Why All QAnon and Evil Evangelicals Should Be Immediately Executed!

From Salon, “Although QAnon isn’t known for being a religious movement per se, The Atlantic’s Adrienne LaFrance has reported on QAnon-minded churches being developed. And Kristian predicts that QAnon will grow as a religious sect. ‘The church of QAnon may be a portent of things to come,’ Kristian writes. ‘Traditional religiosity is declining in America, but humanity will not cease to be religious. It will merely diversify its sources of increasingly customized religiosity. From lapsed evangelicals, as many QAnon adherents seem to be, to religiously unaffiliated “nones,” people crave the community, meaning and purpose church provides — even if they abandon or reject its teachings.’ Kristian notes the similarities between QAnon’s views and the views of end-time Christian fundamentalists, who have an obsession with the apocalypse.”

This level of stupidity cannot — must not— be allowed to survive. Kill them all before it’s too late for America! Oh, who the f*** am I kidding? It was too late the second traitor trump was elected, but no one believes me and no one will until more people die because of traitor trump’s incompetence. For some, it will never be enough dead because those MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil Evangelicals will always think the “right” people (a.k.a. anyone but themselves) are dying. Welcome to trump stupid America. The country is just simply beyond fixing at this point. Morons got us to this place and there is no returning because welcome to stupid America!

QAnon Believers Should Be Immediately Executed!

From the Daily Beast, “A QAnon conspiracy theorist won the GOP Senate primary in Oregon on Tuesday, giving a massive electoral stage to the bizarre pro-Trump movement that the FBI considers a potential domestic terror threat. Jo Rae Perkins, an insurance agent and avowed QAnon believer, handily won the contest to take on Sen. Jeff Merkley (D) in the general election. Perkins, who has launched unsuccessful Senate and House bids in the past, beat her nearest Republican primary opponent by nearly 20 percentage points on Tuesday.” America cannot survive with such a contingent of incomprehensible stupidity being allowed to breed and socialize, let alone these f***tards gaining political power. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s all over, folks! God! I hate people! I live in stupid hell!

‘Super-duper Missle’

According to the Associated Press, “President Donald Trump calls them a ‘super-duper missile,’ though they’re better known as hypersonic weapons.” Spoken like a real intellectual! Moron-speak for the multitude of American morons and traitor trump’s f***tard MAGA supporters. How can this country be so f***ing stupid? Seriously?!?! Apparently a country of morons cannot be embarrassed by the Idiot-in-Chief because as I have said time and time again: when traitor trump’s supporters are dumber than he is then they think he’s a stable genius and nothing he does is wrong. Welcome to trump stupid America! Dumber every day!

Please, by All Means: Die!

Politico reports, “The Trump campaign has an order from the president: Find a way to get him back on the road and into mega-rallies to re-energize his base.” Oh, I can’t f***ing wait for these MAGA moron and evil Evangelical super-spreader events! Oh, please, please, please! I would love to see these MAGA rallies again. The sooner the better! The more RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals that come together, contract SARS 2, and die then the better! Oh, please! I beg these f***tards to cram together yelling at the tops of their lungs and spread SARS 2 to everyone else at the rally. I hope they die! If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before that the only way Democrats are going to win is if MAGA morons die!

And traitor trump is getting ready to hit the road. Can one say hydroxychloroquine?!?! To all those f***tards who think traitor trump is lying about taking the drug: they are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest f***ing order. OMG! I can’t. Listening even to liberals confidentially claim that traitor trump is lying about taking hydroxychloroquine as a distraction to everything else traitor trump is f***ing up only confirms to me that they still fail to understand the Idiot-in-Chief after all this time, which is why some liberal talk show hosts still believe he is going to quit before his term is up. OMG. Kill! Me! Now! Granted he lies as he breathes, but still, it is — should be — possible by now to discern when he is actually telling the truth. This is one such instance. Of course, he’s taking hydroxychloroquine! Of course, he is! Because he’s scared to death of getting SARS 2 and he is his own expert doctor, so, of course, he’s taking an unproven drug because no expert is going to advise him on the truth. He’s the smartest guy in the room — on the planet. So, naturally, he’s on the drug.

Moreover, now that he thinks he’s completely immune from catching the disease because he’s on hydroxychloroquine then he wants his rallies back. He has nothing to worry about and he couldn’t care less about the health and well-being of his supporters, so he wants those MAGA rallies! Now! And he’ll be holding them by next month because he’s a f***tard and his supporters are f***tards, too. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to trump stupid America!

But Will It Work? Hell F***ing Yes!

From Salon, “How many times have we heard Trump shrieking over the brain-piercing whine of Marine One: Look at the Bidens! Look at the 30,000 emails! Look at Shifty Schiff! Look at Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats! Trump never mentions any actual crimes, nor does he ever announce investigations (save for one that we’ll get to presently). All he needs to do is alert his drooling disciples that someone, somewhere, did something that we should ‘look at.’ Why? Obviously because, as with his Ukraine scam, there don’t have to be real crimes involved. Trump’s strategy is all about the suggestion of wrongdoing. It’s one of the chief components of kangaroo courts, prevalent under dictatorships. No crime? No evidence? No problem.”

