Dare I Say It

Dare I say it? Dare I take back all my “Mark my words, morons” when forecasting traitor trump’s re-election? Do I dare / Disturb the universe? / In a minute there is time / For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse. Perhaps. Maybe. Could be. Is the manifestly predictable resurgence of SARS 2 and traitor trump’s continued mishandling (of everything) finally sinking in with voters? Primarily, I speak of those on the fence as incomprehensible as that notion remains to me.

Dare I question traitor trump’s re-election prospects as team traitor trump appears to see the writing on the wall which spells defeat? Eh, I think not! Now, instead of believing traitor trump will win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote again, I think traitor trump will simply steal the election whether by some Constitutional maneuvering or outright fraud (i.e., voter suppression and illegal foreign help) or quasi-dictatorial power. There has been speculation that no matter the results — even if Biden wins the Electoral College and popular vote — then traitor trump will contest the results and there may be ways for traitor trump to really f*** things up to ensure he wins. Believe me when I say people have no f***ing clue just how removed their votes are from actually electing our president. The Foundering Fathers really f***ed us over in this respect in large part because they were afraid of the masses directly electing the president, and apparently they were right to do so — witness traitor trump as the epitome of their fears. But at the same time, we have a corrupt administration, corrupt president, corrupt RepubliKKKlan Party, and corrupt SCOTUS that will break any law and bend any norms to get traitor trump a second term despite the desires of the majority of voters. (Don’t forget, morons! America is a nation where the minority rules over the majority and we just take it!) So, traitor trump has been cheating his entire life and that was on clear display while he was running the first time around, yet stupid America voted for him anyway. He’ll do it again, but with institutional help! Ugh! I can’t!

Mark my words on this! Of course, traitor trump will cheat and steal. And the worst thing about it all? Americans will do this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Oh, yes! The good old apathetic America. We demonstrate in the streets across the nation for BLM, but when it comes to saving our democracy then that’s too hard! F*** me! If traitor trump “wins” by fraud and citizens don’t tear down this country from sea to sea, then f*** it all! I do give up! America deserves to be ended! It just does! Welcome to trump stupid America! I have zero faith!

Don’t Believe That the ‘Wrong Track’ Number Means Anything — It Doesn’t

From Newsweek, “The number of American voters who believe the country is on the wrong track has reached a record high during Donald Trump’s presidency, with a significant majority of voters also saying they disapprove of the job he is doing. New polling by Morning Consult and Politico, which was conducted from June 26 to 29, found that 75 percent of voters believe the U.S. is on the wrong track, while just 25 percent believe things are headed in the right direction.” LOL. This poll, ostensibly, would lead one to believe these numbers are all bad news for traitor trump, but what one may not realize is that buried in the number are those RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil evangelicals who think traitor trump is not doing enough to destroy America! They’re pissed that SCOTUS ruled to protect LGBTQ employment rights; that abortions have not been banned outright yet; that people are tearing down Confederate, loser statues; that more people do believe BLM; that people are protesting in the streets; that police are not being allowed to murder wholesale; etc., etc., etc.

In fact, this metric — also referred to as satisfaction with the direction of things in U.S. — has always been pathetically low, like never above 50 percent since the early 2000s, according to Gallup. So, through all of Obama’s administration which oversaw the longest bull market in history people were largely dissatisfied with the direction of the country. Likely because a black man was sitting in the White House. So, don’t believe it, morons. Traitor trump is still more favored than not to win re-election — by hook or crook! Mark my words. Welcome to trump stupid America. Americans can’t un-stupid in four years! I live in stupid hell!

I Hope He Was a MAGA Moron

According to CNN, “A Southern California man who tested positive for coronavirus after attending a party expressed his fear and regret a day before he died.” If he was a traitor trump supporter, then I say good! He deserved to die and I’m glad he won’t be able to vote come November. If he was a Democrat, then it is a shame. Yeah! It’s that simple! Naturally, these articles never determine how such people voted as if it is not german to the story. F*** that! How a person voted is specifically relevant to the story. I am sick of being nice. Forgiving. Understanding. Sympathetic. MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals do not — under any circumstances — deserve any compassion; they only warrant hatred and derision. I’m sick of these f***tards going around with their pandemic hoax and anti-mask beliefs because they think their freedom is more important than thy neighbor. Always very Christian of them — Me! Me! Me! F*** them! I only hope more MAGA morons die before they can vote for traitor trump. Conservatives always b*tch about people taking responsibility for their actions! Yes, indeed. Hopefully, death is the ultimate consequence of their responsibility!

