Politics RepubliKKKlans

Stupid Coal Miners

According to NBC News, “‘We’ve worked years in the coal mines. It was promised to us,’ said Tom Phillips, a miner who voted for Trump in 2016. Phillips, who has numerous disabilities, said he believed Trump’s promise of a coal revival. ‘I’m kind of up in the air’ on Trump now, Phillips told NBC. ‘I don’t know what to do anymore.’” Up in the air?!?! So, after all the things traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlans are not doing for coal miners, he’s still unsure? This is exactly the stupidity that keeps America so f***ing stupid and the minority in power. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t take the stupidity of this country anymore. These f***tards are beyond reasoning and destroying the country in the process.

What should happen to these coal miners? James Tiberius Kirk summed it up perfectly: “Let them die!” It would be cheaper.

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Succession vs. WWE Raw

Source: Axios

I love this graph because it essentially compares the viewing tastes of intelligent, sophisticated vs mindless, redneck fans. I watch Succession faithfully; it is a brilliant show with great writing and a germane subject matter. It requires a bit of thoughtful engagement; that is to say, one has to actually be able to think about what is going on in the show to appreciate it. Of course, there is the flip-side — mindless fake “wrestling.” How perfect for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. Although the map does not perfectly correlate to the typical red-blue political map, one gets the gist that people in the South and rural areas, for example, are too stupid to watch anything other than “rasling” (the literate-challenged pronunciation). It’s not difficult watching two people go at it in a center ring. Welcome to trump stupid America where mindlessness is considered the height of entertainment.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Pathetic! We Deserve This

A CNN headline reads, “Judge rejects House Democrats’ request to fast-track Trump tax return case.” The article further states, “‘The Committee’s request comes seven weeks after it first filed the Complaint. The Court does not fault the Committee for its time and efforts negotiating with the Administration before suing, but it is not clear why only now the Committee asks for expedited consideration of this matter,’ McFadden [the judge] wrote Thursday.” As usual, dumbass Democrats have f***ed their oversight duties and litigation seven ways to Sunday because they are just f***ing G.D. weak and pathetic people who have no f***ing clue how to play hardball. The same day the new House was sworn in they should have dropped subpoenas at the doorstep of every White House (past and present) employee. They should have had lawsuits ready to go and filed on day one. But, no. Instead, they wasted nine months trying to play nice with the administration by “requesting” documents multiple times under some f***ed-up illusion that traitor trump was ever going to cooperate. I give up! They need to f***ing declare impeachment proceedings to force the courts to start enforcing subpoenas. But, again, no. Pelosi is weak and too afraid of upsetting the RepubliKKKlans. Hello, morons! RepubliKKKlans are always upset about everything. Democrats are going to lose the presidential election anyway, so they literally have nothing to lose by impeaching traitor trump now. Democrats are just as stupid as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. They are weak and will never win. Four more years! I can’t wait. F*** me! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

The RepubliKKKlan Dictator with 90%-plus Approval

From CNN, “Trump has instructed aides to speed up the process of building the wall, directing them to rush through billions of dollars’ worth of construction contracts, blow past environmental regulations and to ‘take the land’ necessary by eminent domain, the Post reported Tuesday. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll pardon you,’ Trump has told officials during meetings at the White House about the wall when aides raised that some of those orders would be illegal, according to the Post. An unnamed White House official told the newspaper that the President is merely joking when he makes such statements about pardons.” One would think this revelation sends RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and TEA party idiots (especially) scrambling for their guns to take up arms against dictator traitor trump who literally instructed the government to take their land — land! that oh so precious and uniquely America possession that stokes the ire of RepubliKKKLans and American uber-“patriot” nutjobs (e.g., the Bundy KKKLan) every time they feel the government is encroaching on their private property or their illegal private use of public property. One would think this blatant attack on ownership, liberty, and individual rights would cause outrage across the conservative ranks. But, of course, none of this will happen because RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and TEA partiers are all f***ing hypocrites who just don’t care when a white man does “it” (whatever that it may be) to them. Nonetheless, when Obama never threatened to do anything like what traitor trump has “hereby ordered” they wanted to lynch him — literally! This is what a trump stupid country looks like.

How does one combat this level of stupidity and hatred? This is why I keep saying America is already lost because apparently one only needs a minority of moronic haters (to vote) and a majority of apathetic citizens (to do nothing) to engender a hostile takeover of the country. No one cares. It’s just more white noise in the background of social media madness and superficial selfies because that is what’s important in the world — Pete Davidson was oddly correct! Welcome to stupid America! Dumber today than it was yesterday and still dumber than the day before that!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Haley’s Going to Be the Next VP

From Axios, “I mean no disrespect for Mr. Pence, who’s loyally served the president and the nation. But he’s given Mr. Trump all the help he can. He inspired his fellow evangelical Christians to take a chance in 2016. But in 2020 they’ll already be repelled by the Democrats’ embrace of infanticide. Mr. Trump’s greater obstacle to re-election comes from politically moderate suburban women, many of whom see him as divisive.” This is exactly as I’ve been predicting for months now and as I have said in a previous post; Penis Pence is worthless to traitor trump at this point. He’s going to need all the women voters he can get and that means preventing “independent” women from potentially voting for a woman on the Democratic ticket, which is definitely going to happen. I don’t give one G.D. f*** about arguments that Haley would never attach herself so closely to someone like traitor trump; that she could never work for someone she does not respect; that she is too good or “honorable” to be his “yes”-women. Hello, morons of America! What high-profile RepubliKKKlan has shown any indication of standing up to traitor trump? They all accede to him! Mark my words, idiots! Every single one of those vile people yields eventually because they are RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons, who are by definition hateful, and all of whom should have been smothered as babies. Yet, I digress. Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Incompetence on Full Display

