Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Bravo, John Nichols! Bravo!

He writes in The Nation, “Despite what Clinton and Obama say, Biden’s current list of accomplishments won’t cut it. … There’s just one problem: It doesn’t work. … The Democratic message should be blunt: If we lose Congress, Republicans will make Biden the lamest lame-duck president in history. And if we lose the statehouses, Donald Trump’s ‘Big Lie’ will be codified just in time to tip the 2024 presidential election to Trump or someone worse. Instead of a feel-good ‘touting accomplishments’ campaign, Democrats should rip into the GOP with a warning that America’s future is at stake. Because it is.”

This is excellent advice that dumbass Democrats will ignore because they’re weak and stupid. I say it almost as much as I disparage RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. The strategy Nichols proposes is straightforward. And it preys upon the one emotion that may best motivate Democratic voters: Fear. But not fear that will subdue voters as being too overwhelmed or a fear that cedes power to RepubliKKKlans. No! This needs to be proactive fear — proactive in that it motivates citizens to vote for Democrats, not just abstain or vote against them.

Unfortunately, as I have said countless times before, dumbass Democrats wrongly trust voters to “figure things out” on their own, which is why they like to talk about all their legislative accomplishments. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! If voters actually believed Democrats’ achievements to date were worth anything, then their poll numbers would not be underwater. Stop expecting a stupid electorate to suddenly recognize what Democrats have done or are trying to do with limited — yes, limited — power as being politically advantageous. Democrats keep talking about their messaging problem (failure). I say messaging their legislative success is a waste of time. The topic is too insipid for voters. Dumbass Democrats should be campaigning on a message of the utter destruction of America’s democracy if Biden is allowed to become a lame-duck president in January. Maybe the average moron voter could understand one hyper-focused message, assuming Americans still want to live in a democracy. It is undoubtedly more catchy than “we got you through the pandemic, and unemployment is low.” These are concepts and accomplishments that Americans have already flushed down their short-term memory hole. Eh, who am I kidding? Dumbass Democrats are completely feckless at playing politics and are completely unwilling to be ruthless. As Nichols said in his piece, Democrats keep playing a losing political strategy. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

GOP Says Meow!

This picture is hil-argh-ious!

Have I mentioned that America is the dumbest country on the planet? Have I mentioned that RepubliKKKlans are the dumbest people on the planet? Have I ever mentioned these? I think I may have at least once, but allow me to provide more proof of my certitudes. According to the Minnesota Reformer, “Minnesota Republicans repeated debunked tales about schools providing litter boxes for students who identify as cats during debate over the House education budget bill Wednesday. Reps. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, and Tim Miller, R-Prinsburg, shared the fictional stories in support of Drazkowski’s proposal to give lawmakers control over a statewide student survey.” And for those of you who may be incredulous that such a story is unique, the Akron Beacon Journal reports, “State Sen. Bruce Bostelman caused quite a stir when he stood on the floor of the Nebraska Legislature last month and lamented that schools were providing litter boxes for students who dress as dogs and cats. Bostelman was shocked and outraged at the nonexistent practice. In his televised floor speech, he demanded that school administrators, the Nebraska Department of Education and the State Board of Education explain what was going on.” So the lie starts in Nebraska and moves onto Minnesota even after Bostelman walked back his comments. But whatever. Truth doesn’t matter anymore.

RepubliKKKlans just keep repeating the absurd because they’re f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order, and they believe (know) that their constituents are even dumber. Remember, RepubliKKKlan voters (MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, QAnon kooks, et al.) must be dumber than their representatives lest RepubliKKKlans would be incapable of saying bat-sh*t-crazy stuff with conviction and a straight face. This is the level of stupidity to which America has descended: Believing schools are providing litter boxes and that students are requesting them. As I have long said, America is too stupid to survive. This level of stupidity cannot be undone — ever. Welcome to stupid America! It’s a cat-astrophe!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Culture War and the Economy, Stupid?

