MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans Social Darwinism

American Snowflakes

According to The Daily Beast, “On Monday, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Florida threw out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s mask mandate for air travel and other forms of mass transportation. Deaths from COVID-19—and the mask mandates intended to prevent them—may be on the wane nationwide, but whatever you think about such policies, this is the latest and most egregious example of a judge acting as a partisan warrior in the COVID-19 culture wars. … Now she is substituting her opinion for that of scientific professionals at the CDC, and dictating health policy in America. The outcome could be disastrous, only serving to further embolden the right-wing activists who dispute the reality of this horrifically lethal pandemic. … The CDC first issued a public health order requiring masks in interstate transportation and at transit hubs in February 2021, and it didn’t take long for anti-mask diehards to make getting on a plane or train a nerve-wracking proposition. Still, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued security directives to enforce the CDC order, and the CDC and TSA have extended that mandate throughout the pandemic. Just last week, the CDC extended the mandate for 15 days, until May 3. … Judge Mizelle says that enforcing such a mandate is akin to ‘detention and quarantine,’ which she claims is beyond CDC’s remit. Really? [Truly!] The CDC operates under what has long been called the ‘quarantine regulations.’ The statute in question—the Public Health Services Act—has been in use since 1948, and was designed to prevent interstate and international transmission of dangerous infectious diseases. … Rogue judges, at one time or another, have neutered virtually every major COVID-19 risk mitigation order issued by the Biden administration. But if this order can be nullified, there is literally nothing the CDC or the federal government could do to fight COVID-19. Even worse, the ruling may serve to handcuff the CDC when the next health crisis hits. The agency may become gun-shy, afraid to exercise even the most urgently needed public health powers, and conservative activists who have long made headlines for travel crimes and misconduct will feel vindicated [emphasis added].”

Snowflakes always win! Anti-vaxxers always win! Anti-maskers always win! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons always win! The stupid always wins! The Biden administration cannot let this ruling stand; it must be adjudicated before SCOTUS, which has ironically been upholding some federal regulations regarding COVID. (Normally, I would pursue a tirade about how Biden would let this ruling by a MAGA moron judge go unchallenged, but he is a wartime president, so I’ll refrain.) But whatever! Nothing matters anymore because America is a bunch of whiney f***ing G.D. selfish b*tchy snowflakes who are incapable of doing the minimally required actions to control the virus and help others. If and when COVID comes roaring back, then the public will be unwilling to do anything or follow any regulations to mitigate the pandemic’s spread because America is stupid, and judges are literally substituting their conservative biases for CDC directives. Americans think they are done with the virus, but I promise — the virus is not done with you! Apparently, there are large swaths of the public that the virus has yet to eliminate from the planet; perhaps a silver lining behind this judge’s ruling is the hastening of the end of these people. Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!

Purely Moronic

Faux News Trap

Faux News got exactly the stereotypical image of the “Black man” to help elucidate their viewership about the labor union movement as if they care. Faux News wanted this guy looking like he had just arrived from his baby mom’s crack house. I’m surprised they didn’t have him smile to show off his gold grill and matching Glock. The only purpose for Ticker Carlson was to have his viewers watch the segment and ask themselves: This guy headed up a union at Amazon? That way, his racist audience can be reminded why they hate unions so much and wonder how much more the “Blacks” will cost them when Amazon raises prices.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS Finally Speaks: F*** Women and Their Rights!

I quote (at length) the Great Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Sotomayor, who makes the point why five conservative justices determined the fate of half the population with barely a concern: “The Court’s order is stunning. Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand. Last night, the Court silently acquiesced in a State’s enactment of a law that flouts nearly 50 years of federal precedents. Today, the Court belatedly explains that it declined to grant relief because of procedural complexities of the State’s own invention. Ante, at 1. Because the Court’s failure to act rewards tactics designed to avoid judicial review and inflicts significant harm on the applicants and on women seeking abortions in Texas, I dissent. … In effect, the Texas Legislature has deputized the State’s citizens as bounty hunters, offering them cash prizes for civilly prosecuting their neighbors’ medical procedures. … Taken together, the Act is a breathtaking act of defiance—of the Constitution, of this Court’s precedents, and of the rights of women seeking abortions throughout Texas. … It cannot be the case that a State can evade federal judicial scrutiny by outsourcing the enforcement of unconstitutional laws to its citizenry. … The Court should not be so content to ignore its constitutional obligations to protect not only the rights of women, but also the sanctity of its precedents and of the rule of law.”

