Stupid America Has No Memory

From CNN, “Five months into the worst domestic crisis since World War II, and after his disastrous call to open up states that had not yet purged the disease sparked a surge of infections, the President may finally be understanding that his performance during the pandemic will be decisive in November’s election. But his recent comments and the actions of his government also indicate a mostly cosmetic public relations attempt to convince the public he’s in charge rather than a complete rethink of strategy as the virus rages out of control.” I think Stephen Collinson has it exactly correct when he says “mostly cosmetic public relations attempt,” and this is exactly what I fear will work. Face it! Americans are stupid and worse still they have absolutely no memory! Instead of the nearly four years of traitor trump’s disastrous decision-making informing people’s opinion of the Idiot-in-Chief, it’s always just the most recent shiny object he dangles in front of the public that persuades them otherwise. After five months of bungling the pandemic response — from ignoring it, downplaying it, lying about it to making a political wedge issue over it — one would think no matter what he does at this point people should give him absolutely no credit for any improvement or his fake concern about the pandemic. He’ll try — once again — this “rally around the flag” tactic as he draws attention to himself as he proclaims “only he can fix it,” and wearing a mask is “patriotic” now. Yet, people will blindly believe him. Mark my words, idiots. I have no doubt that MAGA morons will quickly drop their FREEDOM! argument against wearing masks, changing it to a PATRIOTISM! argument for wearing masks. Because Americans are just f***ing G.D. stupid and whatever the Dear Leader says is what they will “think” and believe. Simpleton think for a simple people!

As SARS 2 continues to rage out of control, traitor trump’s overall job approval rating refuses to break through the 40 percent floor. In other words, America is on fire and no matter what 40 percent of people still love him. Of course, more bizarrely is the specific datum point that about 35 percent approve of his handling of the pandemic, which is unbelievable that it’s not zero. His only job right now is the pandemic, but for some incoherent reason, his overall job approval is much higher than his handling of SARS 2. Incomprehensible! Whatever! I give up trying to understand stupid America!

So, I can’t wait for him to restart his daily “press briefings” (aka televised campaign rallies) and CNN, in particular, will naturally and dutifully air them without reservation as traitor trump communicates one lie after another and veers off-topic to slam Biden and Democrats; and, no doubt, he will get impressive ratings because of stupid America and stupid America will think he’s actually doing something about SARS 2. Moreover, his job approval will get a bump because — again — stupid America has no memory and they like the show! One does not get a re-do with this pandemic, but welcome to trump stupid America where people just love to be lied to and will believe anything and forgive anything!

Full-on Dictatorship!

Reporting from USA TODAY, “Federal law enforcement officers have used unmarked vehicles to detain protesters in Portland, according to news reports and at least one protester who spoke to USA TODAY. Videos shared online show officers driving up to people, detaining them without explanation, then driving off, Oregon Public Broadcastingfirst reported. The ACLU filed a lawsuit Friday evening to try and end what it called ‘lawlessness’ on the streets of Portland. The lawsuit — the first of several that the ACLU said is to be filed against the Trump administration in Portland — seeks to block the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies from attacking journalists and legal observers at protests. … However, officers appeared to detain people who weren’t near federal property, and it isn’t clear that all of those being arrested had committed a crime, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting.”

Make no mistake, f***tards! This is traitor trump in full-on dictatorship mode, and no one cares especially RepubliKKKlans who do nothing but condone, enable, and, indeed, promote traitor trump’s behavior. It’s just an endless parade of morons of America loving traitor trump being a dictator. Whatever! I hate these people. America is f***ed because 40 percent of stupid America loves the orange moron in the White House and there is absolutely no way to get rid of him. Mark my words, morons. We are stuck with trumpism for decades to come and no one seems to care. How many f***ing times must I say it? Trumpism is not some fad that will fade with time or when he leaves office. He has breathed so much hydrogen into the white supremacist, white resentment movement that it will burn like the Sun for a generation to come. Traitor trump is the excuse these f***tards have been waiting for to release them from the chains of political correctness. Witness the years-long intensification of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans becoming more virulently racist and bigoted. Since progressives and liberals are too weak and feckless to stomp out this disease we have to live with the minority ruling over the majority, evinced by greater authoritarian actions by a more corrupt government. And we just let it happen. Hello, idiots. Do not think the ballot box is going to save us! Rise up America! Eh, who am I kidding? America is just too complacent until it’s too late, as usual! The agitators are not the protesters; it is the federal government and traitor trump. F*** me! I live in trump stupid hell!

