Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Kill or Be Killed!

Target Practice

From the Miami Herald, “Three family members have been charged with a hate crime after kidnapping and beating a gay man so severely that he was permanently blinded, Broward County prosecutors said Tuesday. Two parents and their son were formally charged Tuesday on counts of first-degree attempted murder, burglary with battery and kidnapping ‘with prejudice’ — all charges enhanced under Florida’s ‘hate crime’ law. That means they all face up to life in prison on each count.”

It’s happening, morons. I’ve warned the LGBTQ community repeatedly to arm up! This is a gun-crazy society, so the gays may as well arm up to protect themselves from rising gay hate. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! RepubliKKKlans are encouraging gay hatred and violence. They no longer use dog whistles. Now, they use bullhorns, and the haters listen and react accordingly. Yet, I fear LGBTQ members are still oblivious to the impending violence that is becoming normalized and encouraged. Just to be absolutely clear (again): RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks want all LGBTQ members dead ala Putin. It is kill or be killed! Fight back with deadly force, people! Welcome to stupid America! The hate is spreading like cancer.

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

It’s Offical

According to Vox, “Prosecutors dropped murder charges on Sunday against a 26-year-old southern Texas woman over an alleged ‘self-induced abortion,’ admitting that she had not committed a crime. But her case is an example of the lengths to which red states are willing to go to restrict abortion access — and abortion advocates worry it could have a chilling effect on pregnant people seeking medical care in Texas.” This example is, of course, the next logical step once Roe is overturned, and for all you f***tards out there who still think otherwise, then you are too stupid to live.

Actually, let me take a detour to explain how believing that Roe will survive at this late point is even more moronic. All these states rushing to pass abortion restrictions only enhances the argument for SCOTUS to reverse Roe. One has to remember that justices love to look at what’s going on in the states — the “laboratories” of American democracy — to understand the tide of sentiment on the matter. And by “tide,” I mean just the conservative side of views, for we all live under conservative justices’ interpretation of law now. They will look to these red states where legislatures and governors are passing ever-increasing abortion restrictions to convince themselves that the citizens of those states know better how to regulate other women’s bodies. Of course, this is a circular logic trap that RepubliKKKlans are dying to spring on the rest of America. It works like this: A conservative super-majority SCOTUS has finally been formed, creating a block of justices who don’t have to act hastily to protect abortion rights. Consequently, they drag their feet on abortion lawsuits, allowing abortion bans to take effect while they enable the purposely slow wheels of justice to grind. Recall that abortions in Texas have been effectively banned for six months at this point — a Constitutionally protected right has been prohibited, and no one cares. In the meantime, RepubliKKKlan states feel emboldened to pass one restrictive abortion law after another to the point where such laws are no longer “novel.” Now, they have become “mainstream” because SCOTUS refuses to do anything, thereby encouraging more abortion bans. Yet, it is this same escalation of anti-abortion legislation that SCOTUS will point to as part of their justification to take away women’s rights to privacy. So, if you’re too stupid to see what’s happening, then do humanity a favor and self-abort yourselves!

Now I may return to my main point. Next will be laws establishing murder, attempted murder, and accessory to murder after Roe. Mark my words, morons! Oh, but RepubliKKKlans won’t stop there. As I have already said, red states will make it illegal to cross state lines to receive abortive healthcare, and RepubliKKKlans will undoubtedly go through extraordinary lengths to exercise their Gestapo state police powers. I can already foresee laws demanding access to a person’s medical records to verify if she had an abortion. This is just the beginning, morons. I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself, but RepubliKKKlans want to turn America into a Russian satellite state, and no one cares — naturally. The rollback of people’s rights, especially minorities, has already begun, and the political reaction across the nation has been silence because of — inflation! Oh, well! Get ready, morons. This is what the death of democracy looks like. Welcome to stupid America. Dumber by the day, and the stupid cannot be undone!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Guns Everywhere — Who Cares?

