “all lives matter,” right? Especially the lives of those going to Oxford High School, as the parents insist their unstable, murderous kid goes back to class. Wow! Unbelievable. Typical RepubliKKKlans! I expected nothing less. It never f***ing fails. This is another reason why abortion needs to remain legal; not everyone should be a parent. Some people are just evil and should not be allowed to procreate. All these people are the same; they are a bird of the same feather that flocks together. And I also have no doubt that RepubliKKKlans and the MAGA moron army will start a GoFundMe page to pay for these criminals’ legal bills and to fund their retirement because this is exactly the country we are. I laugh after every tragic event like this because political pundits and other MSM moron commentators pontificate about how this tragedy does not represent America. Every f***ing time. “This is not who we are!” They exclaim! Hello, f***tards of the highest f***ing order! This is exactly who we are! Too many to count mass murders in high schools with guns obtained from the home is exactly who we are!

But, wait! There is more. Fear not citizens of ‘MERICA! Fear not, I say. Nothing will change! America’s guns are safe! This, too, shall pass, for deep, deep down inside the black hole of America’s soul no one cares. One mass killing after another mass killing at a school and nothing ever f***ing changes. People just move on and vote more RepubliKKKlans to office to protect their right to buy their kids guns so that the cycle can start all over again. Welcome to stupid America! Never quite dumb enough.

Purely Moronic

Another Mass Killing at a High School, but Don’t Worry, Folks! Nothing Will Ever Change, Except for More Guns — Everywhere

Looks like Oxford High School in the great militia-loving state of Michigan is the latest member in our Union to approve of gun violence, especially in high schools. No need to belabor the circumstances, but I will cut right to the key point in this case: The father bought the gun four days before his son murdered four classmates. Without a doubt, both parents should be charged with accessory to murder. Yeah, yeah, I know. The definition of accessory doesn’t quite fit, but for the parents to get away with something trivial such as failing to secure a firearm would be criminal. Sorry, but these parents are criminals! Full f***ing stop! I am so f***ing G.D. sick of teens doing the killing while parents provide the guns, and the parents invariably get away with facilitating murder. Parents are never held accountable. I don’t feel bad for the Crumbley’s at all. In fact, they disgust me. And of course! Of course! Of course, these parents are MAGA morons. I expected nothing less. This type of white trash breeds. MAGA morons breed little MAGA morons who then buy their little MAGA moron terrorists guns who then kill people. Fan-f***ing-tastic. No one can doubt that if the father had not purchased the gun for whatever reason — the son thought it looked “cool” ala Rittenhouse — then this massacre would have never happened. I guess this is the new standard: “Dad buy me a cool gun!” But whatever. Guns over people — as usual! I live in stupid hell. And as I write after every mass killing at a high school: I can’t wait for nothing to change. Yippie! No one cares! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America. Proving our worthlessness daily!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Just Love Chauncey DeVega

He writes in Salon, “Democrats are being encircled by a radicalized Republican Party increasingly committed to fascism. Instead of organizing their forces and launching a coordinated counterattack, the Democrats are fighting many battles at once — and losing most of them. … The Republican fascists and larger ‘conservative’ movement are continuing their ‘culture war’ attacks. Their newest weapon is the right-wing moral panic about ‘critical race theory,’ against which Democrats have been largely defenseless. … The Republican fascist movement is successfully attacking truth and reality, and once again, liberals and progressives have no remotely equivalent propaganda machine. … Instead of leading a counterattack and rallying his supporters, Joe Biden has sought consensus. This may be a historically dreadful decision. … As shown by their behavior and language, Republicans and their supporters are prepared to fight a life-and-death battle to end multiracial democracy in America. In response, Democrats are giving stern lectures about proper comportment and the importance of so-called democratic institutions. It would be laughable if it were not tragic. … Democrats and many of their supporters, along with the mainstream news media, consistently underestimate the extreme danger to American society posed by right-wing militias and the larger ‘Patriot’ movement. … Liberal Democrats in particular are extremely invested in presenting an image of, ‘We’re going to just keep going on. Everything’s just going to keep working the way it always has.’ I’m here to tell you that normal is gone and it is not coming back for a really long time. And it will not come back until we recognize that we have this powerful force attacking our democratic institutions and basically the heart of what America is. We can’t fight it if we don’t recognize it. … I am of the mind that that [sic] there has to be some kind of world-shaking tragedy for the American people to wake up. Even then I am not sure such a horrible thing would be enough to wake people up. Here in this country we have developed an incredible reflex for normalizing the crises and dangers.”