Just Another Day in Stupid America

So, I’m getting my haircut in the usual way with my long-time stylist, who I fear evinces more and more signals of being a SARS 2 denier and MAGA moron. She has alluded to SARS 2 being more hype than fact in the past, but today she communicated to me what a pharmacist had told her: that SARS 2 is becoming less deadly and that it is nothing more than a bad cold! Have I mentioned how much I hate people?!?! F***! I just f***ing do because for some reason I seem to find myself surrounded by idiots, and I’m not even trying. (This is why I keep saying that the silent majority, the secret traitor trump voter, the moron voter is out there and their numbers are deeper and wider and more pervasive than people want to believe. Mark my words!) Un-f***ing-believable! After months of this pandemic and a catastrophic response by the moron in the White House, now a medical professional has downgraded the severity of SARS 2 from the once-believed-by-most to be nothing more than the flu to being nothing more than a bad cold, and he’s telling others this. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore with this stupid country. F*** me! Just because one has a doctorate, in this case a Doctor of Pharmacy, doesn’t mean one cannot also be a G.D. f***tard of the highest f***ing order! What do you call someone who graduated last in their class from medical school? Doctor! Ugh! Enough said!

First of all, I have read no evidence that the virus has become less lethal. In fact, it seems that the strain in the Americas has become more transmissible and just as lethal. Second, the argument that fewer people are dying — as my hairstylist offered as “proof” of a less deadly virus, which was no doubt the same argument said pharmacist offered as anecdotal “evidence” to her — is not valid to draw such a conclusion about the diminishing lethality of the disease. Yes, younger people are getting infected who, almost by definition, can tolerate the disease better. Indeed, more younger people are getting infected because senior citizens are staying the f*** away from everyone else and they’re wearing f***ing masks, no doubt. Not to mention there are better treatments, which does not mean the virus is less deadly; it only means science can help avoid the worst outcomes. We have learned much more in the last several months about how to treat SARS 2. Well, most of us have learned, but morons will always be stupid, so they cling to their original beliefs (e.g., SARS 2 is just like the flu — correction it’s just like a cold, ugh). Last, I’ve said it a hundred times before that no one will take this pandemic seriously until people are dying in the m*****f***ing G.D streets! Even if the disease is only deadly one percent of the time, hospitalization is still required in nearly 20 percent of the cases, and no medical system can handle that amount of demand. So in the end, it is the stupidity of the f***tarded conservative mindset that is incapable of looking past his or her own nose to understand that even if SARS 2 isn’t killing a family member, friend, or neighbor there are still secondary and tertiary consequences that could come back to hurt them. Whatever! I’m over it! All the worst people seem to survive when they really should perish! Welcome to trump stupid America!

Dumber Than a Box of Rocks: Americans!