I add one final — and the most important — point made by the Great Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Kagan, “And it [Court of Appeals opinion] barely bothers to explain its conclusion — that a challenge to an obviously unconstitutional abortion regulation backed by a wholly unprecedented enforcement scheme is unlikely to prevail.” Bingo! Bingo! And bingo! The conservative SCOTUS justices agreed with that “reasoning.” And there it is in a nutshell. Sotomayor argues that the sole intention of the Texas law is to outlaw abortions, and Kagan pithily calls out the moral turpitude of the conservative justices’ decision not to enjoin the law because somehow they think the legal case against a clearly unconstitutional law is not likely to succeed. Case closed. Roe is dead! Never mind, most people across the country and within the states don’t want Roe overturned. But whatever! I give up! The minority is ruling us, and people don’t care.

So, what comes next for the political left? Uproar? Marching? Mobilization? Organization? Rage? Revolution? Kill the filibuster? Vote? (God forbid!) Uh, none of the above. This has been years in the making. A slow-moving freight train has been rolling down the track toward a washed-out bridge. We knew this was coming at least three presidential election cycles ago, and still, dumbass Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives demonstrated complete insouciance to the notion that elections matter when it comes to SCOTUS. Apparently, elections only matter when it’s too late — traitor trump. Oh, well. This is the bed dumbass Democrats made for their lack of political urgency and ruthlessness. So, in short, we get what we deserve, and I don’t see SCOTUS’s latest actions being enough to shake Democrats (especially politicians) from their complacency. And that pusillanimous statement from Biden was so m*****f***ing G.D. infuriating. He will do everything to protect women’s rights and advocate for legislation. Really? Thanks for reiterating the obvious and espousing tactics that have been entirely worthless. In the end, he’ll do nothing. It’s all talk with Democrats and little meaningful action. At the very least, Biden must call Justice Breyer and tell him it’s time to retire. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if it’s inappropriate. It’s time to play f***ing hardball for once, but Democrats are incapable. I give up! The Democratic Party is completely pathetic and outmatched for today’s political environment. Get ready for a RepubliKKKlan Christian theocracy. We deserve the government we get because most people don’t care! Welcome to stupid America.

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Brace for the Political Earthquake After Roe Is Overturned — Not!

I watched Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC last night, and he made an excellent point I had not considered previously. In essence, he stated that if Roe were to be reversed, then not much would change in the country. States where choice is protected would continue to allow abortions. Those populations would not be impacted. As for states with trigger laws or where abortions are already difficult to obtain, an already limited right will merely disappear. For instance, in Mississippi, which only has one abortion clinic in the entire state, what would be the material impact of that one clinic closing? They perform about 300 procedures per month, so the impact is not much in that state. In many states with highly restrictive laws, those citizens have already adapted to an abortion-limited environment, so there is not much difference in the next step to an abortion-free circumstance, especially if a nearby state provides legalized abortions. Considering the very small fraction of women who chose abortions compared to the rest of the female population, it is conceivable that the vast majority of women will wake up the day after Roe is abolished feeling that nothing has changed. (Unless, of course, you consider women waking up feeling like second-class citizens a change.) Then that begs the question: What would be the political fallout if SCOTUS scuttles Roe? Allow me to answer.

