One More Moron Dead: Good, Good, Good!

From CNN, “A Phoenix-area man is dead and his wife is under critical care after the two took chloroquine phosphate in an apparent attempt to self-medicate for the novel coronavirus, according to hospital system Banner Health. Chloroquine has been touted by President Donald Trump as a possible treatment for Covid-19, but it’s also ‘an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks,’ Banner Health said in a statement. Chloroquine is approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. But the FDA has not approved it to treat the coronavirus.” Praise Jesus! One more f***tard dead by his own stupidity because this is trump stupid America! I have no doubt this husband and wife couple are traitor trump supporters! Leave it to RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals to be this stupid! Welcome to stupid America!

A Moron Did What?

From KTLA5, “A self-styled daredevil died Saturday after a rocket in which he launched himself crashed into the ground, a colleague and a witness said. … Waldo Stakes, a colleague who was at the rocket launch, said Hughes, 64, was killed. … In March 2018, [‘Mad’ Mike] Hughes, who believed the Earth is flat, propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air before a hard landing in the Mojave Desert.” OMG. LOL. HAHAHA. OMG. WAIT! WHAT? LOL. OMG! OMG! OMG! NO?!?! LOL. OMG. NO! This did not just happen? OMG! I hate people! They’re so f***ing stupid and they deserve to die in stupid ways. A Flat Eather?!?! Seriously? Good! One less f***tard in the world. I’m happy such a moron is dead! Welcome to stupid America! So f***ing G.D. stupid. Stupid everywhere, every day, all day.

‘What Is Something That You Believe the President Has Done Well?’

Must see video! This is why I think MAGA morons should be shot! Because they’re f***ing G.D. idiots of the highest f***ing order. The video speaks for itself. I mean this level of stupidity really should not be allowed to survive. At some point, social Dawarinism is going to catch up with him anyway. This is going to be one of those f***tards that shoots himself in the penis because he held a loaded gun in his waistband.

There is a larger point to be made here, however. That is, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans really are all that f***ing dumb. Do not think for a second that George is the exception. No! He is the rule! He is the typical f***tard that lacks any ability to think, reason, or form a coherent thought. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: traitor trump is the perfect mirror reflection of his idiot supporters. They are all idiots! They are all morons (and no I’m not being redundant)! They are all f***tards. They are all trump stupid! Many speculate that traitor trump supporters are part of a cult, but I take issue with that because it suggests (as I have also heard) that these people will need to be “de-programmed” or that they can be welcomed back into the social fold! No! No! And hell f***ing no! This is not a cult as a result of some collective social aberration from which people can and should be allowed to return to normalcy. F*** that! No, this is part of some deep-seated level of incomprehensible stupidity that attracts a collective idiocracy, and traitor trump is finally the Pied Piper who brings them together. This level of mental retardation is irredeemable. Seriously, killing them all is a mercy to them and us. These people are gone forever, and it’s bad enough that they breed as evinced by the young George interview. Of course, this level of stupidity is inherited. Welcome to trump stupid America; it really is as bad as it appears — and probably worse.

Wrong Species Dying

From Axios, “More than 1 billion animals are believed to have been killed in wildfires that have ravaged Australia since September, University of Sydney professor Chris Dickman told the Huffington Post in an update from his previous estimate of 480 million last week.” Should be Homo Moronus Americanus, Homo Idioticus Americanus, Homo Evangelus Americanus, Homo Conservativus Americanus, Homo Magaus Americanus, and Homo RepubliKKKlanus Americanus.

Let Them Die!!!

According to Raw Story, “The Guardian, points to the closing of a rural hospital in southeastern Missouri in June 2018 as an appalling example of how life-threatening a lack of health care can be in rural areas. … Although McGreal’s article doesn’t really get into politics, it should be noted that Kennett is exactly the sort of place that went for President Donald Trump in 2016 — and that in 2018, centrist Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill was voted out of office because she wasn’t conservative enough. Missouri is one of the states that helped Republicans slightly increase their majority in the U.S. Senate in 2018; those Republicans oppose even the modest gains of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, a.k.a. Obamacare, let alone the Medicare-for-all proposal of Sen. Bernie Sanders. The closing of Twin Rivers is exactly the type of thing that Sanders and his allies have been fighting.” If I’ve said once then I’ve said it a thousand times: RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons need to start living (and suffering) the consequences of their votes, and I hope that means they die quicker. This is what happens when RepubliKKKlans have weakened the ACA and been unwilling to improve it where necessary. So, I say let them die! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Disclaimer: As usual, I feel I must mention that Raw Story is not journalism, so I reference it sparingly, but there are articles that perfectly capture my thoughts, feelings, and ire even though at times it seems the site is subtlely trolling progressives because I constantly see advertisements for traitor trump and MAGA moron merchandise — and now Tulsi ads, who is a Russian useful idiot! That’s f***ing annoying and suspicious, but whatever!

Dear Gun Owners

From the AP, “The gunman in a West Texas rampage ‘was on a long spiral of going down’ and had been fired from his oil services job the morning he killed seven people, calling 911 both before and after the shooting began, authorities said Monday. … FBI special agent Christopher Combs said Ator called the agency’s tip line as well as local police dispatch on Saturday after being fired from Journey Oilfield Services, making ‘rambling statements about some of the atrocities that he felt that he had gone through.’” Dear (all) gun owners, shoot yourselves first! We don’t want your kind here!

Traitor [T]rump Supporter Is Killed in El Paso: Good

From NPR: “Tito Anchondo says his family has always been Republican conservatives. ‘My brother was very supportive of Trump,’ he said, adding that he would like to sit down with the president and tell him about their pain [Traitor trump doesn’t care, f***tard]. ‘I want to see his reaction in person [His reaction is to boast about crowd size, moron],’ he said. ‘I want to see if he’s genuine [He’s not] and see if my political views are right or wrong [They’re wrong, idiot]. And see if he feels maybe some kind of remorse for statements that he’s made [I’m speechless by this expectation]. I just want to have a human-to-human talk with him and see how he feels [He doesn’t fell — un-f***ing-believable].’” If it’s true then I love it! (It’s true.) This is definitely a social Darwinism post, in part, because an idiot RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron got exactly what he deserved! Sorry, but it is precisely how I feel. I just love these f***tard conservative Mexicans who have listened to traitor trump for the past three years and conclude “‘yes, maybe [emphasis added] he [traitor trump] said things in bad taste. But I think people are misconstruing President Trump’s ideas.’” Un-f***ing-believable! So, when traitor trump stands in front of thousands and thousands of supporters repeating the claim that Mexicans are invaders, rapists, and murders then said Mexican traitor trump supporters must think to themselves he’s not talking about me. (News flash idiot! He’s talking about all Mexicans.) Oh, I can’t wait for the uncle to explain to his nephew that his father (and mother) died protecting his life against a person who was acting out the racist, white nationalist passions of a president that the father actually supported. Yup, this is what a trump stupid country looks like. Stupidity knows no race. Yeah, conservative Mexicans should be deported and prevented from crossing the board. We don’t need their (conservative) kind in this country. See, two can play at this game.