From Axios, “Attorney General Bill Barr said in a speech during the Combating Anti-Semitism Summit at the Justice Department Monday that groups fighting ‘under the banner of identity politics’ are dividing Americans.” Apparently, each and every MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan are laughing because they know this administration is a joke and they don’t care. So, welcome to trump stupid America!
Category: RepubliKKKlans
From CNN, “The second most shocking aspect of an episode that would have rocked any other administration is that the President knows he can trade in such base tactics because he will pay no price in a Republican Party cowed by his fervent political base.” Just as pathetic is that dumbass Democrats will not force traitor trump to pay a price either because this is trump stupid America where MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are strong and wrong while dumbass Democrats are just weak!
According to CBS News, “In a ruling that pro-abortion rights advocates called ‘rogue,’ an Oklahoma judge upheld a state law on Friday that banned the most common abortion method for women at least 14 weeks into a pregnancy.” To be honest, I hope all these abortion bans are upheld by the Supreme Court. Just let it all f***ing happen! Apparently, dumbass Democrats really don’t f***ing care until it’s too late. Only when women’s rights have been completely repealed do they start to get politically animated. Perhaps what the f***tards in this country need is a big wake-up call! They have taken for granted their freedoms, especially the freedom to make decisions over their own bodies. So, let it happen. I just don’t f***ing care anymore. I say let abortion rights go back to the States. Let the States determine the legality of abortions. This would be the catalyst for the Great Reordering of America that is desperately needed. We really are a nation divided, so let’s stop pretending we are an indivisible union. I say let those f***tards that want to live under quasi-dictatorships move to red states; perhaps in time, the population will be so concentrated in blue states that we can take permanent control of the House of Representatives. (Sadly, probably never the Senate for obvious reasons.) RepubliKKKlans have had a rallying cry for 40 years with Roe V. Wade and eventually it has worked. Now dumbass Democrats need a rallying cry for the decades to come, assuming they are smart enough and committed enough to sustain their passion (I doubt it). Welcome to trump stupid America! Democracy takes work unless, of course, one wants a dictatorship then people are allowed to be lazy and apathetic — like I said: welcome to stupid America! Who cares. None of this matters anymore. Dictator-loving people have won and gained permanent control. It was too late the second traitor trump became elected. We lost the democracy the second that happened and the country did the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. We deserve climate change. We deserve repeal of the ACA. We deserve tyranny by the minority over the majority. We deserve all of this and more because this is a country of f***ing G.D. idiots that simply do not care.
A Money Crunch?
From CNN, “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday issued a warning Friday that the US government is at risk of running out of cash sooner than expected.” Whaaaaaaat?!?! How can this be? I thought tax cuts for the rich and the resulting booming economy would pay for itself. I thought tax cuts for the rich trickled down to lift all boats and bring in more revenue to the government. I thought tax cuts were always the cure. I thought traitor trump was going to fix everything. He said it was going to be easy. He said everyone before him was too stupid to understand how the economy and finance work. Welcome to trump stupid America! Naturally, only MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans believe this as they could not possibly care less that America sinks deeper and deeper into debt because, of course, it’s Obama’s fault. After two-plus years understand traitor trump it is still all the fault of the black man. Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t take the stupidity of this country! It is always the RepuliKKKlan party that gets us into a worse fiscal position while claiming they are the party of fiscal responsibility. Then Democrats have to come in and make difficult decisions to save the economy (which they do) but then the masses of f***tards resent those difficult consequences. So, what do they do? They elect a RepubliKKKlan back into office to make matters worse again. Welcome to stupid f***ing G.D. America. Face it! This country is too stupid to deserve anything other than complete ruination. Seriously! The country is too stupid to understand that democracy does not run on autopilot — dictatorships do! So, bring it. I give up! Let’s just start over because clearly those voting nowadays have no f***ing clue what the f*** they are doing!
What Else Is New?
From Bloomberg, “The U.S. budget deficit widened by 23% to $747.1 billion in the first nine months of the fiscal year, as rising spending eclipsed a small bump in revenue from the Trump administration’s tariffs. … America’s budget deficit is widening as a result of Trump’s tax cuts, which are expected to add about $1.5 trillion to the national debt over a decade, and higher spending approved by Congress. The gap will exceed 4% of gross domestic product this year, and stay above that level through at least 2029, the Congressional Budget Office forecasts.” Right on cue, RepubliKKKlans are blowing the budget and increasing the deficit, yet RepubliKKKlans are always considered the party of fiscal responsibility! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore. I can’t take the level of trump stupid in this country anymore. Tax the rich less and the middle class more and watch RepubliKKKlan political power increase. Welcome to stupid America!
Axios reports, “Sources say Leonard Leo and other Federalist Society stalwarts were shocked and floored by how weak the decision was. ‘What was the dance … all about if this was going to be the end result?’ a conservative leader asked.” Of course, only MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlan f***tards still think that traitor trump is some kind of political genius who’s playing ten-dimensional chess while everyone else is still flinging their poop and playing with their penis. It is useless! Seriously! All of it is useless. It is useless to try and reason with these morons, to make them see the logic of traitor trump’s failures, to have them admit they are as stupid as they really are, and to admit they have been played. No! It is useless! Racists and f***tards are all in with traitor trump because they are profoundly trump stupid people. Welcome to stupid America!
