Purely Moronic

F*** the U.S.A. Seriously: F*** the U.S.A.!

According to CNN, “A New Jersey school district has become a lightning rod for criticism because of a policy that would allow school administrators to ban students from school activities if they owed the district lunch money.” Yeah, I said it! F*** the U.S.A.! Not for being stupid enough to elect traitor trump! Not for promoting the wealthy at the expensive of the poor. Not for its inability to provide affordable healthcare to everyone! Not for its inability to address meaningfully climate change legislation, and so much more. No, not for any of these things. I say f*** the U.S.A. because apparently this country is too stupid, too “poor,” too callous, and too hateful to provide every child at least one f***ing G.D. hot meal a day while in school. Seriously! Not only is a supremely stupid and hateful “Christian” country incapable of feeding hungry children, but it also seems hell-bent on punishing them. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t take the stupidity and hatred anymore. F*** the U.S.A. times a googol^googol! I only wish that every person against feeding school children who can’t afford it dies — slowly and painfully! And I don’t even have children, so I don’t need to be in the position of a parent to know what is right and wrong!

Maybe this “Christian” country should actually try to live up to its religion for once: “Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor [thy] rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” (Luke 14:12-14, KJV). I love to throw Bible verses in people’s faces because there is always a “quote for that,” which “Christians” just love to ignore. Welcome to stupid America where humanists are by definition more righteous than religious morons!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Of Course, He Did

From CNN, “Three-quarters of Americans are concerned about the situation in Syria and many see a reemergence of ISIS as likely following recent changes in US policy, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. But the country is divided over how to proceed. Just over half (51%) think the US has a responsibility to remain involved in the ongoing conflict in Syria, while 43% do not. The poll finds a sharp partisan divide over whether America has a responsibility to remain involved in the conflict there: 72% of Democrats say yes, while 65% of Republicans say no.” Imagine that! Traitor trump does something else that most Americans believe is wrong, yet his job approval rating maintains above 40%. I mean the level of minimum stupidity in this country is incomprehensible. It is absolutely beyond belief that a country filled with so many f***ing G.D. stupid people can actually function on a daily basis. By any measure, the 40% of the population (MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans) that supports traitor trump are barely functional mental retards. I think by definition they can’t tie their own shoes, but they sure do love the idiot-in-chief. Welcome to trupid stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

The Collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

From CNN, “The top US diplomat in Ukraine, Bill Taylor, testified Tuesday that he had been told President Donald Trump would withhold military aid to the country until it publicly declared investigations would be launched that could help his reelection chances — including into former Vice President Joe Biden, according to a copy of Taylor’s opening statement obtained by CNN.” Um, yeaaaah. This is going to turn into a big “so what” burger. I just don’t see stupid America really caring about this singular issue. If dumbass Democrats focus on this one issue for impeachment then they really have absolutely no chance of persuading the average idiot voter. So let me see if I understand the logic dumbass Democrats are trying to employ. They think they have a solid case to make for impeaching traitor trump for abusing his office because he threatened to without hold security funds from Ukraine unless that government publicly states it had begun an investigation into his primary political opponent, Joe Biden, and maybe some other dirt as well. First, traitor trump has been abusing the power of his office since day one — in public no less — so I have no idea why now, in this case, dumbass Democrats expect the average voter to care about some other country’s problem with getting their (American) tax dollars. Second, traitor actually ended up releasing the funds and there is no investigation after all. In short, he never carried out the threat. This is a subtle, finer point that I don’t expect most idiot voters to understand; that is to say, it is merely traitor trump’s threat to without money for in return for a political favor that is the crime of extortion. Last, people think he is doing no more and no worse than the average politician or president, which is really pathetic. But what does one expect from a supremely stupid country?

