Every One of Those Tulsa MAGA Morons Is a Disease on America!

Attribution: Sarah Phipps/The Oklahoman

I truly have no f***ing clue why people cannot seem to get it through their f***ing thick skulls that these MAGA morons and traitor trump sycophants are a disease on this nation. They are all a cancer that must be excised from humanity — root and stem. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats act like aspirin on the problem when we should be the chemo, radiation, and scalpel! These people are not some fad. They are not a fever that will break once he’s out of office. No! Traitor trump is the cause and the symptom. This will not be over when he’s gone. Unless and until we obliterate his followers then much of this country will continue to rot and infect the rest of us. F*** me! There is no returning to normal after traitor trump until America has this great reckoning! It’s all related, f***tards — Gods, guns, gays! That has not changed! Face it, morons. WTF?!?! Am I really the only one clear-eyed enough to see the obvious. These people will follow traitor trump to their deaths — literally — and they have no problems with taking down the rest of America with them. They are all the proverbial Goebbels family who will not want to live in a country without traitor trump. I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all trapped in this death cult and no one seems to care! Fan-f***ing-tastic.

They’re All F***ing Traitors, Every Last One of Them!

Of course, it’s all true: “John Bolton details a troubling and shocking series of allegations in a new book about his tenure as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, alleging Trump requested Chinese help to win the 2020 election, that the President argued Venezuela is part of the US, that he casually offered to intervene in the criminal justice system for foreign leaders and that his own senior officials mocked him behind his back.” But wait! There is more: “‘I don’t think he’s fit for office. I don’t think he has the competence to carry out the job. There really isn’t any guiding principle that I was able to discern other than “What’s good for Donald Trump’s reelection,”’ Bolton said in a promotional clip of the interview, which is set to air in full on Sunday.” Thanks, Bolton for absolutely nothing, a**hole! Profits over people, as always. Wait for the book he said rather than willing to testify in the impeachment inquiry.

Every traitor trump supporter. Every traitor trump enabler. Every MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, and evil evangelical. Every cabinet member and every person working in the administration. Every former member and every would-be member of the administration. Every witness to traitor trump’s crimes who remains silent. From Bolton to Mueller, who failed in his investigation and testimony to hold traitor trump accountable for his actions, are all f***ing G.D. traitors to America of the highest f***ing order. Clearly, people in traitor trump’s own administration believe he is unfit for the office, yet they do nothing. Traitor trump has not been removed! Alas, none of these revelations matter. None of them. Is anyone really surprised at this point? No one cares anymore. Stupid America just doesn’t f***ing care for whatever reason — exhausted, apathetic, distracted, enthralled, lazy, stupid, resigned.

It has been nearly four years of one continuous display of an incompetent and stupid president, who precisely reflects America’s own incompetence and stupidity writ large. Traitor trump has been an open book from day one! He laid everything out for all to see the moment he descended the escalator (and well before, in fact). He has always shown himself to be a vile, wicked, stupid, incompetent, selfish, ridiculous con man, and America still voted for him! To this day, traitor trump’s job approval rating is incapable of falling below 40%. Forty! F***ing! G.D.! Percent! No matter what he does. No matter how much the country descends into chaos, death, and self-destruction, at least 40% of the country loves him for it. I can’t! I just can’t f***ing take stupid America anymore. Just when I think I could not possibly wake up to a more idiotic country, something proves me wrong. How can America survive? Seriously? How can a 40% divergence in any system be sustainable? Pundits, scholars, and newspapers, among others, have all warned that traitor trump is killing America’s democracy. He certainly is … and no one seems to care. God bless the BLM protests, but Americans should be in the streets for what traitor trump has done (is doing) to America! Rise up America! It’s only our democracy at stake! Welcome to trump stupid America.

Boogaloo Bois: American Exceptionalism (Exceptionally Stupid)

From the BBC, “A US Air Force sergeant with links to the far-right Boogaloo Bois movement has been charged with the murder of a federal security officer in California, the FBI says. … Adherents of the loose grouping known as Boogaloo Bois, which some liken to a militia, are anti-government and often carry assault weapons.” Congratulations trump stupid America! Congratulations to the citizens of the dumbest m*****f***ing G.D. country on the face of the planet. This is what we get when morons meet the First Amendment meet the Second Amendment. Only in stupid America do we freely allow delusional f***tards to own and walk around with assault rifles because, why not? If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: this level of abject stupidity is a cancer on society and America cannot — should not — live with such a disease invading and corrupting humanity. Oh, but who am I kidding? No one cares. More people than ever are buying guns. SCOTUS essentially thinks anyone and everyone should own whatever gun they want and be able to conceal it. Hello, f***tards! It’s all too late. Welcome to stupid America. We are in full-on reaping what we have sown mode! The stupidity is endless and pervasive and completely embodied in the election of traitor trump because, why not? Wake up f***tards of America! A minority of wackos are running and ruining the country!


