Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Douchebag Governor Abbott of Sh*thole Texas

I listened to douchebag Abbott’s press conference, and it was all lies and theatre. The theatre was him parading the heads of state departments to convey the services offered to victims’ families as if the state of Texas is now the caring start. Lies and B.S.! Please! This entire state is run by heartless RepubliKKKlan killers who don’t give one G.D. f*** about the welfare and safety of the citizens. This is a state that’s run by a political party that cares more about the Second Amendment than the people. It’s guns above all else as they take money away from mental health services and Medicaid.

The lies were everything else that came out of Abbott’s mouth. He says he’s open to new laws and that the status quo cannot continue. But he won’t call a special session of the state legislature to change one G.D. thing. Remember, this state legislature, otherwise, meets every two years. Trust me! They are in no hurry to convene to discuss or change anything. His most egregious statement was refusing to blame sales of AR-15s, which he cleverly and euphemistically calls a “long gun.” Yes, a long gun is a general classification term, which basically means everything other than a handgun. He says long gun so that people think of a rifle or a shotgun for hunting game. The subterfuge is intentional. Then he suggests that long guns are not the problem because 18-year-olds have been able to buy such guns for over 150 years. He casually wants you to think that 18-year-olds have been buying AR-15s since before Texas statehood without any issues until recently, so the gun is not the problem. Un-f***ing-believable! For those morons that missed his bait-and-switch logic, AR-15s have only been around since the mid-20th century.

Douchbag Abbott also wants you to believe that all this gun violence is a phenomenon of the 21st-century. Perhaps he needs a reminder of the 1966 University of Texas tower shooting where 14 people were killed, and the gunman used — wait for it … wait for it — a long gun! Actually, several long guns. So, Texas has been a sh*thole state for a long while, and it’s only gotten worse the redder the state becomes because RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks want all non-WASPs dead. It’s really not that complicated.

But whatever. Douchebag Abbott is a moron who governs a state full of like-minded morons. Of course, Uvalde is just the latest in a long list of gun tragedies that started in 1966. And with each gun massacre, nothing changes for the better! Looser gun laws have definitely changed! More guns everywhere and for anyone. Yet, Texas f***tards keep re-electing the same lawmakers who do nothing or make things worse. I have no doubt Abbott will get re-elected because deep, deep down in the recesses of the evil hearts that inhabit the voters of Texas, they will vote for no change, and RepubliKKKlans will continue to rule in the sh*thole state because no one cares. Do not be fooled by the protests you see at the NRA convention. No matter how large the crowds, they will never be large enough because the pro-death gun cult will always be greater, for the cult thrives on being in a perpetual state of fear, and it is fear that motivates them to the polls. Mark my words, idiots! Nothing ever changes because people don’t vote except those who desire the gun cult. We get the government we deserve and desire! Welcome to stupid America! A sh*thole country.

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Uvalde S.W.A.T. Team of Cowards

These people should immediately be fired! They are an embarrassment to first responders. If anything, they were the last responders who waited for an hour to move in on an active shooter in an elementary school. Oh, wait. Actually, it was the Border Patrol Tactical Unit who breached the classroom door and killed the gunman. So, those guys above were completely missing in action. Apparently, they just want to “play” cops and robbers (killers). They just want to look good in their duds, brandish their guns, and brag about being on the “S.W.A.T.” team. Nine “trained” adult cops were scared off by one kid! Pathetic. Maybe the team should be put on suicide watch. I mean, if I had the weight of 19 murdered children on my head, I don’t think I could continue.

Don’t take my word for it. Axios reports, “Steven McCraw, director of Texas Department of Public Safety, said Friday that the commander on scene during the Uvalde, Texas, elementary school mass shooting made ‘the wrong decision’ by not breaching the classrooms where the gunman was with students and teachers sooner.” The head of sh*thole Texas’s “Department of Public Safety” said as much. And by “public safety,” that means all Texans should arm up and conceal carry everywhere because what could possibly go wrong in that sh*thole state? McCraw should be fired, too. But Texans love their macho gunslinging cowboy police because FREEDOM! Freedom to die they mean!