In short, nothing! I predicted the day RBG died that abortion would finally be overturned. At the time, I welcomed it because dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel for decades when it comes to prioritizing the judiciary — and basically everything else that entails wielding political power. I believed that overturning Roe just might be the last straw to wake Democrats the f*** up. I wanted Roe to be the new rally cry — the spark of the next revolution for Democrats to get their f***ing act together and to start winning again. But who the f*** am I kidding? O’Donnell’s comment made me realize that if Roe is abolished, then the net effect on the ground would be nothing; there would be no blowback. There will be no enduring excitement or political will for Democrats to do something — anything. It hit me that dumbass Democrats are simply too f***ing G.D. weak to mobilize on this issue and every other issue, except maybe for the ACA. I mean, killing women’s abortion right has been a RepubliKKKlan freight train rolling inexorably down the tracks in slow motion for decades, and idiot Democrats still managed to get run over. So, why the f*** would I think that now is the moment for things to change? My own hope diluted me — the one feeling I deride for its worthlessness, yet I dared anyway. Shame on me! O’Donnell woke me up!

What will happen once Roe is gone? Oh, for sure, there will be the perfunctory outrage among women who have seen autonomy over their own bodies reversed. They will be rightly outraged that five men have taken away a half-century-old right to women’s liberty and medical privacy. Sure, there will be marches, consternation, and rage, but there will be no comeuppance for RepubliKKKlans. Why would there be? RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been advocating restricting women’s rights for decades. This has been a long time coming for women, and Democrats have done absolutely nothing to avoid what is about to come to pass. The traitor trump administration and the years leading up to it have created the perfect storm. I’ve written about this before, but allow me to repeat myself. Traitor trump was the capstone on judicial court-packing at the highest levels, which will take a generation before there is even a hope of starting to reverse the destruction. Add voter suppression and redistricting, wherein blue states lost and red states gained seats in the last census. The inevitable consequence? RepubliKKKlans will become more entrenched at the local, state, and federal levels. Again, RepubliKKKlans have been working at this for decades, whereas dumbass Democrats have been doing — well, I don’t know what they’ve been doing, except mostly losing. Hoping to win the presidency every four years is not a successful strategy to advance Democrats’ agenda.

Oh, and did I mention court-packing? (I did.) The political tactics that RepubliKKKlans have been employing to achieve permanent power will get the rubber stamp from a hard-right SCOTUS. I’m old enough to remember way back in 2013 when the conservative justices rolled back significant portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. From that point, red states put their voter suppression efforts into overdrive, to great success. In short, the impenetrable circle of power is locked and completed in RepubliKKKlans’ favor. It won’t matter how many angry women show up to the ballot box, for RepubliKKKlans have all but certainly rigged the voting system in the right places to benefit themselves overwhelmingly and singularly. Whatever. There is nothing new here. We’re f***ed! Thanks, Democrats, for nothing. Truly! Welcome to stupid America, where one political party wants to rule by tyranny and the other likes to watch!

Purely Moronic

High Douchebag Billionaire Says What?

Musk was offered a joint by a podcast host during filming in California, where marijuana is legal, BBC

From CNN, “Elon Musk has made an offer to buy Twitter (TWTR) and take it private, saying he believes it needs to be ‘transformed.’ According to an SEC filing, Musk has offered to acquire all the shares in Twitter he does not own for $54.20 per share, valuing the company at $43.4 billion. … ‘I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy,’ he said in a letter he sent to Twitter. ‘However, since making my investment I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed as a private company. … Twitter has extraordinary potential. I will unlock it.’”

There is so much to unpack here. Musk is a f***ing douchebag — pure and simple. Should a jejune billionaire pothead really have so much power? Probably not. Let’s be clear about something: Free speech does not mean unregulated and unfettered. Nor does it mean speech made with impunity. And make no mistake, Musk believes free speech means people should be able to say anything, to anyone, and without consequence. Does that really sound like serving a “societal imperative?” I believe free speech should be 99 percent free and come with consequences. That is the societal imperative! One cannot falsely scream fire in a crowded movie theater (maybe). That is not free speech, and doing so comes with criminal consequences. Musk wants to “transform” Twitter into the public square “theater” where everyone can scream fire! Anything goes! He wants lies and misinformation to corrupt an already f***tarded and gullible population unabated, all in the name of “free speech.” I have no doubt that his first act as the private owner of Twitter is to re-instate traitor trump’s account to facilitate the demise of trump stupid America. I’m sure Truth Social can’t wait for that!