From Rolling Stone, “The theory that Kennedy was alive and running Q arose in June 2018, after the anonymous poster behind Q briefly went dark. Another anonymous poster, ‘R,’ showed up on the QAnon forums on the website 8chan and started dropping hints that JFK Jr. had faked his death to avoid being targeted by members of the deep-state conspiracy and was actually Q.” If only I could believe that this trend is one collective attempt to troll America, but it is not! To be sure, this is simply a too large slice of American stupidity on full display. These f***ing Scheiße-for-brains f***tards actually believe this crap! Even if it is a handful that defines trump stupid of America, they exemplify the larger population of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans perfectly. We, as a country, would do well to put these idiots out of their misery for having to live with a level of intellect that defies belief. So much stupidity! Welcome to stupid America!
From The Weekly, “I’m sure you had more people around her voting for Trump, including myself because he promised to bring jobs back. We need competitive manufacturing jobs. I really don’t care if it’s Democrat or Republican, female, black, white, I don’t care. Whoever’s in there, you need to put American workers first and Americans working first. They’re going to get to the point in this country where people have had enough. You know, without the ability to feed my family and pay for my children and feed my children, what am I as a man?” Once again, this is more proof that morons voted for traitor trump. Apparently, these supremely stupid people thought that somehow a “businessman” who owned a small (by most standards) family-owned and family-run real estate “empire” where much of his revenue was earned by naming rights and his reality TV show was knowledgable enough and capable enough to understand how to bring back manufacturing jobs to America. These f***tards also thought that somehow a “businessman” who filed for bankruptcy at least three times was the right person to make American manufacturing great again. These trump stupid people also thought that somehow a billionaire who literally craps on a golden toilet understands the plight of the working American. These f***tards deserve what they get for voting for idiot traitor trump. I have no problem wishing the worst for them because the only way to weed out stupidity from voting for the dumbest person in the world is to prevent them from voting again. Welcome to stupid America!
Can I just express my f***ing frustration with these same patriotic MAGA morons who apparently have no problem wearing an American flag patch (referring to the video image) facing the wrong f***ing direction — that is by military standards, which, of course, every MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan claims to revere more than any other institution in the whole wide world! It aggravates me to no end when these “uber-patriotic” (which excludes everyone else not like themselves — aka Democrats — who must then be traitors by their definition) morons do not know any better by wearing their so-revered symbol of American patriotism and love of country incorrectly! Yeah, technically, it’s not wrong, but it just looks stupid. Imagine running with the flag on a pole on a windless day; the direction in which the flag waves is how it should appear as a patch on the arm. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in stupid America do MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans run around the country accusing others of their lack of patriotism and love of country, yet they have no f***ing clue how to wear the American flag on their own person respectfully or how to display the flag correctly — as I am reminded of countless tattered flags blazing behind a Ford F-150. Yeah, I’m talking to those f***tard “hee-haw” types that like to drive around with their frayed American flag on full display as if to say: “Look at me, I’m a patriot.” But I digress. Welcome to stupid, stupid, stuuuuupid America! I’m running out of ways to uniquely express the notion.
An Axios headline reads: “Trump’s approval rating hits highest point, but Biden leads poll.” Since James Carville unintentionally coined the phrase “The economy, stupid” during Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign I think the relevance on the “stupid” part has been misunderstood. In a rather not-so-subtle way, the phrase is derisive. It (rightly) suggests that people are the stupid masses that worry about the economy above all else; that a strong economy is the foundation of a free (democratic) society. In fact, it is America’s free society that is conducive to a strong economy, not vice versa. Like so many things in trump stupid America, the logic of societal beliefs is routinely backward! Take, for example, the Affordable Care Act. Traitor trump still wants to repeal it completely without offering any replacement (he claims to be concerned about people with pre-existing conditions, but he’s not), yet idiots in this country seem to forget this even though it is almost always the voters’ top concern. So, people seem to relish the freedom to die from unaffordable health care as long as traitor trump keeps spurring an economy where a family only requires three jobs (instead of four) among parents to survive. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to stupid America. Bread and circus stupidity here!
Moreover, these new poll results are well after the images of immigrant holding conditions, which only reinforces that this country really just doesn’t f***ing care. It really doesn’t! F***tards in this country don’t care how brown people are treated. As long as the average MAGA moron and RepubliKKKlan have someone to hate then they are happier than ever. Nothing traitor trump does should encourage higher approval ratings, yet they continue to inch up because this is a f***ing G.D. trump stupid country and we may have to actually wait for the idiots and morons to die off before turning the corner. Mark my words. There is more stupidity out there than we know!
From CNN, “Diplomatic cables sent from the United Kingdom’s ambassador to the United States back to London describe President Donald Trump as ‘inept,’ ‘insecure’ and ‘incompetent,’ a UK government official confirmed Saturday to CNN.” Of course! The only people who don’t believe this of traitor trump are trump stupid MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans because this is stupid America. It’s never stupid enough here! Welcome to stupid America!