Wake up, people! Wake the f*** up! Cops are not going to save you! They’re too busy standing around waiting for all the victims to die first! RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, MAGA morons, and QAnon kooks want more guns on the streets, and they want citizens to have better equipment than the cops. RepubliKKKlans et al. want you dead. Are you guys going to just sit there and take it, or will you rise up? Welcome to stupid America, where American exceptionalism means exceptionally stupid and exceptionally high death rate of children by guns. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Feral Pigs’

RepubliKKKlan Feral Pig Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite.

Feral pigs! Children die for feral pigs, but not just any ole feral pigs. No! feral pigs that apparently must be taken out with an AR-15. According to the Insider, “Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy this week said that he thought people still needed assault weapons to kill ‘feral pigs,’ inadvertently echoing an old meme about gun control. … ‘If you talk to the people that own it, killing feral pigs in the, whatever, the middle of Louisiana. They’ll wonder: “Why would you take it away from me?”’ Cassidy told Vice. ‘I’m law abiding, I’ve never done anything, I use it to kill feral pigs. The action of a criminal deprives me of my right,’ the senator added.”

There you have it, f***tards! For the guns! For the feral pigs! But the pigs! Guns over pigs! Pigs over children! America is done. It’s just f***ing done. There is no f***ing way a country that elects a Senator more concerned about feral pigs than children can survive. It! Just! F***ing! Can’t! America is too stupid and too uninterested to save itself from itself. Oh, well. I know that I keep saying it, but the countless examples keep piling up, like dead children. If you have ever voted for a RepubliKKKlan, then you are a murderer. Full stop! No exceptions! Welcome to stupid America — a country overrun by feral pigs, including those with four legs.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Human Turtle Channels Lucy and the Football

The Hill writes, “Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Thursday gave the greenlight to bipartisan talks on legislation to curb gun violence, revealing that he has asked Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), one of his advisors, to negotiate with Democrats. McConnell said he is hopeful of reaching a bipartisan agreement to respond to the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas. But the leader cautioned the negotiations should not veer off onto proposals not directly related to the recent violence that left 21 people dead, including 19 school children.”

This is all f***ing B.S. Do not believe that the human turtle McConnell intends to negotiate in good faith. I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on here. RepubliKKKlans are simply biding their time and setting up the football as Lucy does for Charlie Brown. They are, once again, waiting out the situation because they understand that America’s ire will eventually wane, and people will return to their daily lives, forgetting about the latest school massacre and the need for gun law reform. And, once again, dumbass Democrats are being set up by RepubliKKKlans with this fake desire to do a “bipartisan agreement” on something — anything — about gun control.

Look, morons! This is how it’s going to play out. There will be meetings and announcements of meetings and post-meeting briefings and charades of “progress” in these meetings. Ultimately RepubliKKKlans will pull the plug on negotiations when they’ve deemed enough time has passed to cool public sentiment. The human turtle will blame Democrats for failing to concede anything, which, of course, in RepubliKKKlan speak means Democrats rebuked the RepubliKKKlan “my way or the highway” demands. And Democrats will have been right to do so.

Nonetheless, dumbass Democrats, as usual, will fail to forcefully and thoroughly blame RepubliKKKlans for intentionally sabotaging the process, and the public will believe the RepubliKKKlan story because this is stupid America, and RepubliKKKlans always win the messaging war, especially when Democrats are in control of the House and Senate. Since Americans are morons and do not fully apprehend the limitations of the numbers game in the Senate, they’ll believe RepubliKKKlans’ claim that Democrats are in control of Congress and thus failed to “work with us,” which, again, is coded RepubliKKKlan speak to mean Democrats would not capitulate because conservatives’ idea of “compromise” is to demand everything unconditionally and yield nothing. Just watch and mark my words. Democrats will get the blame as RepubliKKKlans get away with enabling the next massacre, only to have the entire process start over again. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic

‘Why?’ Is the Wrong Question

If I have to hear MSM, pundits, experts, commentators, and analysts ask why the Uvalde killer killed, then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Once the shock of yet another gun massacre wears off, people start to focus on the “why?” Why does a person kill? What was the motive? Blah, blah, blah. The why is irrelevant at this point. It’s always irrelevant because we are never going to be able to predict and mitigate every “why” situation. And, naturally, asking why devolves into some sort of blame game on mental illness or a crazy young adult. The world is filled with mentally ill people and raging young adults, but only in America do we point fingers at these people to avoid the real issue: Guns!