At least one CNN writer is not a complete f***ing G.D. moron, “Breaking news: Republicans might finally be willing to break with President Donald Trump. Following the president’s performance with Covid-19 as well as his response to the Black Lives Matters protests there have been a number of stories speculating about whether the GOP will finally come undone. The drama is greatly exaggerated. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski told reporters that she is ‘struggling’ to figure out how to vote in November … When Colin Powell announced that he would support Joe Biden and former president George W. Bush revealed he would not support Trump, the New York Times reporters a ‘growing number’ of Republicans were debating how far to go. The speculation about internal handwringing and possible ‘turning points’ within the GOP never ends. It’s the drama that never happens, but one the press loves to keep following. It needs to stop. The notion that there is a major fissure between the Republicans and President Trump simply masks the character of the modern party. Republicans nominated and elected Donald Trump to be President four years ago. They have stood by him, and done so even in the toughest of times. Nothing, even his ‘fine people’ remarks after a 2017 white supremacist march in Charlottesville or his recent hardline response to mass marches over George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police, shakes this.”

Bingo! Every time I read articles that claim traitor trump is finally losing his base or RepubliKKKlan support I can’t help but think to myself that the people writing such pieces are f***ing morons and their “analysis” is severely flawed because they are f***ing G.D. morons. Look! When it comes to analyzing the motivations and actions of RepubliKKKlans the thinking is rather straightforward. Because RepubliKKKlans are not smart because they don’t do nuance because they hate democracy and love dictators in the end they support traitor trump no matter what, and the last three-plus years have proven it. Indeed! Do not be fooled by claims of “disappointment” and “concern” and “struggling.” It’s all B.S. Traitor trump is the head of a cult! Full stop! That’s all one needs to understand. I promise that once RepubliKKKlans are in that voting booth they will, as always, vote for traitor trump no matter what hesitation they pretend to have in public. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s as dumb as one thought it was.

More Proof America Is All F***tards All the Time

According to Business Insider, “Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican congressional candidate who promoted the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory, dominated Georgia’s 14th congressional district GOP primary on Tuesday and is poised to win an August primary runoff and the House seat in November.” Oh! My! F***ing! God! I have no idea where to begin with this except to say that once again I wake up in stupid f***tard hell! Kill! Me! Now! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. Just another circumstance to evince American supreme stupidity! How is this f***ing possible? How is it that a person who believes in bat-Scheiße-crazy nutso theories rises to political power? Oh, that’s right! This is trump stupid America where traitor trump not only reveals a dumbed-down America daily, but now he is giving legitimacy to conspiracy theories, which MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans are all too eager to believe and advance. There is a special kind of stupid breeding in America. These people are a cancer on society, and, like all cancers, they should be excised from humanity! Yeah, we’re f***ed! Welcome to stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday. And counting!

Stupid America Is Lost: Just Face It!

If I have to hear one more f***ing time that this moment in history is different, then I am going f***ing postal! Hello, morons of f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! So, progressives are sure that this time is different. Is it really, though? Let’s review some of the other moments in history that were supposed to be “different.”

Sandy Hook was supposed to be different to get comprehensive national gun control reform, finally! Hmmm. Still waiting. Occupy Wall Street was supposed to be different in addressing social-economic inequality — and that moment lasted for months yet nothing’s changed! The Million Women March protests against traitor trump were supposed to be different! That movement lost its potency after the first year when traitor trump was actually polling at his lowest approval ratings. So, when people hated traitor trump the most even that fervor to march waned. Go figure! Fight for $15 was supposed to be different in advancing pay inequality for the working poor — the national minimum wage still has not changed in over a decade. One may argue that every other incident of a black person murdered at the hands (or knee) of a cop or white nationalist was supposed to be the last straw that made the difference. Indeed, one may go further back in time to the Civil Rights Movement protests in the 1960s. Sadly — very sadly — Americans have demonstrated a 50-year continuous span of things being “different” only to arrive exactly where we began: nothing changes!

I could point out actual changes. Actual differences. Marriage equality comes to mind. Congratu-f***ing-lations to the LGBTQ community for a landmark SCOTUS decision that granted marriage equality. Congratulations that one socially progressive Justice, who is otherwise conservative, was the swing vote to bring about that difference. Congratulations to that one conservative Justice and all of his future opinions to protect the LGBTQ community. I look forward to his continued work. Oh, wait! That Justice retired; he’s been replaced by a more conservative RepubliKKKlan Justice. Furthermore, it’s still perfectly legal in nearly half of the states for a gay couple to get married on Sunday and fired on Monday because they got married; they were fired for doing something perfectly legal. Nope! No, paradox there. Despite the one legal ruling mandating marriage equality, there is still no federal law enshrining marriage equality and, more importantly, no protections for the LGBTQ community from discrimination more generally. While Obergefell v. Hodges is the one step forward, get ready for the rollbacks. Mark my words! Within just a couple of weeks, get ready for SCOTUS to rule against the LGBTQ community in a case that challenges the scope of Title VII protections for the gays.