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Defying Cognitive Dissonance

According to CNN, “As support for impeachment has inched upward, however, Trump’s approval ratings overall and for handling major issues have not taken a hit. Overall, 41% approve of his handling of the presidency and 57% disapprove, similar to his ratings in early September and August polls conducted before the House of Representatives formally launched an impeachment inquiry in late September.” While on the surface it may seem impossible for the collective consciousness of America to want to impeach and remove traitor trump yet hold his job approval steady, one must remember that it is his core MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters, 40-42% (+5% for his silent supporters), that will never abandon him. I mean never! Traitor trump is the moron leader his f***tards have been for which they have been waiting for all their lives because this is what a stupid country looks like. People cannot experience cognitive dissonance if they have no cognition. Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic

The Incompetence of the Idiot-in-Chief Strikes Again and MAGA Morons Love Him for It

From CNN, “President Donald Trump is leaning toward approving a new Pentagon plan to keep a small contingent of American troops in eastern Syria, perhaps 200 special operations forces, a senior administration official told The New York Times on Sunday. If approved, the plan would walk back Trump’s order to the Pentagon earlier this month to withdraw nearly all of the 1,000 US troops from northern Syria.” So, let me see if I understand the actions of a moron correctly: traitor trump withdraws — without warning — troops from Syria to fulfill a campaign promise and thereby empowering Turkey, Russia, and Iran. It is one more “promises kept” “example” that his idiot followers unquestionably believe to be true because the f***tard said it at a rally, namely he’s bringing the troops home. Of course, the truth is that these troops are really just being redeployed to Iraq. In other words, they are not coming home! In fact, traitor trump is breaking a campaign promise by increasing troop levels in the Middle East. Again, he lies to MAGA morons, who really should have been suffocated as babies for their stupidity, and they believe him. But wait! There is more! Because his “get the troops out of Syria” order created chaos and destabilized the region now he wants to actually keep troops in parts of Syria. In short, he wants to keep fewer troops in a more dangerous Syria because he completely f***ed up the decision to withdraw in the first place. And that is supposed to be making our troops safer. This is what a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid and incompetent president elected by an even dumber electorate looks like. Welcome to trump stupid America. All dumb all the time! I can’t anymore. I just can’t f***ing take the level of stupid that is everywhere in this country. We’re f***ed because people are f***ing idiots in America!

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

So Much for Bringing the Troops Home

Politico reports, “Defense Secretary Mark Esper says that under current plans all U.S. troops leaving Syria will go to western Iraq and the military will continue to conduct operations against the Islamic State group to prevent its resurgence.” So, where is the MAGA moron outrage?!?! They voted for traitor trump to cut-and-run from the Middle East and he has reiterated at his rallies that the troops belong home! The truth is that he is merely shuffling the Stratego pieces on the game board while betraying our Kurdish allies and conceding more power to Russia and Iran in the region. Fan-f***ing-tastic. I just can’t take this stupidity anymore. MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are just the f***ing dumbest people on the planet. They believe whatever lie traitor trump feeds them and praise him for never lying and keep his promises, which he seldom does! F*** me! Stupid people everywhere! Everywhere stupid people! F***! There are some days when I agree with these traitor trump supporters: burn everything down. Bring Civil War II. The time is long overdue that Progressives vanquish Conservatives once again. Progressives are actually the majority in America and they need to be reminded of that, while Conservatives need to be reminded that they are lucky to be alive in a free country. Unfortunately, at this moment it is the reign of the minority over the majority and the majority simply accepts it! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic


According to Slate, “It’s over. The three-year-long State Department investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account has ended and found ‘no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information.’ The report did note that Clinton’s use of a private email server increased the risk of classified information being compromised.” Wow! Imagine that! Traitor trump’s own DOJ determined that Clinton was correct in claiming her innocence after all, yet the MSM is utterly silent on this story. Go figure. As usual, the Clintons are blamed for everything, but in the end, no wrongdoing is ever found, and certainly no behavior that ever arises to the level of visceral hatred against them. I have lived my entire political awareness life hearing about how crooked the Clintons are, yet nothing is ever proved. F*** me! People who still think Hillary would have been a worse — or worse still “questionable” — president compared to traitor trump should be euthanized for their stupidity. Welcome to stupid America where Clinton hating for no reason is the national pass time.