Of course, none of this matters because this is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America where facts don’t matter. It’s all about feeling and speculation, and traitor trump is the master of provoking feelings and conjuring speculation about the “other” while stupid America nods in agreement. It worked with Hillary and nothing has changed in the intervening fours years except for the daily demonstration that Americans are truly as stupid as they seem. Welcome to trump stupid America!

F***ing Sick of Red Country

According to CNN, “From President Donald Trump through Republican governors and state legislatures, the GOP is coalescing around a position of reopening the economy as quickly as possible despite concerns about seeding a wider spread of the coronavirus. But the party’s efforts face a paradoxical hurdle: The economy can’t regain much momentum without the participation of big Democratic-leaning metropolitan areas, where both local officials and average residents remain more skeptical about quickly unwinding social distancing measures.” What else is new? Red states always need the money generated from rich, blue counties and cities, just as red states are welfare takers from blue states more generally. It never f***ing fails. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons always complain about the welfare that big government doles out to every unworthy person, apparently completely unaware that RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are those unworthy people receiving welfare from blue states. Because red states don’t like to tax then blue states need to overtax to make up for the federal funds that flow out of blues states and into red states. God! I am just so f***ing sick of these people. I wish they would just all f***ing die and let the blue states be as prosperous as we should be. But no! Conservatives do nothing but hold America back. Welcome to trump stupid America!

I Hope Traitor [T]rump Dies!

From The Hill, “President Trump on Monday revealed he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, a controversial drug that he’s championed as a potential treatment for coronavirus despite limited evidence from the medical community.” I hope traitor trump dies, but like I have said a million times before fate hates humanity and loves irony. A morbidly obese man is taking a medication that causes heart problems and, no doubt, he’ll skate free as he always does. The moron is literally poisoning himself and nothing will happen because God just loves to perpetuates evil. Evil endures while people like Lincoln, MLK, JFK, and Gandhi get cut down before their time. It never fails! Humanity hates justice. Welcome to trump stupid America!

None of This Matters

Politico reports, “President Donald Trump on Sunday dismissed his predecessor as ‘grossly incompetent,’ a day after former President Barack Obama said leaders weren’t ‘even pretending to be in charge’ amid the coronavirus pandemic.” None of this matters. Why? Because America is a bunch of f***tards! If traitor trump says Obama was an incompetent predecessor then Americans collectively nod in agreement as the current Idiot-in-Chief f***s up the pandemic left, right, and center! Tens of thousands of people are dying and the economy is collapsing yet most Americans are giving traitor trump a pass. Mark my words, morons! This disaster has bearly impacted traitor trump’s approval ratings which is beyond incomprehensible, but then again this is the dumbest country on the planet, so nothing can hurt the current moron in the White House. Everyday evinces traitor trump’s incompetence and enough voters in enough of the right states think he is the best thing since sliced bread, and that is enough to get him another four years. Mark! My! Words! It’s just so f***ing obvious! Welcome to trump stupid America. All stupid all the time!

Let Wisconsinites Die

The Associated Press reports, “The 4-3 ruling essentially reopens the state, lifting caps on the size of gatherings, allowing people to travel as they please and allowing shuttered businesses to reopen, including bars and restaurants. The Tavern League of Wisconsin swiftly posted the news on its website, telling members, ‘You can OPEN IMMEDIATELY!’ The decision let stand language that had closed schools, however, and local governments can still impose their own health restrictions.” Of course, this politically motivated judicial opinion is itself a contradiction! So, the governor can’t impose statewide health restrictions because of freedom! And tyranny! But counties can because not freedom and not tyranny. Whatever! I give up! It’s always when a Democrat does something that it — whatever it may be — is unconstitutional, anti-freedom, tyrannical, communist, anti-religion, or anti-gun. People get the government they deserve and apparently Wisconsinites want freedom and stupidity, so let them die for it! I pray they do! Let businesses open up today and let the healthcare system become overwhelmed with SARS 2 patients. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times: not enough people have died in this pandemic. Maybe at some point when enough have died people will start to believe. Who the f*** am I kidding? Morons will never believe because this is trump stupid America.

An Outlier Poll but Still Directionally a Huge Worry

From The Hill, “A poll conducted by SSRS of 15 battleground states found former Vice President Joe Biden trailing President Trump.” That even one poll as an outlier has traitor trump ahead in so many states in the midst of the American pandemic disaster is just more f***ing proof that I wake up every day in the dumbest m*****f***ing G.D. country on the planet. F*** it! F*** it all. If Americans haven’t yet figured out that anybody would be better than traitor trump then I give up. It’s all dumb all the time here. No one cares until it’s all over — no more ACA, women as second class citizens, white supremacy as the new national ethos, Evil Evangelicals setting the national morality. It doesn’t matter. It’s already over because Americans are morons. Welcome to trump stupid America. Only in America does a president lose the national popular vote and still win. No one cares that the minority rules over the majority election after election!