DeVega is one of the few progressive writers who actually gets it! I quoted only a small portion of a much lengthier article, but I encourage you to read it in its entirety. No truer words have ever been written. He actually understands the threats to America’s democracy which includes Democrats’ incompetence. And he understands how dumbass Democrats are just as much of a menace as RepubliKKKlans because they are blind to the conservatism scourge killing (literally and not) America. I especially appreciated how he called out progressives for expecting a return to normal. Again, a state of affairs I have long said is never going to happen; normal is gone for good. But leave it to dumbass Democrats to be thinking about yester-year while RepubliKKKlans plan for the future — an America without a democracy. Needless to say, we are f***ed! Americans are too stupid. Dumbass Democrats are too clueless and too weak. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too strong and relentless. Oh, well! I’ve been saying it for several months now, but it is the countdown to the end of democracy for these reasons. Mark my words, f***tards! Whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Like I Said, America Is Too Stupid to Survive

From The Washington Post, “A year after local and state election officials came under immense pressure from Trump to subvert the results of the 2020 White House race, he and his supporters are pushing an ambitious plan to place Trump loyalists in key positions across the administration of U.S. elections. The effort goes far beyond the former president’s public broadsides against well-known Republican state officials who certified President Biden’s victory, such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey. Citing the need to make elections more secure, Trump allies are also seeking to replace officials across the nation, including volunteer poll watchers, paid precinct judges, elected county clerks and state attorneys general, according to state and local officials, as well as rally speeches, social media posts and campaign appearances by those seeking the positions. If they succeed, Trump and his allies could pull down some of the guardrails that prevented him from overturning Biden’s win by creating openings to challenge the results next time, election officials and watchdog groups say.”

So, this is a foregone conclusion because RepubliKKKlans will get away with their nefarious plans, and dumbass Democrats, as usual, will be entirely caught off guard as they naively expect and rely upon the average citizen always to do the right thing and care. Not! If there is one truism about Americans, it is that they are completely apathetic about politics. Once again, and as always, dumbass Democrats just don’t f***ing get it! They just have no clue how to fight, where the battlefield is, or who the enemy is. Dominating election boards and the local election process in key swing states is how RepubliKKKlans will steal elections (i.e., our democracy), thereby achieving permanent power, while Democrats will give it to them on a silver platter. We get the government we deserve, so get ready, f***tards! Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic


Wow! What a f***ing G.D. MSM joke of the highest f***ing order. I’ve been attentive to news reports over the holiday weekend about this new variant, and all I have been able to discern is the MSM’s attempt to simultaneously gin up fear and calm in the same segment. Indeed, I heard contradictions from the same guest doctor. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in the American news culture of fear can this happen. To be sure, given the lack of evidence, news anchors and celebrity doctors (excluding Dr. Fauci), alike, are all over the board with their opinions on what Omicron means for the pandemic — from it could be worse than Delta to it could be another Lambda which originated in Peru and basically went nowhere. I am starting to see how the average person can be confused by pandemic messaging because the MSM is latching onto the first (and every) tidbit of meaningless information and ill-informed opinion. Now, I’m not saying Omicron is something not to be concerned about, for this variant contains many more mutations in the spike protein than any other single variant, which really does define how the virus interacts with one’s cells and immune system; however, at this point, be wary but don’t panic until the science is in even though the MSM wants to portend doom no matter what because that’s what people want. Americans seem to always want to be in a state of fear! Nonetheless, it is still my deep wish this variant kills more of the willingly unvaccinated while the fully vaccinated will remain protected. Seriously! The only way we are going to get beyond the pandemic is when the stupid die off — faster!