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Because the Black Man Did It Hypocrisy of RepubliKKKlans!

From the AP, “It wasn’t too long ago that Donald Trump derided presidential executive orders as ‘power grabs’ and a ‘basic disaster.’ He’s switched sides in a big way: In each year of his presidency, he has issued more executive orders than did former President Barack Obama during the same time span. He surpassed Obama’s third-year total just recently. Back in 2012, Trump had tweeted: ‘Why Is @BarackObama constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?’” This is why I hate RepubliKKKlans with the intensity of a 1000 white-hot suns! All of them without exception! For eight years we had to endure the black man double standard of RepubliKKKlans, and it seems that with the orange man it continues as they seem to conveniently suffer from collective amnesia to mask their pure, unadulterated hypocrisy. Whatever! I have a Scheiße more to say on this topic; however, I’m over it at the moment because my blood is boiling. Welcome to m*****f***ing trump stupid America! Ugh!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Nothing Matters’

From Salon, “It feels as though every week during the Trump administration is a year and every year a decade. Every day there is a crisis or an outrage or a revelation that takes your breath away. But the underlying dynamics always seem to be the same no matter what. The press reports the story, the Democrats get outraged, the pundits analyze it, the president rages and then Fox and the Republicans all line up like a bunch of robots and salute smartly. Then we reset until the next crisis, outrage or revelation. It’s an exhausting cycle that never seems to get us anywhere and it’s bred a fatalistic response in many of us: ‘Nothing matters.’” Truly! Nothing does matter! If the morons in America cannot objectively see traitor trump for the corrupt, incompetent con man that he is then nothing matters. We have become a country of truly stupid, stupid people. So, f*** it. Nothing will change. Idiots will never be convinced. All it takes is 40% of American morons to believe traitor trump to keep him in office. Mark my words, idiots! MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are a disease that must be eliminated — Einsatzgruppen? Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Turkey’s Ceasefire Joke

Everything traitor trump does is a complete disaster and a joke, except of course in the eyes of his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan supporters, who believe he is a messiah. It appears that world leaders are understanding more and more that traitor trump is a gullible, incompetent moron who can be pushed around easily. As one byline to a Daily Beast article reads, “The humiliations mount, and you can hear the laughter from Pyongyang to Ankara to Tehran. Trump isn’t their boss. He’s their bitch.”

This, of course, compounded by the following observations from The Guardian, “Fighting is continuing on the border between Syria and Turkey, according to witnesses, despite an announcement from the US vice-president, Mike Pence, that Ankara had agreed to a five-day ceasefire to allow the US supervision of the withdrawal of Kurdish forces from the area. Intermittent artillery fire and ground clashes continued in the border town of Ras al-Ayn on Friday morning, one of the two main targets of the nine-day-old Turkish offensive, as the Turkish military and Syrian rebel proxies struggled to wrest control of the town from the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF),” and from Aljazeera, “On Friday morning, shelling could be heard at the Syrian-Turkish border despite the five-day ceasefire to clear a planned ‘safe zone’ of Kurdish militia, while the United States said the deal covered only part of the territory Ankara aims to seize.” In short, traitor trump creates a disaster in the Middle East and then sends penis-loving Penis to “fix” things by getting a ceasefire, which Turkey promptly “agrees?” to abide — an agreement that essentially said Kurds get out of their homeland before Turkey moves in — but then Turkey continues within hours because they know that traitor trump will do nothing. Penis-loving Penis gave traitor trump the photo-op he needed to claim a “huuuuge” victory that no other predecessor could have achieved. So, in the minds of traitor trump MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans problem solved and nothing more to see here. Traitor trump is great!

F*** me! I live in stupid hell! None of this matters because this is trump stupid America! It’s just all dumb all the time!