The real question should be “how?” By what means were the victims murdered? How did the killer kill? Only in America is mass killing by guns always the common denominator. But in true American style, we deflect, deny, and delay remedies. As usual, Americans are more interested in perpetuating the carnage and have no interest in actually fixing anything because we focus on the wrong question. The MSM wants to focus on the touchy-feely emotions of victims by asking why? Why?!?! Why?!?! Why?!?! Such horror! Why?!?! Another school shooting. Why?!?! That’s what sells news. We should be focused on the much less glamorous question of how? How to f***ing fix the disaster that is America! Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than yesterday!

Politics Purely Moronic

Guns Kill More U.S. Kids Than Cars — Of Course!

From Scientific American, “For much of the past few decades motor vehicle crashes were the most common cause of death from injury—the leading cause of death in general—among children, teenagers and young adults in the U.S. But now a new analysis shows that, in recent years, guns have overtaken automotive crashes as the leading cause of injury-related death among people ages one through 24.” Just remember, this is the America that Americans want and desire. Full stop! Every day that passes where nothing is changed is another day of collective acceptance. Tomorrow will be no different than the last 20 years. Mark my words, morons. We love the carnage and we elect politicians who promote mass death! Welcome to stupid America — the death cult nation!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Moron Stunned Into Silence

Fantastic! The focus group of MAGA morons is back! I just love watching these things when they’re not boiling my blood! I’ve been watching these segments on “Morning Joe” of Georgia voters. Naturally, I am never disappointed by the abject stupidity that defines RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. They prove themselves with every syllable uttered. Of course, this one idiot regurgitated all the moronic arguments as to why the January 6 insurrection attempt was not traitor trump’s or RepubliKKKlans’ fault: It was Antifa! Un-f***ing-believable! They never learn. It’s always the same with these morons. The bogyman did it; we would never. Needless to say, it was supremely gratifying when the moderator asked that if it was Antifa, why didn’t traitor trump do something about it? The man-moron Martin was literally stunned into silence. The problem with all these f***tards is that they lack critical thinking skills, so they fail to ruminate on issues. Instead, they just blindly ape what they hear from their fellow idiot conservative brethren. Consequently, when someone asks a logical question as a retort, they are completely flummoxed. The few brain cells that they have start to short circuit, and they lose speaking function. If you watch all the segments, then you will witness the incomprehensible stupidity that pervades this country, specifically on the RepubliKKKlan side. America is so stupid that it cannot be undone! We are so f***ed!

I will concede one surprising point. A couple of what I perceived to be the more conservative members of the focus group actually supported keeping Roe. One woman — not in the linked clip — actually said, “my body, my choice.” Wow! She honestly applied the standard correctly! Astonishing! Even a broken clock is correct twice a day. Naturally, none of these people’s votes will be swayed by the impending demise of Roe because in another segment — also not linked — one participant echoed what the rest were thinking: Any RepubliKKKlan candidate — Herschel Walker — is better than any Democrat. Welcome to stupid America! It’s too stupid to survive.

Evil Evangelicals Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Evil Evangelicals Should Be Shot!