I have long revered James Carville’s trenchant mind, especially the pithy “The economy, stupid” quip he espoused as an advisor to then-Governor Bill Clinton. This clear-cut and to-the-point insight focused 1992 political talking points that helped Clinton win the presidential election. Of course, it is only in my reading of The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919) by economist John Maynard Keynes that I realized he understood the interconnectedness of economic prosperity and political stability long before Carville. However, an exclusively economic perspective is not enough for today’s politics. It is lacking and does not fully explain the political events of the day — e.g., the accelerating spread of anti-abortion and anti-LGBTQ legislation across a dozen states. To suggest that culture war is the missing component is no tremendous intellectual accomplishment; RepubliKKKlans have made it a prominent and central political element for decades. Perhaps of more interest is the interaction of economic and cultural stresses. Therein lies the true sphinx to understanding.

I shall not endeavor a complete analysis here; that I will leave to a Political Philosophy De Novo. But I will begin some ad hoc ruminations on the matter. I wonder if the two are equal. Do matters of the economy press on voters’ minds more than those of culture, or is it vice versa? Maybe voters are ambivalent between the two. Perhaps when one issue is foremost, the other is forgotten. Or, perhaps, when one rises to a level of ire, then the other becomes a factor of rage as well. That is to say, one re-enforces the other; they work synergistically. Undoubtedly, there are well-established and enlightened philosophies with which I must re-familiarize myself that speak to these interplaying factors. Still, for now, I will attack the analysis from my typical jaundiced view of stupid America.

Consequently, economic and cultural notions can be reduced to two emotions: fear and hate. Indeed, I am employing reductionism, and it is imperfect. While each emotion can be ascribed as a reaction to either the economy or the culture war, in whole or part, for my purposes, I will associate economic agita primarily with fear and the culture war primarily with hate. Again, I make these designations without much evidence. There is no theoretical underpinning, just my intuition. I could develop a logic, but I chose not to here. So, if the economy is to fear what the culture war is to hate, then understanding what emotion animates which political party becomes formulaic and explains certain political antics. In short, hate agitates RepubliKKKlans to the polls, and fear stirs dumbass Democrats to complain about Biden and thus abstain from voting in protest. Is the interaction so simple? Do RepubliKKKlans retreat to their corner, embracing the culture war to placate their hate, and do Democrats fear the state of the economy, thereby deterring electoral participation? It may seem counterintuitive to believe fear causes a revolt with Democratic voters. Whereas RepubliKKKlans act (e.g., vote) out of hate, Democrats appear to shut down in fear or perhaps “act” (e.g., not vote) out of fear by allowing the other side to take over running the government.

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Has This Guy Looked in the Mirror?

Neil Robinson Kumar — Half white (mother) and half Indian (father) (dot not feather)

First, this is the meaning and origin of the surname Kumar, “Indian: Hindu name found in several communities, from Sanskrit kumara ‘child’, ‘son’, ‘prince’. It is also an epithet of the god Kartikeya, the son of Shiva. It commonly occurs as the final element of compound given names, and sometimes as a personal name in its own right.” Second, Kumar says in an interview, “The most pressing issue facing my constituents is also the most pressing issue facing America: the Great Replacement. … I will fight anti-white discrimination and anti-white critical race theory, along with LGBT perversion in our classrooms. I will introduce legislation to criminalize LGBT propaganda targeted at minors, and also to criminalize transgender pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures.”

This is more common than one might think: A non-white who is a white supremacist — irony at its best. Clearly, such people do not own a mirror or have a very high and misplaced opinion of themselves. It is, nonetheless, astonishing that Christians, of which Kumar is one, can so easily ignore (never learned in the first place) teachings of Christ, namely, “And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:3-5, NKJV).

As usual with RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always the other person who is a minority while they, themselves, never are. If they just look in the f***ing mirror! These non-white white supremacists are not kidding anyone, least of all their fellow white supremacists, who are, no doubt, calling Neil Kumar a sand-n***** behind his back. I hope Neil understands that he is literally the definition of white replacement! Eh, whatever! In the words of Jesus, the hypocrisy is blinding. Welcome to stupid America! I live in stupid hell.