According to CNN, “Eight people were shot and eight others injured in a mass shooting in a Brooklyn subway during Tuesday morning rush hour, according to FDNY spokesperson Amanda Farinacci. A preliminary investigation shows a possible smoke device was detonated, according to a senior law enforcement official. The NYPD said that there were no active explosive devices at this time.”

Eh! So, what? Who cares anymore? Seriously? This is just another day in America with a mass shooting, and nothing ever changes, and nothing ever will. This is yet another “thoughts and prayers” moment from RepubliKKKlans who will insist more guns everywhere is actually safer — good guys with guns outnumber bad guys with guns as if each wears an identifying badge. Dumbass Democrats will get hammered for being “soft on crime” because they are against guns-for-all policies and for gun regulation. Guns are the problem! So, whatever! I’m tired of writing about gun violence in America because nothing ever changes. I am becoming more convinced that this is, ultimately, Mother Nature thinning the herd of America’s idiocracy. America is too stupid to fix the problem of gun violence, so nature will take care of the problem for us.

Moreover, this is how RepubliKKKlans gain power, and dumbass Democrats lose it because typically, the smart ones are shot, leaving morons of America to rule the country and — most importantly — sell more guns! You get a gun! And you get a gun! And you get a gun! RepubliKKKlans always win the argument when it comes to gun violence. Morons of America always believe the RepubliKKKlan rhetoric and never give Democrats the power to change gun laws. It’s always the same, every time. Make no mistake, f***tards! This is what RepubliKKKlans want; they want a society living in perpetual fear of everyone else, especially minorities; they want everyone armed to justify and execute their actions when they are afraid, which is at all times ideally. What a society! No one cares. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! It’s Tuesday! Oh, and FREEDOM!

Purely Moronic

Humanity: Mound of Ants or Troop of Chimps?

According to Aljazeera, “No prime minister has completed a full five-year tenure in Pakistan’s 75-year history – a trend extended with the removal of Imran Khan, who lost a no-confidence vote on Sunday. Pakistan, a parliamentary democracy for most of its history, has had a total of 29 prime ministers since 1947 – one of whom took on the role twice in one year. On 18 occasions, prime ministers have been removed under a variety of circumstances, including corruption charges, direct military coups and forced resignations due to infighting in governing groups. There was one assassination. The remaining prime ministers held the position for a limited time as caretakers to oversee new elections or to see out a dismissed prime minister’s tenure. The year 1993 was particularly fraught, with five changes in the prime ministership.”

I read this article and could not help but think humanity is just a f***ing mess! I don’t mean to pick on Pakistan, specifically. Every country has its issues, but honestly, after 75 years as a nation, never once have they been able to make a government last. Then I thought about the rest of humanity’s challenges — climate change, politics, wars. If one were to take a macro view, that is to say, a perspective on mount high, it may appear humanity is a bunch of mindless ants building, working, and even going to war with each other — one colony versus another. One may witness the monuments and industriousness of humanity — buildings, economy, and government. From a distance, one may be fooled into believing the whole is a collective organ working in harmony toward some greater end, some greater good.

Of course, that would all be an illusion, for closer inspection would reveal a bunch of monkeys fighting and throwing poo at each other. This is evinced at the national, local, and even familial levels. One may be convinced humanity cannot get its act together on closer inspection. And I would agree! Oh, well! As I have said before — on more than one occasion — Mother Nature always restores balance, which includes and is not limited to humanity doing itself in.

Purely Moronic

Kidnapping a Governor Is OK, Say Americans

From Reuters, “A federal jury on Friday acquitted two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 and was deadlocked on the same charges for two other men. The men were charged in a plot prosecutors say had been inspired by their fierce opposition to pandemic-related restrictions that her office imposed. … The defense argued that the government used FBI informants and undercover agents to encourage the online discussions, hoping to entrap the defendants in alleged crimes because of their political views, they said. The acquittals come despite key testimony from Ty Garbin and Kaleb Franks, two others who were charged in the alleged plot before striking plea deals with prosecutors. Garbin is currently serving a six-year sentence, while Franks is awaiting sentencing.”

