Literally, More Conservatives Need to Die Quickly!

In Salon, “Leaked White House data shows infections spiking more than 1,000% in rural areas that backed Trump. … The top 10 cities in the report, which was produced on May 7, saw cases increases by more than 72% over seven days. Some areas, like St. Louis and Central City, Ky., saw cases skyrocket by 650% over that span. St. Cloud, Minn., saw cases increase by more than 400%. Other cities like Gainesville, Ga., Racine, Wisc., and Nashville saw increases of more than 100% over a single week.” Perhaps the only way Democrats can win the next presidential election is if enough MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans die because Lord knows none of these f***tards will stop supporting traitor trump otherwise, no matter how incompetent his handling of SARS 2. At the moment, traitor trump supporters think all the right people are dying from the pandemic, namely black, brown, old, and poor people! Well, I say that not enough RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and Evil Evangelicals are dying from SARS 2. Please, by all means, I encourage all these f***tards to attend church, MAGA rallies, NASCAR, WWE, anti-lockdown protests, etc. Let the trailer trash die! I pray for their deaths! Let us not forget that hating these people is like hating cancer! It is morally equivalent. Welcome to trump stupid America.

Another Example of America’s Supreme Stupidity

Just another reason why I hate trump stupid America: “Because health insurance is tied to employment for about half the country—160 million people—as many as 43 million are expected to lose their health insurance due to the pandemic, according to a new report by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Urban Institute.” Yup! Only in the most m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country on the f***ing planet does a system exist where people in the midst of an especially lethal pandemic can lose the one thing they may need most: health insurance. So, if one gets sick and happens to survive the disease after spending weeks in the hospital then all that person has to look forward to is insurmountable medical debt. Of course, there is always bankruptcy. Fantastic! Only in America: from sick to bankrupt! Of course, this is after one liquidates all their assets first like that thing called the American dream — a house! Yup! Only! In! America!

I give up! I just f***ing give up! I am so f***ing tired of waking up in stupid America hell! Yet, no one cares. Biden should have three and only three campaign messages: SCOTUS, Obamacare, and traitor trump’s pandemic incompetence. That’s it! Full stop! Nothing else matters! Nothing else is important! Nothing else can be more easily conveyed and digested by voters — but then again this is stupid America. What should be so easy for everyone else to see appears invisible to most. Nope! This is stupid America and Americans are stuck on racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, selfishness, white supremacy, and so forth! Take all the worst characteristics of humanity and traitor trump is that person and there are just enough MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans in America who love him for it and will get him re-elected. Mark my word, morons! This is stupid America!

Please, Dear Lord, Let Traitor [T]rump Die!

CNN reports, “The latest developments pose an essential question: If people around Trump are not protected from the virus in the most highly secured workplace in the country, how can it be safe for anyone else to go back to work? It’s not, and Trump knows it. He’s worried that aides contracting the virus will undercut his message that the outbreak is fading, according to a person who spoke to him. He’s asked why his valets weren’t ordered to wear masks before this week, according to the person, even though that’s the example he himself has set. And Trump has told people he doesn’t want to be near anyone who hasn’t been tested, according to the person who spoke to the President, CNN’s Kevin Liptak reported.”

Why do evil people always survive? Of all the people in America, why can’t traitor trump contract SARS 2 and die? Oh, yeah. That’s right! Stupidity has a magical tendency to survive and be lucky. Hitler evaded dozens of attempts on his life and he actually lived through one bomb blast because fate hates humanity and loves irony! Welcome to trump stupid America where morons live and prosper while the rest of us die. Just another day praying traitor trump dies today and penis-loving Pence the next!

And Then Some…

From the Washington Post, “Democrats, learn from your former Republican foes: Pull heartstrings, wave the flag and go straight for the jugular. Political warfare in this country has long been asymmetrical. Democrats tend to appeal to voters with arguments based on reason, fairness and economic self-interest. There’s nothing wrong with any of that, but defeating President Trump and his GOP enablers is too important to leave any weapons on the shelf. Democrats need to learn to use the tools that Republicans have long wielded with tremendous skill and success: emotion, patriotism and cultural affinity.” Yeah, this is a good start, but dumbass Democrats must go further. We need to turn up the emotional dial to extreme hatred. Make absolutely no mistake: RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons hate everyone else not in their group and it is pure hatred that motivates them to win.

Then one looks to the progressives and Democrats and sees weakness! It is the weakness of love and kindness and seeking to always understand the other side. F*** that! Seriously! F*** that! Guess what? Sometimes the other side is beyond understanding. We don’t need to be understanding at all times. We can do all that after we win but until then this is war. Conservatives are the enemy and we should take no prisoners. I find it beyond frustrating that Democrats are so f***ing weak and stupid to always meet RepubliKKKlan vileness with “love and light.” Yup! And that’s why we lose. F*** me! We’ll never win because dumbass Democrats simply do not have the fortitude to do what is necessary to win no matter how unsavory. But it doesn’t really matter anymore. America is irredeemably lost. It was lost the day the collective idiocracy voted traitor trump into office; it has been three and a half years of people slowly witnessing the inexorable consequences of a supremely stupid nation. Welcome to trump stupid America. It’s just as dumb as one expected it to be.