Of course, there is an equally possible reason for Musk’s actions. It is yet one more ploy to mess with a stock’s price. I would not be surprised if this all turns out to be a pump-and-dump scheme. He’s known for playing childish (pot-induced) antics. The “420” in the offer price already smacks of inside humor, and it’s not the first time he makes weed references in “serious” business dealings. Un-f***ing-believable! The child — sorry — man child — sorry, again — “man” — actually, no — man child wants to take over one of the world’s largest free speech platforms, which under his guidance could become a severe threat to America’s democracy, and he does it with a bit of tongue-in-cheek. It is incomprehensible to me that people — the business world — ever take this man seriously. Of course, he keeps pulling off these shenanigans because he never gets punished by the SEC or stockholders — he keeps getting richer. At worst, the SEC imposes a minor fine, and at best, it just drops any investigation because America truly is a consequence-free nation where billionaires get away with everything! Musk is a danger to America, and Americans love him for it, just like they love traitor trump. Musk wants to “unlock” Twitter’s potential. Indeed, he does! He wants to unleash more chaos on the world. He’s not a disruptor; he’s just a plain ole f***ing a**hole! I! Can’t! Wait!

America is the playground for corrupt billionaires who have nothing better to do than f*** with democracy. And Americans let them because America loves its a**holes — traitor trump, Musk, Abbott, DeSantis, McConnell, MTG, Boebert, Cawthorn, Jordon, Paul, Gosar, et al. Fan-f***ing-tastic. Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion Purely Moronic

Russian Incompetence x2

The Russian missile cruiser Moskva patrols in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Syria, in December 2015. Photo: Max Delany/AFP via Getty Images

Axios reports, “Russia’s Defense Ministry confirmed Wednesday that its Moskva missile cruiser was badly damaged in a fire — hours after Ukrainian forces claimed they’d struck the vessel in the Black Sea. … Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a brief statement that ‘ammunition detonated as a result of a fire on the Moskva missile cruiser.’”

I don’t know why I keep overestimating Russia’s military capabilities, perhaps out of an abundance of caution. But this recent story suggests Russia likes to present itself with the hard choice of claiming incompetence or incompetence. Either they’re incompetent to defend the flagship against Ukraine’s military or they’re incompetent to operate the flagship. Apparently, they would rather assert that not only is their army filled with and run by a bunch of stooges, but their navy is just as inept. I’m not sure how sailors set fire to their own ship, but I guess if there is a way, then Russia will find it and do it. Christ! This is the country with the military the West fears? Now is the time to crush Putin’s military while they are still learning to tie their (velcro) shoes. You couldn’t make this sh*t up if you were writing a fictional (comedic) novel.

Purely Moronic

Daddy Issues

Ryan J. Reilly’s Twitter account reports, “‘If the president is giving you almost an order to do something, I felt obligated to do that,’ testified Jan. 6 rioter Dustin Thompson, who told jurors he didn’t really have ‘any strong male figures’ in his life and wanted to gain Trump’s ‘respect’ and ‘approval.’ … Dustin Thompson, a 38-year-old married college graduate, told jurors that he felt ‘good’ when Donald Trump told him on Jan. 6 that he was ‘stronger,’ ‘smarter,’ and had ‘more going than anybody.’”

Oh, my f***ing God! I can’t with the f***ing stupid anymore. Seriously! I just hate these morons with the heat of a thousand white-hot suns. It is inconceivable that a 38-year-old is having daddy issues and looking to traitor trump to fulfill his longing for bro love and self-esteem. What a f***ing G.D. loser of the highest f***ing order. Both of them! But this is precisely the type of f***tard traitor trump attracts — stupid, pathetic losers. Thompson has no “strong male figures” in his life! First, boo-hoo. Cry me a river! Second, really? At 38 years old, he’s supposed to be the strong male figure — for his kids, I presume — not the loser pining for a senior citizen to show him the way. F***! If this guy hasn’t figured out life by now, then he’s hopeless. F*** me, again! And these are the people allowed to vote. God! America is so f***ed! Thompson is Exhibit A! Welcome to stupid America — the land where grown men still have daddy issues! Un-f***ing-believable.