From the Daily Beast, “While QAnon has gained a strange mainstream credibility within the GOP, with its promoters landing congressional nominations and invites to the White House, the conspiracy theory has also inspired several violent incidents, including two murders. The FBI considers QAnon a potential source of domestic terror. The prospect of Republican candidates courting QAnon fans could energize the conspiracy theory’s believers and win more adherents, according to Argentino. ‘It would give a sense that a wider segment of the population is accepting QAnon,’ he said. ‘If the name of someone who gives credence to QAnon is on the ballot, that means a lot more than “Anon1234” on Twitter.’” Yup! America the stupid is lost. Full stupid. Morons of America elected traitor trump, and morons of America are pushing forward conspiracy theorist f***tards to be their political representatives. One cannot possibly make up the level of stupidity that pervades America (e.g., SARS 2 is a hoax, masks are a hoax, climate change is a hoax, pizza-gate, traitor trump is a very stable genius). It’s over people. Just face it! Pack it up and move on. The stupidity hurts. I live in stupid hell! Get ready for four more years. Mark my words, morons. How many times must I remind people: think of an idiot that you know in life. Now, consider half of the population is dumber than that, and those are the MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who believe in conspiracy theories who will get traitor trump re-elected. There is a reason why traitor trump can claim he’s a genius and half the population believes him; it’s because they are dumber than he is, so naturally, they look up to him and see a “genius.”

Scientists say that people who believe in such conspiracy theory nonsense is rooted in some biological and evolutionary necessity. It is not. These are people with brain defects! They should be culled from the herd before they breed and pass along their malady. But no! Instead, they are gaining political prominence. F*** me! Welcome to trump stupid America.

This Is Just More Prevaricating

From The Hill, “President Trump said Tuesday that he has signed legislation that would impose mandatory sanctions on individuals and businesses that assist China in restricting Hong Kong’s autonomy.” Ugh! Don’t be fooled, morons. There is no f***ing way traitor trump is going to enforce this law. Plain and simple, f***tards! I’m not sure what part of traitor trump’s past actions (inactions) indicate that he has any willingness to provoke China on trade. He still wants them to buy our soybeans and help him win re-election, so all of this is for show whereby he can seem tough on China and claim Biden has been weak, and, of course, MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans will eat it up because this is stupid America. It is a lot of fury, signifying nothing, which is why in that press conference he spent two minutes talking about signing the Hong Kong Autonomy Act and the rest of the time attaching everyone and everything else — typical. I’m surprised traitor trump didn’t literally wink and nod into the camera at some point during his meandering “press conference.” What else is new? It’s all stupid all the time! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re doomed. Get used to it. “Try something new!”

On a side note, Great Britain should have never given up Hong Kong! Call me a white imperialist! Fine! Whatever! I don’t care. Compared to home “communist” (China is not really completely communist anymore) authoritarian rule, Western-style “imperialism” (constitutional monarchy democracy) is looking pretty f***ing good right now. I guess 100-plus years of hindsight is exceptionally keen. Oh, well. Dumb people just really seem to love being dominated because maintaining a democracy, on the other hand, is hard work that requires a citizenry to be educated or at the very least aware of what’s going on — witness America where people are morons and democracy is dying.

More RepubliKKKlan Big Government Hypocrisy

Have I mentioned how much I hate RepubliKKKlans? All of them! Without exception. They are all vile, hateful hypocrites. According to Politico, “Government payments to farmers have surged to historic levels under President Donald Trump as the Agriculture Department floods the industry with cash to stem the financial losses from Trump’s tariff fights and the coronavirus pandemic. But as agriculture grows more reliant on unprecedented taxpayer support, farm policy experts and watchdog groups warn the subsidies are growing too big and too fast, with no strings attached and little oversight from Congress — and that Washington could have a difficult time shutting off the spigot.” Of course! As usual! Naturally! What else is new? I’m “shocked!” Once again, RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy is on full display and no one cares, least of all RepubliKKKlans! When Democrats want to use taxpayer dollars to help the poor, support sustainable energy programs, fund climate change mitigation efforts, provide affordable health care, and so forth then it’s the end of the f***ing world! Socialism! Communism! Marxists! Ugh! F*** me! I can’t! But when the government gives out charity to mega agribusinesses without strings and without oversight because of traitor trump’s failed trade policy then it’s silence. Whatever! I give up! Things are so f***ed up! Morons of America just love to elect RepubliKKKlans to office to destroy gains made by their Democratic predecessors. It never f***ing fails. Every f***ing time! Clinton followed Bush I and Obama followed Bush II. I’m sure some other Democrat will follow traitor trump’s second term. Mark my words, morons. America has been stuck on stupid for 40-plus years, and there is very little to give hope that America is getting any smarter. (We’re not!) Welcome to trump stupid America. Relentlessly dumber by the day!