Always Willing Useful Idiots

From CNN, “President Donald Trump contradicted a nurse he was honoring in the Oval Office on Wednesday, insisting there are no personal protective equipment shortages in the US despite her account that availability could be ‘sporadic.’ A reporter asked the nurses attending the National Nurse Day event if their PPE supplies are where they need to be amid the coronavirus pandemic, and many of them nodded in agreement or answered affirmatively.” The real story is not that traitor trump contradicted a nurse or created his own truth in real-time because that’s just what he does and no one cares anymore. Although they should care — deeply. But whatever! No! The real story is who are these useful idiots that are still willing to stand behind the dumbest person on the planet and who in so doing give more legitimacy to traitor trump? Holy-f***ing-Scheiße! It never fails! Who are these f***tards? There are always morons willing to be photographed with traitor trump and don’t care or are too stupid to realize that they are not raising themselves up to traitor trump’s level but, rather, lowering themselves down to his level of stupidity. But, again, whatever! This ranks right up there with the classic joke: what do you call someone who graduates last in their class from medical school? Doctor! The same goes for nurses who stand behind traitor trump nodding in agreement. Not to mention that they are not social distancing, but whatever. A bunch of health care professionals who have been on the front line comes to the White House to meet traitor trump when they very well could be asymptomatic and undetectable for SARS 2. What could go wrong? Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s everywhere and at all levels!

This! Is! Stupid! America!

Reporting from CNN, “Two customers shot two McDonald’s employees in Oklahoma City Wednesday after they were told to leave the store’s dining area, police say. The suspects got angry and took out a gun when they were asked to leave due to coronavirus restrictions that were in place, Oklahoma City Police Lt. Michelle Henderson told CNN.” And then there is this idiot: “Salutes to nurses and other health care workers are being held across the country, as America pays tribute during the coronavirus pandemic. But such a ceremony being held in Delaware County, Pa., was marred when a gun-waving SUV driver crashed a parade of first responders honoring the staff at Mercy Fitzgerald Medical Center Tuesday night, according to 6ABC in Philadelphia.”

In all these instances the perpetrators should be immediately executed. A bullet in the head right in the parking lot or street! Judge, jury, and executioner. F*** it! F*** them! F*** America’s stupidity! This is how Americans act in a state of emergency: Like f***tards! Over, of course, fast food nonetheless! Of all f***ing things! Fast food! Can you say Popeye’s chicken sandwiches! Then there is this gun-waving MAGA moron, without a doubt, who feels people must be trampling on his freedom by paying tribute to health care workers. It’s a pretty sad day when people constantly live up to a stereotype, which is why stereotypes exist because people will always reinforce the worst behaviors of humanity. Welcome to trump stupid America. Stupid is as stupid does. It’s just a never-ending story of stupid! The only way to fix the problem is to start culling morons from the herd! We should not tolerate having to live with these people in society, and I don’t want to pay for their f***ing jail cell. Just terminate them!

Never Ending Stupidity: America

From The Hill, “The White House is preparing to wind down its coronavirus task force, officials said Tuesday, a decision that public health experts warn is short-sighted. The decision to disband the task force, which includes medical experts, public health officials and leaders from various government agencies, is the clearest indicator yet that the White House is ready to turn the page to focus on the economy, even as doing so could lead to a spike in infections.” This is the moronic leadership that the dumbest country on the planet elected to be president. So, here we are with traitor trump simply being over the pandemic already. He’s an incompetent leader; he always has been. Anyone with a brain should have realized that before electing him, but no! This is m*****f***ing G.D. stupid America, so Americans elected a reality show personality to run the once most powerful country in the world and, sure enough, when a real crisis comes along he makes things worse yet people love him for it as evinced by the incomprehensible fact that his job approval is not below 20%. I can’t wait for another four years of traitor trump because America really is just too f***ing stupid to survive, and it won’t. Welcome to trump stupid America. The dumbest its ever been! I give up! Americans just aren’t worth it anymore, especially 40% of Americans!

Just Kill Him!

CNN reports, “A man accused of shoving an Austin, Texas, park ranger into the water while the ranger was explaining to a crowd the need for social distancing is embarrassed by his actions, his lawyer said. A video that gained attention after it was posted on social media includes the moment a young man pushes the ranger into a lake at Commons Ford Ranch Metro Park last Thursday afternoon. Brandon Hicks, 25, faces a charge of attempted assault on a public servant, a state jail felony, said the Travis County Sheriff’s Office.” Just kill him! Preferably a bullet through the head. Seriously! I’m over it! I’m over stupidity! I’m over selfishness! I’m over the conservative mindset! Just kill these idiots. I don’t want them as a part of society. Stupidity is a cancer that must be excised from humanity. Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than it was yesterday.

Of Course

From The Hill, “Nearly 4 million viewers watched the Fox News virtual town hall with President Trump, which was broadcast from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on Sunday night. It was the second most-watched town hall in cable news history.” America is f***ed and stupid. As if I were expecting to wake up to a different country. Granted this represents just over 1% of the population, but when it comes to America 1% is still too much. Not to mention it is the persistent trend that the viewership indicates. He’s still the most popular RepubliKKKlan president and morons of America still love him no matter how disastrous he is. Welcome to trump stupid America. We’re all f***ed, but no one cares. It’s just business as usual.