Then of all the doctors I’ve heard over the weekend, there were only one or two willing to go out on a “limb” by conjecturing that Omicron is already in the U.S., while others obliquely suggest that it could eventually come to our shores. Well, of course, it’s already here, morons! Seriously! Have we learned nothing in the nearly two years of living with COVID? There is absolutely no reason to tip-toe around speculating about something that is a near certainty. (Because America is still doing a piss poor job at genomic testing of COVID we haven’t detected it yet. So, Omicron is out there, folks. We just can’t find it.) When doctors and scientists fail to state the obvious — even when it cuts against their “let the science speak” ethos — it really does diminish their expertise and reputation. Sometimes a zebra is a f***ing zebra; you don’t have to do a genetic test first to confirm that it’s not a horse. While I don’t doubt T.V. doctors, I do find myself screaming at my laptop when they couch their expert answers with terms like “may,” “should,” “could,” “perhaps,” etc. By the time they finish answering a question on COVID, they have qualified their response into oblivion where anything is possible and nothing has been elucidated. Welcome to stupid America!

Economics, Baby Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Americans say they hate the economy but act like they love it’

From CNN, “The Biden economy is a walking contradiction. Consumer sentiment is at a 10-year low, tumbling in November to levels unseen even during the height of Covid-19. A staggering 70% of Americans rate the economy negatively in an ABC News-Washington Post poll. And yet Americans are shopping up a storm, with retail sales soaring in October at the fastest pace since stimulus checks were sent out in March. Walmart, Target (TGT) and Home Depot are booming. Hiring is strong (much stronger than the government initially thought). And workers are quitting their jobs at a record pace, in large part because they are very confident they can easily find a better job. Something doesn’t add up. And that something has a lot to do with the nation’s first inflation scare in decades. … The good news is that despite elevated inflation and the supply chain crisis, Americans are still shopping. That’s crucial because consumer spending makes up two-thirds of the economy.”

Of course! I expected nothing less from a f***tarded electorate. Indeed, Americans are (and America itself is) one big amalgamation of contradictions, and this is particularly true for the one aspect of society that will cripple Democrats’ chances to retain power and save American democracy. This is all because people can’t help themselves from splurge-spending as they did before the pandemic. People have more money in their wallets, and all of it just has to be spent — now! Then they simultaneously b*tch about the consequences of such spending (i.e., inflation) while continuing to spend, spend, spend. Again, inflation is the result of too many dollars chasing too few products. Plain and simple. And as long as consumers are willing to pay higher prices, then firms will continue to charge them. This is Economics 101 — apparently a life course few have taken or understand. Yet the vast majority make political election choices based on a subject they don’t fully comprehend. Fan-f***ing-tastic! I live in stupid hell! Granted, food and fuel are two goods with fairly high price inelasticity coefficients. That is to say, higher prices of these items do not significantly alter the amount demanded of them. Presumably, having to spend more on food and fuel would crowd out spending on other items, but that’s not happening either because I guess people need their new electronics. They need that new car. They need that new home. They need to eat out instead of cooking at home. They need to make more unnecessary car trips, thereby wasting more gas. They need to take that vacation. These are examples of pressures put on the demand side of the equation. Supply chain issues, which are well-known, contribute to the supply side of the equation. (Adding to the problem, I have no doubt people are not paying off their debt before they continue to spend because Americans love to carry unnecessary debt.) In short, inflation is on the rise, yet no one is altering their behavior in response. People are too stubborn and too stupid to change their habits proactively. Oh, no! Instead, they just b*tch more about inflation and blame Biden and Democrats for something that consumers are collectively perpetuating.

