From CNN, “Last month, King said that Cook Children’s had already reached out to nearly 20 facilities from Los Angeles to Philadelphia to see if another hospital would take over the infant’s care. But they all agreed with Cook Children’s assessment of her condition and said there was nothing more they could do, according to King.” And we wonder why our health care expenses are so f***ing high. Because we waste money on lost causes. Pediatric intensive care? That’s easily $10,000 per day just for the bed! Make another f***ing baby! Or better yet adopt a child who needs loving parents! Look, not all life is valuable. In fact, I argue that RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron life is inherently less valuable! Oh, but I keep forgetting that this is a country of selfish people. Me, me, me all the time. Welcome to stupid America!
Category: Purely Moronic
From Axios, “A new Gallup survey shows that Republicans have gotten a whole lot happier about the cost of health care since President Trump took office, while Democrats’ satisfaction has plummeted.” God! I f***ing hate the stupidity of RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons! Because the black guy did it! Let’s be clear: Health care costs have inflated every f***ing year. The best-case argument one could make is that the rate of inflation has slowed, which is not even true under traitor trump, but because traitor trump supporters are f***ing G.D. retards, they think the white guy has improved health care costs. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore. Every day is waking up to an increasingly dumber America. Morons should be euthanized — that is a healthcare plan I support 100 percent. Welcome to trump stupid America!
From CNN, “‘We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on — and in areas where there’s tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it, and you don’t get any water,’ the President said during a roundtable with small business leaders about deregulatory actions.” I can’t! M*****f***ing G.D. stupidity of the highest m*****f***ing G.D. order.
From The Atlantic, “The commercial has inspired days of both earnest Twitter outrage and mocking parody videos … Before-and-after photos of newly thin bodies have long been an element of fitness marketing, and now Peloton wants to make the case for a before-and-after of the soul. As it turns out, that is a little tougher to telegraph.” Holy-f***ing-sh*t! I swear to f***ing God there are some days I want to change my f***ing political and social identity to hard right-wing bat-sh*t-crazy conservative because it is, no doubt, moron liberals in this case that give progressives a bad name for being so f***ing G.D. overly sensitive/insane about something so stupid. The only reason this is actually any sort of deal is that apparently, the “outrage” — on social media nonetheless — tanked the company stock, which in short, really does demonstrate the power of a crazy public. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross.
This commercial is not the same as giving one’s wife a broom or vacuum cleaner for Christmas, which may or may not in and of itself be sexist, but doing so certainly seems closer to communicating that, if not more overtly indicating the guy is a horrible gift giver! It is f***ing possible — more likely — that a husband can gift a workout machine to his wife because the wife wants to become more fit or active and not that he is subconsciously communicating that she is fat and needs to lose weight. No doubt it is a liberal backlash that infers the worst in a commercial from her facial expression. What the m*****f***ing hell?!?! Seriously? Fake outrage over the misperception of facial expression? What facial expression exactly is the actor supposed to be covertly communicating to the audience to contradict the overt message she is delivering? Get a f***ing grip, people. She is not actually a scorned wife who is actually trying to please her sexist husband by actually slaving away on the machine. F*** me! This whole “controversy” demonstrates more stupidity than voting for traitor trump. F***! Welcome to stupid America. The left has its fair share.
Mind-numbing stupidity: in a CNN video (see this article also) at least one farmer claims he will still vote for traitor trump despite accusing him of stabbing his supporters in the back. Moreover, another farmer in the segment showed the reporter a stockpile of soybeans he could not sell — a first since he has been farming — because of the trade war with China, and that guy still wasn’t sure for whom he was going to vote. So, let me see if I understand the “logic” of these idiot farmers: traitor trump has caused hardship for farmers by waging a thoughtless, free-wheeling trade war with China while farm subsidies are not covering all their losses, which has resulted in one particular farmer having to store product he can’t sell for the first time ever. Yet, that guy still hasn’t figured out that any other president is going to be better for him than traitor trump. Un-f***ing-believable. So much f***ing stupidity. I can’t! I just can’t anymore! Actually, let the traitor trump-supporting farmers go bankrupt and die. I give up! Seriously! These people are just too f***ing stupid. They can’t figure out that traitor trump has been the worst thing for farmers ever; nonetheless, they are either going to vote for him again or they’re still undecided. Welcome to trump stupid America! We’re doomed!