We are a one-step forward, three-steps back nation! It never f***ing fails, and we are full-on in the third step back phase! Case in point: the Obama presidency! God-f***ing-forbid a black man got elected, twice. Time to erase that national mistake with traitor trump! Trust me! That is the number one driving force behind traitor trump’s election in the first place and nothing has changed in the last 4 years except a white nationalist RepubliKKKlan party and MAGA voters more committed than ever to re-elect the Idiot-in-Chief! Mark my words, morons. The true nature of the politically powerful and racist underbelly of America is alive and well; they will steal this election because that’s what they do and dumbass Democrats will let them because we refuse to be ruthless! Welcome to trump stupid America!

He Keeps Getting Away with It!

According to NPR, “The U.S economy rebounded with surprising strength last month as businesses began to reopen from the coronavirus lockdown. U.S. employers added 2.5 million jobs in May, and the unemployment rate fell to 13.3%. It was a stunning turnaround from April, when the U.S. lost nearly 20.7 million jobs, slamming on the brakes of the economy in a desperate effort to slow the spread of the pandemic. ‘Now we’re opening and we’re opening with a bang,’ President Trump said, during a celebratory appearance in the White House Rose Garden. ‘This is a rocket ship.’”

At some point, one must believe God is mocking America because there is no way traitor trump keeps failing upward. His entire life and business “success” has been built on bluster, bullying, lying, and showmanship; he has never built anything substantive based on reality and truth. It’s all one big con job. Yet! He keeps getting away with it! I know people look at the unemployment numbers and the stock market returning to near-record highs and think to themselves: “Yeah, he was right. All America needed to do was push through this pandemic and force our way to reopen.” I just f*** know it! Mark my words, f***tards! And right on cue. The economy bends to traitor trump’s will and he runs with it while people nod in agreement without giving the reality of the moment any thought!

Let us be clear: the pandemic is still out there, but apparently the “wisdom” and “perfect knowledge” (as they say) of the stock market have taken the tone of traitor trump — it’s all behind us, folks! Nothing more to see here. Everyone, go back to work! Second quarter earnings will be gangbusters! Don’t mind the civil unrest and the protestors! Let the good times roll. Un-f***ing-believable! Welcome to trump stupid America where schizophrenia is our middle name!

Well, That’s the End of That

From The Hill, “President Trump on Monday said he would mobilize ‘all available federal resources, civilian and military’ to clamp down on protests across the country, declaring himself the ‘president of law and order’ as police aggressively dispersed protesters gathered outside the White House. Trump said he was dispatching the military across Washington, D.C., and urged governors nationwide to ‘dominate’ their streets with National Guard deployments. If they refused, he said, he would send troops to American cities.” While George Floyd has been the catalyst of the current unrest, I am disappointed that the nation and politicians, especially, have not seized the momentum of the moment to build greater and greater still protests against traitor trump. This was the perfect opportunity to demand and enrage the 55% to take to the streets against traitor trump, but no! As usual, dumbass Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity! Un-f***ing-believable! Seriously! Now was the time for people to jam the streets across America and overtake the Capitol with protests against the Idiot-in-Chief. But no! Traitor trump flexes his power and the people cower. Back to the same ole, same ole. Nothing changes. Oh, one more thing. I have no doubt most of the people protesting (and looting) don’t vote, further demonstrating that America really is trump stupid! Get ready for four more years, people! Mark my words!

Of Course, He Did

From the AP, “Twitter has added a warning to one of President Donald J. Trump’s tweets about protests in Minneapolis, saying it violated the platform’s rules about ‘glorifying violence.’ Trump, a prolific Twitter user, has been at war with the company since earlier this week, when it applied fact checks to two of his tweets about mail-in ballots. … Trump added at the end of his tweet, ‘Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts.’” This is the leadership Americans continue to love! We get the government we deserve. Welcome to trump stupid America!

Twitter Is Just the Symptom of a Supremely Stupid America

From the New York Times, “This episode is not unlike other infamous stories floating around social media, like the inhumane speculation about the death of a Democratic National Committee staffer, Seth Rich, or the ocean of nasty misinformation about the murders of the children of Sandy Hook Elementary that got Alex Jones deservedly thrown off several platforms. But this mess is perhaps the high tide of that endless spew of toxic bile because it is being relentlessly amped up by the leader of the free world. Tweeting misinformation is not new for Mr. Trump, who uses the service as his political cudgel to govern, campaign, wage petty digital wars and, more recently, peddle dangerous medical advice about Covid-19. All of this Twitter has allowed, because it has deemed even the most inane of the president’s utterances as ‘newsworthy.’”

Just another day waking up in the m*****f***ing G.D. dumbest country on the planet. Only in stupid America do lies, conspiracy theories, and morons rise to the top of the political and social ladder. Whatever! I give up! F*** America! F*** the morons! F*** the RepubliKKKlans! F*** the MAGA morons! In case the idiots out there have yet to figure all this Scheiße out: America is trapped by these f***tards. Mark my words, morons! Finally, decades of the dumbing-down of America have engendered the perfect storm of stupidity, moronity, and idiocracy to elect traitor trump, and there are just enough MAGA morons in enough states to get him re-elected! If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before: traitor trump is the Everyman of America! He embodies all the worst characteristics of the average American. Think of an idiot in one’s life; now consider half of Americans are dumber than that! Yup! We’re f***ed. Welcome to trump stupid America!