Not to mention that because oil prices are an input cost for everything in the consumerism chain of expenses, all it takes is OPEC+ to restrict output long enough and oil refineries to dial back capacity long enough to cause widespread and sustained inflation. Oh, and did I mention this high inflation phenomenon is worldwide? So, this is not an American thing, nor is it a Democratic governance thing. But, I guess this is all Biden’s fault despite reality. Nonetheless, people are still spending like no tomorrow — because they can and are willing to pay more. “The ironic thing about these inflation fears: A big part of the reason inflation is here today is because demand is booming as the economy recovers from Covid faster than many imagined possible back in March 2020. Inflation wouldn’t be a problem if the US economy were experiencing something like the painfully slow recovery from the Great Recession.” And then this from Politico, “Jobless claims dropped by 71,000 to 199,000, the lowest since mid-November 1969. The drop was much bigger than economists expected. The four-week average of claims, which smooths out weekly ups and downs, also dropped — by 21,000 to just over 252,000, the lowest since mid-March 2020 when the pandemic slammed the economy.” But, whatever! Inflation! Inflation! Inflation! Nothing else matters but inflation, inflation, inflation. Did I mention the more people with money in their wallets thing? People need to get a f***ing G.D. grip, and the MSM should find another daily topic.

All in all, the economy is improving fast, but leave it to Americans to b*tch about a recovering economy. And I have no doubt voters will reward RepubliKKKlans as a result. Un-f***ing-believable. Welcome to stupid America! Never dumber than when it comes to understanding the economy and the world, more generally, in which they live and, worse still, make political decisions based on faulty reasoning.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

America’s Death Spiral — No One Cares

From CBS News, “The United States has joined an annual list of ‘backsliding’ democracies for the first time, the International IDEA think-tank said on Monday, pointing to a ‘visible deterioration’ that it said began in 2019. … ‘The United States is a high-performing democracy, and even improved its performance in indicators of impartial administration (corruption and predictable enforcement) in 2020. However, the declines in civil liberties and checks on government indicate that there are serious problems with the fundamentals of democracy,’ Alexander Hudson, a co-author of the report, told AFP. … ‘The visible deterioration of democracy in the United States, as seen in the increasing tendency to contest credible election results, the efforts to suppress participation (in elections), and the runaway polarization… is one of the most concerning developments,’ said International IDEA secretary-general Kevin Casas-Zamora.” This is catastrophic news, but don’t worry. No one cares, least of all Americans!

I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep repeating myself. I guess until it is no longer legal to criticize the government. But America is doomed, and Americans are too stupid to see the writing on the wall. Moreover, dumbass Democrats are too f***ing weak to stop the tide of fascism because they are a worthless political party that just doesn’t get it! They always wrongly assume, first and foremost, American citizens are savvy enough and engaged enough to save themselves from their own apathy. News flash, f***tards: Americans are not. They never will be. Sure, they seem to manage to get their lazy asses out every four years to vote for the right president half the time, but as for every other election? They don’t care, which provides RepubliKKKlans the perfect opportunity to destroy America’s democracy. Dumbass Democrats will oblige the traitor party through their pure political incompetence and apathy. It’s been forty years in the making since Reagan. This is what Americans want, as every election Democrats lose — from the Virginia gubernatorial race to local school boards — only solidifies RepubliKKKlan dominance. So be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! Whatever! I give up! I live in stupid hell! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is simply too stupid to survive. Make way — dead democracy walking! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

Rittenhouse 3!

Not guilty! I nailed it again, morons! (Although, I was 9 hours off on the over-under.) Vigilantism is free to roam and prosper in ‘MERICA! It’s the new sport killing! Guns everywhere and consequence-free for using them for anything and killing anyone. Kyle is about to be their poster child hero for exactly what you can get away with while in the commission of a murder. Oh, well! This is America! MAGA morons will be parading in the streets because this is what Americans want. People want guns everywhere. America has an undeniable love affair with guns. Just ask Sandy Hook survivors and how nothing has changed since — at all. The Second Amendment, as usual, reigns supreme — above life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! If your happiness is to kill someone in the pursuit of vigilantism, then congratulations! You, too, get another free pass. I say no justice, no peace! Get ready, f***tards! America is about to explode. Whatever! I give up!

And let me segway to traitor trump while speaking of vigilantism and white snowflake grievance. He’s going to steal the 2024 election. Mark my words. I understand the direction the country is going, and it is terrifying. But we get the society we deserve, and we love the chaos and death! Witness the Rittenhouse verdict. He deserves a Dexter moment. I expected nothing less from this God-forsaken sh*thole country of idiots! Nothing ever changes really. One step closer to the next civil war, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!