I Keep Saying…
From Politico, “A divided federal appeals court has lifted several injunctions blocking the Trump administration from implementing a rule aimed at limiting immigration benefits for individuals who participate in government programs such as food stamps or Medicaid.” More proof that ultimately the courts defer to the imperial traitor trump. This is the most liberal federal circuit court of appeals in the country and even they have lifted injunctions from a lower court that blocked traitor trump’s actions. It never fails! This is why America is f***ed! Nothing is going to save the stupidity of America from itself, not even the courts! Welcome to trump stupid America! So much f***ing stupidity that it hurts!
I Agree
From Slate, “On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee will hold its first hearing in the latest phase of the impeachment inquiry into Donald Trump. Based on everything we know about the committee’s past oversight efforts, statements by Republican committee members and the president’s defense team, and the details of the panel itself, one thing seems clear: Compared with the staid and productive fact-finding work conducted by the House Intelligence Committee over the past few weeks, this hearing will almost certainly be a disaster.” I could not agree more! As usual, dumbass Democrats will try to make these hearings about decorum and righteousness while RepubliKKKlans will be throwing Scheiße and masturbating in public to distract from the substance, and their distractions will work because this is stupid America where the Scheiße show is more important than the Constitution. Moreover, this first day of hearings to provide Americans with a civics lesson is pointless and stupid. Apparently, dumbass Democrats have not yet learned from all the previous hearings that stupid America just doesn’t care and doesn’t understand civics. They are not going to learn now. It is incomprehensible that 42% of Americans think traitor trump is doing a good job regardless. This is what a stupid country looks like! Welcome to trump stupid America!
I Say Good
According to Axios, “Officials say the rule will encourage more people to work. However, critics say this is another example of the Trump administration’s ‘efforts to deepen hardships’ of the poor while cutting congressional authority over assistance programs, the Wall Street Journal writes.” I say good! Bring it! Of course, the subtext is that the rule change is supposed to create hardship for those “lazy blacks.” In reality, there are more poor white people in red states, so I say f*** them! This is the president that poor white trash RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons voted for to make their lives better. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it hundred other times: people need to start living the consequences of their votes, so if people were too stupid to think that traitor trump was going to make them better off yet now their government subsidies are going to be cut then that’s too f***ing bad. I do not feel sorry for the idiots and their poor life choices — and who one votes for is completely and absolutely a life choice. Welcome to trump stupid America!
According to CNN, “World leaders at the NATO summit in London were caught on camera appearing to joke about US President Donald Trump during a reception at Buckingham Palace Tuesday evening.” Of course, they did because this is stupid America. M*****f***ing G.D. right that traitor trump is a f***ing joke. Traitor trump is a f***ing retard elected by a country filled with fellow RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron retards. So, yeah. Naturally, America is a joke now because this is what a stupid country looks like. What the f*** else are other world leaders suppose to think when 42% of this country still believes traitor trump is doing a good job. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t anymore. I just can’t f***ing take the abject level of stupidity in America. This country is so f***ing stupid I’m surprised RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons survived childhood to vote for the Idiot-in-Chief. Welcome to trump stupid America!
I Love It!
From the Daily Beast, “And yet, on her official website, Ingraham has continued advertising and selling auto-renewable $49.95/year subscriptions for a podcast that apparently no longer exists. A source close to Ingraham told The Daily Beast in mid-October that they were informed an announcement about the podcast was imminent and that the show would be ‘coming back.’ However, weeks later, no such announcement has been made. It is now more than two months since the last new episode.” I love it and I say good! I love it when RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons rip off other RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons because these people are just f***ing G.D. stupid. So much stupidity. That’s right up there with RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who donate to traitor trump or buy his merchandise which goes directly to his legal expenses or other personal expenses — it’s the RNC and other traitor trump PACs that are paying for any traitor trump re-election campaign expenses. In short, traitor trump’s moronic supporters are paying wealthy RepubliKKKlans to become more wealthy while getting nothing in return — except this stupid t-shirt — because this is trump stupid America! LOL! Hello, idiots!