Jesus F***tard Kandiss Taylor

My head is about to explode! This is why I absolutely hate religious people — all of them. Religious zealots are the most disgusting people on the planet. Everything they claim about love is a lie. I mean, just look at the signage on the side of the witch’s campaign bus. Seriously? Jesus and guns literally in the same breath, and then guns and babies in the next breath. I thought the RepubliKKKlan Party was the pro-life party. Oh, right, the mantra is love the fetus and hate the baby. Once the baby is out of the womb, then good luck. Train your baby to love Jesus and carry a gun to kill those you are supposed to “love.” Moreover, her “I’m the ONE you’ve been waiting for!” smacks of blasphemy. This see you next Tuesday Taylor is a blasphemer! I thought this was the religious, moral majority party. It is absolutely mindblowing that for all the warnings Jesus advised about following false prophets, these f***tards are the first ones to line up behind every false, corrupt, and hateful religious leader who misunderstands Jesus at every instance. I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t!

But wait! There is more! Speaking of the party of family values. According to Christianity Today, “Armed with a secret list of more than 700 abusive pastors, Southern Baptist leaders chose to protect the denomination from lawsuits rather than protect the people in their churches from further abuse. Survivors, advocates, and some Southern Baptists themselves spent more than 15 years calling for ways to keep sexual predators from moving quietly from one flock to another.” But whatever. There are really no new sentiments I can convey that I have not already done so in other posts. Suffice it to say, these people are the vilest in our society. They are a cancer, and they should be exterminated, but this is stupid America. We like the religious hypocrisy and craziness here because people are too stupid to understand anything contrary. Religiosity is taking over and destroying America! The country is simply too stupid to survive!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Climate Change: No One Cares

An excellent three-part series on Frontline titled “The Power of Big Oil: Denial, Doubt, Delay” is beyond infuriating to watch. Although nothing the documentary covers is new to me, as I have lived through just about all the history of climate change in America, it is a fantastic primer for the uninitiated and a grim reminder that humanity really has f***ed itself, that RepubliKKKlans single-handedly ushered in the demise of the planet, and that, of course, no one cares. I’m sure people are tired of me regurgitating my “no one cares” mantra. Still, all one needs to do is look around them, witness the current political environment of America, and recall its not-so-distant political past to understand that no matter how bad things become, nothing ever changes for the better. Hence, if awful circumstances persist, then what else am I to conclude except that people just don’t f***ing care. They! Do! Not! Watch the series to convince yourself.

If you think America’s backsliding with regard to civil rights, elections, democracy, and race relations is a recent phenomenon, then don’t kid yourself. When it comes to climate change, America has been backsliding for decades. Climate change is yet one more political issue voters claim to care about, yet they continue to vote for the RepubliKKKlan Party, which thinks it’s all a hoax — traitor trump. And, naturally, dumbass Democrats have been nothing but a bunch of f***ing weak p*ssies in the face of RepubliKKKlan propaganda and political ruthlessness. Whatever! As I’ve said countless times, it’s already too late, morons. We are beyond the tipping point. Despite scientists’ efforts to sound the alarm on climate change for the last 40 years, they have always been behind the eightball with their projections; climate scientists thought they were being conservative by overestimating their dire predictions, but reality seems to prove that the scientific consensus was always a bit too sanguine. And the world is doubling down on fossil fuels. Mark my words! Humanity is about to reap what it has sown over the last two generations. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic

Americans Get the Government They Want

As matters surrounding the end of Roe worsen, I am becoming more convinced that this is what Americans want (and deserve). For those not paying attention, Oklahoma is tripping all over itself to pass abortion ban laws. The most recent is a bill that declares fertilization of an egg as life, which will undoubtedly make some forms of contraception illegal. But guess what? This is what Americans want! Do not be fooled by any recent opinion polls declaring that 64 percent of citizens think Roe should remain the law of the land. There is a big difference between want people say they want and what people do to effectuate their desires. Over 90 percent of Americans want more gun control reform, yet nothing ever changes; voters don’t their control gun beliefs. People want something done about climate change, but again nothing changes. That’s not how people vote. How people vote is absolutely reflected in the America around us at state and federal levels. In most cases, they are unintended consequences, but the outcomes perfectly reveal what people want and are willing to tolerate nonetheless, especially when voters re-elect the same politicians to reinforce and extend the same disastrous policies like abortion bans. Oh, well. So, the next time you b*tch about your state or the country falling apart around you, then look in the mirror! You did this! Welcome to stupid America!