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Oh Lordy, There Are Tapes and Texts

There are too many tapes and texts to include here, but take your pick of news sources — Newsweek, NPR, The Washington Post, Axios, The New York Times, MSNBC, Yahoo! News, USA Today, CNN. So, I’ll provide the Cliff Notes version: RepubliKKKlans — then and now — understand the danger of traitor trump destroying America’s democracy, and they don’t care. No one cares, actually. No voter, that is. These same RepubliKKKlans who decry the January 6 insurrection, traitor trump, and MAGA morons in private are the same ones who are more than willing to support all the worst elements of their party and society. These are the same RepubliKKKlans that voters want to give control of Congress in 2022. To what end? To show Biden that they’re mad about the economy? Probably! This is the amygdala type of thinking I would expect from stupid America. A pissy electorate wants to punish Biden by voting insurrectionist-supporting, democracy-hating RepubliKKKlans into majorities. As if RepubliKKKlans are going to help Biden improve the state of the nation? Really? Whatever! I give up! These recent tapes and texts evince a RepubliKKKlan Party that really doesn’t care about preserving our democracy, and, as it seems, voters don’t care either. I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid America! As I’ve been saying for years now, America is too stupid to survive.

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Title 42

From CNN, “A federal judge in Louisiana temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending a Trump-era pandemic restriction on the US-Mexico border. The Biden administration had been on track to end the public health authority, known as Title 42, on May 23, a decision that has been criticized by Republicans and Democrats alike. The measure allows border authorities to turn migrants back to Mexico or their home countries because of the public health crisis.”

Dear dumbass Democrats: Take the win, morons! Just let the courts deal with the mess. It was stupid to create this a political football before the midterms in the first place. Now Democrats have the perfect excuse: It’s held up in the courts. If the administration had any grey matter between their ears, then they would let this thing drag on without a resolution. The last thing Democrats need is another “caravan” photo op as an October surprise. I’m indifferent to the morality of immigration at the southern border; I only care about the political implications, and nothing riles up RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks more than brown people at the border, so why give them more bait that energizes them to the polls? Don’t think immigration is a winning issue for Democrats; they don’t vote based on what’s going on at the border. Only RepubliKKKlans do.

Evil Evangelicals International Indigestion MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

China’s Zero Virus Futility

According to The Guardian, “To let the virus loose now, with low vaccination rates among older people, and reliance on the less effective domestically produced vaccine, would be likely to result in significant disruption and death. Because China’s death toll is so extraordinarily low – due in part to the manner of reporting – many people see less reason to be vaccinated, but also less reason to be locked down. At least some residents are asking whether, thanks to vaccines, there is a wiser middle path between letting the virus rip and attempting elimination, which seems increasingly futile thanks to the highly transmissible Omicron variant.”

What a f***ing mess! I have no idea how or why this globally connected “superpower” believes it can isolate itself from a highly contagious respiratory disease that repeatedly boomerangs around the world. I understand the devastation that would ensue from COVID on the loose in a population of 1.4 billion, but how long does China expect to hold out? Unfortunately, they do not have a very effective vaccine, so their entire population is under constant threat of being under-immunized. It’s not like a city comes out of lockdown and everybody has immunity. No! It’s just the opposite! What they have done is to avoid herd immunity. Shanghai, for example, could emerge from a month of lockdown and isolation and then go right back into lockdown with one too many positive tests. How many lockdown cycles can China endure if it has no intention to immunize its population — naturally or medically? How many years can this go on? COVID is here to stay forever.

Sure, at the beginning of the pandemic, China was prospering while the rest of the world struggled, but now the rest of the world has moved on, and China still clings to ineffective containment protocols. How does it look now that everyone else has moved on and China is stuck playing Whac-A-Mole? The harder they dig into a “zero COVID” policy, then the more ridiculous it becomes. At some point, most of the rest of the world will have a relatively high enough herd immunity to resist pandemic-level infection. However, China’s population will still be comparatively defenseless. Their policy is beyond stupid at this point. Hello, morons of China! You can’t control COVID like you control your government and your people. Ironically, the U.S. actually stumbled into one of the best practices to achieve herd immunity — mass vaccinations, natural infections, and the deaths of anti-vaxxer RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, thereby culling the herd of stupid who cannot get reinfected and infect others. Win-win!