A CNN headline reads: “Trump’s wild foreign trip encapsulates the case for 2020 voters.” Furthermore, “He made unverifiable claims that China had bowed to his tough rhetoric. He adopted dizzyingly different postures on the trade war. Trump bitterly accused the media of lying when it questioned his narrative of the summit. He indulged his obsession with Barack Obama, slamming the former President on foreign soil in a way that once would have been taboo.” Then the article goes on to say as another kick in the teeth to would-be important voters, “Trump skipped a meeting on global warming — a scientifically proven trend that he has claimed is a Chinese hoax.” One would think of all the issues that will affect Millennials and Generation Z the most is climate change, yet traitor trump essentially gave the entire world one big middle finger by skipping the meeting and blatantly lying about it. Because he simply does not care. These two generations, together, now outnumber the more reliable voting Baby Boomer generation. If they really want to save their own future asses they need to f***ing vote, but I forget. They don’t vote. Not to mention that some (some too many) of these generational voters are actually conservative because MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans breed and their spawn survive to adulthood. So, there is that headwind inherently lurking in the population — and they actually do vote. Once again, I suppose, the fate of the nation rests on apathetic progressives. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

China Called

From CNN, “He [traitor trump] said he’d received word from China that its negotiators are ready to return to trade talks, even after his aides spent Sunday insisting Trump wants higher tariffs on Chinese products.” That’s a lie. He’s just saying this to calm the stock markets on Monday. Trust me! How many times has he said China wants to cut a deal? That they are close to making a deal? I promise you he is setting up the circumstances to rollback tariffs with absolutely no benefits being gained for America. It will be one huge dealmaking failure, which he’ll lie about but the MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will hale it as a genius victory! Welcome to stupid America! One cannot make up the stupidity of this country!

And I have no doubt the markets will rally at the slightest indication of traitor trump’s mendaciousness because the market is too smart by half. Seriously! How this market constantly whipsaws back and forth, up and down with every whim of traitor trump is incomprehensible! Honestly, if the market really were the repository of “perfect information” then the markets should be on a daily decline considering a moronic nutjob is at the head of the American (world) economy where every day is a new crisis, a different economic policy! Does anyone know what the immutable “perfect information” is regarding traitor trump and his handling of the economy? Anyone? Anyone at all? It’s chaos! Yet, the market seems to thrive on it, which will be proven when it rebounds today as if traitor trump has somehow indicated he is not a complete G.D. moron! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Congratulations, F***tards

From Axios, “Trump said on Friday that $250 billion worth of goods and products from China would be taxed at 30% instead of 25%, starting Oct. 1, and the remaining $300 billion worth of goods will be taxed at 15%, instead of 10%.” This is exactly how to run the world’s largest economy. Thanks so much to all those m*****f***ing G.D. idiot MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan voters for electing the dumbest person in the world as president. Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

A “Deal” to Win

From Axios, “The biggest tool Trump has to pump the economy and the markets is a trade deal with China. But if anything, senior administration officials have turned harder against China in recent weeks.” In the end, traitor trump will lift tariffs against China to boost the economy and win re-election. As always, traitor trump will declare a huge victory on trade even though absolutely nothing will have been accomplished — China at this point is not going to agree to any deal that the U.S. would consider favorable enough. Nonetheless, his MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan followers will claim he’s a genius dealmaker. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

The ‘Yang Gang’

From an article entitled “The Pull of Andrew Yang’s Pessimism” in The Atlantic, “Yang thinks he’s tapped into a new strain of politics. He insists he’s not a fatalist or a nihilist. He figures himself to be an optimist, just one who sees how terrible things are and how much worse they can get, and he believes that the only way to get to the light is to acknowledge the darkness.” The title caught my eye and I thought the quote was poignant. (Plus the Yang Gang moniker is catchy.) Although I’m not following Yang because I’m not going to waste my time on someone who has no chance of winning, I do think his pessimism is the exact tone Democrats should be taking. I’m sorry, but fear works! It works with traitor trump and his cult. It got him elected as people fear the “other.” It is long past time that Democrats start tapping into the fear of another four years of a RepubliKKKlan dictatorship: unaffordable and discriminating health care, runaway climate change, the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer, a bankrupt government, legalized discrimination against women, minorities, and LGBTQ, and so forth.

Instead, we keep getting these weak Democratic candidates that talk about hope and optimism as if the current state of affairs is some sort of obstacle that can be overcome in the next election. Hell f***ing no! This is a f***ing five-alarm emergency! This is time to hit the f***ing G.D. panic button! If dumbass Democrats continue to go around believing that traitor trump is merely an aberration that can be reversed with the next Democratic president then we really are f***ing doomed! As I have said a hundred times before dumbass Democrats do not understand the essence of America! For if they did then they would be running around with their hair on fire exciting the base! But no! Instead, we get Biden telling us that RepubliKKKlans are good people, and sadly he is our best chance of winning. Instead, we have a Speaker of the House too afraid to impeach because it will divide the country — is she f***ing kidding? Divide the country? That’s what Pelosi fears? Un-f***ing-believable! Christ! At this point, there is absolutely no reason to be anything other than pessimistic because the idiots in the country still think the disasters spreading across the world are tractable. Welcome to m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America! It is exactly the mess one expected it to be!