I Just Hate Stupid People

From The Hill, “Enthusiasm among Hispanic voters is stagnating less than four months before the election, despite well-funded efforts by both the Trump and Biden campaigns to win over Latinos. … ‘I think it’s the twin challenges of COVID-19 and the way that the economy is hitting our community in particular,” said Danny Friedman, managing director of Voto Latino. ‘It’s causing the election and voting outcome to be not top of mind.’” Let me be clear from the outset: conservative Latinos should stay home. I don’t want them to vote. Please by all means they should be going to work and getting sick. As for progressive Latinos that are less than enthusiastic to vote for Biden, I saw WTF?!?! Seriously?!?! Are these m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards serious? The election and the outcome is “not top of mind?” I can’t! I! Just! F***ing! Can’t! Anymore! WTF? Kill! Me! Now! What part of four more years of traitor trump will certainly destroy the rest of what’s left of America and the Idiot-in-Chief thinks that all the right people (i.e., black and brown people) are dying from SARS 2 do these morons not understand? I give up! Whatever! Why do I keep expecting a nation of complete and utter f***tards to become suddenly enlightened now? American’s were dumb enough to elect traitor trump in the first place and now we’re stuck with him until the end, which is soon. Neither we nor he nor America will survive another four years with that moron in the White House. So, don’t worry. The pain will all be over soon enough. Welcome to trump stupid America. Everyone hold up their mirrors!

Yeah, I’m Surprised

From ABC News, “In a history-making decision on Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled President Donald Trump cannot claim ‘absolute immunity’ from criminal investigation while in office and may need to comply with a New York grand jury subpoena seeking his personal financial records.” Yeah, I’m surprised. I’m surprised by both rulings ( Trump v. Mazars USA, LLP and Trump v. Vance) and the 7-2 decisions and the implicit unanimous opinion that traitor trump is not above the law. It is sad that I — and many other pundits — have to be surprised by SCOTUS upholding the rule of law. I thought the judgment would have been along party lines and given deference to the Office of the President who happens to be occupied by traitor trump. While he technically lost, the court actually returned the cases back to the trial courts for further processing which means more legal wrangling, no imminent answers, and justice delayed. In effect, he is above the law. What else is new? The rich and powerful can buy their way to delays and circumventions. All of which means justice denied as none of this will be settled before the upcoming election; once again I rightly predicted over a year ago: we’ll never see traitor trump’s taxes! So, a failed businessman who has filed for bankruptcy five times, who inherited all of his wealth and did not build it from “nothing,” and a moron who is best known for his TV celebrity will run for re-election as the f***tards of this country think that this “brilliant billion” is the only one who can save the economy from traitor trump. F*** me! I give up. America deserves its stupidity. I live in stupid hell. Welcome to trump stupid America!

The Racism Card Is Going to Work — Trust Me!

CNN reports, “One-fifth of the way through the 21st century, Donald Trump is seemingly running to be the last President of the Confederacy. Trump’s behavior in recent days has been marked by calls to preserve statues of Confederate generals who took up arms against the United States and defending their memory, even threatening to veto a must-pass defense spending bill to do so. It’s all in character for a politician whose career began with a racist conspiracy against former President Barack Obama and who ran his 2016 campaign as a counter-cultural reaction to the country’s first Black president. Trump has also retreated to racial equivocation when his turbulent presidency ran into trouble.”