Keep it up, China! One thing you guys are actually proving is that the world supply chain can no longer rely on you, something that has been long overdue for countries to recognize. America should not be doing business with China in the first place. Perhaps one of the gravest foreign policy blunders was Nixon’s trip to China. But I digress.

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Flash in the Pan

Reporting from The Nation, “Michigan state Senator Mallory McMorrow made national headlines this week after tearing into Republicans who for months have been attacking school boards, teachers, communities, and political figures who champion fact-based and humane education about gender and race. … Instead of rolling her eyes at the absurdity of Theis’s outrageous claims and changing the topic, as Democrats so frequently do, McMorrow fought back. She read the riot act to Theis and the whole cabal of Republicans that seeks to score political points at the expense of students, teachers, and the truth. … When Democrats fail to object to Republican lies about the teaching of history that reflects on the role that slavery and segregation played in establishing systemic racism; when they fail to call out GOP promotion of ‘Don’t Say Gay’ laws; and when they fail to push back against conservative assaults on programs that support transgender and gender non-conforming youth, the Republican strategy wins.”

Mallory McMorrow’s toughness is precisely the stuff that dumbass Democrats need, but don’t worry! Democrats never learn. As I quote one last thought from the above article, John Nichlos understands, “Yet, even now, there are prominent Democrats who imagine they can avoid mounting a robust response to conservative treachery.” Her speech was a mere flash in the pan; Democrats will retreat to their timidity and weakness so enough, allowing RepubliKKKlans to walk all over them and dominate the political messaging. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Drag Queen Cawthorn Needs to Tan His Balls!

Breaking news from Politico, “Photographs obtained by POLITICO appear to show Madison Cawthorn, the embattled Republican congressman from North Carolina who recently accused his GOP colleagues of inviting him to orgies, wearing lingerie in what appears to be a party setting. Cawthorn, 26, was raised in a conservative Baptist community in Henderson County, North Carolina, and has staked his political persona on arch-traditional Christian principles and the insistence of the importance of a kind of hypermasculinity. His comments about ‘the sexual perversion’ in Washington made on a podcast, which he later admitted were exaggerated, drew the public disapproval and disavowal of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy as well as other Republican leaders including those in his North Carolina congressional caucus.” I expected nothing less from a RepubliKKKlan.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Power Is the Means, Not the End

Politico writes, “Days after a violent pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol and sent lawmakers fleeing for their lives, House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy told top allies he would urge then-President Donald Trump to resign, according to an audio recording of a conference call on Jan. 10, 2021. … The call underscores the degree to which GOP leaders were preparing to abandon Trump in the aftermath of the attack — only for McCarthy to rapidly veer back into Trump’s fold.”

Couple the above with Flordia legislation that striped Disney of self-rule status as retribution for defending the LGBTQ community and one may be persuaded to read these moves, pivots, and postering as only plays for political power. I hear it all the f***ing time in the MSM; RepubliKKKlans only do what they do to gain and maintain power as if that is the end. That seems to be where the analysis stops — RepubliKKKlans interest is only in naked power. They lie, cheat, and steal elections for power. That’s only the beginning! Ultimately, they want to dismantle American democracy. So, those who roll their eyes and claim there is nothing to worry about with RepubliKKKlans versus Democrats because it’s all the usual competition for political power are f***ing idiots. Those who can’t be bothered with politics and voting because there is nothing new about the struggle between parties. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! To those who think RepubliKKKlans only want power to have and to hold like some cherished Precious Moments for its own sake is a f***ing moron. Dumbass Democrats see power as a game of keep away; as long as RepubliKKKlans don’t have it, then Democrats are satisfied. They don’t do anything with it; they just like to have it, which explains their confusion and fecklessness when they have it. On the other hand, RepubliKKKlans use power to destroy everything. Oh, well. The end is coming, f***tards. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!