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

An Excuse to Legalize Everything on Guns

According to NPR: “Guns: when and how to regulate them. It’s one of the biggest issues across the country. But the Supreme Court has rarely weighed in on the issue. In modern times, it has ruled decisively just twice. And now, it’s on the brink of doing so again.” Now that SCOTUS is firmly conservative, get ready for a flood of test cases that the high court will take up to expand ridiculous gun rights. Get prepared for conservative justices to start ruling that any law that restricts any gun possession and its use at any moment and in any situation is unconstitutional. Mark my words, morons! This country is about to go full-on wild, wild West because America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to do otherwise. Poll after poll evinces that the vast majority of people want gun control, but instead, we get more RepubliKKKlans elected to office that do nothing — in fact, they do the opposite of gun control — and America just takes it! Get used to it, idiots! It’s all stupid all the time. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Conspiracies for Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Death Spiral of America: QAnon, Guns, and Idiocracy

According to a stunning article in The New York Times, “Mr. Jones said he was struck by the prevalence of QAnon’s adherents. Overlaying the share of poll respondents who expressed belief in its core principles over the country’s total population, ‘that’s more than 30 million people,’ he said. ‘Thinking about QAnon, if it were a religion, it would be as big as all white evangelical Protestants, or all white mainline Protestants,’ he added. ‘So it lines up there with a major religious group.’ He also noted the correlation between belief in QAnon’s fiction and the conviction that armed conflict would be necessary. ‘It’s one thing to say that most Americans laugh off these outlandish beliefs, but when you consider that these beliefs are linked to a kind of apocalyptic thinking and violence, then it becomes something quite different,’ he said.” Then add on top of that this: “A measure long sought by conservative activists allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license [i.e., training, background check if bought through a private transaction] is on the cusp of becoming law after the Texas Senate approved a compromise on the bill Monday, sending it to Gov. Greg Abbott. Abbott has said he would sign the permitless carry proposal into law.”

Of course, RepubliKKKlans are passing a bill that the vast majority of Texans do not want, but what else is new? I say it every f***ing time: This nation is the tyranny of the minority over the majority, and no one cares. Whatever! And, of course, the reality of QAnon gaining prominence in America’s idiocracy coupled with ever-increasing lax gun laws is like the peanut butter and chocolate recipe for America’s demise. America deserves it! I have long said America is too stupid to survive, and now I am witnessing it in real (accelerated) time. One cannot possibly make up the headlines populating the pages of newspapers, newscasts, and websites, yet they are real. One may argue America has always had some level of “crazy,” and I would certainly agree. Still, this moment in history is significantly different because the QAnon kookery is the new religion, and guns are (another) epidemic in America, which is only getting worse and being facilitated by RepubliKKKlans, who are themselves being taken over by MAGA morons and QAnon. Sadly, these two facets of American culture are now primary drivers of American politics. Do you see the problem here? That is, my friends, the poison combination that is destroying America. And I am not being hyperbolic. America is too stupid to stop it. Who would have ever thought two ardent adherents of QAnon could be elected to Congress? Yet, it happened — twice! Just wait until the next Congress; there will be more. If 30 million morons (that’s 1 in 10 citizens!) believe the QAnon bat-sh*t craziness, then there is no reason that that 30 million should not be represented more fully in the next Congress, especially if f***tard RepubliKKKlan politicians run on a QAnon (or at least a not QAnon-denying) platform. This is a full-blown disease that is metastasizing and killing the nation. QAnon is not going anywhere, and people will be sorely mistaken to laugh it off as some sort of ephemeral aberration, for QAnon perfectly reflects the ethos of America’s stupidity, and now that it has reached religiosity status, America is truly, truly f***ed! Mark my words, f***tards. Stupid America loves the crazy, and they want these morons running the government! I guess people need to be entertained as America dies, and RepubliKKKlans are more than willing to oblige, knowing the re-incarnation of the nation will be for straight WASPs men only! Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS and Abortions: Let It Happen