I am a broken record when I say this, but it is incomprehensible that there are no convictions in this case. There is not much to say besides America is dying, and here is but one more datum of proof! The political system has failed, and now the legal system has failed. The average citizen (juror) apparently feels that attempting to kidnap and murder the governor of Michigan is just fine. There is no other conclusion given the evidence and the witnesses in this case. And do not believe anyone who claimed the government entrapped them. That argument is always B.S., but it seems this jury of morons or traitor sympathizers believed the defense’s story. Oh, well. This is not surprising. Americans want this; there is no other explanation for the current state of the union except that people want to live in a lawless, dysfunctional country. Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people.

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Goalposts Have Not Moved

According to the brilliance of CNN, “Make no mistake: McConnell, in refusing to say whether he would hold hearings for any potential Supreme Court nominee in 2023 — which is not an election year — is seeking to, again, move the goalposts of how and when the Senate will confirm justices.” No, no! Once again, the MSM is full of idiots. McConnell’s goalposts remain precisely where they have always been for years: Whenever a Democrat is president and RepubliKKKlans control the Senate, then there will be no SCOTUS confirmations. Full stop! Since Obama, this has always been the case, so I have no idea why Chris Cillizza believes the situation has changed with McConnell’s “revelation.” Perhaps the morons in the MSM want to keep believing in the old traditions, the old ways, a civil RepubliKKKlan Party. So, f***ing G.D. stupid!

Look, f***tards. McConnell denied Merrick Garland’s confirmation on the rationalization that it was an election year, yet McConnell confirmed Amy Coney Barrett while people were voting (out traitor trump) in the 2020 election. So, what does that say? What should the idiot MSM have deduced from McConnell’s actions back then? Exactly what I just said: The goalposts have not changed; a RepubliKKKlan-control Senate will never confirm a SCOTUS nominee put forward by a Democratic president. Ugh! I can’t believe these professional journalists actually get paid for their “analysis” that yields the wrong conclusions. Oh! And, of course, no one cares, least of all Democrats! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Democrats Nail Own Coffin

From The Hill, “The Biden administration’s decision to end to Title 42, a Trump-era policy restricting asylum claims, garnered a fractured response from Democratic lawmakers, advocates and the administration itself. Progressives and immigration advocates lauded the decision, arguing it was long overdue after President Biden pledged to end the rule during his 2020 campaign. However, moderate Senate Democrats issued a rebuke of the recission, claiming that the administration is not ready to manage a surge of migrants they say will come once the rule is nixed.”

I have no f***ing clue why dumbass Democrats are pushing for this now. I mean, WTF! Honestly, when it comes to immigration, I only care about one thing: Political optics and fallout. Except for the repugnant family separation policy under the traitor trump administration, I’m really agnostic about the ethics of immigration — in favor or against. Also, building a wall is the worst, most ineffective method of controlling border crossings. Building a wall was always a gimmick to pander to the American morons — I expected nothing less. Controlling immigration requires going to the source and limiting demand. Regardless, I am concerned about dumbass Democrats gifting RepubliKKKlans yet another talking point just in time for midterm elections. Are Democrats trying to lose the House and the Senate? What votes do they possibly hope to gain by creating an immigration crisis? Un-f***ing-believable. Look, f***tards. The only voters sensitive to another border crisis are those Independents in the political center. RepubliKKKlans and center-right Independents are always going to vote against Democrats over border and immigration policy even when it mirrors the previous administration. What remains are those true swing Independents, and they are not going to abide by chaos at the Mexican border. Republikkklans are experts at weaponizing any increase in immigration news. Whatever! When are dumbass Democrats ever going to learn that chaos at the southern border always hurts them more than it helps paint RepubliKKKlans as being heartless? Welcome to stupid America.