Of course, traitor trump’s promotion of racism and hatred is going to work! Mark my words, morons! I have long said the essence of America is racism, misogyny, homophobia, white nationalism, puritanical religiosity, bigotry, et al. What do I mean by essence? Does every person possess these attributes? No. Most people possess at least one or some of these attributes, particularly those who vote and define our politics have many of these! That is the critical difference. If a country is defined by the people it elects — that is the people to whom power is given — then America is clearly the land of racists and the home of white nationalists without a doubt even if it is the minority ruling over the majority. Do not be enchanted by the nation-wide protests; they are a minority compared to the larger (counter) mood of Americans. Mark my words!

How can I make such a claim? Because all my life I have encountered people — friends, close friends (all former at this point), parents of friends, co-workers, acquaintances, the person who cuts my hair — who utter opinions and beliefs that left me speechless and only reinforces my dim view of Americans! They hold beliefs that are falsehoods, bigoted, and racists and even beliefs that are adverse to their core interests. I know gay people who are racists — probably not all that surprising, but I guess the irony is lost on them since homophobia is merely one degree away from racism and all other bigotry more generally; conservative gay people who are against other gay people’s rights; “Libertarian” straight, male friends who think white men should be able to control women’s bodies, and female friends who think other people should be able to control women’s bodies; parents of friends who are outright racist and apparently have no reservations about saying so in my company even though the familiarity with the parent is an acquaintanceship at best. In other words, I suppose the thought process is similar to birds of a feather all in the same room must then mean a racist can assume everyone has the same racist beliefs. I know Latinos that hate other Latinos — that’s very common. I had white friends who love the wall because brown people — got to do something about those brown people! These are but a few recent examples over a lifetime of experiences. The bottom line: there is so much hidden vileness in America that no opinion poll will ever uncover it, and people are more willing to either embrace the vileness of traitor trump or at least “overlook” his hatefulness when they re-elect him in November just as everyone has overlooked his vileness for the last four years.

If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: traitor trump is the Everyman of America. Americans look in the mirror and see traitor trump, and none of them has tired of gazing at their reflection! Mark! My! Words! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s all stupid all the time.

When Will Someone Kill Traitor [T]rump?

From the Hill, “President Trump took aggressive swipes at the “radical left” and news media while defending his administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic during a wide-ranging Independence Day address on Saturday.” I have never wished someone dead so much, and I have never hated someone so much in my life; I would piss on his grave if I had the chance. I mean. Why not?

Moreover, NBC News reports, “After several months of mixed messages on the coronavirus pandemic, the White House is settling on a new one: Learn to live with it. Administration officials are planning to intensify what they hope is a sharper, and less conflicting, message of the pandemic next week, according to senior administration officials, after struggling to offer clear directives amid a crippling surge in cases across the country. On Thursday, the United States reported more than 55,000 new cases of coronavirus and infection rates were hitting new records in multiple states.” Why not wish traitor trump dead? Clearly, he has little regard for everyone else with this new SARS 2 messaging tactic. Do not be fooled, morons! This “learn to live with it” message is not one of asking citizens to adapt, heed, and help to mitigate this grave situation. It is the last of all things a “we’re in this together” message! No! The message is more akin to capitulation and “f*** you!” It’s more like: Juuust live with it! Who cares? You probably won’t die, so f*** everyone else, especially the grandparents, because the economy! In other words, the pandemic is here. We, the administration, failed to contain the deadly disease because we’re incompetent and freedom! So, good luck. That’s what the administration has always intended; they want to put this whole debacle in the rearview mirror! Isn’t that what traitor trump did a couple of months ago? He was done dealing with the disaster in May, and now he’s making that the official policy!

So, welcome to trump stupid America, where if we don’t wish traitor trump dead, then he will most assuredly kill us all by his incompetence. But, then again, the 40 percent of the population that makes up his radical moronic base want exactly that: the other 60 percent to die! Mark my words, morons. The war is on and has been on since Reagan, at least in conservatives’ minds, which means dumbass Democrats are 40 years beyond the eight ball.