Sure! Why not? It’s time to overturn Roe v. Wade. I’m deadly serious, and I’ve said it before, so just f*** it at this point. This has been a forty-seven-year fight waged by conservatives and RepubliKKKlans against liberals and dumbass Democrats, a fight dumbass Democrats have been abjectly incapable and unwilling to engage vigorously. So, be it! The weak and right party lost while the strong and wrong party won. We bet on the wrong horse. And, yes, I am reducing the seriousness of abortion rights to betting on a horse race because it is precisely the level of triviality and the gamble dumbass Democrats placed on SCOTUS and the hottest of all hot button issues ever since Roe v. Wade was decided. Democrats declared victory forty-seven years ago and walked away, never looking back and never thinking twice about women’s reproductive rights or SCOTUS again — until now, it seems. Elections have consequences, morons! Liberals and dumbass Democrats have entirely failed to make that point, election cycle after election cycle, and one confirmed right-wing nutjob judge after another confirmed right-wing nutjob judge. What does one expect when the left wing of the political spectrum falls asleep at the wheel? So, f*** it! This is precisely the America for which people voted, wittingly or unwittingly.

But whatever! Maybe liberals and progressives will get woke now? I f***ing doubt it. No! I know they won’t. Certainly not woke enough to matter or change things. Perhaps just woke enough to endure mindlessly, which is not far from the current state of the progressive moment. I don’t care anymore. I never had a dog in the abortion fight anyway. So, let women be forced to endure things with their bodies that they don’t want. Who cares about women’s rights anyway? Clearly, most women who voted for traitor trump propelling him to victory, don’t care, so why should I? Americans clearly don’t mind old white men telling all women what to do with their bodies, so why should I be concerned? Why should I care about a resurging misogynistic ethos in America? America’s men have always detested women, so now it’s just more pronounced, bolder, and about to be enshrined into law. In the end, what will it matter? Abortion protection will merely be removed at the federal level, thereby moving the question to the states. Thus, state by state will determine abortion rights, and those red states will ban it outright. So, let those women suffer. They can always move or, God forbid, do the unthinkable — vote out RepubliKKKlan state lawmakers and replace them with progressives. But, once again, who am I kidding? That will never happen.

Or, women can always go back to coat hangers because making abortions illegal has never actually stopped abortions; it just pushes them underground where they are performed in unsafe conditions and by desperate do-it-yourself practitioners. What will naturally follow is legislation that punishes women (with jail time) for attempting or successfully terminating a pregnancy, which is consistent with traitor trump’s call to punish women for seeking an abortion. Don’t think for one G.D. second RepubliKKKlans will stop with merely outlawing abortions; they will jail women who legally get abortions in other states, for states can and conservative states will most certainly regulate what their female residents can and cannot do with their own bodies in another state. Ending Roe v. Wade is just the beginning: “Theoretically, a state opposed to abortion could enact a law prohibiting its female citizens from traveling to another jurisdiction to obtain a legal abortion.” (See Extraterritoriality of Restrictive State Abortion Laws: States Can Abort Plans to Abort at Home but Not Abroad for a detailed discussion.) Does anyone think that this new conservative SCOTUS would not uphold a state which does pass such an onerous law? Only in America have we gone from abortions being legal, safe, and rare to illegal, dangerous, and no less rare.

Dumbass Democrats and progressives have lived the last forty-seven years practicing complete complacency regarding civil rights and personal liberties. I’m over it! I’m just over it! It’s all fun and games until half the population loses a fundamental human right, and then suddenly, it becomes a serious matter. Sadly, it’s too late. The irreparable harm has already come to pass. Elections have consequences — a lesson dumbass Democrats, liberals, progressives, and Independents will never, ever learn. Welcome to stupid America!