Politics RepubliKKKlans

What Else Is New — Again?

Politico reports, “But a host of Defense Department veterans, including some who have worked for the current administration, assert that the lack of permanent, Senate-confirmed civilian overseers is taking its toll on the Pentagon’s ability to operate effectively — from delaying policy reviews to undercutting Pentagon officials in administration debates.” As usual, RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy is on full display here. I thought the RepubliKKKlan party was supposed to be for the military, and here we have traitor trump’s incompetence harming the very institution RepubliKKKlans claim Democrats don’t care about. Then there is this: “President Donald Trump has long touted the advantages of his 2017 tax reform bill, but Republicans are now under fire for one of the bill’s overlooked consequences: A huge hit for families of fallen service members.”

Nonetheless, I’m sure military voters will still vote for RepubliKKKlans because, hey, people routinely vote against their our own self-interests, and RepubliKKKlans are stupid enough to do it — every time. No doubt, traitor trump will take every opportunity to lie to his constituents about how great he’s making the military, and they will believe him and reflexively cheer. Welcome to stupid America where stupid people vote for other stupid people.

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

The NRA Is a Terrorist Organization

This is laughable: “NRA insiders and longtime observers describe an organization at war with itself over a central question: Has it strayed too far from its original mission of gun safety and outdoor shooting sports and become too political?” Sorry, morons but any organization that mobilizes to oppose (and win against) universal background checks after the Sandy Hook massacre is a terrorist organization, and anyone still in the NRA after that point is a terrorist enabler and sympathizer, if not an actual terrorist. Full f***ing stop! End of argument. And by association RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are equally culpable for supporting a domestic terrorist organization. Welcome to stupid America where terrorists can only be foreigners while NRA members are “patriots.”

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Facebook for F***tards

This is a good reminder from Reuters: “Facebook says 126 million Americans may have seen Russia-linked political posts.” I can very truthfully say I am not one of those people because I’m not a f***ing G.D. idiot! Social media has made this country dumber. Period! Congratulations to Russia because they figured out that stupid Americans can be so easily persuaded by reading something on Facebook or with a hashtag. Hello, morons! Facebook or Twitter or Instagram is not where one goes to make fully informed decisions about politics! This is the level of stupidity to which America has descended, especially old people who should not be using technology at any rate because let’s face it: they have lost some of their facilities, and if they are RepubliKKKlans or MAGA morons then they didn’t have much from the beginning anyways. Welcome to stupid America where Facebook tells people what to think instead of using their brains!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

All RepubliKKKlans Are Vile People

Just a reminder that all RepubliKKKlans — past (40 years), present, and future — are vile people. Full stop! Ever since Reagan, every RepubliKKKlan voter and vote has contributed to this point.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Even More Mueller Bashing

Apparently, Mike Viqueria is the only f***ing genius reporter to ask Mueller the single most important question: “‘If he were anybody but the president, would Mr. Trump be indicted, sir?’” How many f***ing times must I say it? RepubliKKKlans — no matter who — put the president above the law. He gave traitor trump a pass and he never had any intention of charging him from the outset. Hey, Mueller! The DOJ guideline never to indict a sitting president is just that: a f***ing guideline. I guess a president who commits obstruction of justice in a matter related to the integrity of this nation’s essence (free and fair elections) is simply not important enough to break the f***ing rules. I will never be a fan of Mueller unless he gets in front of Congress and tells them traitor trump should be impeached for obstruction of justice and the only reason he did not do it is because the DOJ places the president above the law. He needs to fall on this sword and then some. Welcome to stupid America where people get f***ed every day, except the traitor president.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

More Mueller Bashing

Needless to say, I am not, nor have ever been, a fan of Mueller. While everyone, including Democrats, was falling all over each other praising Mueller’s integrity, I held my opinion, and I was right to do so. In my mind, he is nothing more than a RepubliKKKlan who in the end let traitor trump (and his family members) off the hook. Period! Full stop! I’m sorry, but Mueller hiding behind DOJ guidelines to justify his inability to prosecute the matter is no excuse: “[W]e determined not to apply an approach that could potentially result in a judgment that the President committed crimes.” Are you f***ing kidding me? What kind of m*****f***ing B.S. nonsense is this? In other words, during their investigation, they had already decided the president is above the law. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Moreover, by leaving the matter to Congress to resolve Mueller has effectively guaranteed that traitor trump will never be held accountable because RepubliKKKlans desire an imperial president! Congratulations, Mueller! He just made this president more tyrannical and America worse off. I hope Mueller can sleep well at night for what he failed to do. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans do their best to elevate a president’s illegal actions above reproach from the law!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