Once again. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before that no one will take this pandemic seriously until people are dying in the streets. Literally, that’s what it will take. Mark my words, morons! Until and unless hospital systems collapse so that people are dying in the streets because they cannot get treated for SARS 2 or any other medical emergency then people are just going to go about their selfish business such as going to a bar or a restaurant — those very critical, life-sustaining activities. No, matter. As long as RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons cheerlead the line that everything is improving then nothing will change. Welcome to trump stupid America. Always as dumb as one imagined — and worse!

Welcome to Stupid F***ing America: QAnon!

Forbes headline reads, “QAnon-Friendly Owner Of Restaurant Where Servers Carry Guns Upsets GOP Incumbent In House Primary In Colorado.” Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! WTF? This is not an isolated incident. These QAnon f***tards have been winning more and more primaries pulling the RepubliKKKlan party further into the looney right-wing nutjob zone! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t. America is so f***ing lost! I live in stupid f***ing hell where QAnon is gaining popularity and mainstream status because the level of idiocracy in America is reaching incomprehensible levels. Truly. It’s all beyond comprehension. Stupidity is incomprehensible to me. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a hundred times before: think of a dumb person in life. Now consider that half of Americans are dumber than that. Ugh! And most of them are MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals. Such groups are magnets for morons. This is why I still refuse to count traitor trump out of the presidential race. Americans are getting dumber. The RepubliKKKlan party is getting more conspiracy-theory focused and right-wing bat-Scheiße crazy — and winning.

So, whatever. It’s all lost. Mark my words, morons. America is lost. America cannot survive with such a level of stupidity thriving in the nation. I don’t f***ing care if these extreme morons only account for 10-15 percent of the population. If the citizenry of America is a living organism then how can any organism survive with 10-15 percent of that organism being necrotic? It can’t. We can’t. So, congratu-f***ing-lations to America for cutting off its nose despite its face by electing traitor trump to “make America great again.” We’ve gone over the cliff of complete stupidity and there is no turning back. Welcome to trump stupid America!


Zuckerberg is a hateful, greedy person and he is a MAGA moron — full stop! There is a reason Facebook is so popular. It’s because that’s where conspiracy theorist morons and other f***tards love to congregate. I have never nor would I ever open a Facebook account because it has always been nothing more than an online realtime gossip and stalking website — aka porn for idiots. But then again gossip is the national pastime of morons, along with conjuring conspiracy theories. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Traitor [T]rump Supporters Are Racists or Morons — There Is No in Between

According to the Associated Press: “President Donald Trump on Sunday tweeted approvingly of a video showing one of his supporters chanting ‘white power,’ a racist slogan associated with white supremacists. The video appeared to have been taken at The Villages, a Florida retirement community, and showed dueling demonstrations between Trump supporters and opponents. ‘Thank you to the great people of The Villages,’ Trump tweeted. Moments into the video clip he shared, a man driving a golf cart displaying pro-Trump signs and flags shouts ‘white power.’ The video also shows anti-Trump protesters shouting ‘Nazi,’ ‘racist,’ and profanities at the Trump backers.” (And don’t believe his “deletion” of the tweet to mean he is walking back the intended message. It’s not. He said exactly what he wanted to say to all his supporters for exactly as long as he needed to while also distracting from the impending Russia scandal as a bonus. As usual, the media let him define and win the news cycle time and again as they chase every shiny object and viewers willingly follow along — mindlessly. Emphasis on mindless!)

Of course, traitor trump did! Of course! He! Did! I don’t know how many f***ing times I must repeat myself to the masses of morons out there, but traitor trump supporters are racists or morons or in the most likely case — both! There is no in-between. There is no some of this and a bit of that, or only racist and stupid sometimes. No! It is all racist, all the time; it is all stupid, all the time. These are the defining “qualities” of every RepubliKKKlan — it’s in their name for God’s sake! And as I have said a thousand times before — root and stem, morons! Root! And! Stem! Root and stem traitor trump. Root and stem RepubliKKKlans. Root and stem MAGA morons. Root and stem them all — all 45% of the American conservative population, without exception. Welcome to trump stupid America!

This Is Why I Hate Americans: Stupidity!

Once again, it’s MAGA moron-voters-on-display time with these traitor trump voter focus groups hosted by Axios. Jesus-f***ing-Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! I Can’t. Oh, my f***ing God! I can’t! Who the f*** are these morons of the highest f***ing order? Seriously! Who are these f***tards? People this stupid should be euthanized for their own safety and the safety of humanity!