Evil Evangelicals Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

She’s Back and She’ll Win — Naturally

Sarah Palin on the Masked Singer. Photograph: FOX

As TMZ reports, “Sarah Palin is back in the political arena — that is, if Alaskans will have her … throwing her hat into the race for an open seat in Congress, this after a long hiatus from public service.” I don’t have to do any analysis for this prediction. She was crazy before crazy was cool, so now that QAnon kooks and evil evangelicals are the new cool, crazy kids on the block, she’s in it to win it. One could say this is the moment for which Palin has been waiting. The QAnon kookery and Americans have finally caught up to her way of “thinking,” so naturally, she’s ready to return to politics, and she is precisely the level of stupid RepubliKKKlan Alaskans desire. She’ll win. Never mind that she quit halfway through her governorship to pursue a reality TV career. But, whatever! Alaskans will overlook her shortcomings because they love her hate. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve.

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Cull the Wack Jobs, Please!

Wack Job

According to RawStory, “‘The election, I believe, was stolen,’ said a woman with an America flag draped over her shoulders. ‘But we know that, Space Force has it all, Trump has all the information, it’s going to be overturned,’ the woman claimed. ‘What do you think Space Force has?’ the interviewer asked. ‘Space Force is a military branch, you know, just like the Army, you know, all the military. And they literally…the night of the election they literally watched the election be stolen. They watermarked the ballots, they know exactly what happened with every ballot,’ she said. ‘They know what countries were involved, they followed the money, they know what every every [sic] politician that’s been paid off. There was [sic] 260,00 — 269,000 sealed indictments, but I think it might even be up to 500,000 sealed indictments. And I believe that we’re going to have an emergency broadcast and the military is going to come in with martial law and we’re going to be shown, 8-hours on, 8-hours off, of videos for seven days — the world. And they’re going to be showing us taped tribunals, taped confessions, and the world is going to be awakened to what’s really going on with the deep state,’ she claimed.”

I am speechless. These people are smoking meth, right? Or they were dropped on their head as a baby — repeatedly — yes? What explains such incomprehensible nonsense? Truly? What? I have been reluctant to use the word cult when talking about MAGA morons and QAnon kooks because the term implies a small, select few, but what we see here — with every traitor trump rally — are hoards of people caught up in this mass delusion. Of course, there is an internal contradiction in what they espouse. Go figure! Did anyone catch it? Anyone at all? The QAnon kook quoted above inveighs the “deep state,” but she counts on the same deep state (ala Space Force) to bring justice for traitor trump. How can that be? Please tell me, morons of America. How can Space Force be the deep state conspiring to withhold information that proves traitor trump won the 2020 election and thus “keeping” Biden in power. Yet, Space Force is the deep space conspiracy that will bring back traitor trump while simultaneously proving the danger of the deep state. This just goes to show how stupid all these people are. Whatever! America is f***ed because the disease that is the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are killing America. Either these people need to be culled from the herd, or the entire country will succumb to their craziness. These people are not fringe; they are the new mainstream. But most people don’t care because everyone else thinks they’re “a bit off” and funny. Oh, well. Whatever! Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

What’s the Gay Equivalent of an Uncle Tom?

From the Advocate, “Former President Donald Trump told some fans on Wednesday night that they didn’t ‘look gay.’ During a fundraiser supporting Republican congressional candidate and former Trump administration Housing and Urban Development department official John Gibbs, someone shouted ‘Gays for Trump!’ Trump then asked, ‘Where’s Gays for Trump?’ After someone responded ‘We’re over here!’ Trump looked in their direction and said, ‘You don’t look gay.’ He then told the crowd, ‘We did great with the gay population,’ while the crowd laughed.”

I want to know! What do you call a gay that hates their own community? Seriously? What do you call these people that align with a political party that wants them dead? I have no idea. I’ve seen homocon in print. I’ve also seen Uncle Lindsey [Graham], but truthfully that should be Aunt Lindsey [Graham]. These pejoratives seem a bit too insipid. Let me think on it.