At Least He’s Not Disappointed

According to Axios: “After reviewing the Mueller report, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he was ‘sickened at the extent and pervasiveness of dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President.’” Wow! Of the 200+ RepubliKKKlans in Congress, one person has expressed misgivings stronger than the “disappointed” platitude, if anything at all. This is the state of our Union: a RepubliKKKlan party that is never disturbed by a vile president. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are exactly the worst human beings one expected them to be!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Finishing Last

From a CNN headline: “‘The Democratic base is angry as hell’: Cory Booker’s message of love falls flat.” Perfectly put! I have heard Booker’s campaign pitch a couple of times and all I can do is roll my eyes. There will always be those dumbass Democrats who don’t understand we are at DEFCON 1. Hello f***tards! Once again Booker is the example of a Democrat bringing a knife to a gun fight. Democrats don’t want a f***ing weak candidate that is telling everyone we should just all love each other (i.e., RepubliKKKlans) while MAGA morons literally write-up kill lists of Democrats and run over progressive protesters. If Booker is worried about coming off as an angry black man running for president then he should just step aside because the minimum I want from my Democratic presidential candidate is white-hot anger! Welcome to stupid America where nice guys do finish last.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Why Idiot Voters Should Stay the F*** Home

Axios provides more insight into the morons of America. For example, “All but two of the participants said their 2016 vote was a vote against the other candidate, not for the person they supported. ‘I wanted something new and different to shake it up in a more positive way,’ said Brenda R.” Oh, I’m sorry! What part of traitor trump calling every one of his presidential opponents names, slandering a war hero (McCain), calling Mexicans rapists, and so forth appeared to be positive? Seriously! How the f*** does someone look at traitor trump and discern that he will be a positive, inspirational leader? F*** me! Stupid f***ing morons! Then there are these f***ing G.D. Scheiße-for-brains protest voters who just want to vote against someone. What the f*** has ever been accomplished by merely voting against someone? Nothing. So, we get idiot boy traitor trump by default because they just didn’t want Clinton. Hello, f***ing morons. If you’re going to vote RepubliKKKlan as a protest vote then just stay the f*** home! Seriously! Don’t vote!

But wait! There is more stupidity: “Frederick W., a 23-year-old who went for Trump in 2016, said: ‘I didn’t want [Clinton] to be president. I liked Trump more because he’s real. We knew what we were getting into when we voted for him.’” Because he’s real? Real like a reality T.V. show? Un-f***ing-believable. Moreover, I guess only a moron can look at traitor trump the liar, traitor trump the misogynist, traitor trump the bigot, traitor trump the racist and vote for him because, hey, “we knew what we were getting into.” I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore! Welcome to stupid f***ing America!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

A Petulant President for the Masses

According to CNN, “The Trump administration pressured the Department of Homeland Security to release immigrants detained at the southern border into so-called sanctuary cities in part to retaliate against Democrats who oppose President Donald Trump’s plans for a border wall, a source familiar with the discussions told CNN on Thursday.” Time after time, example after example, traitor trump proves to be a president exhibiting the worst qualities in a leader and human being, yet RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are completely copacetic with all of it! They don’t care, really. They love the Scheiße show. They love the fact that traitor trump trashes the dignity of the Office of the Presidency because they are just as deplorable! Hello, f***tards! How many times must I say it? Traitor trump is the mirror into which 44% of this country gazes in delightful mesmerization of its benighted reflection. I cannot say it any more plainly: this is a country of f***ing G.D. morons. Does anyone recall what grade a student “earns” by getting 56% (100%-44%) of a test correct? Anyone? Anyone at all? An F! Grading the country as a whole in a similar manner is no different. Like I have always said: 44% stupid is still stupid! Welcome to stupid America!