From Axios, “Some swing voters in Erie, Pa., tell us they’re gravitating to Joe Biden — less as a change agent than as a path back to stability, and to restoring the national respect they feel has been lost under President Trump. … ‘There are so many people who are unhappy right now with the general stance of what our country is looking like,’ said Lori S., who voted for Trump four years ago but now plans to vote for Biden. ‘People are just over it. They’re over his mouth, they’re over his everything about him and his whole bit, that they’re ready for any kind of change’ [empahsis added].” I selected what I thought was the most all-encompassing sentiment of this collective group of idiots. First, I don’t trust their “good” judgment to vote for Biden this year when they have already demonstrated such stupidity four years ago. I just don’t trust them to do the right thing. Stupid is as stupid does, and stupid is not fixed in four years! It’s a f***ing G.D. wonder how some of these people voted for Obama in the first place — makes absolutely no sense. So, what? They decided after eight years to elect the guy who openly said he wants to undo everything Obama did?

Second, oh, so now they’re over traitor trump? Now, they’re over his “mouth” and his “whole bit?” Now, they’re feeling “annoyed,” “irritated,” and “frustrated?” Now, a warning?!?! WTF?!?! What version of traitor trump did they think they were watching for the 18 months he was running for president? Oh, let me guess. These morons actually thought he would become “presidential” once in office. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t! I just can’t believe the level of stupidity evinced by voters. F***! We are so f***ing screwed! This is incomprehensible level stupid! Welcome to trump stupid America; it’s every bit as bad as one thought it would be!

White Trash: This! Is America!

From CNN: “A noose was found in Bubba Wallace’s garage stall Sunday, according to a statement from NASCAR. Wallace, who is the only Black driver in NASCAR’s top circuit, has been very outspoken in the last few weeks about the Black Lives Matter movement and the corresponding protests. He even called on NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag, which they did on June 10.” Of course, there was a noose because root and stem, morons! Root! And! Stem! I don’t know how many times I must say it, but a divided America cannot stand until the racist MAGA morons are obliterated from society — root and stem, just as cancer it cut, poised, and irradiate from the body or a weed it pulled from the dirt. Welcome to trump stupid America!

I don’t trust for a second what the FBI says they found or didn’t find. Clearly, just as traitor trump has corrupted every other aspect of federal law enforcement, I have no doubt that he told the FBI to make these allegations go away to save the reputation of the redneck, white supremacist sport, which mystifies spectators by racing cars in circles.

It Is Moments Like This That I Sometimes Doubt

Attribution: David Cicilline

I have long said that one should not trust the polls, for they underestimate traitor trump’s support by a good five percentage points or so, but rally turnout does not lie! I believed that when he ran against Hillary; I knew he would win — not from the polls — but from the crowds he could engender, which directly translates into enthusiasm. Tulsa may indicate that my “good five percentage points or so” estimation is actually softening. Is it possible that SAR 2 is putting a damper on crowd size? Eh, doubtful. His MAGA morons are by and large in “SARS 2 is a hoax” mode. I still think traitor trump will win re-election — and if I’m wrong then I will be the first to admit that I could not be happier to have been so wrong! I stick to my gut despite evidence to the contrary because I just have no faith in Americans to do the right thing given our most recent track record. The last election could not have been more clear: perhaps the most qualified presidential candidate in my life (Hillary) versus an incompetent con-man (traitor trump). Who did Americans select? The con-man!

Listening to the “highlights” from his rally screed, it is evident and not at all surprising that the con-man is at it again with the same old schtick! Seriously! Not one G.D. thing has changed since his rant about Mexicans in his first presidential campaign speech. It is all the same rhetoric based on lies, fear, hate, and more hate and fear as if that is the only thing MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans respond to — it is actually! So, he’s right on brand. Could it work again? Will it work again? Hell f***ing yes! This is what his base loves: the spectacle, nevermind reflecting on the substance. As long as he preaches hate and fear then they are all in! To them, white America is coming to an end and traitor trump is their white supremacist knight who will save the country. Moreover, they want to be entertained during the chaos. Congratu-f***ing-lations, America morons! As usual, it’s just all about the show — bread and circus! It’s just the right amount of stupid for average America!

I can’t! I just f***ing can’t anymore. Just having to type out the comparison makes my blood boil, but why am I still shocked! This is, after all, m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! Voters do not use reason, logic, and common sense to pick their leaders. Nope. We use our lizard brains. It only takes 45% of the lizard brained population to elect the president given our electoral college “system” (aka electoral scam).